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1、S2A1RS2A1Rpromise v I, Tn, Tf, Tt, Dn.n,, Dn.f sth (to sb) make a promise (to sb); assure (sb) that one will give or do or not do sth (向某人)许诺; 答应(某人)给予某物 做或不做某事: I cant promise, but Ill do my best. 我不能保证做到, 但我一定尽力而为. * He has promised a thorough investigation into the affair. 他已答应彻查此事. * Do yo

2、u promise faithfully to pay me back? Yes, I promise.你能切实保证把钱退还给我吗?是的, 我保证. * I have promised myself a quiet weekend. 我打算过个清静的周末. * She promised me her help. 她答应过帮助我. * The firm promised a wage increase to the workers/promised the workers a wage increase. 公司答应给工人增加工资. * She promised me (that) she wou

3、ld be punctual. 她向我保证一定准时. * Promise (me) you wont forget! I promise. 你可得答应我你别忘了!我答应你. Tn, Tt make (sth) seem likely 使(某事物)很有可能: The clouds promise rain. 阴云预示有雨. * It promises to be warm this afternoon. 今天下午可望转暖. (idm 习语) I (can) promise you (infml 口) I assure you 我向你保证: You wont regret it, I promis

4、e you. 我包你满意. promise (sb) the earth/moon (infml 口) make extravagant or rash promises that one is unlikely to be able to keep 作不切实际的或轻率的许诺: Politicians promise the earth before an election, but things are different once they are in power. 政治家在选举前空口许愿, 一旦上台就根本不是那麽回事了. the promised land (a) (in the Bi

5、ble) the fertile country promised to the Israelites by God; Canaan (圣经)上帝许给以色列人的肥沃土地, 迦南. (b) any place or situation in which one expects to find happiness and security 期望中的乐土或安乐境界. promise well seem likely to give good results 可望产生良好结果; 大有希望: The new sales policy promises well. 新的销售办法可望取得良好效果. n C

6、(of sth) written or spoken declaration that one will give or do or not do sth 承诺; 许诺; 诺言; 保证书: We received manypromises of help. 许多人答应帮助我们. * break/carry out/fulfil/give/keep/make a promise 违背诺言履行诺言/实现诺言/给予保证/遵守诺言/作出允诺 * I told him the truth under a promise of secrecy. 我在他答应保守秘密之後把真相告诉了他. * I shall

7、keep you/hold you to your promise. 我得让你遵守诺言. * Ill come and see you soon. Is that a promise? 我不久再来看你.这话算数吗? C, U of sth indication that sth may be expected to come or occur; likelihood or hope of sth 可指望出现或发生某事物的迹象; 可能性; 希望: There is a promise of better weather tomorrow. 明天天气可能更好. * There seems litt

8、le promise of success for the expedition. 看来这次探险的成功希望不大. U indication of future success or good results 将获得成就 成果或成绩的迹象: Her work/She shows great promise. 她的作品她大有前途. * a scholarship for young musicians of promise 为有发展前途的青年音乐家提供的奖学金. (idm 习语) a lick and a promise = lick n. promising adj (a) likely to

9、do well; full of promise1 (3)有出息的; 有前途的: a promising young pianist 有前途的青年钢琴家. (b) indicating future success or good results; hopeful 大有可为的; 有希望的: The results of the first experiments are very promising. 第一次实验的结果充满了希望. * Its a promising sign. 这是个很好的迹象. promisingly adv.straight adj attrib 作定语 in conti

10、nuous succession 接连的; 连续的: ten straight wins in a row 接连十次获胜.without a bend or curve; extending or moving continuously in one direction only 直的; 向一个方向延伸或运动的: a straight road, line, rod 直的路 线 杆 * straight hair, ie not curly 直的毛发 * a straight skirt, ie not flared 直筒裙. (of a person, his behaviour, etc)

11、 honest; truthful (指人 其行为等)正直的, 诚实的: give a straight answer to a straight question 直率地回答直率的问题 * I dont think youre being straight with me. 我认为你对我不够坦诚. * Its time for some straight talking, ie some frank discussion. 现在该坦率地谈谈了. attrib 作定语 (of a play or theatrical style) of the ordinary type; serious (

12、指戏剧或戏剧风格)一般的, 朴实无华的, 严肃的: a straight actor 演技朴实的男演员 * a straight play, ie not a musical or variety show 话剧. (also neat) (of an alcoholic drink) without water, soda-water, etc added; undiluted (指酒精饮料)不搀水 苏打水等的, 纯的: Two straight whiskies, please. 请来两杯不加水的威士忌. * I like my vodka straight. 我喜欢喝纯的伏特加酒. st

13、raighten v 1 I, Ip, Tn, Tn.p (sth) (up/out) (cause sth to) become straight (使某物)变直: The road straightens (out) after a series of bends. 这条路经过几个转弯之後就直了. * straighten ones tie, skirt 把领带 裙子弄平整 * Straighten your back (up)! 把背挺直! 2 (phr v) straighten sth out settle or resolve sth; remove difficulties fr

14、om sth 解决某事物; 排除某事物存在的困难: Lets try to straighten out this confusion. 咱们努力收拾这个混乱的局面吧. straighten sb out (infml 口) remove the doubt or ignorance in sbs mind 使某人消除疑虑; 给某人解释清楚: Youre clearly rather muddled about office procedures but Ill soon straighten you out. 你显然不大明白办事的手续, 我很快就给你解释清楚. straighten (one

15、self) up make ones body upright 把身子挺直.straight adv not in a curve or at an angle; in a straight line; directly 挺直地; 成直线地; 直接地: sit up straight, ie without bending ones back 坐直 * Keep straight on for two miles. 一直往前走两英里. * Look straight ahead. 一直往前看. * The smoke rose straight up. 那股烟直线上升. * He was to

16、o drunk to walk straight. 他酩酊大醉, 走起路来步子不稳. * I cant shoot straight, ie aim accurately. 我射击瞄不准. * (fig 比喻) I cant think straight, ie logically. 我的思维很乱(缺乏条理). by a direct route; without delay or hesitation 径直; 立即; 不犹豫地: Come straight home. 直接回家. * He went straight to Lagos, without stopping in Nairobi

17、. 他径直前往拉各斯, 未在内罗毕停留. * She went straight from school to university. 她中学一毕业就马上进了大学. * Ill come straight to the point your work isnt good enough. 我要直截了当地说-你的工作做得不够好. honestly and frankly; in a straightforward manner 坦诚地; 直截了当地: I told him straight that I didnt like him. 我坦率地对他说我不喜欢他. despite prep with

18、out being affected by (the factors mentioned) 尽管; 不管; 不顾: They had a wonderful holiday, despite the bad weather. 尽管天气不好, 他们的假日还是过得极为愉快. * Despite wanting to see him again, she refused to reply to his letters. 她尽管很想再见到他, 但却不愿给他回信. * Despite what others say, I think hes a very nice chap. 不管别人怎麽说, 我仍认为

19、他这个人很好. Cf 参in spite of (used as a prep 用作介词) not being prevented by (sb/sth); regardless of; despite 不顾(某人某事物); 不管; 尽管: They went out in spite of the rain. 尽管下着雨, 他们还是出去了. * In spite of all his efforts he failed. 他已竭尽全力, 但仍然失败了.shuttle n aircraft, bus, etc that travels regularly between two places

20、穿梭班机 公共汽车等(定时往返两地的): Im flying to Boston on the shuttle. 我将乘穿梭班机去波士顿.(a) (in a loom) instrument that pulls the thread of weft between the threads of warp (织机的)梭, 梭子. (b) (in a sewing-machine) holder that carries the lower thread to meet the upper thread to make a stitch (缝纫机的)滑梭, 摆梭. shuttlecock n r

21、ound piece of cork, etc with a ring of feathers or of a light synthetic material attached, struck to and fro in badminton 羽毛球. resort n 3 C (a) popular holiday centre 度假胜地: seaside, skiing, health, etc resorts 海滨 滑雪 休养等度假胜地 * Brighton is a leading south coast resort. 布赖顿是南部地区最着名的海滨胜地. (b) (US) hotel

22、 or guest-house for holiday-makers 专门接待度假者的旅店或宾馆. 1 C person or thing that is turned to for help; expedient 可求助的人或事物; 采取的应急手段或对策: Our only resort is to inform the police. 我们唯一的办法就是向警方报案. 2 U to sth resorting to sth 求助; 诉诸; 采取; 凭靠: talk calmly, without resort to threats 心平气和地说, 不取威胁手段. be dying for s

23、th/to do sth have a strong desire for sth 极想; 渴望: Im dying for something to eat. 我极想吃点东西. * Shes dying to know where youve been. 她极想知道你到哪儿去了.scramble v I, Ipr, It (for sth) struggle or compete with others, esp to get sth or a share of sth 争夺, 竞争(尤指为得到某事物): players scrambling for possession of the ba

24、ll 争着抢球的运动员 * The children scrambled for the coins. 孩子们争夺硬币. * They were all scrambling to get the bargains. 他们都争先恐後抢购廉价货. Ipr, Ip climb or crawl quickly, usu over rough ground or with difficulty; clamber 攀登; 爬: scramble up the embankment 爬上堤岸 * The girl scrambled over the wall. 那个女孩儿翻过了墙. * The chi

25、ldren scrambled out of the hollow tree. 孩子都从树洞里爬出来了. Tn, Tn.p sth (up) mix (things) together in an untidy way; jumble sth up 将(东西)乱混在一起; 搅乱某事物: Who has scrambled up my sewing things? 谁把我的针线活儿弄乱了? scramble n 1 sing climb or walk done with difficulty or over rough ground 攀登; 爬行: a scramble over the ro

26、cks at the seashore 攀登海边的岩石. 2 sing (for sth) rough struggle (to get sth) 争夺; 抢夺: There was a scramble for the best seats. 大家都在抢最好的座位. 3 C motor-cycle race over rough ground 摩托车越野赛.check in (at.); check into. register as a guest at a hotel or as a passenger at an airport, etc (为住旅馆或登机等)办理登记手续: Passe

27、ngers should check in for flight BA 125 to Berlin. 去柏林的英航125航班旅客请办理登机手续. check out (of.) pay ones bill and leave a hotel 办理旅馆付帐及退房手续slope n (usu sing 通常作单数) slanting line; surface that is at an angle of less than 90 to the earths surface or a flat surface 斜线; 斜面; 倾斜: the slope of a roof 屋顶的斜面 * a 40

28、 slope 40的斜线 *a slight/steep slope 稍稍的很陡的倾斜. area of rising or falling ground 斜坡: mountain slopes 山坡 * ski slopes 滑雪斜坡. (idm 习语) the slippery slope = slippery. slope v 1 I, Ipr, Ip have a slope; slant 有坡度; 倾斜: a garden sloping gently towards the river 向河边稍稍倾斜的花园 * The field slopes (away) to the east

29、. 这片田地向东倾斜. * Does your handwriting slope forwards or backwards? 你写的字是向前斜还是向後斜? 2 (phr v) slope off (Brit infml 口) go away, esp without being noticed, in order to avoid doing work, etc 走开(尤指溜走以逃避工作等).floodlight v (pt, pp floodlighted or floodlit) Tn usu passive 通常用於被动语态 light (sth) using floodlights

30、 用泛光灯照亮(某物): The Acropolis is floodlit in the evenings. 夜晚泛光灯把卫城照得通亮.floodlight n (esp pl 尤作复数) large powerful light that produces a wide beam, used to light sports grounds, theatre stages, etc (运动场 舞台 等的)泛光灯, 强力照明灯: a match played under floodlights在泛光灯下进行的比赛. =illus at Association football 见Associa

31、tion football插图. suit n (a) set of outer garments of the same material, usu a jacket and trousers for a man and a jacket and skirt for a woman (同一料子的)一套外衣(通常指男子的短上衣和裤子, 或女子的短上衣和裙子): a business suit 一套西装 * a ,pin-stripe lounge suit 一套细条纹西装 * a ,two-/,three-piece suit, ie of two/three garments 两三件式套装

32、* a dress suit, ie a mans formal evening suit 男子的晚礼服 * a trouser-suit, ie a womans suit of jacket and trousers 长裤套装(包括短上衣和裤子的女装). (b) set of clothing for a particular activity (为某活动的)套装: a spacesuit 宇航服 * a diving suit 潜水服 * an asbestos suit, eg to protect sb from heat 石棉服(如用以隔热) * a ,suit of armour 一suit v Tn (esp of clothes, hairstyles, etc) look attractiv

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