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1、以简单的愉悦换取更复杂更有挑战性的快乐震撼人心的英语演讲以简单的愉悦换取更复杂、更有挑战性的快乐震撼人心的英语演讲以简单的愉悦换取更复杂、更有挑战性的快乐:德纳乔伊亚(Dana Gioia,1950.12.24 ),美国著名诗人、作家、评论家及商人。本科毕业于斯坦福大学,硕士毕业于哈佛大学。最初在通用食品公司任销售主管,1992年辞职专职写作。2003年至2009年,任职美国国家艺术基金会主席及美国政府艺术处处长。Dana Gioia: Trade Easy Pleasures for More Complex and Challenging Ones乔伊亚:以简单的愉悦换取更复杂、更有挑战性

2、的快乐演讲者:德纳乔伊亚地点:斯坦福大学时间:2007年6月17日【演讲者简介】德纳乔伊亚(Dana Gioia,1950.12.24 ),美国著名诗人、作家、评论家及商人。本科毕业于斯坦福大学,硕士毕业于哈佛大学。最初在通用食品公司任销售主管,1992年辞职专职写作。2003年至2009年,任职美国国家艺术基金会主席及美国政府艺术处处长。2005年,发起了一项“大阅读”(Big Read)活动,鼓励美国人阅读严肃文学,最终成为联邦政府史上最盛大的文学活动。2008年,乔治布什总统授予乔伊亚“总统公民奖章”。2011年,乔伊亚成为南加州大学诗歌和公共文化学系威德尼教授。We need to c

3、reate a new national consensus. The purpose of arts education is not to produce more artists, though that is a byproduct. The real purpose of arts education is to create complete human beings capable of leading successful and productive lives in a free society.This is not happening now in American s

4、chools. Even if you forget the larger catastrophe that only 70 percent of American kids now graduate from high school, what are we to make of a public education system whose highest goal seems to be producing minimally competent entry-level workers?The situation is a cultural and educational disaste

5、r, but it also has huge and alarming economic consequences. If the United States is to compete effectively with the rest of the world in the new global marketplace, it is not going to succeed through cheap labor or cheap raw materials, nor even the free flow of capital or a streamlined industrial ba

6、se. To compete successfully, this country needs continued creativity, ingenuity, and innovation.It is hard to see those qualities thriving in a nation whose educational system ranks at the bottom of the developed world and has mostly eliminated the arts from the curriculum.I have seen firsthand the

7、enormous transformative power of the artsin the lives of individuals, in communities, and even society at large.Marcus Aurelius believed that the course of wisdom consisted of learning to trade easy pleasures for more complex and challenging ones. I worry about a culture that bit by bit trades off t

8、he challenging pleasures of art for the easy comforts of entertainment. And that is exactly what is happeningnot just in the media, but in our schools and civic life.Entertainment promises us a predictable pleasurehumor, thrills, emotional titillation, or even the odd delight of being vicariously te

9、rrified. It exploits and manipulates who we are rather than challenges us with a vision of who we might become. A child who spends a month mastering Halo or NBA Live on Xbox has not been awakened and transformed the way that child would be spending the time rehearsing a play or learning to draw.If y

10、ou dont believe me, you should read the statistical studies that are now coming out about American civic participation. Our country is dividing into two distinct behavioral groups. One group spends most of its free time into two distinct behavioral groups. One group spends most of its free time sitt

11、ing at home as passive consumers of electronic entertainment. Even family communication is breaking down as members increasingly spend their time alone, staring at their individual screens.The other group also uses and enjoys the new technology, but these individuals balance it with a broader range

12、of activities. They go outto exercise, play sports, volunteer and do charity work at about three times the level of the first group. By every measure they are vastly more active and socially engaged than the first group.What is the defining difference between passive and active citizens? Curiously,

13、it isnt income, geography, or even education. It depends on whether or not they read for pleasure and participate in the arts. These cultural activities seem to awaken a heightened sense of individual awareness and so cial responsibility.Why do these issues matter to you? This is the culture you are

14、 about to enter. For the last few years you have had the privilege of being at one of the worlds greatest universitiesnot only studying, but being a part of a community that takes arts and ideas seriously. Even if you spent most of your free time watching Greys Anatomy, playing Guitar Hero, or Faceb

15、ooking your friends, those important endeavors were balanced by courses and conversations about literature, politics, technology, and ideas.Distinguished graduates, your support system is about to end. And you now face the choice of whether you want to be a passive consumer or an active citizen. Do

16、you want to watch the world on a screen or live in it so meaningfully that you change it?Thats no easy task, so dont forget what the arts provide.Art is an irreplaceable way of understanding and expressing the worldequal to but distinct from scientific and conceptual methods. Art addresses us in the

17、 fullness of our beingsimultaneously speaking to our intellect, emotions, intuition, imagination, memory, and physical senses. There are some truths about life that can be expressed only as stories, or songs, or images.Art delights, instructs, consoles. It educates our emotions. And it remembers. As

18、 Robert Frost once said about poetry, “It is a way of remembering that which it would impoverish us to forget.” Art awakens, enlarges, refines, and restores our humanity. You dont outgrow art. The same work can mean something different at each stage of your life. A good book changes as you change.My

19、 own art is poetry, though my current daily life sometimes makes me forget that. So let me end my remarks with a short poem appropriate to the occasion.PRAISE TO THE RITUALS THAT CELEBRATE CHANGEPraise to the rituals that celebrate change,old robes worn for new beginnings,solemn protocol where the m

20、utable soul,surrounded by ancient experience, growsyoung in the imaginations white dress.Because it is not the rituals we honorbut our trust in what they signify, these ritesthat honor us as witnesseswhether to watchlovers swear loyalty in a careless worldor a newborn washed with water and oil.So pr

21、aise to innocenceimpulsive and evergreenand let the old be touched by youthswayward astonishment at learning something new,and dream of a future so fitting and so justthat our desire will bring it into being.Congratulations to the Class of 2007.我们需要确定一个新的国民共识。艺术教育的目的不是培养更多的艺术家,这最多只是一个副产品。艺术教育的真正目的是培






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