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1、八年级下学期英语之宾语从句全八年级下学期英语之宾语从句宾语从句的结构:动词 +( sb)+从句(连词+主谓)宾语从句考点一:连接词that : lf/whether:Wh-:将下列句子改为含有宾语从句的复合句。Could you tell meMr. Brow n enjoyes living in Chi na2.No n ews is good n ews, he said.小技巧:一般是 say(said)接that,表示不确疋时如 ask,I don t know 等,则要按实际意义来选。选择填空2. In the bookshop,a readerasked theshopkeepe

2、rWhoMovedMy Cheese was anin teresti ngbook.A. thatB.howC. whatD. if3. A: Could you tell meshe is look ingforB: Her cous in, Susa n.A. that B. whoseC. whoD. which宾语从句考点二:从句语序(陈述句而非疑问语序)1. Idontknowthe day aftertomorrow.A.whe ndoes hecomeB. how he willcomeC.that he comesD.whetherwill he come2.I cantun

3、 dersta ndA. whatdoes Christmas mea nB. whatChristmasdoes mea nD. what Christmas mea nsC. what mean Christmas does3.Have you decided for AustraliaA. when will youleaveB.whe ndoyouleaveC. you will leavewhe nD.whe nyouwillleaveyou tell meA. where does TomliveB.whereTom livedC.Tom liveswhereD. where To

4、m livesold man asked methe cin ema特例:What wrong/ what s the matter 则不用改变语序。原句是一般现在时,改为一般过去时。原句是一般将来时 will,改为过去将来时 would o原句是现在进行时 am/is/are doing, 改为过去进行时 was/were doing.What are you doing She asked me.She asked me I原句是现在完成时 have done,改为过去完成时 had done.her homework yet.Mr. Zhao asked Ma Chao she原句是一般

5、过去时 did,改为过去完成时 had done.Did he do that She asked.She asked he that.特例:1.从句是客观真理,时态不变。He said .y.2.主句的动词不是过去时,时态不用变为过去时How many people can you see in the picture Who knowsWho knows in the pictureWhere did she park her car Do you knowDo you know her car注意:Could you tell me. 也是不用变过去时Homework:将下面的句子连接成

6、为含有宾语从句的复合句。1.These flowers are from Guangdong. He said.He said these flowers from Guan gdo ng.2.Light travels faster tha n sound. My teacher told me.My teacher told me light faster tha n sound.3.There will be a meeting in five days. Jack didn t know.Jack didn t know there a meeting in five days.4.C

7、an they speak French I want to know.I want to know Fren ch.5.Are the children playing games Tell me.Tell me the childre n games.6.Have you finished your homework yet Mr. Zhao asked Ma Gang.Mr. Zhao asked Ma Gang homework yet.7.How many people can you see in the picture Who knowsWho knows in the pict

8、ure8.Where did she park her car Do you knowDo you know her car9.What does he often talk about The girl wondered.The girl won dered ofte n about.10.Who knocked at the door so loudly I don t know.I don t know at the door so loudly.11.Does he still live in that street I dont know.I dont know he still i

9、n that street.12.Whats his name I asked him.I asked him what .13.When does the train arrive Please tell me.Please tell me .14.Do they want fried chicke n He asked the boys.He asked the boys they fried chicke n.15.Was the watch made in Shan ghai I dont know.I dont know the watch made in Shan ghai.、选择

10、填空。( )1. What did Mike say He said .A.if you are free the n ext week B. what colour was itC. the weather is fine D. summercomesafter spring( )2. Tom asked my frie nd .A.where was he from B. that the earth is bigger than the moonC. whe n did he come back D. not to be so angry( )3. Let me tell you .A.

11、how much is the car B. how much does the car costC. how much did I pay for the car D. how much I spe nt on the car( )4. Peter knew .A.whether he has fini shed read ing the bookB.why the boy had so many questio nsC.there were 12 mon ths in a yearD.whe n they will leave for Paris( )5. Could you tell m

12、e A.where do you live B. who you are wait ing forC. who were you wait ing for D. where you live in( )6. I cant un dersta nd the boy alone.A.why she left B. why did she leaveC. why she had left D. why had she left( )7. She told me the sun in the east.A. rise B. rose C. rises D. had rise n( )dont know

13、 up so early last Sun day.A. why did he get he gets does he get D. why he got( )9. The man ager came up to see A. what was the matter B. what the matter to do it D. what to do it( )12. Could you please teach me the computer.A. howcheck B. to check C. howto check D. to howchecking ( )dont kn

14、ow their pare nts are.( )14. Where do you thi nk he the TV setSorry, Ive no idea.A./, bought B. has, bought C. did, buy D. did bought( )15. Our homework has cha nged a lot. Who can tell itwould be like in five years.A. how, another B. what, more C. how,other D. what, another( )16. Could you tell me

15、Yes. He to the USA.A. where is he/ has bee n B. where he is/ has goneC.where was he/ has bee n D. where he was/ has gone( )17. Mike wants to know if a pic nic tomorrow.Yes. But if it , well visit the museuminstead.A. you have/ will rain B. you will have/ will rainC. you will have/ rains D. will you

16、have/ rains( )18. I really dont know if she it whe n she .A. fin ds/ arrives B. fin ds/ will arriveC. will find/ will arrive D. will find/ arrives( )Liu said she would leave the message on the headmaster ”s desk.A. that B. where C. which D. what( )20. He asked me .A.who will kick the first goal in t

17、he World CupB.when was the APEC meeting heldC.whe n China became a member of the WTOD.where the 2008 Olympics will be held( )21. In the bookshop , a reader asked the shopkeeper Who Moved My Cheese was an in teresti ng book.A. that B. how C. what D. if( )22. You must remember .B.A. what your teacher

18、saidC. your teacher said whatwhat did your teacher sayD. what has your teacher said)23. I don ” t knowA. which room I can live)26 Mary said that she to A. has n ever goneC.has n ever bee nwant to know whether they a PEclass today.B.has C. will have D. are)28. Can you tell me you were born, BettyA. w

19、ho B. what C. whe n D. that)dont know they have passed the exam.A. what B. if C. whe n D. wherethey liste ned to yesterday eve ning三、用合适的连接词填空。1. Jim told mehe did nt go fish ing yesterday after noon.(how,why)2. Do you knowelse is going to be on duty today(who, whom)3.She said it would nt matter muc

20、h. (that, if )4.He always thinks he can do better. (how, who)5.I really dont know the bridge will be finished. (howlong,how soon)6.They dont know to go or wait. (if, whether)7.Weare talking about we ll go back tomorrow. (whether, if)8.I was really surprised at I saw. (where, what)9.I dont know so ma

21、ny people are look ing at him. (how, why)10.Do you know you are study ing for (why, what)四、 句型转换。1.“ Do you want to try it ” Toms mother asked him.( 同义句)Toms mother asked him to try it.2.Lucy has nt decided which trousers to buy. (改为复合句) Lucy has nt decided buy.五、 用所给动词的正确形式填空。1.We are sure that he

22、(go) to school tomorrow.2.Do you know who (be) the first man to walk on the moon3.Could you tell me where the post office (is)4.Our father said that he (will) buy a new computer.5.I hear that he (swim) in the sea yesterday.6.The little boy tells us where his father (work).7.He said that he (fini sh)

23、 his work already.8.They thought they could (hike) to the top of the mountain.9.He was glad that so many people (help) him.10.She doesn t know whether (go) or wait.7.to参考答案:一、 ,were , travels , would be whether they canspeak whether, are play ing whether he had fini shed hishow many people you can see she parked he,talked kno cked whether, lives n ame was whether,wan ted whether, was二、 1 5: DDDBB 6 10:ACDBC 11 15:CCBAD 1620:BCDAC 21 25:DACCA 26 30:DCCBA三、 soon四、 whether he wan ted t thin k, is trousers she canget they五、 go 3. isfini shedgo111111

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