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1、牛津英语6B难点要点详解附测试题及答案牛津英语6B_难点要点详解(附测试题及答案)第一部分:牛津英语6B知识要点汇总 1、 感官动词:smell, taste, sound, look, feel 后常常接形容词。 My mother is cooking food. It smells great. He looks worried because his mother is having an operation. Peter is ill, but he doesnt want to take medicine. It tastes bitter. What he said sounds

2、 ridiculous. The scarf is made of silk and it feels smooth. 它们经常和like连用,表示,“嗅(尝,听,看,摸)起来像。”,后接名词。 The elephants ear looks like a big fan. The wine tastes like water. 2、 like better than 可以和prefer to 互换。 I like strawberries better than mangoes.= I prefer strawberries to mangoes. Teddy likes swimming

3、better than running.=Teddy prefers swimming to running. I like charcoal better than gas.=I prefer charcoal to gas. 3、 在使用宾语从句时,应注意从句部分为陈述句语序。 Do you know how old Linda is ? I know how much this camera is. I dont know when youre going away. I dont remember where they have gone. 但是,当在宾语从句中遇到固定句型时,仍然要使

4、用倒装句型。 I dont know whats the matter with him. His voice sounds strange. I want to know whats wrong with him. 4、 关于on earth 的两层意思:在地球上;究竟(多用于疑问句) What on earth are you doing? 5、 注意用法:millions of , thousands of , hundreds of 和three million , two thousand , five hundred 6、 注意talk about “谈论” 和 talk with

5、 sb “和某人交谈” 7、 must be 表示肯定推测、猜测,其否定形式是:cant be He has bought three flats, so he must be very rich. 8、 What the matter? 相当于Whats up? 和 Whats wrong? 9、 注意:look up “抬头看;查字典”, look for “寻找” , look after“照顾”, look at “朝。看” 等的区别。 If you dont know the meaning of a word, please look it up in a dictionary.

6、Look up the word in a dictionary, and then you will know the meaning. 10、 tie to是“把。系到。上” He tied the dog to a tree. 11、 注意介词in 和 on 在表示地点时的区别。 in Asia, in Korea, in California, in :Liaoning province, in Shenyang, in the kitchen, in the living room., in the UN building, in the bank. on the street ,

7、on a bus ,on a ship, on a plane, on a train 12、 副词的使用:副词修饰动词、形容词或其他副词。 They skated nicely. Hes really sorry. He skates very well. 13、 its time for可以和its time to do相互转换 Its time for school.=Its time to go to school. 14、 use to do sth 可以和usefor doing sth 互换。 We use water to clean the floor.= We use wa

8、ter for cleaning the floor. 15、 make+形容词或形容词比较级是“使。(更)。” Then a special factory makes the water clean. What he said made me disappointed. A doctor usually makes sick people better. 而make sb do sth 是“使某人做某事“的意思。(注意动词前面没有to) The sad movie made me cry for a long time. The boss made his workers work and

9、 work. 16、 remember后接动词不定式(表示“记得要做某事”)和动名词(表示“记得做过了某事”)的区别 。 Remember to turn off the lights before you leave the classroom. He remembered taking medicine. 17、 wonder“想知道”=want to know I wonder if I can catch the train.= I want to know if I can catch the train. 18、 stop后接动词不定式(表示“停止手里的事干下一件事”)和动名词(表

10、示“停止做手里的事”)的区别 。 He used to be a teacher but he stopped to do business three years ago. When the teacher entered the classroom, all the students stopped talking. 19、 need可以是情态动词也可以是实义动词,注意二者区别 。 Its still early, you neednt go now.(情态动词后接动词原形) You dont need to say “sorry” to me.(实义动词后接动词不定式) 20、 prom

11、ise后只能接动词不定式,而finish后只能接动名词。 Mikes father promised to buy him a toy car. Have you finished doing your homework? 另外,注意:make a promise(许诺), keep ones promise(遵守诺言) Dont make a promise if you cant do it. The little boy kept his promise to study hard this term. 21、 be able to是“能够”,相当于can. 其反义词组是:be unab

12、le to Ill try my best if Im able to help you. Im unable to work it out by myself. He was able to do everything well. Im sure he will be able to pass the exam. 22、 tell a lie和tell lies都是“撒谎”, 其反义词组是:tell the truth He tells lies all the time, so nobody trusts him. My mother taught me to tell the truth

13、 when I was little. 23、 ask sb about sth是“问某人关于某事”, ask sb to do sth是“要求某人做某事”,ask sb not to do sth是“要求某人不要做某事”, He never asks me about my privacy. Mikes father asks his son to play computer games after he finishes his homework. The teacher asked his students not to speak Chinese in English lessons.

14、 24、 注意:a friend of mine是“我的一个朋友”, a friend of his是“他的一个朋友”,a friend of my fathers是“我父亲的一个朋友”。 注意和a photo of my family, a photo of me 的区别。 25、 注意:find (找到)、find out(搞明白;弄清楚)和 look for(查找)的区别。 There are a lot of keys on the table. Please find out the one you need. I looked for my pen everywhere but c

15、ouldnt find it. 26、 注意:pick(摘)、pick up(拾起;用车接某人)的区别。 Dont pick the flowers. He picked up his pen from the floor. Dad, please pick me up after school. 27、 注意:at weekends/ on weekends(在每周的周末) They usually play football together at weekends. 28、 常见频度副词,按照频度由高到低的顺序排列如下: alwaysusuallyoftensometimesseldom

16、rarelynever He always eats sweet food for breakfast in the morning. I usually go to the cinema with my mum. It is often very cold here in winter. My parents sometimes walk in the park after dinner. He seldom does morning exercises. My father rarely drinks coffee. John never goes to the beach. 29、 注意

17、:Lets =Let us(让我们。),但在使用反义疑问句时有区别: Lets play computer games, shall we? Let us play computer games, will you? 另外,lets 表示提出建议,还可以用: Shall we.? Why not? Why dont ?/ Why doesnt? What about? How about?等句型来替换。 Shall we go to the supermarket? Shall we make a shopping list? Why not do your homework first? =

18、Why dont you do your homework first? Why not finish reading this book before sleep? =Why dont you finish reading this book before sleep? How about going shopping with me? =What about going shopping with me? How about going to the beach? =What about going to the beach? How about two oclock in the aft

19、ernoon? =What about two oclock in the afternoon? 30、 注意:would like to do sth =want to do sth(想做某事;喜欢做某事)。 What would you like to have for dinner? = What do you want to have for dinner? Would you like to go to the cinema with me? = Do you want to go to the cinema with me? 31、 注意:cost, spendon 和payfor

20、的区别。 The bag costs me 200 yuan. I spent 200 yuan on the bag. I paid 200 yuan for the bag. 另外,注意:sb spend some time (in) doing sth. The students spent half an hour (in) finishing their homework. =It took the students half an hour to finish their homework. How long do you spend in getting to the super

21、market. 32、 .表示“距离”: quite far away fromfar away fromnot far away fromnearquite near My home is far away from my school. The bank is quite near the airport. 33、 写文章或演讲时,用 Firstly, Secondly, Next, Then, After that, Finally表示时间顺序。 34、 .表示“到达”:arrive in/at;get to; reach When did you arrive in shanghai?

22、 He had gone out when we arrived at school. When did you get to school this morning? =When did you reach school this morning? 35、 Listen to和 hear 的区别 I listened to the teacher carefully but could hear nothing. 36、 Have to和 must 的区别 I must go because I feel tired. I have to go because I start work at

23、 9:00. 另外,注意must的否定形式有:mustnt (不允许)和 neednt(不必要) 37、 Invitation有“邀请”和“请柬” 。前者不可数,后者可数。 We cant go to that party without invitations. Thank you for your invitation. 38、 the amount of 是“。的数量”,后面跟不可数名词。 the amount of money 另外,a large amount of water (许多水) a small amount of money (少许钱) 39、 on ones way t

24、o 是“在去。的路上”。 I saw a little girl flying a kite on my way to the Great Wall. I fell down from the bicycle on my way home. 40、 注意:many, much, a few , a little , few , little , a lot of, lots of ,plenty of , enough, a large number of , a large amount of等区别。 注意enough 的位置:修饰名词时,常常放在名词的前面;修饰形容词时,常常放在形容词的后

25、面。 There is not enough food in the fridge. I havent got enough money to buy the film ticket. The room is not big enough for three people. 41、 注意keep the rules, obey the rules 和break the rules 的区别。 Good students seldom break the rules. We should keep the traffic rules.= We should obey the traffic rul

26、es. 42、 注意plan for和plan to do 的区别。 Were planning for a barbecue. I havent planned for my holiday yet. They planned to visit Hainan Island at the weekend. 43、 注意the other和the others 的区别。前者常常用于两者之间,而后者常常用于三者以上。 I have two cousins. One is in America and the other is in France. There are 40 students in

27、this class. One is a reading a book and the others are playing in the playground.= There are 40 students in this class. One is a reading a book and the other students are playing in the playground. There are three children on the bus. One is a girl and the other two are boys. 44、 注意enough, sothat和to

28、oto 的相互转换。 The boy is not old enough to go to school. =The boy is so young that he cant go to school. =The boy is too young to go to school. 45、 注意not asas和than 的相互转换。 Rome is not as old as Athens.= Athens is older than Rome. Tennis isnt as popular as football.= Football is more popular than tennis.

29、 I dont go out as much as you.= You go out more than me. 46、 注意have a shower(洗淋浴)和have a bath(洗盆浴)的区别。 have a shower = take a shower, have a bath = take a bath 47、 注意used to(过去常常),用于过去式中,其中,to为不定式符号,后接动词原形。 We used to play tennis twice a week. She used to be a teacher, but she stopped to do business

30、 three years ago. 其否定形式:usednt to , used not to和 didnt use to She usednt to like playing computer games. =She didnt use to like playing computer games. 48、 注意形容词比较级、最高级。 原级 比较级 最高级 small smaller smallest nice nicer nicest thin thinner thinnest big bigger biggest hot hotter hottest early earlier earl

31、iest happy happier happiest expensive more expensive most expensive good better best bad/ill worse worst far farther farthest 49、 注意save(挽救,节省)。 The policeman jumped into the river and saved his life. David saved his pocket money and gave it to the orphanage. 50、 注意show sb sth = show sth to sb(把。展示给。看)。 He is showing his photos to his friends.= He is showing his friends his photos. I usually show her my homework.= I usually show my homework to her. 51、 注意on the phon

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