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1、考博英语词汇表SSSacred(scared) /sekrd/ a.神的;神圣的connected with or dedicated to God or a god; connected with religion神圣的; 宗教的: 宗教仪式圣地圣像(of an obligation, etc) regarded as very important; solemn (指义务等)认为重要的, 庄严的: a sacred promise, task 郑重的诺言重大的任务hold a promise sacred 信守诺言regard sth as a sacred duty 视某事为神圣的职责.

2、sacrifice n.牺牲;牺牲品;祭品 v. 献祭;牺牲;献出 sth (to sb/sth) give up sth as a sacrifice(2) 牺牲某事物: She sacrificed her career to marry him. 她为了嫁给他牺牲了自己的事业sadden v.使悲哀;使忧愁The cruelty in the world saddens me incredibly.saddle n.鞍子;马鞍 v.装马鞍sake n.缘故for the sake of sb/sth; for sbs/sths sake in order to help sb/sth o

3、r because one likes sb/sth 为了某人某事物(起见): do sth for the sake of ones family 为家庭做某事Ill help you for your sisters sake. 看在你姐姐面上, 我来帮你saline n.盐水/selin/ adj attrib作定语 containing salt; salty 含盐的; 咸的: a saline lake 盐湖saline springs 盐泉salubrious a.(气候,空气等)有益健康的;健康的,有利的/slubrs/adj (fml 文) (esp of the climat

4、e) health-giving (尤指气候)有益健康的: the salubrious mountain air 有益健康的山间空气salutary a.有益健康的;有治疗作用的;有益的/sljutr/ adj having a good effect 有益的: salutary exercise, advice 有益的锻炼劝告 The accident is a salutary reminder of the dangers of climbing. 这一事故有益的一面是提醒了我们攀登活动是有许多危险的.salute v.敬礼;行礼;鸣礼炮,迎接,欢迎 n.招呼,行礼v give (sb

5、) a salute; greet (sb) 向(某人)致敬, 致意; 问候或欢迎(某人): The guard saluted (the general) smartly. 卫兵非常精神地(向将军)行礼. The royal visitor was saluted by a fanfare of trumpets. 皇室贵宾在嘹亮的铜管乐曲中受到热烈欢迎.salvage /slvd/ v./n.海上救助;抢救;打捞rescue of a damaged ship or its cargo; rescue of property from damage caused by fire, floo

6、ds(对船船上货物的)海上营救;(对火灾水灾等的)财物抢救: Salvage of the wreck was made difficult by bad weather. 船遇难後因天气恶劣救援工作十分困难.attrib 作定语 a salvage companysarcasm n.讽刺,挖苦/skzm/ n (use of) bitter, esp ironic, remarks intended to wound sbs feelings 讥讽; 讽刺; 挖苦: her constant sarcasm about his poor work 她对他作品拙劣的一贯嘲讽.sarcastic

7、 /skstk / adj of or using sarcasm 讥讽的; 讽刺的; 挖苦的: a sarcastic person, tone, remark 好讥讽的人讽刺的语调挖苦的话.saturate v. 使饱和;浸透saturation n.饱和;浸透sauce n.调味汁;酱汁 v.调味fruit pudding and brandy sauce 水果布丁和白兰地调味汁sausage n.香肠,腊肠savage /svd/ a.野蛮的;残暴的n.未开化的人wild and fierce 野性的; 凶猛的: a savage lion, wolf猛狮,恶狼a savage att

8、ack by a big dog 凶猛的大狗的攻击. (b) cruel, vicious or hostile 残酷的; 恶毒的; 敌意的: savage criticism, remarks 粗暴的批评恶毒的言语The article was a savage attack on her past actions. 那篇文章对她过去的行为进行了恶毒的攻击. (c) extremely severe 极严重的: savage cuts in our budget 对我们的预算做的大幅度削减. at an early stage of civilization;primitive 野蛮的; 未

9、开化的: savage tribes 这帮野蛮人.saw v.锯,锯开n.锯子,锯床saw a tree, pole, etc down 锯倒树,杆等scale n. 标度;天平;标尺;比例尺v. 过秤;测量;升高scan v.扫描;审视;浏览scanty a.不足的;贫乏的So far, what scanty evidence we have points to two suspects.scar n.伤疤;瘢痕;创伤 v.(使)留下伤痕;结疤scarce a.稀少的,罕见的;缺乏的;不足的scarcely ad.几乎不;勉强adv only just; hardly 仅仅; 几乎不: T

10、here were scarcely a hundred people present. 出席的不足一百人. I scarcely know him. 我不大认识他. Scarcely had she entered the room when the phone rang. 她一进屋电话就响了. surely not 决不: You can scarcely expect me to believe that. 别以为我能相信那件事.scare v.惊吓,受惊;使恐慌n.惊慌;惊恐That noise scared me. 那响声把我吓坏了. He scares easily. 他动不动就害

11、怕.scarf n.围巾;头巾/ skf/ n piece of material worn for ornament or warmth round the neck or (by women) over the shoulders or hair 围巾; 头巾; 披肩.scarlet n./a.猩红色(的);鲜红的(的) /sklt/ adj.n bright red猩红的;鲜红的: dressed all in scarlet 穿着一身鲜红的衣服She blushed scarlet when I swore. 她听到我骂街,羞得脸通红.scatter v.驱散;散开;撒布,撒播n.消散

12、;分散(cause people or animals to) move, usu quickly, in different directions(使人或动物)散开: The crowd scattered. 人群散开了. The police scattered the crowd. 警察驱散了人群.scene n.景色,景象;(戏)-场;布景(事件或故事发生的)地点scenery n.风景,景色;舞台布景general natural features of an area, eg mountains, valleys, rivers, forests 景色;风景;风光: mountai

13、n scenery 山景stop to admire the scenery 停下来欣赏风景.scent n.气味;香气;香水v.嗅,闻characteristic smell of sth, esp a pleasant one(某物特有的)气味;(尤指)香味: the scent of new-mown hay 新刈青草的气味 Modern roses have no scent. 现在的玫瑰不香. C particular type of smell 某种气味: scents of lavender and rosemary薰衣草和迷迭香的气味.V. discover (sth) by

14、the sense of smell 嗅出(某物)的存在; 闻到(某物): The dog scented a rat. 那狗嗅出有老鼠的气味. (fig 比喻) begin to suspect the presence or existence of (sth) 怀疑有(某事物);觉察出: scent a crime 察觉出有犯罪的事scent treachery, trouble怀疑有背叛行为麻烦事等. scold v/n.训斥,责骂/skuld/ v sb (for sth/doing sth) express anger, criticism, etc to a child; reb

15、uke sb 骂,责骂(尤指对儿童;叱责某人: If I walk in with muddy boots, Dad always scolds (me). 我的靴子上要是有泥, 一进屋爸爸就骂(我)Did you scold her for breaking it? 她把那件东西打破了, 你骂她了吗?scorn n./v.藐视,轻蔑/skn / n (for sth) strong contempt 鄙视; 轻蔑:be filled with scorn十分鄙视dismiss a suggestion with scorn对一建议不屑一顾He had nothing but scorn fo

16、r my ideas. 对於我的想法他嗤之以鼻.scramble v.爬行,攀爬;杂乱蔓延;碎片;片段;废料climb or crawl quickly, usu over rough ground or with difficulty; clamber 攀登; 爬: scramble up the embankment 爬上堤岸The girl scrambled over the wall. 那个女孩儿翻过了墙. The children scrambled out of the hollow tree. 孩子都从树洞里爬出来了.scrape v.擦;擦伤;刮去n.刮削;擦伤;擦痕 sth (down/out/off) make (a surface, etc) clean, level or s

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