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Module 4 Stories and Fables.docx

1、Module 4 Stories and Fables Module 4 Stories and Fables教学内容:Unit 10-Unit 12教学目标:1.能按要求掌握本单元的音标单词和句子.2.通过学习本单元的课文, 能够读懂和讲述一些英语故事和寓言,正确使用“图书馆用借书语”。 3.能用正确的升降调朗读特殊疑问句和选择疑问句。4.会做本单元课本和活动手册的习题.教学重点:掌握“图书馆借书用语”教学难点:讲述一些英语故事和寓言。教具使用: 图片单词卡音标卡录音机和投影教学课时: 6课时教学过程: 第一课时 Unit 10 Waiting For Anther Hare 一. 复习(R

2、evision) 1. 听写(Dictation theses words):lion elephant cheetah leopard snake bear monkey mouse kangaroo seal panda tiger hare horse goldfish rabbit二. 新授1. 听录音并结合音标学习以下新单词Learn the new words: ( 要求学生背诵)ancient古代的 fable寓言 keep保持 renew续借 field田野suddenly忽然 hare野兔 ground地面 certainly当然himself他自己 borrow借 retu

3、rn返回 neednt=need not不必pick up捡起 from then on 从那时起 any more 再 all day long 整天wait for 等候 ID card 身份证 in time依时、按时2. 听录音,学习朗读课文Dialogue1.3. 学习以下图书馆借书用语和重点句型:(1) A: Do you have Chinese Ancient Fables? B: Let me see. Ah, here it is.(2) Heres my library card.(3) A: How long may I keep it? B: Two weeks.(4

4、) You mustnt lend it to others.(5)A: Can I keep it a little longer? B: Yes. But you must come and renew it.三、巩固练习1. 小组朗读课文,.讨论如何表演2.分角色表演,操练图书馆借书用语。3.小结常用的图书馆借书用语。四.Homework 1.熟读本课单词和课文,并到各小组长处背诵.2.做活动手册P42-44页的笔试题3.下一节课听写Unit 10的新单词第二课时一. 复习(Revision)1.听写(Dictation these words): Unit 10的新单词2. 背诵Uni

5、t 10的课文。3. 指名表演图书馆借书的过程和方法。二、新授 Listen and retell the story1.听录音机Listen to the story.2.熟读并理解故事的意思。3.Read the story again and write down the answers.a. How did the hare die?b. Did the farmer eat the hare?c. Did the farmer work any more after he picked the hare?d. Do you think he could pick up another

6、 hare?4.分小组讨论,并表演故事的内容守株待兔4. 复述Waiting for another hare这个故事, 并得出思想总结:Dont wait for another hare. Go for it!三. 巩固练习1.扩展:读活动手册P45的揠苗助长的故事。2.操练:用英语口述你所知道的寓言故事,分小组比赛。四.Homework 1.熟读本课寓言故事并到各小组长处背诵.2. 预习Work with Language.3.下一节课听写做活动手册P43页的听力第三课时一. 复习(Revision)1. 听写(Dictation these sentences)(1) A: Do yo

7、u have Chinese Ancient Fables?B: Let me see. Ah, here it is.(2) A: How long may I keep it?B: Two weeks.(3) Heres my library card.(4) One day a farmer was working in the fields.(5) A: May I keep it a little longer?B: Yes. But you must come and renew it.2. Retell the story Waiting for another hare3.指名

8、表演图书馆借书的过程和方法。二、新授Work with Language.1. Match the questions with the answers. a. May I borrow your dictionary?b. Must we borrow books with an ID card?c. May I keep the book a little longer?d. Must I return the book in time?e. Can I write on the book?( ) No, you neednt. But you must have a library ca

9、rd.( ) No, you mustnt. ( ) Yes, But you must come and renew it. ( ) Yes, you must. ( ) Certainly. Here you are.2. Answer the questions.a. Can you borrow books from your school library and take them home?b. Must you borrow books from your school library with a library card?c. How long can you keep th

10、e books?d. What kinds of books do you like reading?e. Do you like reading fables? Why?三、巩固练习。1. Fun with language: Look at these covers of story-books. Work in groups and write a title for each book.2.跟录音学习唱歌Sing Along Two Little Black Birds 在愉快的气氛中结束这节课。四.Homework 1.熟读本课单词和课文,并到各小组长处背诵.2. 预习Unit 11

11、单词和课文。3.下一节课听写做活动手册P47页的听力第四课时Unit 11 The Lion And Mouse一.复习(Revision) 1.听写(Dictation these words):用录音机听写活动手册P47页的第一题听力.2. Retell and act the story about Waiting For Another Hare (复述并表演守株待兔的故事)二.新授 1.听录音并结合音标学习以下新单词( 要求学生背诵)Learn the new words: Laugh大笑 bite咬 if如果 traveler旅行者 mad发疯的 cover封面look for寻找

12、 at last 最后 at first 首先 get out of 走出之外2.听录音,学习朗读课文3.学习以下重点句型:(1) One day a mouse was looking for something to eat.(2) Youre too small for a meal.(3) Howy can a little thing like you help the great king of the anbimals?(4) Thats very good of you.(5)The nhext week the mouse was again looking for some

13、thing to eat.(6) The lion was in a net and could not get out.4.小结:The small can help the great5.小组分角色朗读, 并表演课文.三、巩固。1. 看图填空。 (1) The children _ the old man yesterday.(2)Ben often _ _ the cat.(3) I want to be a _ when I _ up.(4) Marry likes _ a bike.(5) We often do _ homework _ the evening.四.作业 1.熟读本

14、课单词和课文,并到各小组长处背诵.2.做活动手册P5153 页。3.下一节课听写今天的新单词.第五课时一.复习(Revision) 1. 听写unit11的新单词: laugh bite traveler mad cover certainly suddenly ground borrow look for at last at first get out of from then on2. 听写活动手册P50的听力题。3. 背诵和表演Unit11二.新授1. 听录音学音标(P51的Sound Families) :Read these sentences and play attention

15、 to the stress and the intonation.2. Work with Language.(1) Read the sentences and write a, b, c or d in the right speech bubbles.a. Where is he now?b. Hey, little monkey. Dont move . Ill eat you up.c. Hes down there , in the river.d. Thats all right. But theres a strong tiger over there. He said he

16、 would eat me too. If you eat me, he will no be happy.(2) Listen to the story and say if the statements are True or False.(3) Show some picture-books youve read and say something about the books.三. 巩固练习1. 评讲活动手册P48/49的练习题。2. Fun with Language.(1) Look at the pictures and tell the story in groups of

17、four.(2) Play a guessing game.四.Homework1.熟读Unit11的单词和课文,并到各小组长处背诵.2.预习unit12。做活动手册P5153页。3.下一节课听写活动手册P50的听力题。第六课时Unit 12 Lets go further一.复习(Revision) 1.听写活动手册P50的听力题。2. 复述Unit11的课文并表演.三. 新授1.Story timeRead and listen . Then read and try to retell the story.得出总结:Unity is strength.2.Project.Design a cover of a story book and write the title for the book on it. Then write a few words about the story.3.Did you know? (认识更多的寓言故事书,并尝试用英语讲这些故事)三. 巩固练习: 评讲活动手册P5153页。四.Homework1.熟读Unit10 和Unit11的单词和课文, 复习好准备小测。2.预习课本Unit 13。3.下一节课听写学过的运动。_

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