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1、届高考英语第二轮阅读理解调研复习题24梨树县(吉林)2016高考英语阅读理解(二轮)选编(2)及参考答案请阅读下列短文,从每篇短文后所给各题的A,B,C,D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Coffee is a powerful beverageOn a personal level,it helps keep US awake and activeOn a much broader level,it has helped shape our history and continues to shape our cultureCoffee didnt take off until the l400s

2、 when people figured out they could roast its seedsBy the l500s,the drink had spread to coffeehouses across the Arab worldWithin another l50 years,it took Europe by storm“It actually had a major impact on the rise of business,” historian Mark Pendergrast saysCoffeehouses became a spot not just to en

3、joy a cup but to exchange ideasThe insurer Lloyds of London was founded hundreds of years ago in one of Londons 2,000 coffeehousesLiterature,newspapers and even the works of great composers like Bach and Beethoven were also spawned(涌现)in coffeehousesIt is often said that after the Boston Tea Party o

4、f l773,when American colonists attacked British tea ships and threw boxes of tea into the harbor,Americans universally switched over to drinking coffeeIn a letter John Adams wrote to his wife,Abigail,the Founding Father claims his love of tea but says he will have to learn to embrace coffee instead,

5、because drinking tea had become a symbol of not loving the countryFor all the upsides coffee has brought the modern world,it also led to its fair share of downsides,tooEuropeans carried coffee with them as they colonized various parts of the world,and this frequently meant they enslaved people in or

6、der to grow itIn Brazil where slavery was legal until l888 coffee plantations would use slash-and-burn agriculture,tearing down rain forests and planting coffee treesOnce the soil had been exhausted,growers would move on to another placeAnd yet,coffee,as Pendergrast says,”had a very good impact in m

7、any ways on our civilization,even though it was,for a long time,grown by slaves”48Why did people enjoy going to coffeehouses? ABecause it was a fashion to drink coffee BBecause coffeehouses provided a better flavor CBecause they could stay awake and active there DBecause they could exchange ideas th

8、ere49What can we learn from the fourth paragraph? AAmerican colonists made great profits by trading in coffee BTea was regarded as a symbol of loving ones country CCoffee became very popular after the incident in Boston DJohn Adams was the Founding Father of the Tea Party50In the fifth paragraphthe

9、writer points out that _ .ACoffee plantation was closely connected with slavery Bcoffee plantation led to outdated agriculture in Brazil Cslavery in Brazil had been against the law until l888 Dslavery was responsible for the damage to rainforests 5 1What is mainly talked about in this passage? ASome

10、 interesting stories about coffee culture BImportant Roles that coffee played in history CHow coffee became the most popular beverage DHow coffee affected Americas independence【参考答案】4851、DCAB 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。(The Affect of Electricity on Cancer) Can electricity cause cancer? In a

11、society that literally runs on electric power, the very idea seems preposterous. But for more than a decade, a growing band of scientists and journalists has pointed to studies that seem to link exposure to electromagnetic fields with increased risk of leukemia and other malignancies. The implicatio

12、ns are unsettling, to say the least, since everyone comes into contact with such fields, which are generated by everything electrical, from power lines and antennas to personal computers and micro-wave ovens. Because evidence on the subject is inconclusive and often contradictory, it has been hard t

13、o decide whether concern about the health effects of electricity is legitimateor the worst kind of paranoia. Now the alarmists have gained some qualified support from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. In the executive summary of a new scientific review, released in draft form late last week,

14、 the EPA has put forward what amounts to the most serious government warning to date. The agency tentatively concludes that scientific evidence “suggests a casual link” between extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fieldsthose having very longwave-lengthsand leukemia, lymphoma and brain cancer, Wh

15、ile the report falls short of classifying ELF fields as probable carcinogens, it does identify the common 60-hertz magnetic field as “a possible, but not proven, cause of cancer in humans.” The report is no reason to panicor even to lost sleep. If there is a cancer risk, it is a small one. The evide

16、nce is still so controversial that the draft stirred a great deal of debate within the Bush Administration, and the EPA released it over strong objections from the Pentagon and the Whit House. But now no one can deny that the issue must be taken seriously and that much more research is needed.At the

17、 heart of the debate is a simple and well-understood physical phenomenon: When an electric current passes through a wire, tit generates an electromagnetic field that exerts forces on surrounding objects, For many years, scientists dismissed any suggestion that such forces might be harmful, primarily

18、 because they are so extraordinarily weak. The ELF magnetic field generated by a video terminal measures only a few milligauss, or about one-hundredth the strength of the earths own magnetic field, The electric fields surrounding a power line can be as high as 10 kilovolts per meter, but the corresp

19、onding field induced in human cells will be only about 1 millivolt per meter. This is far less than the electric fields that the cells themselves generate.How could such minuscule forces pose a health danger? The consensus used to be that they could not, and for decades scientists concentrated on mo

20、re powerful kinds of radiation, like X-rays, that pack sufficient wallop to knock electrons out of the molecules that make up the human body. Such “ionizing” radiations have been clearly linked to increased cancer risks and there are regulations to control emissions.But epidemiological studies, whic

21、h find statistical associations between sets of data, do not prove cause and effect. Though there is a body of laboratory work showing that exposure to ELF fields can have biological effects on animal tissues, a mechanism by which those effects could lead to cancerous growths has never been found.Th

22、e Pentagon is for from persuaded. In a blistering 33-page critique of the EPA report, Air Force scientists charge its authors with having “biased the entire document” toward proving a link. “Our reviewers are convinced that there is no suggestion that (electromagnetic fields) present in the environm

23、ent induce or promote cancer,” the Air Force concludes. “It is astonishing that the EPA would lend its imprimatur on this report.” Then Pentagons concern is understandable. There is hardly a unit of the modern military that does not depend on the heavy use of some kind of electronic equipment, from

24、huge ground-based radar towers to the defense systems built into every warship and plane.1.The main idea of this passage is A. studies on the cause of cancer . controversial view-points in the cause of cancerC. the relationship between electricity and cancer.D. different ideas about the effect of el

25、ectricity on caner.2.The view-point of the EPA is A. there is casual link between electricity and cancer. electricity really affects cancer.C. controversial.D.low frequency electromagnetic field is a possible cause of cancer3.Why did the Pentagon and Whit House object to the release of the report? B

26、ecauseA. it may stir a great deal of debate among the Bush Administration. every unit of the modern military has depended on the heavy use of some kind of electronic equipment.C. the Pentagons concern was understandable.D. they had different arguments.4.It can be inferred from physical phenomenonA.

27、the force of the electromagnetic field is too weak to be harmful. the force of the electromagnetic field is weaker than the electric field that the cells generate.C. electromagnetic field may affect health.D. only more powerful radiation can knock electron out of human body.5.What do you think ordin

28、ary citizens may do after reading the different arguments?A.They are indifferent. . They are worried very much.C. The may exercise prudent avoidance. C. They are shocked.Vocabulary1. preposterous 反常的,十分荒谬的,乖戾的2. leukemia 白血病3. malignancy 恶性肿瘤4. legitimate 合法的,合理的5. paranoia 偏执狂,妄想狂。这里指:无根据的担心。6. lym

29、phoma 淋巴瘤7. carcinogen 致癌物8. minuscule 很小的,很不重要9. consensus 舆论10. wallop 乱窜,猛冲,冲击力11. epidemiological 流行病学的12. blistering 罗嗦的,胡扯的13. critique 评论,批评14. imprimatur 出版许可(官方审查后的),批准难句译注1. Because evidence on the subject is inconclusive and often contradictory, it has been hard to decide whether concern

30、about the health effects of electricity is legitimateor the worst kind of paranoia.参考译文 由于这问题的证据还不是结论性的,而且常常是矛盾的,所以就难以断定有关电力对身体的影响的顾虑是合乎情理,还是毫无根据的怀疑。2. EPAU.S. Environmental Protection Agency 美国环境保护署3 While the report falls short (缺乏,不够) of classifying ELF fields as probable carcinogens, it does ide

31、ntify the common 60-hertz magnetic field as “a possible, but not proven, cause of cancer in humans.”参考译文 虽然报告没有把极低频磁场归类为可能致癌物,但它确实指出通常60赫兹的磁场是“一种虽尚未证实,但可能导致人患癌症的因素。” 4 The evidence is still so controversial that the draft stirred a great deal of debate within the Bush Administration, and the EPA released it over strong objections from the Pentagon and the Whit House参考译文 证据争议性仍然很大,所以报告草案在布什政府内引起巨大的争辩,而环保署无视无角大楼和白宫的强烈反对,公布了这份报告。5. This is far less than the

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