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1、新版句子700答案1. 他正在专心看书。He is absorbed in his book.2. 他戒酒了。He has abstained from wine.3. 他言行不一致。His actions do not accord with his words.4. 我照他的劝告去做了。I acted on his advice.5. 这很大程度上增加了我们困难。This added considerably to our difficulties.6. 他坚持己见。He adhered to his opinion.7. 他正在受一种不治之症的折磨。He is afflicted wit

2、h an incurable disease.8. 他几次三番来我家借钱。He came to my house again and again for a loan of money.9. 我出席这个会议是不自愿的。I attended the meeting against my will.10. 这张照片与原物不相符。This photograph does not agree with the original.11. 也为他像孩子一样诚实,所以我更加喜欢他。I like him all the more because he is as honest as a child.12. 你

3、去不去那里对我来说都一样。It is all the same to me whether you go there or not.13. 我依然喜欢他。 I like him all the same.14. 到学校的路上我们争了一路。We quarreled with each other all the way to school.15. 我从邻村老远跑来向你请教。I have come all the way from the neighboring village to consult you.16. 总的来说,演出是成功的。All things considered, the pe

4、rformance is a success.17. 他决不是学生。He is anything but a student.18. 那个规则不适用于这件事。That rule does not apply to this case.19. 事故往往起因于疏忽。Accidents always arise from carelessness.20. 总的来说,男孩更喜欢活动。As a whole boys are more fond of activities.21. 就质量来说,这台收音机不错。As far as the quality is concerned, this radio is

5、 good.22. 至于我们,我们并不反对。As for us, we have no objection.23. 照原样做了。Do it as it was.24. 听到这个消息,他立刻高兴得跳了起来。At this news, he sprung up with joy.25. 关于他的人格,没有人说不好的。As regards his character, nothing ill is spoken.26. 正如牡丹是花中之王一样,老虎是兽中之王。As the peony is chief of flowers, so is the tiger chief of beasts.27. 因

6、为喜欢摆架子,所以大家不喜欢他。He is not popular for he assumes airs.28. 老虎一下子就被打死了。The tiger was killed at a blow.29. 我一看就知道他病了。I found him ill at a glance.30. 你到底知道不知道?Do you know at all?31. 无论如何,你还是试一试的好。At all events, youd better have a try.32. 不管怎样,我明天一定会做出答复。I will give an answer tomorrow at all events.33. 他

7、不管花多少钱都要买这辆车。He will buy this car at any cost.34. 不管怎么说,你还是去看看医生的好。At any rate, youd better see your doctor.35. 她充其量还能活几年。He has a few years to live at best.36. 我们日子过得轻松。We live at ease.37. 他平躺着。He is lying at full length.38. 我手头有那本书。I have that book at hand.39. 请随便,不要拘束。Please make yourself at home

8、.40. 他精通法语。She is quite at home in French.41. 雨时落时止。It rains at intervals.42. 暴风雨刮得正猛。The storm is at its height.43. 犯人依然逍遥法外。The prisoner is still at large.44. 我几乎没有任何办法了。I was almost at my wits end.45. 我经他人之手买了一台彩色电视机。I bought a color TV at second hand.46. 他牺牲了自己的健康才获得成功。He succeeded at the expens

9、e of his health.47. 她一看到妈妈就哭了。She cried at the sight of her mother.48. 大不了我去道歉。At the worst, I shall have to make an apology.49. 是去是留,请随便。You may go or stay at will.50. 你必须把这座右铭记在心头。You should bear the motto in mind.51. 你不要背后说人坏话。You must not speak ill of a man behind his back.52. 他高兴得不能自已。He is bes

10、ide himself with joy. (behind oneself失常,不能自主)53. 这件事只有你知我知。This matter is between you and me.54. 这美景难以形容。The beautiful scenery is beyond description.55. 对不起,这是我力所不及的。Sorry, this is beyond my power.56. 毫无疑问,他会成功。Its beyond question that he will succeed.57. 十年的工作已化为泡影。Ten years study has been brought

11、to naught.58. 大部分人都是自己的父母养育成人的。Most people are brought up by their parents.59. 考试来临,大家都开起了夜车。Everybody is burning midnight oil as the exam approaching.60. 母亲听到儿子的死讯不禁失声痛哭。The mother burst into tears at the news of her sons death.61. 婴儿一睁开眼睛就哇地一声哭了起来。As soon as the child opened its eyes, it burst out

12、 crying.62. 要不是你救,彼得就淹死了。But for your rescue, Peter should have been drowned.63. 无论如何我都要达到目的。I will attain my goal by any means.64. 他天性爱看书。He is by nature fond of reading.65. 经常碰到他,所以面熟。I know him by sight for I often see him.66. 他们三两成群地来到了学校。They came to school by twos and threes.67. 我想不起来了。I cant

13、call it to mind.68. 不要沮丧,鼓起勇气来。Dont lose heart, but call up your courage.69. 音乐让他陶醉。Music carries him away.70. 我一定要不惜一切代价把它做到底。I will carry it through at any cost.71. 一看到家里来的电报,他脸色大变。He changed color at the sight of a telegram from his home.72. 你必须澄清这件事。You must clear up this problem.73. 下午天放晴了。The

14、weather cleared up in the afternoon.74. 你的病是由于吃得太多。Your sickness comes of eating too much.75. 我的努力都化为了泡影。My efforts came to naught.76. 当我苏醒过来发现自己在医院里。When I came to myself, I found myself in a hospital.77. 你别指望他了。You should not count on him.78. 这孩子会有出息的。This kid will cut a figure(崭露头角) in the future

15、.79. 你必须尽量缩减开支。You should cut down your expenses as much as you can.80. 这就要看天气了。It depends on the weather.81. 他为人正直但缺乏常识。He is honest but devoid of common sense.82. 海风渐渐停了下来。The sea wind died away.83. 没有他的帮助是不行的。It cant be done without his help.84. 荣誉该归你。The credit is due to you.85. 她仔细打量他。Her eyes

16、dwelled on him.86. 他们的阴谋以失败告终。Their plot ended in failure.87. 他已弃教从商。He has given up teaching and is now engaged in business.88. 我每时每刻都在等着他回家。I waited every moment for his return.89. 我时常受到他的来信。I hear from him every now and then.90. 他成了毒品的牺牲品。He fell a victim to drug.91. 我已陷入困境。I have fallen into a d

17、ifficulty.92. 这篇论文分为4个部分。This paper falls into 4 parts.93. 他在课堂上打起瞌睡来了。He fell into a doze in class.94. 他病倒了。He fell sick.95. 胜利的信息很快传遍了各地。The news of the victory soon spread far and wide.96. 那样还远谈不上完美。That is far from perfect.97. 马和牛靠吃草为生。Horses and cows feed on grass.98. 不管我做什么他总是吹毛求疵。He finds fau

18、lt with everything I do.99. 当他被告知他是一个伪君子时,他勃然大怒。He flew into a rage when he was told that he was a hypocrite.100. 尽管那样,我们还是按时完成了工作。For all that we finished our work in time.101. 不管怎么说我都不会去那种地方。For all the world I would not go to such a place.102. 带上伞,以防下雨。Take your umbrella for fear it may rain.103.

19、 就我来说,更愿意待在家里。For my part, I will stay at home.104. 我的一切费用都打了水漂。All my expenses went for nothing.105. 为和平起见,我们同意妥协。For the sake of peace we agreed to a compromise.106. 他刚刚大学毕业。He is fresh from college.107. 从我们的观点来看,最好的方法就是采取断然措施。From our point of view, the best plan would be to take a drastic measur

20、e.108. 他的英语比其他同学都好。He got ahead of all his classmates in English.109. 酒力发作了。The wine got into his head.110. 这个年轻人会有出息。This young man will get on in the world.111. 意志薄弱的人不能战胜那样的困难。A man of weak will cannot get over such difficulties.112. 他在赛跑中赢了他的朋友。He got the better of his friend in the race.113. 我们

21、已经等得不耐烦了。We have got tired of waiting.114. 风大起来了。The wind is getting up.115. 我们只好让步。We have to give in.116. 他爱摆架子,我们不喜欢他。We do not like him as he gives himself airs.117. 气灯已由电灯取代。Gas light has given place to electric light.118. 他的演讲引起了许多议论。His speech gave rise to much discussion.119. 千万不要纵然孩子。Never

22、give rope to children.120. 我对他不抱任何希望了。I gave him up for lost.121. 那样的懒汉是没有任何用处的。Such an idle fellow is good for nothing.122. 他4岁多快5岁了。He is four going on five.123. 这手套戴不上去。These gloves wont go on.124. 蜡烛熄灭了。The candle has gone out.125. 理论与实际不一致。Theory and practice do not go together.126. 任何事情都不要走极端。

23、It is well not to go too deep into anything.127. 他是一个好学生,那是不言而喻的。It goes without saying that he is a good student.128. 他已经误入歧途。He has gone wrong.129. 我刚一上火车,火车就开了。I had hardly got in the train when it started.130. 去年我们过得很艰苦。Last year we had a hard time.131. 他热爱音乐。He has a passion for music.132. 在刺绣方

24、面她无人能及。She has no equal in the art of embroidery.133. 我在这次比赛中胜利了。I had the best of it in the contest.134. 我在这次比赛中失败了。I had the worst of it in the contest.135. 请听我把话讲完。Please hear me out.136. 我突然想出一个好办法来。I hit upon a good idea.137. 他坚持己见。He held to his opinion.138. 如果你虚度光阴,考试时你会后悔的。If you idle away,

25、you will be sorry at the exam.139. 要说呢,他只是比我高一点。If anything, he is a little taller than I.140. 只要他不讲话就好了。If only he would stop talking.141. 如果有可能,请在3天内定下来。If possible, please decide it within 3 days.142. 他们全体总辞职了。They resigned in a body.143. 他们齐声喊道:“赞成。”They cried all in a breath, “Yes.”144. 我们必须预付房

26、租。We should pay the rent in advance.145. 他急匆匆地走了。He has gone in a hurry.146. 他急着要走。He is in a hurry to leave.147. 这不是一下子就能理解的。This is not to be understood in a hurry.148. 他准备大规模地做生意。He plans to carry on hotel business in a large scale.149. 你一共付了多少钱。How much did you pay in all?150. 当警察带来之后,人们就向四面八方散去

27、。When the police arrived, the crowd scattered in all directions.151. 总而言之,他是一部活字典。In a word, he is a walking dictionary.152. 我代表我的朋友来访。I called on behalf of my friend.153. 池塘里的荷花开得正盛。The lotus flowers in the pond are now in full bloom.154. 万一我缺席,会有人代理的。In case of my absence some one else will take m

28、y place.155. 考虑到你说的,我将改变主意。In consideration of what you said, I will change my mind.156. 女学生成群地来这里买花。The girl students came here to buy flowers in crowds.157. 他对自己的前途漠不关心。He is indifferent to his future.158. 他不顾我的劝告,到海里去游泳。In defiance of my advice, he went swimming in the sea.159. 他沉溺于赌博。He indulged

29、 in gambling.160. 她爱空想。She indulges in dreams.161. 我千方百计想安慰她,但却无济于事。I tried to comfort her in every way, but in vain.162. 他饮酒过度所以病倒了。He drank in excess and fell sick.163. 今年流行红裙子。The red skirt is in fashion this year.164. 他没有获得上级的欢心。He is not in favor with his superior.165. 他十之八九是不会来的。He will not co

30、me in nine cases out of ten.166. 他决不会放弃钓鱼。He will in no wise give up fishing.167. 换句话说,高利贷者就是披者人皮的鬼。In other words, the usurers are a devil in human shape.168. 你在某种程度上是你自己的错误。It is in part your own fault.169. 我想私下跟你说说。I wish to speak to you in private.170. 我送他一只钢笔作为回礼。I gave him a pen in return(作为报酬

31、).171. 你来得正好,刚好赶上考试。 You arrived in season(恰好) for the exam.172. 总而言之,他就是要钱。In short he just wants money.173. 他泪流满面。She was bathed in tears.174. 正在行窃时,他被抓住了。He was caught in the act of stealing.175. 我完全不知道那个事情。I am in dark about it.176. 万一他来,请让他等一会。In the event of his coming, tell him to wait for a

32、while.177. 面临考试,我再也不能吊而郎当了。In the face of the exam, I cant remain idle.178. 真理终究会赢的。Truth will win in the long run.179. 他讲的大体上是有道理的。In the main what he says is reasonable.180. 我以正义的名义向你请求。I ask you in the name of justice.181. 他似乎是在后半夜出走的。It seems that he went away in the small hours.182. 我们白白抗议了。We protested in vain.183.

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