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1、常用服务英语常用服务英语 一、招呼声1、欢迎光临广百百货公司!Welcome to Grandbuy Department Store !2、早上好,先生。我能为您效劳吗?Good morning, sir. May I help you?3、下午好,女士。我能为您做些什么吗?Good afternoon, madam. What can I do for you?4、先生,您要什么?What would you like, sir ? / What can I show you, sir ?5、请慢慢选购。Take your time, please. A: Good morning. We

2、lcome to Grandbuy Department Store. Can I help you? 早上好。欢迎光临广百百货。我可以帮您吗?B: Yes, I would like to buy some shirts.是的,我想买一些衬衣。A: Ok, please follow me, Ill show you the way.好的,请跟我来,我带你去。B: Thank you.谢谢你。A: Good morning. Welcome to Grandbuy Department Store. Can I help you? 早上好。欢迎光临广百百货。我可以帮您吗?B: Yes, I

3、would like to buy some shirts.是的,我想买一些衬衣。A: Ok, please follow me, Ill show you the way.好的,请跟我来,我带你去。B: Thank you.谢谢你。 二、听不懂时的应付之道6、请再说一遍,好吗? Pardon ? / Would you mind repeating your question, please ?7、请您说慢一点,好吗? Would you please speak more slowly?8、请您说慢一点。 A little more slowly, please. 9、抱歉,请问您说的pi

4、nk 什么意思? Excuse me, what do you mean by “ pink”?10、对不起,我不懂您的意思。Im sorry. I didnt understand you.11、对不起,我没听懂你的话。Im sorry, I couldnt get what you said/your mean. 12、恐怕我没办法用英语解释。I am afraid I cant explain it in English. 三、表示歉意13、请稍等。Wait a minute, please.14、您介意等一会吗?Would you mind waiting for a second?1

5、5、非常抱歉让您久等了。I am sorry to have kept you waiting.16、非常抱歉延迟了。Sorry for the delay.17、请您别在这里吸烟好吗?Would you please refrain from smoking here?18、很抱歉不能为您效劳。We are sorry we couldnt help you. 四、指引顾客19、我带您去,请这边走。Let me take you there. This way, please. / Let me show you the way.20、直走,然后向右/左拐。Go straight,then

6、turn right/left.21、在二/三/四楼。It is on the second/third/fourth floor.22、在楼上(下)有通道。There is a passageway upstairs(downstairs).23、在扶梯前方。Its in front of the elevator.24、一直走到尽头。Keep going until you go to the end.25、请跟我走。Follow me, please.A: Would you please tell me where the lift is?你可以告诉我电梯在哪里吗?B: Yes, it

7、s on the other side of this floor. On your right.是的,它在楼层的另一边,在您的右手边。A Thank you very much.非常感谢。B: Youre welcome.不客气。 五、展示商品及推荐购买26、您喜欢哪一种样式?Which type/one do you prefer?27、您觉得这个怎么样?What do you think of this one?28、您想看看吗?Would you like to have a look?29、您想试穿一下吗?Would you like to try it on?30、我认为这个最适合

8、您。I think it suits you best.31、它十分适合您。It looks good on you.32、这是最新款式。Its the latest design.33、它在我们这儿很流行。Its very popular here.34、让我告诉您怎样使用。Let me show you how to use it. 35、给您。Here you are.36、很抱歉,货已经售完。I am sorry, it is out of stock.37、很抱歉,我们没有您的尺寸。I am sorry, we dont have your size.38、请问您有其他需要吗?Wou

9、ld you like something else? 六、议价、提供折扣和优惠39、本店货无二价。Im sorry, we hold the one-price policy here.40、我们正在大减价,我可以给你打六折。We are on sale now,we can offer you 40% discount.41、这是特价。Its a special price.42、谢谢您,但我们不收小费。Its very kind of you, but we cant take tips. 七、收付款43、请到收款台付款。Pay at the cashiers, please.44、我该

10、付多少钱?How much should I pay?45、我还差您多少钱?How much do I owe you?46、总共是500元。The total is five hundred RMB Yuan.47、我能用支票、信用卡、现金付账吗?Can I pay by credit card/in cash?48、这是找回的钱,请点以下。Its your change, please double check it.49、请在这里签名。Please sign your name here. 50、请您再签一次名好吗?Would you please sign your name agai

11、n?51、POS机故障,不能刷卡。I am sorry, the pos machine was broken-down, you cant use your credit card now.52、你的卡不能使用,有没有其他卡?Sorry, we dont accept credit card of this kind, do you have others?53、银行拒付,请与银行联系。Your credit card is denied, please contact the issue bank.54、我去打授权。Call Authorization for approval codes

12、.55、请出示您的身份证/护照/会员卡/贵宾卡,好吗?Please show me your I.D. card / passport / membership card / V.I.P card .56、这是您的收据,先生。Heres your receipt, sir.57、请保留好收据以备退换货品之用。Please keep the receipt for refund or exchange.58、抱歉,我们不收美元。Im sorry, we dont accept dollars. A: Good afternoon, madam. The total is 457 yuan.下午好

13、。总数是457元。B: Here is the money.给您。A: Thank you. Just a moment, hundred, two hundred, three hundred, four hundred, five hundred,Heres your change of 43 yuan, and your receipt. Please double-check it.谢谢。稍等一下一百,二百,三百,四百,五百这是找您的钱,43元,请点一下。B: Thank you very much.谢谢您。A: Yourre welcome. Please co

14、me again.不用客气。欢迎再次光临。 八、售后服务59、有什么问题吗?Whats the matter?60、请问您是什么时候在我们商场买这个商品的?When did you buy it from our department store?61、这个商品出售后7天内可以退款。Its refundable within 7 days of purchase.62、请您一定要按说明书来操作。You must operate it according to the manual.63、这款电视机有3年保修期。This type of TV set has a three-years guarantee.64、请小心拿好。Please handle them with care. 九、表示感谢65、非常感谢。Thank you very (so) much.66、非常荣幸,先生/女士。My pleasure,sir/madam.67、很高兴能为您效劳。Glad to have been of help.68、不必客气。Dont mention it. 69、多谢光临。Thank you for coming.70、再见,欢迎再度光临。Goodbye. Pl

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