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1、函电习题及答案函电习题及答案Unit Two Establishment of business relations. Translate the following expressions into Chinese learn from be in the market for avail oneself of approach sb. For enter into look forward to in reply to inquire about on ones part in question. Fill in each blank with a word or phrase that

2、fits best: Dear Sirs, We _ from the Commercial Counsellors Office of our embassy in your country that you are _ Chinese table-cloths. As this article falls within the scope of our business activities, we _ this opportunity to express our wish to _ business relations with you. Chinese table-cloths ar

3、e _ for their good quality and reasonable price. They have enjoyed great _ in the European market. We are sure that _ our joint efforts they will also meet with a favorable reception in your country. In order to give you a _ idea of our various table-cloths, we are airmailing to you under separate c

4、over some of our latest catalogues and price-list, should you find any of the items interesting, please let us know. Hoping to _ you soon. Yours faithfully,. Translate the following sentences into Chinese:1. We note from your advertisement in “Todays Business” that you are a state-run corporation ha

5、ndling medicines. 2. We have established business relations with firms of more than one hundred countries in the world on the basis of equality. Mutual benefit and exchange of needed goods. 3. Some reference samples will be sent to you under separate cover. 4. We are desirous to establish mutually b

6、eneficial business relations with you. 5. They have been exporting light industrial products for many years. 6. We would like to inform you that a number of our clients are in the market for Chinese arts and crafts. . Translate the following sentences into English.1 根据你方要求, 现寄去有关我方产品的全套目录。2 我们专营工艺品出

7、口业务,原与贵公司建立业务关系。3 我们已另空邮小册子和价目单给你方。若对所列商品感兴趣,请告知具体要求。4 我们有意从你方进口化工产品。5 在我国对优质食糖有大量的需求。6 若能提供有关上述公司的资信状况,我们当不胜感谢。7 你们问询的那家商号多年来声誉良好。8 我们公司是中国罐头食品的主要出口商之一。9 中国的出口商品在欧洲市场很收欢迎。10有关我公司的资信情况,请向中国银行北京分行查询。. Write a letter to foreign company for establishing business relations covering the following content

8、s:1. The source of your information 2. Your intention 3. Your business scope 4. The reference as to your firms financial standing 5. Your expectation Key to Unit Two. Translate the following expressions into Chinese 1,获悉 2,想要购买 3,利用 4,为某事与某人联系5,缔结 6,期待,期盼 7,答复 8,询问9,在.方面 10,正被谈论的,该. Fill in each bla

9、nk with a word or phrase that fits best: 1 , learn 2, in the market for 3, take/avail ourselves of 4, enter into 5,famous/known 6, popularity 7, through 8, general 9, hear from. Translate the following sentences into Chinese: 1,我们从你方刊登在今日贸易上的广告中获悉,你们是一家经营药品的国营公司。 2,我们已经和世界上一百多个国家的商号在平等互利,互通有无的基础上建立了

10、贸易关系。 3,一些参考样品将另邮寄给你们。 4,我们渴望与你们建立互利的贸易关系。 5,他们出口轻工业品已有好多年。 6,兹告知你方,我们的许多客户想要购买中国工艺品。. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. At your request, we are sending you a full set of catalogue regarding our products. 2. We specialize in the export of arts and crafts and shall be pleased to esta

11、blish business relations with you. 3. We have sent you under separate cover the brochure and price list by air. Should you be interested in the items, please let us know your specific requirements. 4. We are interested in importing chemicals from you. 5. There is a large demand for sugar of good qua

12、lity in our country. 6. We should appreciate it if you can furnish us with the credit status of the above company. 7. The firm you inquire about has enjoyed a good reputation for many years. 8. Our company is one of the leading exporters of Chinese canned food stuffs. 9. Chinese exports enjoy great

13、popularity in the European market. 10. As to our credit status, you may refer to the Bank of China, Beijing Branch. Write a letter to foreign company for establishing business relations . Dear Sirs, We have learnt from the Commercial counsellors Office of the Chinese Embassy in Ghana that you are in

14、 the market for Chinese leather products and now avail ourselves of this opportunity to approach you for entering into direct business relations with you. As one of the leading exporters, we have been handling various kinds of Chinese leather products for about 10 years and we are enjoying a good re

15、putation. Our products are very popular with many customers for their good quality and dine workmanship. To give you a general idea, we have sent you under separate cover several copies of illustrated catalogues and some sample cuttings. Should any of the items be of interest to you, please let us k

16、now. We shall be glad to try our best to satisfy you at all times. We are looking forward to your early reply. Yours faithfullyUnit Three Enquiries, Offers and counter-offer. Translate the following expressions into Chinese first enquiry supply sb. with sth. find a good market for ones reference tra

17、de terms quotation sheet current market the captioned goods subject to under separate cover. Write “F” in front of the statement if its a firm offer or “N” if its a non-firm offer ( ) 1. We are making you an offer without engagement as follows ( ) 2. The goods are offered subject to your acceptance

18、here before May23, 2002 ( ) 3. The offer is firm, subject to our receipt of your reply within ten days. ( ) 4. Our quotations may change without notice ( ) 5. The offer is subject to prior sale ( ) 6. Enclosed is a copy of our quotation sheet. All the prices listed therein are subject to our final c

19、onfirmation ( ) 7. The offer is subject to the goods being unsold on receipt of your order ( ) 8. The above offer os without engagement. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences1. We confirm to have received your letter of the 17th covering 5000 sets of sewing machines2. If our customers appr

20、ove your sample, we trust large business can materialize 3. Should the above terms and conditions are acceptable to you, please let us know4. We hope you can try your best to comply with our request for a reduction by 2 in your quotation5. At your requested, we are sending you herewith our Quotation

21、 Sheet No.1236. In view of you are our old customers, we are prepared to allow you a special discount7. Please note that our offer is firm, subject to your reply reach us within one week8. We must point out that the quality of our goods is much superior than that of others. Complete the following se

22、ntences in English1. We have received your _(有关标题商品的形式发票) 2. Please note that our invoice _(四月十日到期) 3. Enclosed please find _(CY-638 形式发票一式四份) 4. (一俟获得进口许可证),please fax us so that we can get the goods ready 5. Unless otherwise stated, the above quotation _(以我方最后确认为准) 6. We will appreciate it greatly

23、 if you will send us your proforma invoice _(以便我们办理有关进口手续) 7Owing to the frequent price fluctuation of raw materials, it is impossible for us _(将报盘保留有效至八月底) 8We are informed that you are interested in our man-made straw hat and now _(随函附上一份最新的报价单供参考) 9Please make us a firm offer, _(说明最早交货期和可供数量) 10F

24、or your information, _(我们的报价中已包含你百分之七的佣金). Fill in each blank with a word or phrase that fits best Dear Sirs, We are _ receipt of your letter of March 20_ us 4000 sets Table Water Dispenser at US 18.2 per set CFRC3 Stockholm for _in May, 2002. We have to _ _ that as your product is new to our market

25、, an advertising campaign is necessary for our _ promotion, which will undoubtedly add to our _. To be more competitive, you are requested to _ your price to US 17.5 per set, thus enabling us to find a ready _ for your products here. We shall be pleased if you will _ us your opinion on the above as

26、early as possible. Yours faithfully. Translate the following sentences into English 1. 价格上的合理减让将会吸引更多的客户订购 2. 我们期待贵方报给有关上述商品的实盘 3. 收到样品后,如无异议,请尽快确认以便我们安排生产 4. 请告知能否向我供应30000只水表 5. 我们想了解你方的交易条款 6. 兹复你11月2日有关童装的报盘,我们现还盘成本加运费,保险费悉尼价每打28美圆 7. 如能增加定货量, 我们也许会考虑你们的还盘 8. 大量的定单证明我们的产品物美价廉 . Write an English

27、letter covering the following informationXXX先生: 事由:158号信用证 你方第121号定单,8公吨核桃仁,金额计2,500美元标题项下的信用证收到。 你方信用证金额似嫌不足。你方定单正确的成本加保险费运费的总值应是2,960美元,相差460美元。 鉴于上述情况,请将你方信用证金额增加460美元。一俟接到你方信用证修改通知书,当安排交货不误。 XXX谨上Key to Unit Three. Translate the following expressions into Chinese 1,首次询盘 2,向某人供应某物 3,畅销,好销路 4,供某人参

28、考 5,交易条款 6,报价单 7,现价,时价 8,标题货物,标题商品 9,以 .为条件 , 以.为准 10,另寄,另函,另邮. Write “F” in front of the statement if its a firm offer or “N” if its a non-firm offer 1, (N) 2, (F) 3, (F) 4, (N) 5,(N) 6, (N) 7, (N) 8, (N) . Correct the mistakes in the following sentences 1, “to have received” 改为 “having received” 2

29、, “approve” 改为 “approve of” 3, “are” 改为 “be” 4, “by” 改为 “of” 5, “you are” 改为 “your being” 6, “At your request” 改为 “as requested” 7, “reach” 改为 “reaching” 8, “than” 改为 “to”. Complete the following sentences in English 1, Proforma Invoice for the captioned goods 2, is valid till April 10 3, Proforma I

30、nvoice No. CY-638 in quadruplicate 4, As soon as you get the Import Licence 5, is subject to our final confirmation 6, so as to enable us to carry out the import formalities 7, to keep the offer open till the end of august 8, enclosing a copy of our latest quotation sheet for your reference 9, indicating the earliest date of shipment and the quantity suppliable 10, your 7 commission is included in our quotation. Fill in each blank with a word or phrase that fits best 1, in 2, offering

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