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英语词根词典English root dictionary.docx

1、英语词根词典English root dictionary英语词根词典1-28(English root dictionary 1-28)The first prefix (Prefix)Prefix function, mainly defines the meaning of the root or root, determine the direction, have very important association and word meaning, this article lists the 113 important prefix.1. a = ofAdown = off,

2、down, adv, prep, downAfresh = of; fresh adv re; re (=anew)Akin = of, kin, adj; same; similarAnew adv; re; re; (=afresh)2. a = onAback = on, back=backwards, ADV backwardAbed = in, bed, ADV on the bedAblaze = in, a, blaze = on, fire, adv, fire, adj, light emittingAboard = on, board, ADV on board; on b

3、oard;Abroad = on, broad, ADV abroad; far; wideAfar = on, far, adv, far awayAfloat = on, float, adj, adv, floating ground; widely circulated landAfoot = on, foot, adv, adj, on footAground = on, ground, adv, adj (ship) agroundAhead = on, head = in, front, ADV in the front; in the first placeAlive = in

4、, life, adj, live; continue activeAloof = on, loof, ADV away; escape (loof = luff (let the boat go against the wind).)Asleep = in, sleep, adv, adj, asleepAway = on way adv in the distance; leave; not in3. a = intensive (emphasis)Abide V residence; compliance; waiting (bide residence)Alight V come do

5、wn by car or right awayAlike adj adv similar (ground); same (ground)Aloud adv loudlyAmaze V amaze; astonishArise V up; stir upAshamed adj ashamed; ashamedAthirst adj craves (thirst, N, V, thirst, thirst)Await V wait; look forward toAwake V wakes up; wakes adj awake4. a = ad = to, at, forAbandon = at

6、, one , s, disposal, V, abandon, discard (a (to), +bandon (order), CF, ban (forbid)Abase V (lower position, humble; grade () to a lower position (a) (to) +base (lower)Abate V decrease; mitigate; decrease (HIT) (a (to) +bate (to, beat)Abridge V shortened; abridged (text or language) (a (to) +bridge (

7、short)Achieve = to, come, to, a, head, V; complete; implementation (a (to), +chieve (chief)Amass V accumulation (a (to) +mass (mass mass)Ameliorate V (a correction improved; (to) +melior (better) +ate (verb suffix)Amenable adj resigned; are compliance obligations (a (to) +men (to lead) +able (adject

8、ive suffix)Amount V total N Total Total; Total (Deng Shan) (a (to) +mount (mountain)Avenge V for revenge (a (to) +venge (to revenge revenge)Avenue n Avenue; Boulevard (a (to) +venue (to come)Avow V publicly admitted; frankly admitted (voice) (a (to) +vow (to call) CF avouch (recognition), advocate (

9、advocated)5. a = AB = from, awayAvert V turned to avoid; (a (away) +vert (to turn)Avocation n sideline; hobbies (a (away, from), +vocation (work)6. a = ex = out, extremelyAbash V makes shy; makes blushing (extremely surprising) (a (extremely) +bash (to, express, astonishment)Amend V correction; impr

10、ovement (showing defects) (a (out) +mend (fault)Avoid V avoidance; declared invalid (empty) (a (out) +void (to empty)7. a = negative (negative) = not, without* an before vowelsAbyss n abyss; pit; hell (invincible)Achromatic = colorless, adj colorless(a (without) +chromat (color) +ic (adjective suffi

11、x)CF chromatic (color; color)Amazon, N, female warrior in Greek mythology; (the) Amazon (without breasts)(a (without) +mazoh (breast)Amnesty n amnesty; Amnesty (especially political prisoners) (without memory - forgetting sin)(a (not) +mnesty (to, remember)CF amnesia (amnesia, memory loss)Amoral adj

12、 unethical; amoral (a (without) +moral (moral)Apathy want of feeling n cold and indifferent (a (without) +pathy (feeling)Aphasia n no aphasia; language ability (a (without) +phas (to (speak) +ia said the disease name suffix)Asylum n shelters; shelters; a workhouse (where no arrests have been made)(a

13、 (without) +sal (right of seizure (+um) indicated the location of the suffix)(a-without+syl-right, of, serizure+um-place)Asymentry n asymmetry; inhomogeneous (a (not) +sym (together) +metry (measuring)Atheism n (a (without) +the Atheism (God (+ism) said the doctrine of the suffix)Atom N atoms; a ver

14、y small amount (something that cannot be divided) (a (not) +tom (to, cut, to, divide)Atypical adj atypical (a (not) +typical (typical)8. AB = from, away, from, off(variant) a, ABS (before C and T), adv, AVAbaxial adj left the axis; no longer on the shaft (AB (away) +ax (Axis axis) +ial (adjective su

15、ffix)Abdicate V give up the right; give way; resign (declare departure)(AB (from) +dicate (to prodam manifesto)Abduce V makes outward rotation; abduction (AB (away) +duce (to, load)Abduct V abduction; abduction (AB (away) +duct (to, load)Abject adj despicable; pathetic (thrown away; abandoned) (AB (

16、away) +ject (to, throw)Abnormal adj abnormal; abnormal (out of standard)(AB (away from) +norm (rule) +al (adjective suffix)Abominate V hates; abhors (departure from a sign)(ab-away+omin-omen+ate-v)Abortion n abortion; abortion (no longer developed)(AB (away from) +or (to arise; to grow) +tion CF ori

17、en (POS suffix) (East)(ab-away+or-grone+tion-n)Abrade V friction; scuffing; upset (AB (away) +rade (to, scrape)Abrupt adj sudden; abrupt (suddenly broken) (AB (off) +rupt (to, break)Absolve V free (SIN); pardon (liberation) (AB (away) +solve (to locsen unlock)Absorb V absorption; annexation; makes c

18、oncentration (AB (off) +sorb (to, suck, up)Abuse V: (right abuse; substandard usage) (AB (from) +use (to use)Abscess n (from the body to the ulcer; (ABS) (away) +cess (to go)Abscond V abscond; escape (hide) (AB (away) +scond (to conceal)(ab-away) +scond (conceal)Abstain V (abstain from (out) ABS (fr

19、om) +tain (to hold)Abstract V draws; extracts; abstracts; AbstractsAdj AbstractN abstraction (pull out) (ABS (from) +tract (to draw)Abstruse adj obscure (ABS (away) +truse (to thrust insertion)Abundant adj rich enough; (AB (away) +und (to wave) +ant (adjective suffix)Advance v n forward (forward) (a

20、dv=ab (from) +ance (before)Avaunt intery go away (av=ab (from) +aunt (before)9., ad = to, at, for, indicating direction, change, completion, addition, addition, beginning, or only important reinforcement of table reinforcement.(change) by assimilation and pronunciation behind, the following changes:

21、 A, AB, AC, AF, Ag, Al, an, AP, AR, as, ARAbbreviate V (abbreviation ab=ad shortened; (to) +brevi (brief, short) +ate (verb suffix)Accede V commitment; consent; Inauguration (ac=ad (to) +cede (to go; to come)Accelerate V acceleration; promote (ac=ad (to) +celer (quick) +ate (verb suffix)Accept V rec

22、eive; accept (ac=ad (to) +cept (to take)Acclimate V makes water available; adapts to a new environment (ac=ad (to) +climate (climate)Accomplice n accessory; accomplice (ac=ad (to) +com (together) +plice (to, fold)(ac-to+com-together+plice-fold)Accost V greets people; hits up (toward the ribs, approa

23、ches people) (ac=ad (to) +cost (rib ribs)Accumulation of accumulate V; accumulation (ac=ad (to) +cumulate (to, heap, up)Accustom V makes habit (ac=ad (to) +custom (custom)Acknowledge V acknowledges (ac=ad (to) know (to know) +ledge (noun suffix)Acquire V gets (ac=ad (to) +quire (to, seek)CF inquire

24、(require, an inquiry;) (; requirements)Adapt V to make appropriate; adapt (make appropriate) (AD (to) +apt (to, fit)Addict V makes indulgence; makes enthusiasm (as said) (AD (to) +dict (to, say)Adduce V cited; cited examples (AD (to) +duce (to, lead)Adhere V adhesion; attachment (AD (to) +here (to s

25、tick paste)Admire V appreciates (AD (at) +mire (to, wonder)Adorn V decoration (AD (to) +orn (to decorate decoration)Advent n arrives; arrives; (A) Jesus arrives (AD (to) +vent (to, turn)Adverse adj inverse; opposed; adverse (turned)(AD (to) +verse (to, turn)Advocate V; stand for; advocateN advocates

26、; advocates; advocates who advocate;(AD (to) +voc (to call) +ate (verb suffix)(ad-to+voc-call+ate-v)Affiliate V; to have the close relation; filiate (the son)(af=ad (to) +fili (son) +ate (verb suffix)Affirm V confirms; asserts (makes firm) (af=ad (to) +firm (solid)Afflict V makes pain (HIT)(af=ad (t

27、o) +flict (to, strike)CF conflict (battle, battle)Affront V insult; affrontN insult (pointing to the forehead)(af=ad (to) +front (forehead) (af-to+front-forehead)Aggress, V aggression, attack (go ) (ag=ad (to), +gress (to, walk), CF, progress (progress, progress)Aggrieve V causes distress (stress) (

28、ag=ad (to) +grive (to, weigh, down)Align V line up; make cooperation (line) (a=ad (to) +lign (line)Allay V makes sedation; ease (pain, fear, etc) (cause to lie down) (al=ad (to) +lay (to, cause, to, lie)Allocate V fixed position; deployment (location determined)(al = ad (two) + locate (two place)(al

29、 two + locate place)allot v 分配; 指派; 分配 作某种用途(al = ad (two) + lot (share)alloy v 使成合金; 贬低; 损害n 合金; 杂志 (绑在一起混合)(al = ad (two) + loy = body (two volumes)allude v 提及 (表露想法) (al = ad (two) + lude (to play)allure v 引诱; 诱惑 n 诱惑 (力) (al = ad (two) + peep (诱惑)annex v 附加; 合并 (结合) (an = ad (two) + nephropsis (

30、two volumes)annihilate v 消灭 (使无) (an = ad (two) + nihil (nothing) + ate (动词字尾)cf nihil (虚无), nihilsm (虚无主义) (an - two + nihil - nothing + ate - n)appease v 抚慰 (人); 平息 (愤怒); 缓和 (情绪) (使平静)(ap = ad (two) + pease (peace)append v 附加; 增补 (佩带 ; 悬挂 )(ap = ad (two) + per (thoroughly) + tain (two teams)(ap -

31、two + per thoroughly + tain teams)apply v 应用; 申请; 敷涂 (重合)(ap = ad (two) + ply (two fold)appraise v 评价; 估量; 鉴定 (朝向 确定价值)(ap = ad (two) + praise (price)apprise v 通知; 报知 (取消息给 )(ap = ad (two) + praise (two seize)approbate v 批准; 许可; 认可 (向 证明)(ap = ad (two) + prob (two try) + ate (动词字尾) (ap - two + prob - prone + ate - v)arrange v 安排; 整理; 商定; 准备 (向 排列) (ar = ad (two) + range (two tank)attachment v, n 逮捕; 阻止; 妨碍 (使举止) (ar = ad (two) + re (back) + st (two position)arrogant adj 傲慢的; 自大的 (厚着脸皮要求时的态度)(ar = ad (two) + rog (ask) + ant

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