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高中英语 Unit 2 Cloning综合检测含答案分析新人教教版选修82.docx

1、高中英语 Unit 2 Cloning综合检测含答案分析新人教教版选修82Cloning(时间:100分钟;满分:120分).多项选择(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)1When he heard the news that he developed cancer,he _.Acast down Bwas cast downCcast out Dwas cast out2He was admitted into Beijing University.His efforts_.Apaid for Bpaid outCpaid off Dpaid back3(2013湖北高考)People c

2、omplain that decisions to approve or deny a permit are often_rather than based on fixed criteria.Aappropriate BconsciousCarbitrary Dcontroversial4The local government should_the responsibility to provide those poor children with equal opportunities to receive education.Agive BofferCdraw Dundertake5T

3、he project was predicated on the_that the economy was expanding.Aproduce BassumptionCfate Dthink6However,as the evidence began to_,experts from the zoo felt obliged to investigate.Aaccumulate BobjectCrestore Dbother7He was in poor health,so the doctor_him to drink wine.Ahoped BdemandedCforbade Dprev

4、ented8The facts had been_from thousands of students in their first year of university study by asking such questions as these.Aundertaken BmadeCdiffered Dobtained9. AIDS is a deadly disease,because once a person gets it,he or she will lose the power to _ any other disease.Astruggle BfightCresist Dre

5、cover10Scientists made a great _ in the treatment of cancer,stirring the hope of the patients.Abreakthrough BprogressCpromotion Dsuccess.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)In the past,scientists have produced exact genetic copies of sheep and a few other animals.They_11_these clones from a single cell of an adu

6、lt animal.Recently,a private group of scientists has announced_12_to make an exact copy of a human being.Doctor Zavos,an American member of the team,says he and the others will soon begin to_13_humans and they hope to produce the worlds first cloned_14_within the next two years.Doctor Zavos says the

7、 new international group_15_to offer human cloning to women_16_to become pregnant and produce children.The_17_would be similar to that used to clone animals.It would_18_clearing genetic material from a womans egg.Doctors then would_19_ genetic material from the womans husband into the egg_20_putting

8、 it in the womens uterus(子宫)Doctor Zavos says his_21_plans to do its work in a country near the Mediterranean Sea,but he did not_22_the country.He says an Italian reproductive expert,Severino Antinori,is_23_the team.Doctor Antinori has made great efforts to help many_24_women become pregnant.He is k

9、nown for_25_pregnancies in women as old as sixty.Many medical experts and other groups_26_the idea of cloning humans.Several doctors criticized the _27_by Doctor Zavos.They say doctors do not know if cloning humans is_28_or safe.They say it would be irresponsible to_29_to clone a human being.That is

10、 because the chances of_30_are too small and the risks are too great.11A.bought BcreatedCdiscovered Dfound12A.plans BresultsCsuccesses Dagreements13A.create BresistCpersuade Dclone14A.plant BanimalCbird Dbaby15A.plans BbeginsCrefuses Dhappens16A.bound BunwillingCunable Dsure17A.imagination Btechnolo

11、gyCstory Dsymbol18A.involve BstartCmake Dborrow19A.translate BplaceCtake Dmake20A.after BwhileCbefore BgroupCuniversity BfindCname Dconsider23A.managing BkeepingChaving Dusing24A.great BbeautifulColder Dfamous25A.successful BpitifulCthankful Dregretful26A.take up Bobj

12、ect toCput up Dbring down27A.idea BprogramCsubject Dannouncement28A.careful BinterestingCunable Dpossible29A.manage BrefuseCattempt Dhope30A.fortune BreputationCfailure Dsuccess.阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)AUp to now,some scientists have suggested that cloning existing people might be ethically(伦理地) acce

13、ptable in some cases.One possibility is generating replacement for a dying relative.All such possibilities,however,raise the concern that the clone would be treated as less than a complete individual,because he or she would likely suffer from limitations and expectations based on the familys knowled

14、ge of the genetic“twin”Those expectations might be false,because human personality is only partly determined by genes.The clone of an extrovert(性格外向的人) could have a quite different way of behavior.Clones of athletes,movie stars,or scientists might well choose different careers because of chance even

15、ts in early life.Some people have also pointed out that couples in which one member is infertile (不生育) might choose to make a copy of one or the other partner.But society ought to be concerned that a couple might not treat naturally a child who is a copy of just one of them.Because other methods are

16、 available for the treatment of all known types of infertility,the traditional choice seems more appropriate.None of the suggested uses of cloning for making copies of existing people is ethically acceptable to my way of thinking,because they are not in the interests of the resulting child.It should

17、 go without saying that I am strongly opposed to allowing cloned human embryos to develop so that they can be tissue donors.In spite of this,it seems clear that cloning from cultured (人工培育的) cells will offer important medical opportunities.Predictions about new technologies are often wrong;societal

18、attitudes change;unexpected developments occur.Time will tell.But biomedical researchers looking into the potential of cloning now have plenty to do.31Towards cloning an existing person,what concern does the author show?AThe clone created is unlikely to fulfill your expectations.BThe clone created i

19、s ethically unacceptable.CThe clone created will be mistreated.DThe clone created will have one defect or another.32From the text we know that a clone will_.Abe partly similar in personality to the person it is created fromBshare the same characteristics with the person it is created fromCchoose the

20、 same career as the person it is created fromDbehave in the same way as the person it is created from33In the authors view,which of the following uses of cloning is reasonable?ATo help childless couples to have a baby.BTo culture cells for medical purpose.CTo develop tissue donors.DTo replace a lost

21、 relative.34What is the authors attitude towards cloning technology?AIt should wait till peoples views change.BIt should be condemned.CIt was unethical from the very beginning.DIt has medical potential for scientists to explore.BMy moms entire life changed in the matter of a few seconds.While drivin

22、g home late one night,my parents SUV was hit from behind by a drunk driver traveling 70 miles per hour.Dad was killed instantly.Mom was thrown from the SUV and people found her on the side of the road.Once I saw my mom in the hospital,I knew she had a long road ahead of her.She had crushing injuries

23、 to her arm and shoulder,and her elbow was dislocated in three places,leaving it permanently bent.Although it took my mom a long time to physically recover from the accident,it was only a short time before my moms positive spirit returned.Throughout her journey of recovery,my mother rarely complaine

24、d.I could see the pain in her eyes during physical therapy,but never heard her question why this had happened to her.In fact,I remember one “role reversal” where we both just had to laugh.Mother had lost a lot of weight during her hospital stay,so I bought her some new clothes.I had to dress her at

25、first,but she challenged herself every day.Finally,when she was able to get dressed on her own,she looked at me in the mirror and started laughing.While she appreciated the clothes I had bought,she really hated the styles I had chosen for her and couldnt wait to go shopping on her own.I started laug

26、hing too;she had struggled for months to put on these clothes that she didnt even like!It reminded me of when I was in kindergarten and my mother made me wear dresses when I just wanted to wear pants.It was a funny role reversal for both of us and I understood how she felt.It took my mom two long ye

27、ars to gain back her strength and limited flexibility.Those few years were a traumatic time for our entire family.Mom had to overcome many challenges.But she found that strength of will and a sense of humor can get you through the toughest times,even when you dont think you have anything to smile ab

28、out.35The author presented the story by _.Aasking drivers to pay attention while drivingBreminding readers not to drive too fastCexplaining the result of driving after drinkingDdescribing the scene of the accident36By saying “a long road ahead of her”,the author meant _.Ait would take her mother a l

29、ong time to recoverBher mother could continue to live for a long timeCher mother needed to walk every day to get betterDher mother would pay a lot for the treatment37The example of “role reversal” is used to prove _.Aher mother was particular about dressingBher mother behaved like a girl in the kind

30、ergartenCher mother could keep a positive attitudeDher mother had an eye for beautiful clothes38The best title for the passage may be_.ARemain Clam When Death Drawing NearBKeep Your Head Up in Case of TroubleCShow Real Courage in Front of DangerDPersist No Matter What Your Troubles AreCColorado farm

31、er Chris Jessen and his wife Pam became the newest owners of a “panda cow” when it was born on their farm on New Years Eve.The calf(小牛),named Ben,was created through genetic engineering.Ben was the second panda cow born on Jessens farm,but was a surprise,Jessen said that he was expecting a black calf.This rare breed of panda

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