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1、高等教育自学考试综合英语2下高等教育自学考试综合英语(二)下册短语总结第二册not so muchas 不是而是what you lack is not so much the knowledge from work书本知识 as practice.What makes his parents worry is not his grades but that he hasnt interest in learning.Mr Grison has never thought that his secretary would sale his sales plan to his opponent.

2、对手suspect sb of sth/doing sth 怀疑某人Mr Grison has never suspected his secretary of saling his sales plan to his opponent.对手take trouble to do sth 费劲去做;专门去做 in order to exercise her fingers,that old woman takes trouble to wash the small sb/sth for 留心 the companys sales department is watch

3、ing the market to find the opportunity of displaying the new products.goad sb/sth into sth/doing sth 激起、激怒做 parents often try to goad their children into studying hard by using the teenager heroes 少年英雄in the considerate of sb 为着想 when we fix my apartment,we must be considerate of my neighbor

4、s.identify with sb /sth 和站在一起;理解、体谅be/get out of control 失去控制 because the fire is getting out of control,they have to ask for the fire brigade.消防队impose sth on sb/sth 把强加于The professor Du doesnt impose his idea on his students.Instead he encourages them to think suspicious of /about

5、 sb/sth 对某人或某物、某事起疑心come down to sth 可归结为This matter comes down to 归根结底是the road that we take during the course of modernization现代化identify with和保持一致 he feels that what he gets from work doesnt equal / identify with what he puts in.投入spare sb from sth 使某人免受spare sb sth /sb from sth 使某人免受(不愿意之事) in o

6、rder not to make/spare her feel/from embarrassed,we all say that nothing is sb+adj./prep.phrase to do sth. 迫使某人干 unemployment and the death of his daughter nearly drove him into hopeless situation.contrary to 违反,与相反 contrary to many of his friends prediction,预料jim chose the work of teach

7、ing. upside down 倒过来,颠倒 on the eve of the exhibition,henry stole into the hall and turned all the pictures over. /upsided down all the picture.throw light on sth 使明白,把理出头绪Cliff evensfile can throw light on his accomplishing the effect that 大意是 during the closing speech闭幕词,the chairman utt

8、ered a few words to effect that peoples social awareness 社会意识should be raised.dawn on/upon sb. (事物)变得令人明白 it dawned suddenly on her that she was not without hope.she should try far as sb. can see 据.看 so/as far as I can see,he is a person you can rely on and ask for help in hard times. ma

9、ke up for sth 补偿,弥补 the parents who work all day buy overmany toys to make up for the time that they could not stay with their children together. among others/other things 特别是,值得一提的是 in the late press conference,记者招待会the sporkesman of the ministry of Foreign Affairs talked about the Sino-Canadian 中加

10、relationship among other things.give sb /oneself away 暴露(自己的真实情况或身份);出卖what has/had become of sth./sb 后来怎样 what has become of that stepmother ?has she been punished?no more than / not any more than 与一样 professor Wang often says that 30years ago he knew no more about computers than a five years old c

11、hild does today.leave sb /sth for a while / little 把先搁下(不谈、不处置等)we should leave the details for a while and concertrate our energy 精力on discussing the principles.urge sb on 力劝、催促、怂恿(开始或继续做)encouraged by his parents,that young long distance race athlete decided to take a part in the international mar

12、athon马拉松 held in Beijing.wave sth away /aside 驳回(建议、主张、观点等)at the meeting the dean 系主任of the department waved the professor Gaos proposals away,and he said that there was larger thing to solve.on all fours 四肢伏、趴、跪在(地上等)it is said that crawling爬行 on the fours brings benefits for humans vai

13、n 徒劳地 Mr Blk tried everything in vain to coax套出 the useful infprmation about their sales plan from his opponents e upon /on /over sb (情绪、感情等)龚击,影响 when someone mentioned the traitors 叛徒name,a strong disgust厌恶感 came upon have /put sth right 纠正,使正常 whenever we found sth is wrong,we should put i

14、t right in time.for one thingfor another 一个原因是另一个是resist sth/doing sth 抵制(诱惑等);克制不做economics crimes are on the increase,for one thing, many companies bribe the important officials for obtaining contracts.for another, many people cannot resist the temptation.挡不住诱惑break off (sth) 脱落;使脱离;使中断 when she f

15、ound his boyfriend took drugs,she decided to break off with him.what had been /used to be 曾经是的那个expect sth from/of sb 相信、预料、希望某人会 the whole familyfather,mother,grandfather and grandmother all expect him of doing great things.Contray to expectation of his family,the young man returned his hometown af

16、ter his graduation from college.bring sth/sb with sb 把带在身边,随身携带 I am sorry that I havet brought cashes with me ,may I use credit card to pay the bill? what remains/remained of sth(经过灾难后)所剩下的部分raise /build/make,etc.sth. out of 以为原料或材料修建、制造 when the flood was over,the citizens decided to raise a new t

17、own out of the wreckage of the exchange for 以交换,以作为交换条件 what they are doing is to exchange territory for the standards of sth 按的标准 by the standards of the 21th century,by that time the learned people today will probably become ignorant. 无知side by side 肩并肩;一起;相互支持 in the past three ye

18、ars,the two departments kept working side by side against smuggling反走私.give way to sth 被取代,让位于 during the upper half of the19th 十九世纪上半叶century,the manual weaving machine gradually gave way to steam engine.near/close at hand 在附近,在近处is there a place where a road map is available near at hand we can bu

19、y the road map in our city?自己写的burst with 充满(强烈的感情)the first time when the children went to Disney world,they were bursting with the first to disney,children are burst with wonders.keep sth in mind 记住,牢记 during the years in foreign countries,he kept in mind his mothers parting word: 临别赠言

20、no matter wherever you are,your country is behind you.let sth down 辜负了的期望 the girls felt bad when they lost the ball,they thought that they let their school down.after the girls didnt won the match,they felt let their schools expectation down. tide sb over 帮助某人度过困难时刻 to make the company tide over,th

21、e family decide to sell parts of the famous pictures which they have kept for several order to tide the company over,the family decided to sale some pictures which they have valued for more than one century all the time.cut sth to the bone 压缩,大大减少 the factory decided to cut the non-prod

22、uction to the bone,and concentrate on developing the high-tech production.not care a thing about /care nothing about 一点也不感兴趣、注意、关心 Galilio ignored the comments by his colleagues 同事and continued his expeiment.G didnt care a thing about the discussion many ,kept on his experiment. hang on to 没有卖掉或送给人;

23、紧抓不放all the way 一路上,自始至终;远道而the famous scentist from paris all the way to shanghai to look up /visit his respect teacher.deprive sb / sth of从剥夺(权利等);使不能做 the war deprived the people in that region of living quiet life.pack sth into 装入;挤入adjust sth (to) 按调整the new teachers way of life dosent adjust t

24、o the plain life that mountain village.A successful enterprise should adjust its production to the need of markets at all times.随时go with / together 并存,伴随着 calculator and mental arithmetic 心算go together.content oneself with满意于,满足于 kazs family should content themselves with the hovel ,because by the

25、standards of Hiroshima after the bomb,it was a mansion for one: as one example举个例子说;作为几个例子中的一个 in our times someone still suspects the high-tech production,professor mei for one refuses to use a computer.born of 出身于;源于 his sympathy for the Jews is born of the love for justice and hatred 憎恨for the fa

26、scism.法西斯be witness to sth 目睹;能证实 the Tianan men square in Beijing is witness to some historic 历史意义的events in the chinas modern history.force sb into sth /doing sth 强迫某人做fit into / in with 适应环境the new teachers way of life dosent fit into the plain life that mountain about sb /sth 关心,关注b

27、e concerned about 关心,挂念conform to /with sth 与某事一致,吻合be involved in sth 与有关系,有牵挂that scandal 丑闻he was involved in before detracts from his glorious achievementdetract from sth 使逊色that scandal he was involved in before detracts from his glorious achievementshare in sth 分享;分担 anyone who is concerned ab

28、out the future of his celestial 星球body should share in the responsibility of protecting the environment.feel like doing 想要作某事,有的意向 after that happened,nobody of them felt like sleeping.with strings attached 带有附加条件we would never to accept the foreign aid with political strings e to terms with sth 学会面

29、对困境;接受不好的现实;达成协议;和解having been the chairman in that committee for 20 years,he cant come to terms with the retirement.settle for (无可奈何地)接受,将就 having five people to support,that unemployed senior engineer settled for working in a gas station.identify with sb 感到能理解某人,与有同感 I think friends should identif

30、y with mutual thoughts,feelings and problemssum (sth) up总结,小结professor Yang sums up his forty years teaching experience with one sentence:A good teacher should try his best to become a unneeded person for the students.get /be under way 在进行中,在发生;开始 when/once the project is under way,it can provide mo

31、re than 1,000 post/positions.assist sb in /with sth 给某人作的助手 there are many /quite a number of young and promising scientists assist professor li in this research e into use 开始使用go out of use 停止使用 altough /even if digital cameras come into wide use,traditional cameras will not go out of use.have access to 有机会得到,使用 do you think the patients should have access to their medical e /spring to mind 想到search for 搜寻;寻找;寻求 the policeman serached everywhere for the five-year-old boy who had l

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