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1、荒岛余生中英文对照详解台词荒岛余生中应对照台词Wind Blowing Softly Elvis Presley On Radio Mrs. Peterson!彼得森太太!Ramon, hey! Hows it goin雷蒙,嗨!你好How you doin There it is, right there on the desk.你好 在那儿,在桌子上- Wheres she headed - Shes snowbound, Ramon.要送到哪儿 送到冰天雪地,雷蒙- See you went with the pink. - Yeah, yeah.你这次挑了粉红色 对,对Its kind

2、 of a pink day today.今天是粉红色的日子Im gonna have another pickup for you on Thursday.我星期四还有东西要寄- All right. Well see you then. - All right. Thanks, Ramon.好,星期四见 好,谢谢 Bless my soul Whats wrong with me Im itchinlike a man on a fuzzy tree my friends say Im actin wild as a bug Im in love Humming Speaking Russ

3、ian Singing In Russian Man Shouting In Russian Singing Continues - Doorbell Rings - Peterson! Peterson!彼得森先生!- Peterson. - Russian 彼得森- Russian - Russian - Mr. Cowboy, da - Da.牛仔先生,是吗 是- Humming - Russian Mmm, its pretty. Russian 嗯,好美Mmm. Its from my wife.我太太寄来的 Horn Honking Singing In Russian - Rus

4、sian - Russian Russian Whistle Blows man Time.时间无情地支配着我们- rules over us without mercy, - Man Translating From English To Russian not caring if were healthy or ill, hungry or drunk,不管我们健康还是生病,饥饿还是醉饱Russian, American, beings from mars.俄国人、美国人还是火星人Its Iike a fire. It could either destroy us or keep us

5、warm.时间就像火,既能杀人也能救人Thats why every FedEx office has a clock.所以,每个联邦快递办公室里都有钟Because we live or we die by the clock.因为我们以时间为中心生活We never turn our back on it.永远不可对时间置之不理永远不允许自己犯下 失去时间观念的罪行!the sin of losing track of time!现在是当地时间1点56分That means weve got three hours and four minutes.这表示我们还有3小时4分钟before

6、the end-of-the-days package sort.就可以结束今天的邮件分类- Thats how long we have. Thats how much time we have. - Translating 在那令人心惊、无情的监工before this pulsating plset, accursed k:sd, relentless taskmaster t:skm:st(r).试图令我们失业之前tries to put us out of business.我们只有这么多时间Hey, Nicolai. Hey. Nicolai, good to see you.喂,

7、尼古拉How are you, kid Look what you did.你好,见到你真高兴You just delivered your very first FedEx package.你刚发送了你的第一件包裹That deserves something special, like a Snickers bar.这值得特别鼓励and a . player.朱古力条,CD唱机And something to listen to- a . There.CD唱片,猫王的Elvis Presley. Fifty million fans cant be wrong.五千万歌迷的选择不会错的Yo

8、u all recognize this, dont you你们还记得这个吧I took the liberty of sending this to myself.这是我寄给我自己的I Fed Exd it before I left memphis.我离开孟菲斯前用快递寄的Youre probably wondering what could be in here.你们都想知道里面是什么吧What could it possibly be Is it architectural :ktektrl plans是建筑蓝图还是技术图纸maybe technical teknkl drawings

9、是浴室的新墙纸吗Is this the new wallpaper for the- for the bathroomTranslator Continues 这是It is. a clock,一个钟,寄时我将它调到零which I started at absolute zero.and is now at 87 hours, 22 minutes and 17 seconds.现在已过了87小时22分17秒From memphis, America to Nicolai in Russia, 87 hours.从美国的孟菲斯 到俄罗斯的尼古拉,87小时Eighty-seven hours

10、is a shameful outrage.87小时是个可耻的纪录This is just an egg timer这只是个煮蛋计时器!What if it had been something else Like your paycheck如果是别的呢比如支票- Or fresh boysenberriesbznbri Or adoption papers - Translating The cosmosk:zmos was created in less time! Wars have been fought and nations toppledtpl in 87 hours!鲜草莓或者

11、领养文件呢87小时太长了,开天辟地也不用这么长87小时可以推翻国家Fortunesf:tu:nmadeandsquandered.skwnd(r)发了财又破了产What什么What are you saying about me你在说我什么 我说,你会怎么办I tell them, what do they expect货车坏了,他会偷儿童自行车去送This man, when his truck broke down, he stole a boys bicycle to do his delivery dlvri.我借的,我借了辆儿童车I borrowed it! I borrowed a

12、 kids bike.我把包裹送到了,这就是你要做的And I got my packages delivered, and that is what you people are gonna g:n have to start doing.You have to start doing whatever it takes, because in three hours and two minutes.你要不择手段,因为3小时2分钟后every one of these packages has to be on the big truck.这些包裹就要装上大货车and on its way

13、to the airport.运往机场- Bell Rings - Fifteen minutes!15分钟!- Crunch krnt time! Crunch time! - Crunch time!时间紧急!时间紧急! 时间紧急!Lets go! Every package on the airport truck.快!所有包裹都要装上货车Go! Crunch, crunch, crunch!快!赶快!赶快!- We have a big problem. - What出了大问题了 什么- The truck in Red Square is stuckstk. - What do yo

14、u mean货车卡在红场了 什么- Its stuck. - Stuck how In snow In ice被卡住了 卡住了是雪还是冰Its stuck! The most important truck- the Kremlin kremln truck! many packages.那是最重要的货车,克里姆林宫的包裹!All right, all right, all right. Lets put the table right here.好,把桌子放在这里,我们分类Well just do the sort.Ah, yeah, a clampklmp. That would make us stuck.轮胎锁,这当然会卡住货车Lets go. Unload- Get him out of there.快,卸货让他出来Right here. Two lines, two lines.在这里,排两行一行去机场,一行去莫斯科One to the airport truck, one to the moscow truck.Got it法国、远东、中东 孟菲斯的装车,其余的放那边 ., , memphis on the airp

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