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1、全国高等教育自学考试电子商务英语试题及答案全国2005年10月高等教育自学考试电子商务英语试题及答案heard the students to talking9. _ some of the suggestions prove of value to you as well?A. Could B. Can C. Might D. May10. The research project has only been under way for three months, so its too early to _its success.A. figure B. considerC. rate D.

2、 evaluate11. What do you think of his motion that we _ a play at the English evening?A. should put on B. shall put on C. would put on D. will have put on12. We can visit your company on Monday or Tuesday, our plans are fairly _.A. flexible B. elasticC. supple D. compliant13. Nothing can stop us now,

3、 _?A. cant it B. can itC. could it D. does it14. All of my efforts to_ peace failed.A. reserve B. conserveC. persist D. preserve15. I was greatly shocked by the way _ things were done there.A. how B. thatC. as D. which 16. There is a(n) _ between logic and metaphysics.A. bargain B. treatyC. compact

4、D. alliance17. Neither of the drivers who are being held by the police_ whom to blame for his trouble.A. know B. knowsC. to know D. have known18. All citizens in this nation are_ to the law.A. subject B. objectC. exposed D. dependent19. I made up my mind that under no circumstances_ to such principl

5、e.A. couldnt I agree B. I couldnt agreeC. I could agree D. could I agree20. Einsteins new theory on optics changed_ scientific idea about light.A. technical B. originalC. classical D. mechanical二、 完型填空(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)从选项中选择一个最适合短文的选项,错选、多选或未选均无分。Jogging is becoming one of the 21 growing activit

6、ies in the nation. More people are starting jog each year. This, however, is a recent occurrence. It was not long ago 22 joggers were rare sight. Some people thought that they looked quite strange. As 23 people began jogging the sight of them became more common.There are many reasons 24 a person to

7、take up jogging. First, it is a good form of exercise. This is 25 it involves the use of many parts of the body. The exercising of the heart is of great benefit. This is one of the most important parts of the human body. If the heart does not get the needed exercise, serious problems can occur. 26 r

8、eason for jogging is for enjoyment. 27 being good for people, it can also be very much fun.Part of the fun of jogging comes from the opportunity it provides for meeting other people who enjoy it.One 28 that should be considered 29 a person takes up jogging as a form of exercise of enjoyment is that

9、it is not for everyone. People should first check 30 their doctors and be prepared to find another form of exercise if jogging is not recommended.21. A. fastest B. quickest C. most D. best22. A. when B. while C. that D. as23. A. many B. those C. more D. the24. A. of B. with C. for D. in25. A. that B

10、. why C. reasonable D. because26. A. A B. Other C. The other D. Another27. A. Except B. Except for C. Besides D. Regardless of28. A. matter B. event C. thing D. occurrences29. A. of B. that C. what D. when30. A. out B. over C. on D. with三、 阅读理解(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)阅读下面的短文,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案填空或答题,

11、错选、多选或未选均无分。Passage 1Relaxation therapy ( = treatment). If you read the sentence out loud, your blood pressure will go up. If you talk to another person, it will go still higher. If the talk is with your boss, your pressure will go even higher. If you speak to someone of the opposite sex, your press

12、ure may show less change if youre married than if youre single.Dozens of times each day, your blood pressure changes with what youre feeling and doing. These “ups and downs” take place in everyone, but they are more severe in people with high blood pressure. That discovery is the basis for the newes

13、t therapy: controlling blood pressure by learning skills to control everyday stress.Many patients control their blood pressure with the relaxation response. This takes four simple things: a quiet environment, a comfortable position (sitting or lying down), the repeating of a word, prayer or phrase e

14、ach time you breathe and having none of other thoughts.Something remarkable happens when you do this, according to research in Boston. Relaxation of the mind and body has the effect that some blood-pressure pills would have. Whats more, the blood pressure stays lower, just as it would with a pill, a

15、fter you have stopped the relaxation and have returned to the stress of daily life.31. The first paragraph tells us the reason why your blood pressure goes up is that_.A. you read aloud a sentence B. the man you talk to is your bossC. youre not married D. youre nervous32. Which of the following stat

16、ements is not true?A. Ones blood pressure changes many times every day.B. Your blood pressure changes with your feelings.C. When youre doing different things, your blood pressure, perhaps, is different.D. The changes of blood pressure only happen to people with high blood pressure. 33. The last para

17、graph tells us relaxation therapy_.A. needs a new kind of medicineB. has the same effect as blood-pressure pillsC. is more than blood-pressure pillsD. is working and can be improvedPassage 2If you do not find the required information using the tips from the previous section, then you need to consult

18、 an online service to find the piece of information you were looking for. Three different types of services have been established over the years: crawlers, directories and meta search engines.The first crawler was created back in 1993. It was called the World Wide Worm. It crawled from one site to t

19、he next and indexed all pages by saving the content of the web pages into a huge database. Crawlers or spiders visit a web page, read it, and then follow links to other pages within the site and even follow links to other sites. Web crawlers return to each site on a regular basis, such as every mont

20、h or two, to look for changes. Everything a crawler finds goes into a database, which people are able to query.The advantage of the web crawlers is that they have an extensive database with almost the complete Internet indexed in it. The disadvantage is that you get thousands of web pages as a respo

21、nse for almost any request. Web directories work a little differently. First of all they contain a structured tree of information. All information entered into this tree is either entered by the webmaster who wants to announce his new web page or by the directory maintainer who looks at the web page

22、s submitted. The directories where webmasters can submit both the URL (Uniform Resource Locator) and the description normally contain more misleading information.Getting into most web directories is a combination of luck and quality. Although anyone is able to submit a web page, there is no guarante

23、e that a certain page will be included. Some directories charge for submission, which is basically a rip-off.Some crawlers maintain an associated directory. If your site is in the directory, the ranking of your web site normally will be higher, as it is already pre-classified. Many directories work

24、with crawlers together, in order to deliver results, when nothing can be found in the directory.Meta search engines do not have a database with URLs and descriptions. Instead they have a database of search engines. If you enter your keywords into a meta search engine it will send out requests to all

25、 the directories and crawlers it has stored in its database. The meta search engines with a more sophisticated application in the background are able to detect double URLs which come back from the various search engines and present only a single URL to the customer.34. Crawler is a kind of_.A. worm

26、B. search engine C. service D. directory35. The disadvantage of Crawler is that it_.A. provides a complete databaseB. takes too much time to find the needed informationC. provides too much useless informationD. gives response to every quest36. Who can input information to the web directories?A. Only

27、 webmasters.B. Both directory maintainers and webmasters.C. Any one who wants to announce a web page.D. Any one who has found a new web page.Passage 3In what seems like the prehistoric times of computer history; the earths postwar era, there was quite a widespread rumor that computers would take ove

28、r the world from man one day. Already today, less than fifty years later, as computers are relieving us of more and more of the routine tasks in business and in our personal lives, we are faced with a less dramatic but not less foreseen problem. People tend to be over-trusting of computers and are r

29、eluctant to challenge their authority. Indeed, they behave as if they were hardly aware that wrong buttons may be pushed, or that a computer may simply malfunction.Obviously, there would be no point in investing in a computer if you had to check all its answers, but people should also rely on their

30、own internal computers and check the machine when they have the feeling that something has gone wrong.Questioning and routine double-checks must continue to be as much a part of good business as they were in pre-computer days. Maybe each computer should come with the warning: for all the help this c

31、omputer may provide, it should not be seen as a substitute for fundamental thinking and reasoning skills.37. According to the passage, the author would probably disapprove of_.A. investment in computersB. complete dependence on computersC. double-check on computersD. the use of computer38. In the authors opinion, people should_. A. be reasonably doubtf

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