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1、年90万吨乙烯装置工程静设备及其内件安装方案年90万吨乙烯装置工程静设备及其内件安装方案一工程概况 2I. Engineering General二执行的标准、规范 2II. Applied standards and specifications三服务内容 3III. Service Contents四施工方法 4IV. Construction methods五需求量计划 34V. Material and Equipment Demand Plan六HSE控制计划 38VI. HSE Control Plan七.附主要静设备安装明细表 40VII. Attached Main Stati

2、c Equipment Installation Break Down List八静设备安装施工质量控制点44.The quality control points of static equipment installation一 .工程概况I. Engineering General 上海赛科90万吨/年乙烯工程,标2中静设备共198台。其中,容器52台,最重容器(丙烯冷剂压缩机一段吸入罐)115.451吨;塔10台,最重塔也是最高的塔(丙烯精馏塔No.2 ) 1430.894吨,97m;反应器13台,最重反应器(乙炔转化器)106.934吨;换热器104台;冷箱1台120吨;干燥器3台;

3、其它静设备15台。There are totally 198sets of static equipment in second tending section of Shanghai SECCO 900KT/Y ethylene project, which including 52 sets of vessels and the heaviest vessel 115.451t ( Stage one suction tank of propylene cool air compressor), 10 sets of towers and the heaviest and highest

4、is 1430.894t and 97m (Propylene fractionating tower); 13 sets of reactors and the heaviest is 106.934t (Acetylene converter); 104 sets of exchangers, one set of 120t cold tank, 3 sets of dryers and 15 sets of other static equipment.二 .执行的标准、规范II. Applied standards and specifications1. 施工图及其它设计技术文件。C

5、onstruction drawings and other design technical documents 2. 工程专题会议纪要。Engineering special topic meeting minutes3.中低压化工设备施工及验收规范 (HGJ209-83)。Construction and acceptance specification of middle and low pressure chemical industrial equipment (HGJ209-83)4.化工塔类设备施工及验收规范 (HGJ211-85)。 Construction and acce

6、ptance specification of chemical towers equipment (HGJ211-85)5.塔盘技术条件 (JB1205-80)。Technical requirements for trays (JB1205-80)6. 施工组织设计中对施工技术措施、施工方法所做出的规定。Construction technical methods and measures specified by Construction Execution Plan 7. 施工现场条件。Construction Site Conditions8. 机具装备条件。Machinery Eq

7、uipment and tools conditions三 服务内容III. Service Contents 198台静设备及其中部分内件安装。设备开孔检查,图纸或甲方要求的试压,人孔封闭。同步提供安装记录、隐蔽记录、试压记录及竣工资料。To install 198 sets of static equipment and internal components, to open equipment hole for inspection, to carry out pressure tests required by drawings or by clients, to close out

8、 manholes and at the same time to provide installation records, covered works records, pressure tests records and work completion documents.四 施工方法IV. Construction methods 1 静设备安装施工方法Static equipment installation methods A 施工准备 Construction preparation a. 施工人员必须在施工前充分了解本工程的施工内容,明确设备结构特点及内件安装的特殊要求。 Co

9、nstructors shall fully know about the construction contents of this works and understand the characteristics of equipment structures and special requirements of internal components installation. b. 核对设计总图上注明内容是否齐全;同时核对设备的规格、重量、型号、工艺位号,并核对基础与设备的方位、标高、几何尺寸。自审合格后,应与相关专业(工艺、仪表等)配合审查管口数量、规格、方位、标高是否与其他专业施

10、工图纸相符。 Check and find out whether the notes on designed drawings is complete; meanwhile check the specifications, weights, models, location Nos. of equipment and review the foundation locations, elevations and geometry dimensions relevant to equipment. When self-inspection results are in accordance

11、with requirements, to check pipe nozzles quantities, specifications, locations and elevations with other relevant disciplines (processing, instruments etc.) to make sure they are in accordance with other discipline construction drawings. c. 准备好安装用垫铁及其它一些安装辅助用料。 Make preparation for sizing blocks and

12、 other auxiliary materials needed during installation B 静设备验收Acceptance of static equipment a. 到货的塔器、反应器、容器、换热器、冷箱及其附件,必须符合设计要求,并附有出厂合格证明书、竣工图等技术文件。 All delivered towers, reactors, vessels, heat exchangers, cold tanks and their components must be in accordance with design requirements and technical

13、documents such as qualification certificates an completion drawings shall be attached with delivery. b. 检查清点时,应有各方人员同时参加,对照装箱单及图样进行核查、验收、交接,具体项目及要求如下: All parties shall be present in the inspection and acceptance and handing over procedures, which shall be done with packing lists and drawings. The d

14、etailed items and requirements are as following: 设备本体外形尺寸及管口方位是否正确。管孔、人孔等应封闭。To check equipment external dimensions and nozzle positions to be sure they are correct. Pipe holes and manholes shall be close outed. 设备上预焊件是否符合图纸要求。The pre-welded items on equipment shall be in accordance with drawing req

15、uirements. 设备内件及附件的规格、尺寸及数量是否齐全,验收后应分类由专人管理。易损件及零星部件应拆除,进行专门保管。The internal components specifications, dimensions and quantities shall be complete and they shall be categorized and managed by responsible person. Wearing parts and scattered parts shall be removed and kept specially. 表面损坏、变形及锈蚀状况是否超标。

16、Surface damage, deformation and corrosive status shall not be over than specified scope. 立式设备上安装方位线、卧式设备安装找平基准线是否画上。Installation location reference lines of vertical equipment and levelness reference lines of horizontal equipment shall be marked. 检查、清点后应作好验收签证。Acceptance issue shall be made after in

17、spection and quantities check. C 基础验收 Foundation acceptance 基础验收前,必须有基础施工单位提交的基础竣工技术资料。验收时, 由监理、安装、土建三方参加,验收标准如下:Foundation completion technical documents shall be handed over for acceptance. Three parties of CMC, installation and civil construction shall be present in acceptance inspection. a. 基础上应

18、明显的画出标高基准线,纵横中心线,相应的建筑(构筑)物上应标有坐标轴线。Elevation reference line, horizontal and vertical center lines on foundation shall be marked out and coordination line on corresponding structures shall be marked out. b. 基础外观不得有裂纹、蜂窝、空洞及露筋等缺陷。 No defects such as cracks, honeycombs, air holes and bar exposed shall

19、 be found on foundation surface. c. 基础混凝土强度应达到设计要求,周围土方应回填、夯实、整平,预埋地脚螺栓的螺纹部分应无损坏,螺纹部分应涂少量油脂。Concrete strength of foundation shall reach to the design requirements. Ground around foundation shall be backfilled, tamped and leveled. The threads of embedded anchor bolts shall be undamaged and part of th

20、em shall be greased. d. 基础表面应修整,需灌浆抹面的基础表面要铲好麻面,基础表面不得有油垢及疏松层;放置垫铁处应铲平,铲平部位水平度允差为2 mm/米,预埋地脚螺栓孔内的杂物应清除干净。Foundation surface shall be finished. Foundation surface that grouting is required shall be preparation by shoveling and no oil dirty and loose layer shall be found on surface. Where prepared for

21、 sizing blocks shall be shoveled level with 2 mm/m allowable levelness tolerance. Inside hole of embedded bolts shall be cleaned. e. 地脚螺栓各部分的尺寸应符合图纸要求。The overall dimensions of anchor bolts shall be in accordance with drawing requirements. f. 钢梁基础或钢结构支座也要按设计要求验收。Steel beam foundation or steel struct

22、ures supports shall be accepted according to design requirements. g. 基础各部尺寸及位置的偏差数值不得超过表一的规定。The deviation of foundation dimensions and locations shall not out of the scope specified by sheet I. 表一 基础各部尺寸及位置的偏差数值表: Sheet I Allowable tolerance of foundation overall dimensions and locations 项目Item偏差名称

23、Description允许偏差值(mm)Allowable tolerance (mm)1基础坐标位置(纵、横轴线)Foundation coordination ( Vertical and horizontal axis line)202基础各不同平面的标高Elevations of various foundation levels 0- 203基础上平面的水平度: Foundation surface levelness: 每米 per meter 全长 Full length 5104竖向偏差: Longitudinal tolerance每米 Per meter全长 Full le

24、ngth 5205预埋地脚螺栓: Embedded anchor bolts:顶端标高Top elevation在根部和顶部两处测量中心距Center distances measures at both top and root0+2026预埋地脚螺栓孔:Embedded anchor bolt hole: 中心位置Center location深度 Depth孔壁垂直度Verticality of hole wall100+2010 D 设备吊装就位准备 Preparation for equipment lifting a. 核实管口方位,找出有代表性的管口作为安装就位时的方位标记。 R

25、eview orientation of nozzles, find a representational nozzle as an orientation reference for installation. b. 地脚螺栓上的油脂和污垢应清除干净。Grease and dirt on anchor bolts shall be cleaned. c. 在验收合格的基础上按要求预置垫铁组,它的放置应符合下列要求:Place sizing block groups on acceptance basis, which shall be in accordance with the follo

26、wing requirements: 每个地脚螺栓两侧至少有一组垫铁,且应尽量靠近地脚螺栓。 At least one group of sizing blocks shall be placed on both sides of each anchor bolts as near to anchor bolts as possible . 有加强筋的底座,垫铁应垫在加强筋下面。 As for bottom support with reinforcement, sizing blocks shall be placed under reinforcement . 每组垫铁均应放置整齐平稳,接

27、触良好。Each sizing blocks shall be placed stable and smoothly contacted. 保证各垫铁组的上表面基本上在一个水平面上。To make sure that all top surfaces of each group sizing blocks shall be in the same level. 垫铁表面的油污等应清除干净。Grease on surface of sizing blocks shall be cleaned.d. 如果是预留地脚螺栓孔,应检查孔内不得有异物和积水。 Water and things in spa

28、red anchor bolt hole shall be cleaned. E 设备就位 Lifting equipment in position a. 设备就位时,各工种应密切配合,慢吊轻放,注意保护地脚螺栓丝扣。All workers shall corporate with each other to lift equipment, which shall be done slowly and stably. Pay attention that anchor bolts threads shall not be damaged. b. 吊装时设备的接管或附属结构不得因绳索的压力或拉

29、力而受到损伤。 Pipe joints or accessories of equipment shall not be damaged by stress of slings while lifting equipment. c. 就位后应注意保证设备的稳定性。 Equipment stability shall be assured when they are lifted in position. F 设备找正、找平Equipment spotting, centering and leveling a. 静设备找正与找平的测点宜在下列部位选择:It is suitable to sel

30、ect the measurement points of equipment spotting, centering and leveling from the following positioin: 主法兰口、水平或铅垂的轮廓面。Main flange opening, horizontal or vertical contour surfaces 其他指定的基准面或加工面。Other specified datum level or machined surfaces. b. 静设备找正、找平应符合下列规定:Static equipment spotting, centering an

31、d leveling shall be in accordance with the following specifications: 设备地脚螺栓预留孔灌桨的,混凝土强度达到设计强度75%以上时,方能进行设备最终找正或找平及紧固地脚螺栓的工作。For the spared anchor bolt holes with grouting required, only when the concrete strength is higher than 75% of design strength, can the finally equipment spotting, centering and leveling work be done. 找正找平应在同一平面内互成直角的两或两个以上方向进行。Spotting, centering and leveling shall be done along two or more than two directions being vertical to each other in the same plane. 高度超过20m的立式设备,为避免气象条件影响,其铅垂度的

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