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没有学不好的英语 3.docx

1、没有学不好的英语 3The Midnight Shift值大夜班After the restaurant and amusement park disasters, I was hoping to find something a bit more stable. One of my online buddies, Robert, said they were hiring a clerk at the supermarket near his house. I went in and had a meet-and-greet with the manager, and they hired

2、me. The only problem is that I have to work the graveyard shift from midnight to eight in the morning.经过了餐厅和游乐园彻底的失败后,我希望找个比较稳定的工作。罗伯特是我在网络认识的一位好友,他说他家附近的超市正在招募店员。我到店里和经理会晤后被录取了。但问题来了,我得上大夜班,从午夜12点到早上8点。学多一点点disaster n. 彻底的失败灾难a natural disaster天灾例:The natural disaster caused great damage to the cou

3、ntry.(这场天灾对该国造成极大的损失。)stable a. 稳定的unstable a. 不稳定的例:Sam has had a stable income for several years.(山姆这几年来收入稳定。)buddy n. 好朋友死党口语用法,同a close friend。例:Nick and I have been buddies since we were in elementary school.(尼克和我从小学开始就是死党。)hire vt.雇用(employ vt.)Out with a Bang轰轰烈烈地走人 As soon as I got used to b

4、eing a waiter, I was fired. I was carrying a tray with plates and glasses on it and got bumped. Everything fell onto a customers table, and the manager fired me right on the spot. Well, at least I went out with a bang. I got another job, but Im a little hesitant. Its only part-time work at an amusem

5、ent park, and I think I might have to wear one of those furry costumes.我才刚适应服务生的工作就被炒鱿鱼了。我手上端着有盘子和玻璃杯的托盘时被撞到了。所有的东西全都掉到一位顾客的桌上,经理当场就要我回家吃自己。嗯,至少我是“轰轰烈烈”的离开。我找到另一个工作,不过有些迟疑。那只是在游乐园打工,而且我想我可能还得穿上毛茸茸的道具服。学多一点点tray n. 托盘on the spot 立刻,当场be caught on the spot 当场被逮例:Denise applied for a job at the restaur

6、ant and was hired on the spot.(丹尼斯去餐厅应征工作,当场就被录用了。)例:The shoplifter was caught on the spot.(那名商店扒手当场被逮个正着。)hesitant a. 迟疑的,踌躇的hesitate vi. 迟疑,犹豫hesitate to V 做犹豫不决例:Eric was hesitant to call Jane for a date because she used to go out with his friend.(艾瑞克犹豫是否该打电话约阿珍,因她曾经被他的朋友约会过。)Tips and More小费多多I t

7、hink Im finally getting the hang of the job. Today was my best day ever for two reasons. First off, I got a really big tip from a group of seven people. Usually I just get the 10 percent service charge, but they were so satisfied with my service that they left me another 40 percent. That wasnt even

8、the best part. One of my regular customers started flirting with me like crazy.我想我对这份工作终于上手了。今天可说是最棒的一天,原因有两个。第一,我从一群7个人的手中拿到一笔可观的小费。通常我拿到百分之十的服务费,但他们非常满意我的服务,所以另外留给我百分之四十的小费。这还不是最棒的。有个常客还开始拼命跟我打情骂俏。学多一点点tip n. 小费;秘诀 & vt. 给小费give sb a tip of + 金钱 + for 给某人若干金钱以酬谢= tip sb + 金钱 + for例:Monica gave the

9、 waitress a tip of RM30 for her excellent service.= Monica tipped the waitress RM30 for her excellent service.(莫妮卡给这名女服务生30令吉小费以酬谢她优质的服务。)First off, S + V 首先,= First of all, S + V例:There are many people I would like to thank. First off, I want to mention my husband, Eric.(我要感谢的人很多。首先,我想谢谢我的老公艾瑞克。)fl

10、irt vi. 调情,打情骂俏例:I cant believe you were flirting with Matt. He is Susans boyfriend.(我真不敢相信妳刚刚跟麦特打情骂俏。他可是苏珊的男朋友。A Forgetful First Day健忘症上演 I used to think I was cool as a cucumber, but Ive realized that Im a total screw-up. I thought waiting tables would be a piece of cake, but in reality, its not a

11、s simple as I imagined. I forgot peoples orders, and two or three times, I had to give the customers free food because they waited so long for their order. The restaurant said they are going to take that money out of my paycheck.我以前都觉得自己临危不乱,但我现在才了解自己真是个笨手笨脚的人。我以为招呼顾客会是再简单不过的事,但事实上却不如我想象中的简单。我忘记顾客点的

12、餐,还有两三次,我得因为顾客等餐等太久而免费招待食物。餐厅说他们会从我的薪水里扣除这些费用。学多一点点forgetful a. 健忘的例:Jim is a forgetful person. He often leaves his wallet and keys at home when hes out.(吉姆是个健忘的人。他出门时常把皮夹和钥匙忘在家里。)unforgettable a. 难忘的total a. 完全的,十足的例:This party is a total failure. Neither the food nor the music is satisfying.(这场派对真

13、是糟透了。食物和音乐没一样令人满意。)screw-up n. 弄糟事情的人;笨手笨脚的人screw up/screwup 搞砸in reality 实际上in theory 理论上例:Kellys idea sounds good in theory, but I doubt if it can be done in reality.(凯莉的点子理论上听起来很不错,但我怀疑实际上是否可行。)Waiting Tables?服务生初体验? I was searching through the want ads recently, and I found a job that could be r

14、ight up my alley. It was for a waiter at a fancy restaurant. Ive never waited tables, but Im a quick learner. I aced the interview, and Ill start work tomorrow. Im excited that Ill have some income, but Im nervous because I dont want to mess up peoples orders.我最近都在征人广告上找工作,结果我找到一个可能会适合我的差事,那就是在一家高级餐

15、厅当服务生,我从来没端过盘子,但我学得很快。我顺利通过了面试,明天我就要开始上工了。我很兴奋会有收入,但我还满紧张的,因为我不想搞砸别人点的菜。学多一点点wait tables(在餐馆)端盘子服务顾客例:Nicholas worked his way through college by waiting tables.(尼可拉斯靠在餐厅端盘子念完大学。)wait on sb服侍(某人)进餐例:Amy has waited on all kinds of customers, and the worst ones were the ones that didnt tip.(艾咪服侍过各种客人,而

16、最糟的就是那些不给小费的客人。)search vi. & vt. 搜寻search for搜寻例:Mike searched every possible place for his car keys.(麦克在每个可能的地方找他的车钥匙。)ad n. 广告ad 为 advertisement 的缩写want ads征人广告place/put an ad刊登广告例:My company will place an ad in the newspaper for a secretary next week.(我的公司下周将在报上刊征聘秘书广告。)Down-and-Out穷困潦倒的日子 Itt be

17、en a couple of weeks, and I still dont have any leads on jobs. Right now, Id give my right arm to have some income coming in. My rent is due, and Id hungry. I havent been so down-and-out in a long time. I guess I should take a part-time job just to pay my bills.几个星期过去了,我的工作还是没着落。现在我愿意不惜任何代价好让自己有收入进来

18、。我的房租到期了,而且又饿着肚子。我已经很久没这么落魄了。我想我该去找个兼职工作好支付我的账单。学多一点点be down-and-out 穷困潦倒的,落魄的例:Jack has been down-and-out since he went bankrupt last year.(杰克自从去年破产后,就变得穷困潦倒。)lead n.线索(可数,常用复数)例:Mandy is very depressed because she still doesnt have any leads on her missing dog.(曼蒂非常沮丧,因为她走失的狗狗现在一点下落都没有。)income n.收

19、入a high/low income 高收入低收入= a large/small income例:People with high incomes usually have to pay more taxes.(高收入的人通常都得多缴税。)due a.到期的例:I need to cash this check later because my rent is due today.(我等一下得去兑换这张支票,因为我的租金今天到期。)pay ones bills 付某人的账单The First Interview面试第一回合 Ive sent out about 25 emails over t

20、he past week and finally got my first interview. When I went down to the office, I screwed it up big time. First of all, I was a half hour late because I didnt know the exact directions. Then, when I got there, I was all sweaty because I had been looking for the office so long. Finally, the intervie

21、wer and I just didnt click. I guess I will have to try my luck elsewhere.过去一周我寄出约25封电子邮件,最后终于获得首次面试机会。我到对方公司时彻底把它搞砸了。首先,我迟到半小时,因为我不知道确实位置。接着当我总算到哪后,却因找办公室找了老半天而满身汗。最后,我和面试官似乎不对盘,看来我得到别处碰运气啰。学多一点点interview n. 面试,面谈interviewer n. 进行面试的人例: Nick made a good impression on the interviewer during the inter

22、view.(尼克在面试时给面试官留下好印象。)screwup/screw up 把搞糟弄糟= messup/mess up例: The boss warned Becker that if he screws up the project, he can say goodbye to his promotion.(老板警告贝克如果他搞砸这个项目的话,就得跟升迁说拜拜了。)big time 十分,极度(作副词用)= to an extreme degree例: Benny lent me some money to tide me over until I get paid, so I owed

23、 him big time.(班尼在我发薪水前借给我一些钱让我度过难关,所以我欠他一份大人情。)Forget about It算了吧 I spent two or three hours at the Department of Labor today, and it was in vain. The woman I talked to told me my boss was free to do whatever he wanted. After all, it was his company, and I failed the review. She advised me that it

24、should be out of the question for me to win a case against him. Eventually, I gave up and headed home. Now, Im going to polish up my resume and find a new job.我今天在劳工局花了2、3个小时,却徒劳无功。和我说话的那位女士告诉我说,我老板想怎么做就怎么做。毕竟,那是他的公司,而且我的考核没过。她劝告我说,我告老板的官司应该不可能会赢。最后我放弃了,便打道回府。现在我要润饰我的履历找新工作了。学多一点点be free to V 随意任意(做

25、)例:You are free to order anything you want. Its on me.(你可以随意点任何你想吃的东西,我请客。)After all, S+V 毕竟终究,?例:Dont expect too much of Billy. After all, he is only a child.(别对比利期望太大。毕竟,他还只是个孩子。)advise vt. 劝告,建议例:I advised that John (should) save money for a rainy day.(我建议约翰应该要存钱以备不时之需。)be out of the question 不可能

26、例:Tom:Can I borrow the car, Dad?(汤姆:我能借用你的车子吗,老爸?)Dad:No. Its out of the question.(老爸:不行。门儿都没有。)Hopping Mad气到跳脚 I wasnt so upset when I left work, but by the time I got home, I was hopping mad. The more I thought about it, the more stark raving mad I became. My boss had always treated me poorly, but

27、 I felt disrespected by his lame excuse. I believe he fired me for no reason, and Im going to the Department of Labor to file a complaint.我离职时并没有很生气,但回到家后我却气到跳脚。我越想越火大。我老板对我总是很糟,但他的烂理由却让我觉得很不受尊重。我认为他没来由的就开除我,我要去劳工局申诉才是。学多一点点The + 比较级形容词副词 the + 比较级形容词副词愈,就愈例:The harder you work, the more progress yo

28、ull make.(你愈努力,就会进步愈多。)例:The louder the music was, the more excited the audience became.(音乐愈大声,观众就愈兴奋。)lame a.跛脚的;无说服力的a lame excuse一个薄弱没说服力的借口例:Im sick of your lame excuses. You are simply lying.(我对你薄弱的借口感到厌恶,你只不过是在说谎。)The Axe回家吃自己 As soon as I walked into my bosss office, I could tell that I was g

29、oing to get the axe. The tension in the air was so thick that I felt like I could cut it with a knife. He sat me down and said that I failed an internal review, but he wouldnt show me the results. I was pissed off, but I didnt make a scene like Sam.一走进老板的办公室,我看得出我就要被炒鱿鱼了。空气里的紧张气氛,沉重到我觉得可以用刀子把它切开。他让我

30、坐下,然后说我没通过内部审查,但是他不肯让我看结果。我气炸了,可是我没像山姆那样丢人现眼。学多一点点tension n.紧绷;紧张例:There was a lot of tension between the two countries after the terrorist attack.(恐怖攻击行动发生后,两国关系很紧张。)例:Massage helps relieve tension in the shoulders and back.(按摩有助减轻肩膀和背部肌肉紧绷。)sit sb down使某人坐下seat sb安排某人坐下Sweating Bullets忧心忡忡 While I

31、 was enjoying a coffee this afternoon, I watched our boss talk to Sam. All of a sudden, Sam burst into tears and then rushed out of his office. It was quite embarrassing because he slammed the door and then went over to his desk and started packing up his belongings. Everyone in the office was stunned, and I was sweating bullets because I knew I was next.今天下午正当我在喝咖啡时,我看到我们老板在跟山姆讲话。突然间,山姆哭了起来并冲出他的办公室。他甩上门后便走到他的办公桌开始收拾个人物品,场面简直尴尬极了。办公室里所有人都看傻了,而我也开始坐立难安了起来,因为我知道下一个就是我。学多一点点all of a sudden 突然地suddenly adv.例:It started raining heavily all of a sudden,

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