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1、大学英语应用课程2期中口语中英文Host: Good morning, everyone. Welcome to Books and Us. I m your host, Paul James.Today, it s my greatpleasure to haveMiss Rowling, the writer of theHarry Potter series, with us.Host: Good morning, Miss Rowling.JK Rowling: Good morning. Hi, everyone.Host: Miss Rowling, the Harry Potte

2、r books are now sold in over 200 countries and have been translated into morethansixty languages. Did you ever expect this global success?JK Rowling: Never , never . I would have been crazy to think that. I mean, it was too good to be true.Host: I m curious, when did you come up with the idea for Ha

3、rry Potter?JK Rowling: In 1990, on a train. One weekend, I was traveling from Manchester to London and the idea for Harry Potter fell into my head.Host: How amazing! On a train! Did you write it down immediately?JK Rowling: That s the worst part. I didn t have a pen on me, and I was too shy to askan

4、yone for one. I do stillwonder what I ve forgotten.Host: That s interesting. Many dreams come from childhood; did you want to be anauthor when you were young?JK Rowling: Yes, I had wanted to become an author for as long as I could remember . I hadbeen writing since Iwas six.Host: Six? My goodness! W

5、hy did you choose to be an author?JK Rowling: Well, writing makes me happy . I mean, its the one thing that I really lovedoing. I consider myselfvery lucky to be able to write for a living.主持人 : 早上好 , 大家好 , 欢迎来到书和美国。我是你的主人 , 保罗 ?詹姆斯。今天 , 这是我的伟大高兴 haveMiss 罗琳 ,theHarry 波特系列的作者 , 和我们在一起。主持人 : 罗琳小姐 , 早

6、上好。罗琳 : 早上好。你好 , 每个人。主持人 : 哈利 ?波特丛书罗琳小姐 , 现在在 200 多个国家销售 , 已被翻译成更多 thansixty 语言。你有没有预计全球成功 ?罗琳 : 从来没有 , 从来没有 , 我就疯狂的认为。我的意思是 , 这是好得令人难以置信。主持人 : 我很好奇 , 你是什么时候拿出哈利波特的想法吗 ?罗琳 :1990 年 , 在火车上 , 一个周末 , 我从曼彻斯特到伦敦旅行 , 哈利的想法波特掉进了我的头。主持人 : 太令人惊讶了 ! 在火车上 ! 你马上写下来吗 ?罗琳 : 这是最糟糕的部分。我没有笔给我 , 我不好意思问任何人。我仍然做的想知道我忘了。

7、.主持人 : 真有意思。许多梦想来自童年 ; 你年轻时想成为一个作家吗 ?罗琳 : 是的 , 我想成为一个作家了 , 只要我能记得。我一直写因为我六岁。主持人 : 六吗 ?我的天哪 ! 你为什么选择成为一个作家吗 ?罗琳 : 嗯, 写作使我快乐。我的意思是 , 它是我真正喜欢做的一件事。我认为自己非常幸运能够写为生。Situation: Mike and Javier meet Cassie on campus. Mike introduces Cassie to his friend, Javier ,who works as the student DJ at the college ra

8、dio station. Cassie: Hi Mike.Mike: Hi Cassie. I didn t expect to see you on campus today . What a surprise!Cassie: I normally stay at home on Thursdays because I don t have any class. I have to goto thelibrary to finish researching my final project for my economics classMike: I m curious, is your fi

9、nal project a lot of work?Cassie: Unfortunately , yes. I have to write a paper on current economic situations, design aPowerPoint presentation, and give a speech within the next two weeks.Mike: Wow!What a busy schedule!Cassie: Yes, it is. Is this your friend, Mike?Mike: Oh, yes. This is Javier . Jav

10、ier , this is CassieCassie: Javier? You re THE Javier , the morning DJ at the local radio station?Javier:Yes! That s me.Cassie: I can t believe my eyes! You are like a celebrity on campus.Javier: Thanks, but you shouldn t feel overly excited. I m a regular student just like you.I still spend most of

11、 my time in class or at home workingCassie: That s interesting. How did you become a DJ in the first place?Javier: Well, I had wanted to be a DJ for as long as I could remember , and the professorof mypublic speaking class recommended me for the job.Cassie: That s amazing!Mike: Well, we don t want t

12、o take up too much of your time,Cassie. We know you need to get to the library .Cassie:You re right. It was nice meeting you, Javier .Javier: It was nice to meet you too.Cassie: See you later , Mike.Mike: Bye!情境 : 迈克和哈维尔 满足校园卡西。迈克向卡西介绍他的朋友, 哈维尔 , 他是学生在大学广播电台 DJ。迈克 : 嗨, 卡西。我不希望看到你今天校园里。一个惊喜!卡西 : 我通常呆

13、在家里周四因为我没有上课。我必须去图书馆为我的经济学类完成我最后的研究项目迈克 : 我很好奇 , 你的最后一个项目是很多工作吗 ?卡西 : 不幸的是 , 是的。我必须写一篇论文在当前的经济情况下, 设计一个演示文稿 , 接下来的两周内发表演讲。迈克 :哇 !多么繁忙 !卡西 : 是的 , 它是。这是你的朋友 , 迈克 ?迈克 : 哦, 是的。这是哈维尔。哈维尔 , 这是卡西卡西 : 哈维尔 ?你是哈维尔 , 早上在当地的电台 DJ 吗 ?哈维尔 : 是的 ! 那是我。卡西 : 我不能相信我的眼睛。你就像一个名人。哈维尔 : 谢谢 , 但是你不应该觉得过于激动。我是一个普通的学生就像你。我仍然花

14、费我大部分的时间在课堂上或在家里工作卡西 : 那很有趣。你是怎么成为一个DJ 呢?哈维尔 : 嗯 , 我想成为一个 DJ, 只要我能记得 , 和我的教授公众演讲类推荐我的工作。卡西 : 那太神奇了 ! 迈克 : 嗯 , 我们不想占用你太多的时间, 卡西。我们知道你需要去图书馆。卡西 : 你是对的。很高兴认识你, 哈维尔。哈维尔 : 也很高兴见到你。卡西 : 再见 ,迈克。迈克: 再见 !Li Ling: May I help you, sir? I am a volunteer working for the 26 th Summer University Olympics. My name

15、is Li Ling.Mr. Stevens: Oh, wonderful !My name is John Stevens. Do you speak French? My English is poor.Li Ling: Sorry , just a little. But we have volunteer translators. Mr . Stevens: That s great.Li Ling: Please wait for a minute. I ll find them. Maybe one of them can help you.Mr. Stevens:That s v

16、ery kind of you. Many thanks.Mr. Smith: Excuse me. Are you a volunteer?Li Ling:Yes, I am. What can I do for you, sir?Mr. Smith: Can you tell me what s going on here? Why can t we get into the stadium?Li Ling: I m sorry , sir . Before entering the stadium, all spectators must go through asecurity che

17、ck. And that takes some time.Mr. Smith: I see. It seems that we have to wait quite a while.Li Ling: I m sorry about that. But this is a necessary procedure.Mr. Smith: But look at the long line Li Ling: Please accept our apology . I hope you can understand.Mr. Smith:That s all right. You re doing wha

18、t you have to do.Li Ling:Thank you for your understanding. I m sure it won t take too long.Li Ling:What s the trouble with you, sir? I m a volunteer .Mr. White:I hurt my leg.Li Ling: It looks like it might be broken. T ake it easy . I m giving you first aid right now.Mr. White:I feel much better now

19、. But I m still worried about it.Li Ling: Please calm down. I ve called the first aid center . The doctor will be here rightaway .Mr. White:I appreciate it very much.Li Ling: That s all right. That s what I m here for .李玲 : 我可以帮助你吗 , 先生 ?我是一个志愿者工作大学 26 届夏季奥运会。我的名字是李玲。史蒂文斯先生 : 哦, 太好了 ! 我的名字是约翰史蒂文斯。你会

20、说法语吗 ?我的英语很差。李玲 : 对不起 , 只是有点。但是我们有志愿翻译者。史蒂文斯先生 : 那太好了。李玲 : 请等一下。我要找到它们 , 也许其中一个可以帮助你。史蒂文斯先生 : 谢谢你。非常感谢。史密斯先生 : 对不起 , 你是一个志愿者吗 ?李玲 : 是的 , 我是。我能为您做什么 , 先生 ?史密斯先生 : 你能告诉我发生了什么吗 ?为什么我们不能进入体育馆吗 ?李玲 : 对不起 , 先生。在进入体育场时 , 所有的观众都必须通过安全检查 , 这需要一些时间。史密斯先生 : 我明白了。看来 , 我们必须等待很长一段时间。李玲 : 对不起。但这是一个必要的过程。史密斯先生 : 但看

21、看长行 李玲 : 请接受我们的道歉。我希望你能理解。史密斯先生 : 没关系。你做你必须做的事情。Situation: David has lost his wallet while attending an outdoor concert in the city . Heapproachesone of the volunteer guards to ask for help.David:Excuse me, are you a volunteer here?Volunteer:Yes, I am. How can I help youDavid: I seem to have lost my

22、 wallet and I m not sure where to look for itVolunteer: I m sorry about that, but I can t do much to help you. You need to go to the.central office. That s where we take all the items we find that people accidentally dropor leave behind.David:Thanks a lot!And where can I find the central office?Volu

23、nteer: You re welcome. Good luck.Receptionist: Hello, what can I do for you?David: Well, I lost my wallet. I noticed it was missing about an hour ago. I was hoping someonefound it and brought it here.Receptionist: One of our volunteers found a wallet about twenty minutes ago and brought it here,but

24、there was no identification card inside. Could you describe the wallet for me?David: Umm, it s black . . . leather . . . oh, and there s a cinema ticket for tomorrow s showing of Avatar mixed in with the moneyReceptionist : I see it!Y ou re very lucky!David: I can never thank you enough you ve saved

25、 my lifeReceptionist: You re very welcome, and you still have a few hours left to enjoy theconcert!情境 : 大卫已经失去了他的钱包在参加一个户外音乐会。他的方法其中一个志愿者警卫寻求帮助。大卫 : 对不起 , 你是一个志愿者吗 ?志愿者 : 是的 , 我是。我如何能帮助你大卫 : 我似乎已经失去了我的钱包 , 我不知道到哪里去寻找它志愿者 : 我很抱歉 , 但是我不能帮助你。你需要去中央办公室。我们把所有的项目我们发现人们不小心留下。大卫 : 谢谢 ! 我在哪里可以找到中央办公室吗 ?志愿者 :

26、 不客气。祝你好运。接待员 : 你好 , 我能为你做什么 ?大卫 : 嗯, 我失去了我的钱包。我发现它不见了大约一个小时前 , 我希望有人发现它并把它在这里。接待员 : 我们的一个志愿者发现一个钱包大约二十分钟前 , 这里 ,但是没有身份证在里面。你能描述我的钱包吗 ?大卫 : 嗯, 它是黑色的皮革。 。哦 , 还有电影院门票明天展示的阿凡达混在一起接待员 : 我明白了 ! 你很幸运 !大卫 : 我永远不会感谢你 , 你救了我的命接待员 : 你很受欢迎 , 你还有几个小时去享受音乐会 !.Nicholas: Hi, Diana, how is everything?Diana:Awful, N

27、icholas, awful.Nicholas:Why? What s happened?Diana: It s home. Mum s ill and Dad s been laid off.Nicholas: What s wrong with your mum? She seemed fine last time I saw her .Diana: Her blood pressure is going up again. I think she s really down because of Dad.And Dad is easily annoyedrecently because

28、of his job. I have to keep an eye on both of them.Nicholas: I m sorry to hear about your mum and dad. But why don t you ask your sistertohelp you out?Diana: Don t mention her! Emma won t be of any help.Nicholas: What s the problem with your sister?Diana: Oh. It makes me sick. She s so selfish. Since

29、she won that beauty competition,she s been acting so high and mighty and wonNicholas:Won t help your mum? t even help Mum with housework.Diana: No. She spends all her time in front of the mirror trying on different lipsticks. I have had enough of her behavior .Nicholas: I understand. My cousin is li

30、ke that, too. You know her , Amanda; she works atthe Hilton.Diana: Yeah. I met her at your birthday party . But she seems nice.Nicholas: Oh, yes, Miss Charming. But she s really conceited, even more so since she gotpromoted. I simply can t bear to see her always putting people down. Sometimes I evenget fed up with the way she speaks and laughs. Diana: We are in the same boat.Nicholas: I m luckier . Amanda is not my sister . We don t have to live under the sameroof.Diana: Poor me!.尼古拉斯 : 嗨, 戴安娜 , 一切都好吗 ?戴安娜 : 糟糕的事 , 糟糕尼古拉斯

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