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话题一 科普热点 第1节.docx

1、话题一 科普热点 第1节第一节原汁原创Test 1A Robot with a Sense of Humor机器人也有“幽默细胞”,不仅会讲笑话,还能判断自己的笑话有没有“笑果”。 Wanna hear a joke?This nifty little robots got a fewand it can tell if youre interested.Recently the Japanese company Hitachi has invented a robot that has its own sense of humor and the ability to understand

2、when someone else doesnt share it.The redandwhite robot is known as EMIEW2.It stands at 80 centimetersno taller than a small childand is equipped with a pair of roller skates that allow it to quickly move around.The robot is programmed to recognize key words in a sentence,such as “how many”,in order

3、 to understand what sort of question its being asked.The little robot is further programmed to understand a wide range of human responses,such as shrugs or nods.It has the ability to carry on a short conversation with a humanwithout being given a script and it allows the robot to work out whether or

4、 not the person its talking to understands its joke.For example,the robot is asked how many people work at the Hitachi lab,and it answers,“We have two swans.” When its human conversation partner appears puzzled,the robot says,“You got it?Im kidding.We have about 800 people working here.” “Maybe EMIE

5、W2s sense of humor needs a lot of work,” said Hitachis Hisashi Ikeda,“its ability to understand human reactions was an important step forward.”“The new technology makes it possible for a robot to understand what a human means,even if they gesture,” he said.EMIEW2 is short for Excellent Mobility and

6、Interactive Existence as a Workmate.Hitachi hopes to have EMIEW2 provide company to people,serving as a housepet or even a receptionist or caregiver.http:/Notes:1nifty nIftI adj.俏皮的;漂亮的2Hitachi日立,日本一家全球最大的综合跨国集团3response rIspns n反应4shrug r n& v耸肩5script skrIpt n剧本6Excellent Mobility and Interactive

7、Existence as a Workmate具有卓越的灵活性和交互性的工作伴侣7receptionist rIsepnIst n接待员Have a Try:1How does the robot move around?ABy a pair of roller skates.BBy its two legs.CBy human beings.DBy electricity.答案A解析细节理解题。根据第三段中的“.is equipped with a pair of roller skates that allow it to quickly move around.”可知该机器人使用脚底的滑

8、轮装置进行活动。故选A。2The robot can do the following things EXCEPT .Ahaving a talk with humansBmaking gesturesCtelling jokesDrecognizing whether you understand its jokes答案B解析细节理解题。根据第四段我们知道,机器人EMIEW2不仅能和人类交流,也可以讲笑话,而且还能判断自己的笑话是不是“太冷”,但没有说它自己能做手势,而是说它能理解大量的人类反应,如耸肩和点头。故选B。3We know from the reading that .Athe

9、robot determines if youve got the “joke” it has just told by asking you questionsBthe robot tells perfect jokesCthe robot can answer whatever questions you askDthe robot will be a perfect house or office helper in the future答案D解析推理判断题。根据第四段可知,机器人判断人类是否理解了它的笑话是看他们的反应,而不是问他们问题,排除A;根据倒数第二段可知,虽然目前机器人的幽默

10、感还不是很完美,但它已经具备理解人类反应的能力,故排除B;根据第三段可知,该机器人会从句子中选取关键字比如说“多少”等来尽力弄清问题的意思,所以对于人类提出的任何问题是不可能都能回答的,排除C;根据文章最后一段可知,它的最终目的是以某种形式提供陪伴,可能作为宠物,或者甚至作为接待员,所以正确答案为D。Test 2Family Meals随着我们长大,和家人围在一起吃饭的时间越来越少。殊不知,餐桌之上,跟所爱的人交流想法、分享趣闻是一种幸福。更有研究表明,跟家人一起进餐有助于身体健康。Teenagers who turn off the TV and sit down to family mea

11、ls are less likely to have eating disorders,take drugs,drink or struggle at school.A study has connected eating together with lower rates of bulimia and anorexia.Kids who are used to eating round the table are less likely to take up smoking to lose weight.Besides,they are more likely to have meals o

12、n time.Researcher Barbara Fiese said,“In many peoples opinion,teenagers dont want to be around their parents very much.Besides this,they are too busy with their studies and spend more time with their friends.”The study shows happy families have teenagers who eat with their parents often.These teens

13、have less bad diet or dangerous eating habits.“For most parents,it is difficult to get their families together around the table seven days a week.But if they can have three family meals a week,it will be good for their childrens health,” she added.Professor Fiese has found that teens who eat at leas

14、t five meals a week with their families are 35 percent less likely to be “disordered eaters”Even three family meals a week helped,with youngsters 12 percent less likely to be overweight than those who ate with their families less often.They were also 24 percent more likely to eat healthy foods and h

15、ave healthy eating habits than those who didnt share three meals with their families.Teens can also use family meals as a time to get their thoughts across.Professor Fiese said,“Family meals give them a place where they can go regularly to check in with their parents and express themselves freely.”h

16、ttp:/ disorders饮食失调症2bulimia bulImI n暴食症3anorexia nreksI n厌食症Have a Try:1Which of the following is NOT a reason why children dont eat with their parents?AThey dont want to be with their parents too often.BThey spend a lot of time wit

17、h friends.CThey think their parents are too strict.DThey are too busy with their studies.答案C解析细节理解题。根据第三段可知,孩子们不愿意和父母一起吃饭的原因是:他们不想太多地和父母在一起;他们学习很忙;他们花了更多的时间和朋友在一起。故选C。2What can we learn from the passage?AIt is hard for family members to sit together for meals often.BIt is good for family members to

18、watch TV while having meals.CParents will have meals on time if they eat with their children.DTeenagers who have meals with their parents are cleverer.答案A解析推理判断题。由于种种原因(见上一小题的解析),经常与家人一起吃饭不容易做到。故选A。3In the article,the author intends to tell us .Aeating together as a family creates better eating habi

19、ts later in lifeBthe more often teenagers have meals with their parents,the less likely they behave badlyCeating with parents is importantDthe more often teenagers eat with their families,the healthier they are答案D解析写作意图题。作者在文中主要告诉我们:和父母一起吃饭的青少年更健康。故选D。Test 3I Listen to Color试想,没有“奼紫嫣红”、“五彩缤纷”,甚至是“蓝天

20、白云”的世界会是什么样子?色彩不再是双眼的专利,一只神奇的眼睛,会让你用双耳“聆听”这些绚丽多彩的颜色!I come from a place where the sky is always grey,where flowers are always grey,and where television is still in black and white.I actually come from a world where color doesnt exist.I was born with achromatopsia.I was born completely colorblind.So

21、Ive never seen color,and dont know what it looks like.But since the age of 21,I can hear color thanks to a magic electronic eye called “eyeborg”:a color sensor between my eyes connected to a chip installed at the back of my head that transforms color frequencies into sound frequencies that I hear th

22、rough my bone.Ive had the electronic eye permanently attached to my head and Ive been listening to colors nonstop since 2004.So I find it completely normal now to hear colors all the time.Since I started to hear color,my life has changed dramatically.Art galleries have become concert halls.I can hea

23、r a Picasso.And supermarkets have become like night clubs.I love how they sound.My sense of beauty has changed.Someone might look very beautiful but sound terrible,and someone might sound very harmonious but look awful.So I find it really exciting to create sound portraits of people.Instead of drawi

24、ng the shape of someones face I write down the different notes I hear when I look at them,and then I send them an mp3 of their face.Each face sounds different.I can even give face concerts now,concerts where I play the audiences faces.The good thing about doing this is that if the concert doesnt sou

25、nd good,its their fault.I also found out that things I thought were colorless are not colorless at all.Cities are not grey.Lisbon is yellow turquoise;London is very golden red.and humans are not black and white.Human skins range from light shades of orange to very dark shades of orange.We are all or

26、ange.If we extend our senses,we will consequently extend our knowledge.http:/Notes:1permanently p:mnntlI adv.永久地2turquoise t:kwIz adj.蓝绿色的;宝石绿的Sentence:If we extend our senses,we will consequently extend our knowledge.延伸感官,获得知识。About the Author:Neil Harbisso:尼尔哈比森,西班牙艺术家,音乐家,但上天跟这位热爱艺术的青年开了一个小小玩笑,他天

27、生色盲,对他来说,黑灰白,是所有对颜色的形容词。从2004年开始佩戴一种电子装置eyeborg,这个装置能识别颜色的频率并且转化成声音。颜色变成了声音,周围的声音也有了色彩!这只神奇的眼睛让尼尔的生活完全改变!科技正在打破人类的某些壁垒,重塑我们的生活!Have a Try:1The underlined word “achromatopsia” in the 2nd paragraph probably refers to “ ”Aa disease that allows one to see only black or whiteBa disease that stops one see

28、ing anythingChearing disorderDa rare condition that makes one love colors答案A解析词义猜测题。根据划线词后面的两句“I was born completely colorblind.So Ive never seen color,and dont know what it looks like.”可推测,作者天生就有“色盲”病。故选A。2What does the author mean by saying “Art galleries have become concert halls.”?AArt galleries

29、 are filled with noisy people.BThe colorful world of the art galleries has been changed into a world filled with sounds through the magic eyeborg.CWorks at the art galleries are created by great artists.DBy hearing color,the author can see a colorful world.答案B解析句意理解题。根据文章对“神奇的眼睛”的介绍,我们知道,通过这支“神奇的眼睛”

30、,所有的颜色就可以变成声音,所以,充满了缤纷色彩的“美术馆”就变成了一个充满了交响曲合奏的“音乐厅”。所以选项B正确。3The following statements are all right EXCEPT .ANeil was born colorblind but now feels color through hearingBhe wears a device that produces sounds based on frequencies of colorsCNeil often holds face concertsDaccording to Neil,different fa

31、ces have different notes or sounds答案C解析细节理解题。通读全文我们知道:Artist Neil Harbisso从一出生起就是全色盲,但现在,他的大脑里安装了一个设备,可以将颜色转变成听得到的频率。虽然他看到的世界依然是灰暗的,但他能够“听”到由颜色组成的交响曲合奏,甚至能听到人们的脸和绘画。这些情况说明他可以开一个关于“人脸”的音乐会,但并没有真正开“人脸”音乐会,所以,选项C错误。Test 4Oasis in the Desert绿洲是浩瀚沙漠中的片片沃土,它就像是沙漠瀚海上美丽的珍珠,镶嵌在沙漠里,闪烁着神奇的色彩。那么绿洲是怎样形成的呢? An oasis is a fertile spot in the middle of a desert,an island of life in an ocean of temperature extr

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