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1、美国公平信用报告法FCRA译本美国公平信用报告法(FCRA)译本618 Jurisdiction of courts; limitation of actions 法院管辖权:诉讼时效619 Obtaining information under false pretenses 受欺诈而获取的信息620 Unauthorized disclosures by officers or employees 职员或雇员XX的披露621 Administrative enforcement 行政执行622 Information on overdue child support obligations

2、 未尽儿童抚养义务的有关信息623 Responsibilities of furnishers of information to consumer reporting agencies 向消费者报告机构提供信息的人的责任624 Relation to State laws 与州法律的关系625 Disclosures to FBI for counterintelligence purposes 为反间谍目的而向联邦调查局披露626 Disclosures to governmental agencies for counterterrorism purposes 为反恐怖行为目的而向政府

3、机构披露601. Short title 小标题This title may be cited as the Fair Credit Reporting Act.此小标题为“公平信用报告法”。 602. Congressional findings and statement of purpose 15 U.S.C. 1681国会决定和目的陈述(a) Accuracy and fairness of credit reporting. The Congress makes the following findings:信用报告的准确性和公平性。国会作出如下决定:(1) The banking

4、system is dependent upon fair and accurate credit reporting. Inaccurate credit reports directly impair the efficiency of the banking system, and unfair credit reporting methods undermine the public confidence which is essential to the continued functioning of the banking system. 金融业系统建立在公平及准确的信用报告基础

5、之上。不准确的信用报告会直接影响金融系统的效率。不公平的信用报告方法会削弱公众的信心,影响金融业持续发展的基础。(2) An elaborate mechanism has been developed for investigating and evaluating the credit worthiness, credit standing, credit capacity, character, and general reputation of consumers. 已有一套精心设计的机制用以调查及评估消费者的信用价值、信用状况、信用能力、信用品格和一般名誉。(3) Consumer

6、reporting agencies have assumed a vital role in assembling and evaluating consumer credit and other information on consumers. 消费者报告机构承担了收集、评估消费者信用及其他有关信息的重要职责。 (4) There is a need to insure that consumer reporting agencies exercise their grave responsibilities with fairness, impartiality, and a resp

7、ect for the consumers right to privacy. 必须确保消费者报告机构在履行其职责时是公正无私的,并尊重消费者的隐私权。(b) Reasonable procedures. It is the purpose of this title to require that consumer reporting agencies adopt reasonable procedures for meeting the needs of commerce for consumer credit, personnel, insurance, and other inform

8、ation in a manner which is fair and equitable to the consumer, with regard to the confidentiality, accuracy, relevancy, and proper utilization of such information in accordance with the requirements of this title. 合理的程序。设定这一标题的目的是要求消费者报告机构根据本标题的要求,适用合理的程序,用对消费者公平、公正的方法,秘密、准确、中肯而适当地使用这些信息,以满足商业对消费者信用

9、、个人资料、保险及其他信息的需要。 603. Definitions; rules of construction 15 U.S.C. 1681a定义;解释规则(a) Definitions and rules of construction set forth in this section are applicable for the purposes of this title. 本节提出的定义及解释规则适用于本部分标题的目的。(b) The term person means any individual, partnership, corporation, trust, estate

10、, cooperative, association, government or governmental subdivision or agency, or other entity.“人”一词,指任何个人,合伙,公司,信托组织,不动产组织,合作社,团体协会,政府或政府所属部门,或其他实体。(c) The term consumer means an individual.消费者一词指个人。(d) Consumer report.消费者报告。(1) In general. The term consumer report means any written, oral, or other

11、communication of any information by a consumer reporting agency bearing on a consumers credit worthiness, credit standing, credit capacity, character, general reputation, personal characteristics, or mode of living which is used or expected to be used or collected in whole or in part for the purpose

12、 of serving as a factor in establishing the consumers eligibility for 一般规定。 消费者报告是指由信用调查机构提供的有关消费者信用价值、信用状况、信用能力、信用品格、一般名誉、个人消费特点或生活方式的任何书面、口头及其他联系方式的信息。它被部分或全部地用于或准备用于确定一个消费者某种资格的因素。这种资格包括(A) credit or insurance to be used primarily for personal, family, or household purposes; 主要为个人、家庭取得贷款或获得保险目的;

13、(B) employment purposes; or 就业目的;或(C) any other purpose authorized under section 604 1681b.其他由604节授权的任何目的 (2) Exclusions. The term consumer report does not include 除外事项。消费者报告不包括(A) any 任何 (i) report containing information solely as to transactions or experiences between the consumer and the person m

14、aking the report; 仅包含有关报告制作机构与消费者之间的交易或经历信息的报告; (ii) communication of that information among persons related by common ownership or affiliated by corporate control; or 在有关的共有产权人之间或公司控制的下属机构之间传达的信息;或者(iii) communication of other information among persons related by common ownership or affiliated by c

15、orporate control, if it is clearly and conspicuously disclosed to the consumer that the information may be communicated among such persons and the consumer is given the opportunity, before the time that the information is initially communicated, to direct that such information not be communicated am

16、ong such persons; 如果明确无误地向消费者披露,在有关的共有产权人之间或公司控制的下属机构之间传达其他信息,消费者有机会在此信息首次传达之前,指示不得在上述人员中传达。(B) any authorization or approval of a specific extension of credit directly or indirectly by the issuer of a credit card or similar device; 由信用卡或其他类似信用工具的发卡部门直接或间接批准及授权同意的特定信用扩张; (C) any report in which a pe

17、rson who has been requested by a third party to make a specific extension of credit directly or indirectly to a consumer conveys his or her decision with respect to such request, if the third party advises the consumer of the name and address of the person to whom the request was made, and such pers

18、on makes the disclosures to the consumer required under section 615 1681m; or某人应第三人请求对消费者直接、间接地做出特别信用扩张,信用报告又传达了其依该请求所做出的决定,而第三人如果将该被请求做出特别信用扩张的人的姓名、地址又告诉了消费者,其对消费者的披露是根据第615节1681m所作的话;或者 (D) a communication described in subsection (o). 以(O)小节规定的联系方式进行传达。(e) The term investigative consumer report me

19、ans a consumer report or portion thereof in which information on a consumers character, general reputation, personal characteristics, or mode of living is obtained through personal interviews with neighbors, friends, or associates of the consumer reported on or with others with whom he is acquainted

20、 or who may have knowledge concerning any such items of information. However, such information shall not include specific factual information on a consumers credit record obtained directly from a creditor of the consumer or from a consumer reporting agency when such information was obtained directly

21、 from a creditor of the consumer or from the consumer.”经调查的消费者报告”一词,是指报告或报告部分有关消费者品性、一般名誉、个人消费特点或生活方式的信息,是通过对该消费者的邻居、朋友、同事或其熟人以及对他有所了解的人进行访问而获得的。但是,当这些信息是直接从消费者债权人或消费者本人处获得的时,它们不包括那些直接从消费者债权人或消费者信用报告机构处获得的有关消费者信用记录的特定事实信息。(f) The term consumer reporting agency means any person which, for monetary fe

22、es, dues, or on a cooperative nonprofit basis, regularly engages in whole or in part in the practice of assembling or evaluating consumer credit information or other information on consumers for the purpose of furnishing consumer reports to third parties, and which uses any means or facility of inte

23、rstate commerce for the purpose of preparing or furnishing consumer reports. “信用报告机构”一词,指任何人以收费、应交之费或非盈利的合作基础,日常专职或兼职地从事收集或评估消费者信用信息或其他有关信息,以向第三人提供报告,以及使用任何方式或州际商业工具准备或提供消费者报告的任何人。” (g) The term file, when used in connection with information on any consumer, means all of the information on that cons

24、umer recorded and retained by a consumer reporting agency regardless of how the information is stored. 当用于对任何消费者交流信息时,“档案”指消费者报告机构记载的有关消费者的全部信息,不管此信息如何记载。(h) The term employment purposes when used in connection with a consumer report means a report used for the purpose of evaluating a consumer for e

25、mployment, promotion, reassignment or retention as an employee.”就业目的“一词用于消费者报告时,指该报告是用于评价消费者是否可以作为雇员就业、提职、委派或留任。(i) The term medical information means information or records obtained, with the consent of the individual to whom it relates, from licensed physicians or medical practitioners, hospitals,

26、 clinics, or other medical or medically related facilities.”医疗信息” 一词, 指经过有关个人同意,从获得执业许可的医生或医疗从业人员、医院、诊所或其他医疗机构得到的有关个人信息。(j) Definitions relating to child support obligations. 有关儿童抚养义务的定义(1) Overdue support. The term overdue support has the meaning given to such term in section 666(e) of title 42 Soc

27、ial Security Act, 42 U.S.C. 666(e). “怠于抚养”。”怠于抚养”一词见第42编社会保障法第666节(e) ,美国法典第42 编. 第666节(e)节。 (2) State or local child support enforcement agency. The term State or local child support enforcement agency means a State or local agency which administers a State or local program for establishing and enf

28、orcing child support obligations. “州或地方儿童抚养强制实施机构”。 “州或地方儿童抚养强制实施机构” 一词, 指州或地方管理有关确定和实施儿童抚养义务事务的机构。(k) Adverse action.不利行动(1) Actions included. The term adverse action包括的行动。 “不利行动”一词(A) has the same meaning as in section 701(d)(6) of the Equal Credit Opportunity Act; and 含义与平等信用机会法第701(d)(6)节的含义相同(B

29、) means 指 (i) a denial or cancellation of, an increase in any charge for, or a reduction or other adverse or unfavorable change in the terms of coverage or amount of, any insurance, existing or applied for, in connection with the underwriting of insurance; 根据现有的或被申请的与保险承办有关的任何保险范围或保险数额节款的拒绝或取消、保险费的增

30、加,或不利改变; (ii) a denial of employment or any other decision for employment purposes that adversely affects any current or prospective employee; 任何对当前或将来的雇员有不利影响的就业否决或其他就业决定(iii) a denial or cancellation of, an increase in any charge for, or any other adverse or unfavorable change in the terms of, any

31、 license or benefit described in section 604(a)(3)(D) 1681b; and 对604(a)(3)(D) 1681b节规定的许可或利益的拒绝或撤销,增加收费或任何其他不利变化;和(iv) an action taken or determination that is 作出的行为或决定是 (I) made in connection with an application that was made by, or a transaction that was initiated by, any consumer, or in connecti

32、on with a review of an account under section 604(a)(3)(F)(ii)1681b; and与任何消费者提出的申请或交易有关,或者根据604(a)(3)(F)(ii)1681b节与账户检查有关;并且 (II) adverse to the interests of the consumer. 对消费者的利益不利。(2) Applicable findings, decisions, commentary, and orders. For purposes of any determination of whether an action is an adverse action under paragraph (1)(A), all appropriate final findings, decisions, commentary, and orders issu

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