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Lecture requirements125.docx

1、Lecture requirements125You should answer all questions in English. Encourage you to understand the knowledge and answer questions use your known words. Express your understanding in English.因为我们期中考试成绩不理想,因而2-10章仍然是考试内容,占40%的总分数。因为时间不够用,先将整理的单词和要求的第一部分(2-8,及9-10的单词部分)发给大家,明天发第二部分,准备听力10分,共选5段视频给大家听(t

2、otal is less than 10 minutes),配答案,今天发给大家两段及其答案,考试时还要写出中文翻译。要考的好,专业单词要过关,掌握基本知识后,应该参看以前中文课做些相关题目,我出的题目不难。用到的知识点全部是课堂上讲过的。大家一定要认真对待,否则有不及格危险。 期末成绩占60% (英文试卷),不对专业词汇做解释, 用英文回答,用中文回答正确也要扣20%分数,用英文回答意思正确就得分,有些语法错误不扣分。 题型:听力测试 (10分,从最后传给你们的5段听力中选一段,答案也将上传),选择题(10分,10题,每题1分,其中5分是课堂上做过的),填空(10分,考概念,公式等),单词

3、(10分,要求掌握元素1-38号的中英文名称及音标,价层电子构型),问答题 (15分,在复习范围内出现的问答题中选三道,答案已在复习范围内给出),计算题(45, 关于气体,热力学,平衡,氧化还原的题,用我们学到的知识,最好做一点以前相关的1年级的题,中文的即可) Lecture 2 1. What is pressure?2. Ideal gas law3. Conversion of units of pressure.4. How to pronounce mathematic expressions, equations etc?5. What is standard pressure?

4、6. Distribution of speed of molecules. It is called the Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution.7. What is Charles law? V=AT8. What is Avogadros law? V = kn9. What is Boyles law? V 1/P 10. Which two factors does the pressure inside container depend on?11. The other form of ideal gas law.12. Daltons law of pa

5、rtial pressure13. Grahams law14. What is effusion? What is diffusion? What is the difference? What is Mean free path?Lecture 3-4What technique can help us see atoms in molecules? Scanning tunneling microscopy (透射电镜) Streams of negatively charged particles were found to emanate from cathode tubes. Wh

6、at are they? Electrons -E = F/qwhere F is the electric force experienced by the particle, q is its charge and E is the electric field wherein the particle is located.The unit of electric field E is N C1.Forces in Magnetic FieldRelationship between Electric Field and Magnetic FieldMillikan Oil Drop E

7、xperiment determined what property of electron? Charge.Radioactivity is the spontaneous emission of radiation by an atom.In physics, radiation describes a process in which energetic particles or waves travel through a medium or space. There are two distinct types of radiation; ionizing and non-ioniz

8、ing. The word radiation is commonly used in reference to ionizing radiation only (i.e., having sufficient energy to ionize an atom), but it may also refer to non-ionizing radiation (e.g., radio waves or visible light). The energy radiates (i.e., travels outward in straight lines in all directions) f

9、rom its source. Both ionizing and non-ionizing radiation can be harmful to organisms and can result in changes to the natural environment.Three types of radiation were discovered by Ernest Rutherford. What are they?Subatomic Particles includes protons, neutrons, and electrons. Isotopes are atoms of

10、the same element with different masses. Isotopes have different numbers of neutrons.Atomic and molecular masses can be measured with great accuracy with a mass spectrometer. (It will be good if you know how it works. But I will not test you on that.)Lecture 51. energy associated with movement of cha

11、rges can be converted into light.2. Light can be converted into movement of charges.3. Photo is a package of light.4. E = h = hc/: Energy is quantized5. Energy Units: ev/6. .A black object absorbs all light that falls on it .A hot black object glows.7. Know black body radiation phenomenon.8. Only ob

12、jects at 0k do not emit radiation.9. KE(electron)=E(photo)-Ionization Energy10. Several experiments:1 simulation of photoelectric effect. 2 Photoelectric effect 3Wave property of light(Diffraction, Interference pattern of light, Youngs double slit experiment)Lecture 61.Photons with certain energies

13、can be used to eject electrons from atoms.2 Periodic trends and the octet rule suggest correctness of a shell model for atoms.3 Know X-ray Photoelectron Spectrometer and IE = h-KE4 Comprehend the Photoelectron Spectrum of H,He,Li,Be,B.5 Electrons in atoms have discrete (quantized) energy.6 Know the

14、use of XPS and UPS .Lecture 7-8The energies of the electromagnetic eld and of oscillating atoms are quantized.Evidence: The black body radiation. Light, electromagnetic radiationwhich classical physics treats as wave-likeactually also displays the characteristics of particles. Evidence: Photoelectri

15、c EffectHeisenberg Uncertainty Principle: de Broglie relation = h/pThe mathematical representation of the wave that in quantum mechanics replaces the classical concept of trajectory is called a wavefunction, (psi).The Schrdinger equationElectrons have both a particle and wave natureQuantum NumbersPr

16、incipal Quantum Number (n) (average radius)It describes the energy level on which the orbital resides.The values of n are integers 1.Angular Momentum Quantum Number (l) (s , p , d , f)This quantum number defines the shape of the orbital.Allowed values of l are integers ranging from 0 to n 1.Magnetic

17、 Quantum Number (ml) (px , py , pz)The magnetic quantum number describes the three-dimensional orientation of the orbital. l ml l. Spin Quantum Number msThe spin quantum number has only 2 allowed values: +1/2 and 1/2.More nodes, more energyPeriodic Table, period, group, English and chinese name of 1

18、-38 elements,pronunciation, and their valence electron configurations (It will be good if by this time you know all those things about 1-86 elements. But I will not test you all of them, just 1-38.) Give you an element symbol, you can figure out where it is in the periodic table, which group and whi

19、ch period. Electron ConfigurationEnergy DiagramPeriodic Trends The arrangement of elements in order of increasing atomic number, with elements having similar properties placed in vertical column, is known as the periodic table.The rows on the periodic chart are periods.Columns are groups.The Aufbau

20、PrinciplePauli Exclusion PrincipleHunds RuleSome Anomalies in the tableExamine periodic trendsIonization energy: X X+ + e-Electron affinity: X+ + e- XConcepts that provide explanationsElectron configuration Noble gas coreEffective nuclear charge: Zeff = Z SCoulombs law Lecture 910 Line spectraKey Id

21、ea: When electrons relocate from one orbital to another, they absorb or emit a specific amount of energy.Heat transfer: conduction, convection, and radiation. Conduction is due to direct transfer of kinetic energy by contact. Radiation is the emission of infrared photons which our bodies absorb.How

22、does Neon lamp work and what kind of light is emitted?Neon lamps are made of Gas Discharge Tubes. These tubes are similar to the cathode tube we talked about and contain very low pressure gas (e.g. Neon). When you put high-voltage on the electrodes, electrons are going to stream through with very hi

23、gh velocity. Atoms of a gas continuously absorb energy by colliding with the high KE electrons. The absorbed energy is then emitted as light. Not all energies are actually being emitted from this lamp. Only certain energies are being emitted. So the point is that when you spread the light out, you c

24、an see that it is coming at very specific energies. Just certain photons are coming out. Which of the statements below is/are true?(A) The Hard Sphere model predicts that photons with energy 122 nm do not change H atoms.(B) The Plum Pudding model predicts that photons with energy 122 nm do not chang

25、e H atoms.(C) The Bohr model predicts that photons with energy 122 nm cause an electron to move from n=1 to n=2.(D) Only A and C are correct.(E) All three are correct.D is the correct answer. Photons with energy 122 nm cause the electron of H to move from n=1 to n=2, photons with energy 103 nm cause

26、 the electron to move from n=1 to n=3, what can photons with energy 114 do to the electron of H? Why? Nothing,because it doesnt match. It doesnt match any difference in energy of two atomic orbitals. (I recommend you to watch the simulation part of the video to gain a good understanding. But you can

27、 do it after the examination.)Summary: If you move electrons between the energy levels of the orbitals, you have to use photons with exact amount of energy. But if you want to move electron to zero energy, you just need photons have enough energy to do this. It can be any energy greater than the cer

28、tain energy, the energy to just move the electron to the zero energy level. En=-Ry(z2)(1/n2)(必须记住)for hydrogen-like atomsz=原子序数注 Ry=1312KJ/molPredict the energy required to move an electron from n=1 to n=2 in Li2+. (A) 11808 kJ/mol (B) 8856 kJ/mol (C) 2952 kJ/molAtomic Emission Spectroscopy and its

29、applicationLecture 11 HOW ABSORBING: light and color Key Idea:Colors of compounds results from absorption of light, a process where light energy changes the location of electrons in molecules. 1 了解原子发射出分立的(discrete),固定能量 (specific energy),固体分子就是宽(broad)的和连续(continuous)的谱。原因是分子振动存在振动能级。Atoms emit ver

30、y discrete energies. Solids of molecules does not, because the vibrations of the molecules in the molecule.2 The properties of light. : wavelength , m : frequency , s-1 , Hzc : speed m/sAmplitude 振幅(四个单词要记住) = c c = 3.0 x108 m/s(公式要记)3. Things on Light energy E=h v=h c/ h = 6.63 x10-34 J s (都要记住)4 W

31、avelength of different color energies. (不考,建议记住)5 记下两种色彩混合时的颜色6 Why does a red apple look red and a green apple look green?The red apple looks red because it reflects red light and absorbs predominantly blue and green. The green apple absorbs predominantly purple and red. (The color wheel can be used to predict the color of an object based on the color of light absorbed.) 7 chlorophyll 叶绿素8 可见光吸收光谱的方法 Beers law : A() = a b c9 How do the eye see colors? Your eye doesnt have many receptor sites, and in fact, it has three for color vision. It has a blue, a green and a red. So think about

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