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1、英文合同起草英文合同起草一、 英文合同起草 知道写什么 + 知道怎么写不要仅从字面理解法律英语词汇二、 “contract(合同)”与“agreement(协议)”“contract”与“agreement”的概念接近,但严格来讲使用范围不同,不能互换使用。“contract”是协议的重要组成部分,合同一定是协议,而协议不见得都是合同,只有具备合同成立要求的具有法律拘束力的协议才是合同。狭义上讲,二者作为有法律拘束力文件的名称可以通用。三、 合同名称1. 合同名称的基本结构u xxx Contract/Agreement: Real Estate Sale and Purchase Contr

2、act/Agreement(房产买卖合同)u Contract/Agreement For xxx : Contract/Agreement For Sale and Purchase of Real Estate (房产买卖合同)2. 合同的种类contract(合同)agreement(协议)u letter of intent (意向书,简称为“LOI”)u covenant, indenture, deed, compact, protocol (契约): covenant: 主要指不动产转让的合同或证明文件。 英文合同如果基于传统英美法对价的存在,也会用到这个词,表示双方达成的契约。

3、如:In consideration of mutual premises and covenants herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follows: indenture: 通常也是指不动产转让的契约文件。 deed: 一般指地契、房契。 compact: 多用于国家间的协定、协议。1 protocol: 通常翻译为草约或者议定书,往往也是双方会谈结果的文字依据。经双方签字后,即受其约束,对草约内容承担法律责任,如果需要补充、修改、完善,双方还会签订补充的协议。 memorandum: 备忘录,简称为“MOU”。u 其他文件:pow

4、er of attorney: 授权书letter: 函件,如 credit letter/facility letter (授信书)guaranty: 担保函confirmation: 确认书order: 订单四、 常用词语、表达法与句型1. Here/there/where+介词构成的古体词u 基本规则:Here 代表 this,there 代表 that,where 代表 which 或 what 即 here/there/where+介词=介词+this/that/which or whatu 主要词语 HerebyWe hereby exercise the Call Option

5、to purchase the following Call Option Interests.我们在此行使选购权购买以下选购权益。 Herein:in this。此中,于此。The minimum royalty herein specified shall be paid by Party B to Party A.在此规定的最低特许权使用费应由乙方付给甲方。 Hereinafter: later in the same Contract. 以下,在下文。通常与 to be referred to as, referred as, called 连用,hereinafter referre

6、d as Hereof:of this。关于此点,在本文件中。The guaranty period hereunder shall be five (5) years from the date hereof.2本协议项下的担保期间为自本担保函日期之日起五(5)年。 Hereunder:under this. 本文件规定、本协议项下。all the rights and obligations of Party A hereunder 甲方在本协议项下所有权利义务 Hereto:to this.本文件的。 Parties hereto本协议各方 Thereof:of that.它的,其。 T

7、hereto:to that 与之,向那里。 Herewith:with this.与此,附此。 Thereby:by that means.因此,由此,从而 Thereafter: after that,afterwards. 此后 Therein: in that; in that particular context; in that respect.在那里;在那点上;在那方面。Therewith:with that.以此;此外。Whereby: by the agreement, by the following terms and conditions, etc. 凭此协议,凭此条款

8、等。2. Shall, May3. according to, under, subject to, in accordance with, as per, as provided in, pursuant to, in compliance with: 依照,按照,根据4. Including but not limited to 与 including, without limitation: 包括但不限于5. Without prejudice to: 不损害某规定/情况下The Buyer shall nevertheless have the right to cancel in p

9、art or in whole of the contract without prejudice to the Buyers right to claim compensations.买方有权取消全部或部分合同且其仍有权索赔。6. Attributable to, due to, owing to, by virtue of, in view of, because of, on account of,considering, in consideration of: 因为,由于,考虑到,鉴于7. In respect of, with respect to, with regard to,

10、 regarding, in term of, in relation to, relating to, in connection with, with reference to, concerning: 就而3言,涉及,至于,关于,在方面Party B shall give 30 days prior notice to Party A before the execution of the definitive documents with the Third Party in respect of such transfer.乙方应在就该转让与第三方签订最终文件前给予甲方提前 30 日

11、的通知。Party A and Party B shall further negotiate and consult with each other regarding any other matters arising from this Agreement.甲方和乙方将就本协议产生的其它任何事项进行进一步协商和商讨。8. Subject tou 遵从,遵守While in this country you are subject to its laws.在这个国家你得依法行事。u 根据(法律、法规,合同等)Subject to this section, an appeal shall

12、be brought in such manner and shall be subject to such conditions as are prescribed by rules made under subsection (5).根据本条规定,上诉须按根据(5)款订立的规则内订明的方式提出,并须受该规则所订明的条件规限。u 须经,以为条件The establishment of a joint venture within Chinese territory must be subject to the examination and approval by MOC/BOC.在中国境内

13、设立合营企业,必须经商务部/商务局(委)审查批准。9. unless the context otherwise requires: 除非上下文另有规定unless expressly provide otherwise: 除非另有明确约定save (except) as otherwise provided: 除非另有规定Unless expressly provided otherwise or the context otherwise requires, the company means its successors and assignees.除非本合同另有明确规定或者上下文另有要

14、求,公司包括其继任者和受让人。410. For the purpose of: 为了之目的,就而言For the purpose of this agreement, Confidential Information means any and all Information (in each case, whether or not denoted “confidential”) and any and all knowledge derived therefrom, which is or may not be accessible or known to the general publ

15、ic.就本协议而言,保密信息是指公众不能接触或知晓的任何信息,不论是否标注“保密”字样,以及所衍生的任何相关知识。11. Provided thatu 然而,但是(一个限制、限定)-通常置于句尾At the end of the lease term, the parties may renew the lease, provided that the renewed term may not exceed twenty years commencing on the date of renewal.租赁期间届满,当事人可以续订租赁合同,但约定的租赁期限自续订之日起不得超过二十年。u 只要(一

16、个条件)-通常置于句首Provided that circumstances permit, we shall hold the meeting of the board next week.u provided, however, that 即便如此(上文叙述的情形),但是The initial term of this Agreement shall commence on the Date and shall continue for a period of 5 years until Date (the “Initial Term”); provided however, any Pa

17、rty hereto may terminate this Agreement as set forth in Section 3.1, Article 9 and Article 11.此协议的初始期限应自日期开始,至日期止,为其五年(下称“初始期限”);但是任何一方可以根据第 3.1 节,第 9 和 11 条的规定终止此协议。12. In case, in the event, if, should, provided that, where: 如果,若,在情况下In case of any conflict, discrepancy or ambiguity between the tw

18、o versions,5the Chinese version shall prevail.两种文本如有任何冲突、不一致或歧义,则以中文文本为准。In the event of a Force Majeure event, the Parties shall immediately consult with each other in order to find an equitable solution.如果发生不可抗力,合同双方须立即进行协商,寻求公平的解决办法。Where an addition to the Services is made by a Change Order, the

19、 Consultant shall be entitled to be paid in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in the Change Order.若变更单要求扩大咨询服务范围,则咨询顾问有权按照变更单规定的条件获得相应的报酬。13. From time to time: 有时,不时Party A may from time to time issue to Party B a purchase order.甲方可不时向乙方下订单。14. As ofu 自.起The new contract takes effect

20、 as of July 1.新合同自 7 月 1 日起生效。u 截至Notification letters had been delivered to 19 persons as of mid-July.截至 7 月中旬,已向 19 人发送了通知函。u 在时候,直到之前The representations and warranties of Transferee contained herein shall be true and accurate on and as of the Closing Date with the same force and effect as though

21、made on and as of the Closing Date本协议内载明的转让方的声明和保证,在本协议签字当日在所有实质方面均为真实、准确,且在交割日在所有实质方面均为真实、准确,如同该等声明和保证是在交割日所作声明和保证。615. For the avoidance of doubt: 为免生疑问For the avoidance of doubt, we do not accept any other instruction given on this Request Form.为免存疑,任何在本申请表格上的额外指示,本公司将予处。16. At ones own discretio

22、n 自行决定、酌情处理 At ones sole and absolute discretion: 由决定Party A may issue a Change Order to change the Services at its sole and absolute discretion, including adding to or reducing the Services.甲方完全有权自行决定签发变更单变更服务内容,包括增加或减少服务事项。17. Use all (reasonable) endeavors/efforts to: 尽(最大)力做某事Insured shall be ob

23、liged to use reasonable efforts to mitigate the effects of an emergency.被保险人应尽其最大努力减轻急难状况之影响。18. Conclude, form: 成立sign, enter into: 签署execute: (经签名/盖章)使生效、签立19. Notwithstanding: 不论,尽管,即使;一般不是引导让步状语从句,而是跟一个名词性短语Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this agreement即使协议中已载有任何相反的事项。Notwi

24、thstanding subsection (3) a magistrate may require the police officer, usher or other officer who served summons to attend before him and give evidence on oath as to its service.尽管有第(3)款的规定,裁判官仍可要求送达传票的警务人员、传达员或其他人员在他席前,就送达传票一事经宣誓而作证。Notwithstanding clause7但书条款20. The same前述“Amended Business Licence

25、” means the amended business licence of Party C to be issued by SAIC following the issuance of all approvals from the Approval Authorities in connection with the Transaction Documents as set out in Article 4.1.6 (or, where the context permits, any subsequent re-issue of the same, whether in amended

26、form or otherwise);“合作公司营业执照”是指在审批机关批准第 4.1.6 条中所列的交易文件之后,国家工商行政管理局颁发的合作公司营业执照(包括之后重新颁发和经修改的营业执照);21. As 作代词The particulars of Party C as at the date of this Agreement are set out in Appendix 1.丙方在本协议签订之日的有关状况如附件一中所描述。References to laws shall be construed as references to those provisions as respect

27、ively amended or varied from time to time.所提及的法律应包括不时对其进行的修改和变更。Any notice, claim or demand in connection with this Agreement or with any arbitration under this Agreement shall be in writing in Chinese and in English (a “Notice”) and shall be sufficiently given or served if delivered or sent:Xxxor i

28、n any case to such other address or fax number as the relevant party may have notified to the others in accordance with this Clause 13.8.与本协议或本协议项下任何仲裁相关的任何通知、索赔或要求(“通知”)均应以中文和英文的书写,一旦发送并递交或送至以下相关地址或传真号,即视为适当发出或送达:xxx或者,送至相关方可能根据本第 13.8 条的规定通知其他方的该等其他地址或传真号码。At any time after the date of this Agreem

29、ent, the Parties shall, and shall useall commercially reasonable efforts to procure that any necessary third party8shall, at the cost of the relevant Party, execute such documents and do such acts and things as a Party may reasonably require for the purpose of giving to that party the full benefit o

30、f all the provisions of this Agreement.在本协议签订日后的任何时间,协议各方均应,并应尽所有商业上合理的努力促使任何必要的第三方,签署一方合理要求的文件并作出有关一方合理要求的行为,以令该一方能充分享有本协议全部条款项下的利益,而相关费用应由该一方负担。22. To the extent: 在范围内,在程度内The Warranties and all other provisions of this Agreement, to the extent that they have not been performed by Closing, shall n

31、ot be extinguished or affected by Closing or by any other event or matter (including without limitation any satisfaction and/or waiver of any condition set out in Article 4.1).保证以及本协议中的其他条款,如果在交割时还未履行,将不会因为交割的完成或其他事件或事项的发生(包括但不限于第 4.1 条中所列的条件的满足或放弃)而作废或受到任何影响。The property, rights and assets owned or leased by

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