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Unit 1 My name is Gina.docx

1、Unit 1 My name is GinaUnit1 My names Gina.The First PeriodTeaching aims(教学目标)1学会问候他人2学会如何做自我介绍, 认识新朋友,并正确称呼他们的英文名字3从对话中学会获取更多他人的基本信息5初步学会使用部分形容词性物主代词Language points(语言点)1要求掌握以下句式:(1) Whats your name? My name is(2) Hello! Im Mary. Hi, Mary! Im Jim. Nice to meet you.(3)whats what is Im I am names name

2、 is2要求掌握以下词汇:(1)生词:name, clock, am, nice, meet, what, hello(2)人称代词和形容词性物主代词:I, you, my, your, his, her(上述数词和部分形容词性物主代词本应在第二和第三课时中出现,但可以在第一课时中非正式出现,给学生初步的印象,为后面的学习作铺垫。)Difficulties(难点):本课难点是大量的人名和形容词性物主代词,而学生在描述时容易混淆男名和女名,在运用代词时容易错用人称代词和物主代词Teaching steps(教学步骤)1. Warming-up and revision(课堂热身和复习) (1)

3、Play the tape, enjoy the ABC song or Hello song, get the Ss to sing together.(2)Warm greetings to the students.T: Hello! / Hi!S: Hello! / Hi!T: You are very beautiful/cool/S: Thank you.2. Presentation(呈现新知识)(1)T: Hello! My name is Lily. Whats your name? S: (引导学生回答) My name is Tom. T: Its a good / ni

4、ce name. I like your name. (2)T: Hi! Im Lily. / My names Lily.S: (引导学生回答)Hi! Lily. Im Alan.T: Nice to meet you! S: Nice to meet you! (3)Practice the expressions on the blackboard. Tell the Ss topay attention to: whatswhat is ImI am namesname is3. Play a game. (show the Ss a bag with fruits and two b

5、oxes full of English names)T: Look here. I have a lot of gifts for you. Come here and touch. Try to say them in English, Ill give you the gift and let you choose an English name first.S: Yeah. S1:(获得英文名后) My names/ ImS(全班): Nice to meet you!S1: Nice to meet you!4. Work on 1a(完成P11a)T: Now look at th

6、e pictures7 on P1. Listen and Read. Try to say and write English words for the things in the picture See how many words you know.T: Look here. Whats this? Who knows? (Reward the student if she / he knows the word,write some new words on the blackboard to teach the Ss, such as clock)5Work on 1b(完成P11

7、b)T: Now lets listen to the tape, find out the right conversation,and number them (Point out the boxes where students will write a number for each conversation. Play the recording for the first time, Ss only listen. Then play a second time, Ss number the conversations.)Dialogue 1: A: Hello! Im Mary.

8、 B: Hi, Mary! Im Jim.Dialogue 2: A: Whats your name? B: Alan.Dialogue 3: A: My names Jenny. B: Im Gina. Nice to meet you!6Work on 1c(完成P11c)(1)Ask the Ss to practice the conversations in 1b with a partner.Then use their own names to practice instead of the names given.9(2)Encourage the Ss to leave t

9、heir seats, move around and greet other classmates.(3)Get some pairs to come to the front of the class and act out the dialogue after they have practiced several times.7Follow up(1)(Take out some photos of famous persons, such as athletes, film stars, singers and so on)T: Well, Id like to show you s

10、ome pictures you are interested in. Can you tell me what her / his name is?Whats his / her name?Her / His name is10 T: Great. / Wonderful. / Good. / Right. / Well done.(Write down their names on the blackboard to make the Ss read more easily and remember more English names.)(2)T: Im sure youll be fa

11、mous like them one day. So first you need to make a calling card.8HomeworkOral work:(1) Listen to 1b, read and recite it. (听读背诵1b中的对话)(2) Go on making up your dialogues with your group members and polish it. (继续和小组成员编对话。并完善对话。)Written work:(1) Copy the phrases in 1a twice. (2) Write English names as

12、 many as possible in the exercises book.教学反思: The Second PeriodTeaching aims(教学目标)1继续学习如何做自我介绍及问候他人。2学会从对话中获取对方的基本信息(询问他人姓名)。.Language points(语言点)1.要求掌握以下句式:Whats your/his/her name?My/His/Her name is 2要求掌握下列词汇:his, and, her, question, answer, look 3语法:了解缩略形式What is=Whats ,I am = Im等;初步了解代词my,your,hi

13、s,her的用法(此知识可在今后学习中进一步巩固)。Difficulties:(难点):代词my,your,his,her的用法Teaching steps(教学步骤)1. Warming- up and revision(课堂热身和复习)(1)Sing ABC song(2)Greeting (Say hello between the teacher and the Ss)(3) Review introductionT: Good morning. Im Diana. Whats your name?S: Im Xu Dong./My name is Nice to meet you.T

14、: Nice to meet you ,too.2. Presentation(呈现新知识)T: Boys and girls,lets play a guessing game, “Whats his/her name?” 3 OK? Show the students the famous persons, let them guess the names of these persons by using: His name /Her name is I think his/her name is Is he/she?3. Summary (short forms)My names _.

15、 Your names _.His names _. Her names _. 4Work on 2a(完成P22a)T: Now, look .at the pictures on P2, listen to the four conversations. Just listen.(Play the recording for the first time, students only listen.)Then, listen to the recording again, and number the pictures . Check the answers.5Work on 2b(完成P

16、22b)Listen again. Circle the names you hear. The first name is done for you. Play the recording. Students listen and circle the names they hear. Then check the answers.6Listen and repeat(听音跟读)T: Now lets listen to the tape and repeat. Please try to read like the tape.7Work on 2c(完成P22c 2d)T: Suppose

17、 you are new students in No. 1 Middle School. You are from different countries. You meet for the first time. Make up a dialogue in pairs.8. Work on 2c(完成P33a 2c)9.Grammar focus(老师用中文总结这两天所学的语法点)T:这两天学习了自我介绍、认识新朋友、问候的句型。 My name is Im Whats his/her name? Nice to meet you.回答Whats your/his/her name?的答语

18、用: My/His/Her name is.注意几种缩略的表达法Whats=What is Im=I am names=name is10. ExerciseWorkbook P1 Ex.1 Find these words. Circle the words.P2 Fill in the blanks in the conversations.11HomeworkOral work: (1) Listen to1a, read and recite it. (2) Read the sentences in Grammar Focus. (3) Go on making up your di

19、alogues with your partner and polish it.Written work: (1) Finish work book P1P2(2) Bring some photos to school.教学反思The Third Period Teaching aims(教学目标)1复习并熟练掌握数字0-9的英文表述。2掌握一些常用数字(如110,121,119,114,120等)的实际意义。3填写通讯录。Language points(语言点)1要求掌握以下句式:Whats your phone number? Its 2要求掌握以下词汇:zero, one, two,

20、three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nineDifficulties(难点):数字的中英文对应关系。Teaching steps(教学步骤)1. Warming-up and revision(课堂热身和复习)(1)Daily greetings to the students(日常问候)T: Good morning, everyone. My name is Peter. Whats your name, please? S1: My name is Lily. T: Hello, Lily. Nice to meet you.S1: Nice to

21、 meet you, too.T: And whats your name?S2: My name is(2)Revision(复习)Part one:T: S1, whats his name? S1: His name is T: S2, whats her name?S2: Her name is Part two:S1: Good morning. Whats your name, please? S2: My name is Jack. Whats your name, please?S1: My name is Susan. And whats your name, please?

22、S3: My name is Tony. S1: S4, what his name? (point to S2 ) S4: His name is 2. Presentation(呈现)T: Please tell me how to say it in English? (show the Ss the number cards, one by one)Ss: Its one.Ss: Its two.4PracticeT shows the Ss some numbers (car number, room number etc), asks them to read out. Eg:T:

23、 (show a car number) 浙A3M827Ss: Zhe-A-three-M-eight-two-seven.T: (Show a room number)1508Ss: Room one-five-o-eight.5. Work on 1b(完成P4-1b)(T asks the Ss how the number is divided up. Guide them to understand that three numbers come before the hyphen and four numbers after it)T: Now lets listen to the

24、 tape. T: (ask the Ss to write the phone numbers in the blank.)T: (check the answers:2-7-8-6-9-2-6) 6Work on 1c(完成P4- -1c)T: Now please work with your group (four students in one group) and ask each other questions about phone numbers.Eg: S1: Whats your telephone number, S2?S2: Its 356-9865.S1: 356-

25、9865. Thanks.7Work on 2a,2b(完成P41d,1b)T: Point to the numbered names. Read each one aloud along with the number that comes before it. Then say each number and ask a student to read the name after that number.Point to the blanks in the four telephone numbers. Tell the Ss that the last two numbers of

26、each telephone number are missing. Listen to the tape and then fill in these numbers.Play the tape then check the answers. (1.c 2.d 3.b 4.a)(278-7928, 555-8042, 398-6149, 929-3160)8Work on 2c(完成P41f)T: (Point out the address book headings “names” and “phone Numbers”.) Let the Ss ask other four stude

27、nts in the class these questions to complete the chart.( the four students who are asked should not be in his/her group)9Follow up(进一步扩展)Part oneT: Now its your turn to make up your own dialogues. Please work with your group (four students in one group) and ask each other questions about his/her fri

28、ends names and telephone numbers. Eg: A: Hi / Hey, Whats your friends name? B: His name is A: Whats his first name? B: A: Whats his given name? B: A: Whats his telephone number? B: His telephone number is Part two Introduce one classmate in the address book before class. 11HomeworkOral work:(1) List

29、en to Section B 2a, read and recite it. (2) Go on making up your dialogues with your partner and polish it.Written work:(1) Finish workbook P.3. (2) Bring some photos of your friends or your relatives telephone numbers, car numbers and get ready to introduce to the classmates.教学反思:The Fourth Period

30、Teaching aims(教学目标)1复习英文中姓与名的表达方式,熟练掌握英文中姓在后,名在前。2复习英文中数字的表达方式,会熟练制作ID card。Language points(语言点)1要求掌握以下句式:(1) Whats her telephone number ? Whats her family name ? Whats her first name ?(2)My name is Tina. Nice to meet you. Im Mary . Nice to meet you too.2要求掌握以下词汇:Unit 1 所有词汇,注意了解它们的词性。Difficulties(难点):中国人将姓放在前,名在后,英文中名在前,姓在后。名字的书写。 (教学步骤)1. Warming-up and revision(课堂热身和复习)(1)Daily greetings to the students(日常问候)T:Good morning, everyone.S:Good morning, Claire.T: How is the weather today? 1S: It is (nice / great / fine / good / beautiful / not bad / pretty good / fantastic/ bad / terrible / aw

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