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1、新教材高中英语Unit1LaughoutloudDevelopingideas学案Unit 1Laugh out loud!Developing ideas【词汇知识自主学习】. 根据语境写出正确的单词1. sensitive or emotive issues敏感或使情绪冲动的问题2. mischievous style of writing 淘气的写作风格3. witty remarks幽默的评论4. everyday interactions日常交流5. get a shave刮脸, 刮胡子6. that strong fellow那个强壮的男人7. the concept of hum

2、our 幽默的概念8. mark the spot标明地点9. a cruel Roman emperor 一个残忍的罗马皇帝10. whisper something in the lions ear在狮子耳旁小声说某事11. roar with laughter 大笑12. a complicated job 复杂的工作13. conclude a joke 结束一个笑话. 根据语境选择恰当的词填空1. Peter was lying on the sofa doing nothing in particular. (in/on)2. After he had been in prison

3、 Peter was regarded as the black sheep of the family. (as/towards)3. Due to curiosity, he squeezed himself into a crowd to see what had happened. (for/to)4. We wanted to throw new light on old problems. (in/on) 5. Cross out the numbers when you hear them. (in/out) 6. Do not call on individuals to an

4、swerthey will feel put on the spot. (at/on)7. In this job you need to be able to think on your feet. (in/on)8. Shelley was one of those kids who was always getting told off at school. (of/off)9. He is remembered for his excellent academic achievement. (as/for)10. The little girl is feeding green gra

5、ss to a lovely sheep. (on/to). 根据课文及汉意提示补全句子1. All you have to do is cross out the wrong words(删去错误的单词). 2. For instance, while on a lecturing tour of the United States(在一次美国巡回演讲时), Twain went into a barbers shop to get a haircut and a shave. 3. Like Twain, but on the other side of the world, Lin Yu

6、tang was soon to become famous for his unique brand of humour(因其独具一格的幽默而知名). 4. First came a lion(来的是一头狮子). 5. “What did you say to my animals? said the emperor, astonished(惊讶的). 【阅读研析合作学习】Task 1框架宏观建构: 整体理解In the texts of Ancient Greece, and medieval writingsPara. 1 these same jokes might not be as

7、 funny to us now as they were then, but humour could not only entertain but could also 1. throw new light on sensitive or emotive issuesMark TwainPara. 2 well known for his witty 2. remarks and 3. particular style of writingLin YutangParas. 3、4 brought the concept of 4. humour to modern Chinese lite

8、rature and creatively borrowed “youmoHumor is mankinds greatest blessingPara. 5 a way of life and a tool that can be used to 5. illuminate the worldTask 2文本微观剖析: 细节探究1. Choose the best answer. (1)What is the text mainly about? A. Mark Twain. B. Lin Yutang. C. Medieval writings. D. Humour. (2)What di

9、d Twains response to the barber mean? A. He felt very lucky. B. He liked standing. C. He would give the lecture. D. He made a fool of the barber. (3)Which of the following can be true of Lin Yutang? A. He is creative and quick-witted. B. He was able to talk with animals. C. He borrowed many words fr

10、om Ancient Chinese literature. D. He was respected by Mark Twain. (4)Whats the aim of telling the story of a cruel Roman emperor? A. To show off his talent of telling jokes. B. To make others embarrassed. C. To tell others the fact that animals are wise. D. To teach the president a lesson. (5)Why di

11、d Mark Twain think “Humor is mankinds greatest blessing? A. Humour was able to make people laugh. B. Humour separates people from their enemies. C. Humour is almost as great as our need for water and air. D. Humour helped him a lot when he wrote his novels. 答案: (1)(5)DCADC2. Long sentence analysis.

12、(1)While these same jokes might not be as funny to us now(while引导让步状语从句)as they were then(as引导比拟状语从句), their authors understood that humour could not only entertain but also throw new light on sensitive or emotive issues(that引导宾语从句). 译文: 虽然这些相同的笑话对我们来说可能不像过去那么好笑, 但它们的作者明白, 幽默不仅可以娱乐, 而且可以为敏感或情绪化的问题带来

13、新的启发。(2)When Twain replied that he didnt(when引导时间状语从句, that引导宾语从句), the barber told him that if he wanted to go to the event he would have to stand(that引导宾语从句, if引导条件状语从句), as there were no seats left in the theatre(as引导原因状语从句). 译文: 当马克吐温答复说没有时, 理发师告诉他, 如果他想去参加这个活动, 他就得站着, 因为剧院里已经没有余座了。Task 3阅读思维升华:

14、 主题实践(1)Do you think of yourself as a humorous person? (Creative Thinking创造性思维)Yes. Im funny and often mischievous. I am good at making people laugh. . . (2)How can you become more humorous? (Divergent Thinking发散性思维)Just as the equation Lin created, “Reality +Dreams+ Humour=Wisdom. , if a person wan

15、ts to be humorous, he should understand reality, have dreams, and learn hard to be wise. 【要点精研探究学习】1. essential adj. 极其重要的; 必不可少的*Which clauses are separated by a comma, the ones with essential information or the ones with extra information? 哪些从句是用逗号分隔的, 是有根本信息的从句, 还是有附加信息的从句? *Advanced technology i

16、s essential to the advance of society. 先进的技术对社会的进步是极为重要的。*Its essential for citizens to know that the haze can do harm to peoples health. 对市民来说, 了解雾霾能危害人们的健康是很有必要的。*It is essential that your diet (should) be varied and balanced. 你的饮食要多样化且均衡, 这至关重要。【词块积累】essentialn. 要素, 要点, 实质; 必需品essentially adv. 本质

17、上; 本来be essential to/for. . . 对是要紧的It is/was essential that-clausethat从句中要用虚拟语气, 谓语动词用“should+动词原形形式。It is essential ( for sb. ) to do sth. (对某人来说) 做某事是极其重要的。(1)语法填空。Catching to the fashion is not essential to the happiness of all women. She added a few characters and changed some names, but essenti

18、ally(essential) this is a true story. It is essential that students (should) get(get) themselves prepared for the coming future. The charity provides homeless people with essentials(essential) like food and clothing. (2)写作升级(essential)。The mental and physical development of children needs a healthy

19、environment. A healthy environment is essential for/to the mental and physical development of children. We must learn about the customs of the destination country before we visit it. It is essential that we (should) learn about/It is essential for us to learn about the destination country before we

20、visit it. 2. impress v. 使钦佩, 使留下深刻印象*Watson is pleased with his answer which he thinks will impress Holmes. 沃森对于他自己的答复感到满意, 他认为他的答复会给福尔摩斯留下深刻的印象。*She impressed the audience with a beautiful song at the stage. 她在舞台上演唱那首优美的歌曲给观众留下了深刻印象。*Our boss often impresses the importance of creativity on/upon us.

21、 我们老板经常让我们铭记创新的重要性。*His speech made a strong impression on the audience. 他的演讲给听众留下了深刻的印象。*The building looked as impressive in actuality as it did in photographs. 这栋大楼外观雄伟, 与照片中所见一模一样。【词块积累】(1)impress sth. on/upon sb. 使某人意识到某事的重要性或严重性 impress sb. with sth. 对印象深刻be impressed by/with 对印象深刻It impresses

22、 sb. that. . . 令某人佩服的是(2)make/leave/create an impression on/upon sb. 给某人一个印象(3)impressive adj. 给人印象深刻的; 感人的【巧学助记】Bob is a boy of many talents. Last week, his impressive performance at the concert left a deep impression on me. However, what impressed me most was his modest manner. 鲍勃是一个多才多艺的男孩。上周, 他在

23、音乐会上令人赞叹的演出给我留下了深刻的印象。然而, 令我印象最深刻的是他谦虚的举止。(1)语法填空Chinaa fast-developing countryhas made a great impression(impress) on the foreign guests. The foreigners here are greatly impressed with/by the fact that people from all walks of life are working hard for a new Tianjin. (2021全国卷)Discover, explore and

24、enjoy award-winning Tullie House, where historic collections, contemporary art and family fun are brought together in one impressive(impress) museum and art gallery. (2)Your art skills are excellent and admirable, which leaves me a deep impression. 你的艺术技巧优秀且令人钦佩, 给我留下了深刻的印象。3. deserve v. 应得; 应受到*We

25、all deserve a second chance, I guess. 我想我们都应该有第二次时机。*Since he had broken the rule, he deserved punishing/to be punished. 因为他违背了规定, 他应受惩罚。*He has worked very hard and deserves to pass the exam. 他学习很努力, 应该能通过考试。*He didnt really deserve (that) she should be so kind to him. 他确实不值得她对他那么好。【词块积累】deserve to

26、 do应该做; 值得做deserve doing/to be done 值得被做deserve (that)-clause 应得; 应受到【名师点津】deserve后跟v. -ing的意义deserve后跟v. -ing的主动形式表示被动意义, 等于接动词不定式的被动形式, 即deserve doing=deserve to be done(有同样用法的动词还有: need, want, require)(1)语法填空。The team deserved to win (win) the championship because they played much better than any

27、 of the other teams. He deserved (deserve) much praise due to helping many disabled people. (2)一句多译。不管你是谁, 你都应该得到平等的对待。Whoever you are, you deserve equal treatment. (deserve+n. )Whoever you are, you deserve treating equally. (deserve+doing)Whoever you are, you deserve to be treated equally. (deserve

28、+to be done)4. spot n. 地点; 处所*(2021全国卷)Because the moons body blocks direct radio communication with a probe, China first had to put a satellite in orbit above the moon in a spot where it could send signals to the spacecraft and to Earth. 由于月球的身体阻碍了与探测器的直接无线电通信, 中国首先必须将一颗卫星送入月球上方的轨道, 在那里它可以向航天器和地球发送

29、信号。*Once, having been invited to dinner at a university, he was put on the spot when the president suddenly asked him to give a speech. 有一次, 他被邀请去一所大学吃饭, 当校长突然要求他发表演讲时, 他很为难。*I spotted her writing a letter in the library when I passed by. 当我经过时, 我发现她正在图书馆里写信。*When the man was trying to break into th

30、e bank, he was caught by the police on the spot. 当那个人试图闯入银行时, 他被警察当场抓获了。*I like it when the night sky is spotted with twinkling stars. 闪烁的星星点缀着夜空, 我分外喜欢。【词块积累】(1)spot sb. doing sth. 发现某人正在做某事be spotted with 散布; 点缀(2)on the spot 当场; 在现场; 在危险中; 处于负责地位put sb. on the spot (成心提出难以答复或为难的问题)使某人难堪spot作先行词,

31、表示“地点, 场所时, 假设后面定语从句中的关系词在句中作地点状语, 那么关系词应用where。(1)语法填空。Although she wore a pair of sunglasses, she was spotted (spot) by the media reporters. Someone spotted him leaving (leave) the building soon afterwards. We need to know about the views of the people on the spot so that we can make a final decision. (2)Tom took the police to the spot where the accident happened. 汤姆把警察带到了事故发生的地点。5. think on ones feet头脑反响很快; 才思敏捷*Thinking on his feet, Lin started to tell a story about a cruel Roman emperor who tried to feed a m

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