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1、人称及三单形式讲解行致教育学科导学案教师:学生:年级:新四 日期:星期时段:第1_次学情分析学生基础不错,三年级下期末考试 95分,重点对三年级知识进行提高。课 题人称及单三形式讲解学习目标与 考点分析学习目标:第三人称单数的用法。考点分析:1.单三形式结尾s的发音。2.动词第三人称单数的变化。学习重点单三形式句型的否定句疑问句等。学习方法讲练评改相结合本节课教学内容简介详见教学过程。课后作业介绍你这次课一定有不少收获吧,请写下来:学生对于本次课的评价:O特别满意 O满意 O 一般 O差学生签字:教师评定:1.学生上次作业评价: O非常好 O好 O般 O需要优化学科组长签字: 行致教育教务处教

2、学过程知识点梳理一、定义单数第三人称简称“单三”单数复数第一人称I我We我们第二人称You你You你们第三人称They他们空白处为单数第三人称,必须满足两个条件:1必须是单数2必须是第三人称。单数第三人称包括:1he (他) she (她)it(它)2单数的人名。 女口: Tom Li Mei Joh n Yao Mi ng 等。3单数的亲戚,朋友。如: my sister his brother your mother her friend 等。 当主语是单数第三人称时,后面的动词要有相应的单三变化。如: 1 He takes a walk with me.2Tom loves his mo

3、ther.3My father reads books.用法1、第三人称代词he, she, it做主语时。例如:She is very good at En glish.He likes watch ing TV.It looks like a cat.她英语学得好。 他喜欢看电视。 它看起来像只猫。2、单独使用的人名、地名或称呼语做主语时。例如Danny ofte n plays football with his friends. Mama Bear has a baby.Beijing is in China.Miss Fang ofte n makes cakes.丹尼经常和他的朋友

4、们踢足球 熊妈妈有一个宝宝。北京在中国。方老师经常做蛋糕。3、 不可数名词做主语时。例如:Is there any juice in the bottle?The milk is in the glass.The bread is very small.4、 单数可数名词做主语时。例如:The box is in your room.The boy is singing.The banana is yellow.The cat is Lucys.瓶里有果汁吗? 牛奶在玻璃杯里。 那面包很小。箱子在你的房间里 小男孩在唱歌 那根香蕉是黄色的。 这只猫是露茜的。5、 单个数字、算式或单个字母做主语

5、时。例如:Three plus nine is twelve. 三加九等于十二。I is an English letter. T 是个英语字母。6 is a lucky number. 6是个吉利数字。6、 代词this, that等做主语时。例如:This is her red pe n. 这是她的红钢笔。That is an eraser. 那是一块橡皮擦。7、 代词one做主语时。例如:One of them is watch ing TV. 他们中的一个人正在看电视。Every one is here. 大家到齐了。三、单三形式的变化1、大多数动词在词尾加“ S”如:stop sto

6、ps make makes read reads play plays2、以辅音字母加“ y”结尾的,要先将“ y”变为“ i”,然后在加“ es fly flies carry carries study studies3、以“ s, x, ch, sh, o ” 结尾的,在词尾加“ es”,teach teaches watch watches go goes do does四、单三形式的发音规则动词原形变第三人称单数的规则与发音规律同名词单数变复数大致相同。1、 大多数动词在词尾加“ S”在清辅音后发音为s,在浊辅音及元音后发音为Z。如:1stop stops s ; make make

7、s s2read reads z ; play plays z2、 以辅音字母加“ y”结尾的,要先将“ y”变为“ i”,然后在加“ es”读iz女口:fly flies z ; carry carries zstudy studies z; worry worries3、 以“ s, x, ch, sh ”结尾的,在词尾加“ es”,发音为iz女口:teach teaches iz; watch watches iz4、 以“ o ”结尾的动词,加“ es”,读z女口:go goes z do does z下面几个动词变为单数时,原词的元音部分的发音发生了较大的变化, 请注意记忆。如:1、

8、 do du: does dz2、 say sei says sez以不发音字母“ e”结尾的开音节词,如果尾音是s,z时,加“s”后字母“ e”发音,与所加“ s”一起读做iz。 女口: close closes iz课堂练习将下列动词变为单三形式1 look2 take3 make4 love5 fly6 try7 play8 go9 have10 do11 wash12 watch13 drink14stay15pass16carry17come18pla nt19 study20brush21teach2选出单数第三人称。15 they 6 his father9 my father

9、and my mother13 it 14 her frie nd17 Lucy and Lily 18 sheI 2 he 3 we 4 you7 our mon itor 8 he and she10 Jack 11 Jia ng Ziya 12 Miss Liu15 my uncle 16 your brothers 3用所给动词的适当形式填空。1I (have) a ruler and a pen cil.2He (have) a ruler and a pen cil.3We (love) our teacher.4They (fly) kites in spri ng.5She (

10、go) shopp ing with her mother.6It (look) at me.7Li Gang (clea n) the room every day.8Tom and Jack (sweep) the floor today.9His brother (tell) stories to us.10My father (take) me to school.11You (make) a cake for me.12Mr. Liu (teach) us En glish.13It (fly) in the sky.14Her sister (play) football.15Sh

11、e (do) homework with me.16He and she (sing) a song.17His brothers (make) toys for my school.18Wang Hao (play) pin g-p ong very well.19My aunt (go) home with me.20Your un cle (watch) TV in the eve ning.四选词填空。1(I/He) play games.2(She/ They) sweep the floor.3(We/ My sister) loves oran ges.4(My un cle/

12、My un cles) tells stories to me.5(Tom/ You) sings a song.五选择。1 She .A make breadB makes a breadC makes bread2 My mom _ with me.A go shoppingB goes to shoppingC goes shopping3 He with me.A take a walkB takes walkC takes a walk4 Jingjing _ with me.A plaies gamesB play a gameC plays a game5 Her father

13、_ a big horse.A haveB hasC haves7 He and she _A fly a kiteB flies kitesC flys a kite8 They .A reads bookB read bookC read a book六 用所给词的适当形式填空。1 I (watch) TV every day.2He (watch)TV every day.3My brother (watch)TV every day.4His parents (watch)TV every day.5 he (have)any brothers?6I want (go)to schoo

14、l?7Look! He can (play)ping-pong.8The boy (cry).9What you (do)now?10When I am watching TV, my father (read)a book.11.He often (have) dinner at home.12.Daniel and Tommy (be) in Class One.13.We (not watch) TV on Monday.14.Nick (not go) to the zoo on Sunday.15. they (like) the World Cup?16.What they oft

15、en (do) on Saturdays?17. your parents (read) newspapers every day?18.The girl (teach) us English on Sundays.19.She and I (take) a walk together every evening.20.There (be) some water in the bottle.21.Mike (like) cooking.22.They (have) the same hobby.23.My aunt (look) after her baby carefully.24.You

16、always (do) your homework well.25.I (be) ill. I m staying in bed.26.She (go) to school from Monday to Friday.27.Liu Tao (do) not like PE.28.The child often (watch) TV in the evening.29.Su Hai and Su Yang (have) eight lessons this term.30.-What day (be) it today?- It s Saturday. 七、按照要求改写句子。1.Daniel w

17、atches TV every evening.( 改为否定句 )2.I do my homework every day.( 改为一般疑问句,作否定回答 )3. She likes milk.( 改为一般疑问句,作肯定回答 )4.Amy likes playing computer games.( 改为一般疑问句,作否定回答 )5.We go to school every morning.( 改为否定句 )6.He speaks English very well.( 改为否定句 )7.I like taking photos in the park.( 对划线部分提问 )8.John c

18、omes from Canada.( 对划线部分提问 )9.She is always a good student.( 改为一般疑问句,作否定回答 )10.Simon and Daniel like going skating.( 改为否定句 ) 八、改错 (划出错误的地方,将正确的写在横线上 )1.Is your brother speak English?2.Does he likes going fishi ng?3.He likes play games after class.4.Mr. Wu teaches us En glish.5.She don t do her homew

19、ork on Sun days.人称及动词单三形式课后作业一.Do还是Does我来选。1.Do/Does he watch TV at night? Yes he does.2.Do/Does you go to school everyday? No, I don t.3.Do/Does Jack and Peter like apples?4.Do/Does Amy go swimmi ng on Sun day?5.Do/Does they play football? Yes, they do/does.6.Do/Does we have a good basketball? Yes,

20、 we do/does.7.Do/Does they skip rope ? No, they do no t/does no t.8.Do/Does the zebra walk in the zoo?9.Do/Does I have a big no se? No, you do no t/does no t.10.Do/Does your cats eat fish? Yes, they .do/does.11.Do/Does their mothers go shopp ing? No, they do no t/does no t.12.I do not/ does not spea

21、k En glish. Do/Does you speak En glish?. 请用 have 或 has 填空。1 . a nice picture.He a good friend.They some kites.We some flowers.She a duck.My father and my mother a new bike.Her mother a new bag.Our teacher an En glish book.Our classmates a basketball.10.11 .12 .13.14.15.Their pare nt

22、s some story books.Alice many skirts.David some shirts.My frie nds a football.What do you ?What does Mike ?16.The zoo_17.The park三.请用动词的适当形式填空。1.Let him (play)basketball.2.Everyone (kno w)what he really like.3.Those girls (be)my sister.4.That girl (call)me every Sun day.5.How (do)she (tell)the word?

23、6.He TV every eve ning. (watch)7.We always to school on foot. (go)8.Your shoes un der the bed. (be)9.That pair of shorts yours (be)10. here and by me. (come, sta nd)some giraffes.three butterflies.11. I alwaysup at six in the morning. (get)12.Johnlike his father. (look)四.否定句:在动词前+doesnt 或dont.1. She

24、(do) her homework every day.2. He(live) in Sha ng Hai.3. He(n eed) a pair pf shoes.4.Danny (see) the apple tree?5.She (come) from An hui.6.The girl (see) many birds in the sky.五请用动词的适当形式填空。1. the elephant (have)four legs?Yes, it does.2. she (do)her homework every day?Yes, she does.3. he (live)i n Ch

25、ina?No, he does nt.4. he (n eed)a pair of shoes?No, he does nt.5.Does Danny (see)the apple tree?6. she (come)from Shan ghai?Yes, she .7.Jenny runs home and (sit) on the chair?六、 选择题:1.1 to school every day.A. go B. goes C. going2.The birds singing.A. like B. likes C. like to3.What does Lily doing?A.

26、 like B. likes C. to5. you like eating apples?A. Do B. Does C. Doing6. he swim every after noon?A. Do B. Does C. Doing7.Peter and Mary milk every day.A. drink B. drinking C. drinks8. they read English every day?A. Does B. Are C. Dorun study ride come七、 写出下列动词的三单形式:have snowguess trycatch stopwatch touch

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