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AP AMERICAN HISTORY terms 1 to 200.docx

1、AP AMERICAN HISTORY terms 1 to 200The terms we went over I have left blank so you can check them on your own. The ones we skipped are defined for you, and I hope they make sense with the background we have discussed.1. Mayflower Compact2. William BradfordA Pilgrim, the second governor of the Plymout

2、h colony, 1621-1657. He developed private land ownership and helped colonists get out of debt. He helped the colony survive droughts, crop failures, and Indian attacks.3. Pilgrims /vs/ Puritans contrasted4. Massachusetts Bay Colony5. Cambridge Agreement1629 - The Puritan stockholders of the Massachu

3、setts Bay Company agreed to emigrate to New England on the condition that they would have control of the government of the colony. (*remember what happens with Dominion of New England)6. Puritan migration7. Church of England (Anglican Church)The national church of England, founded by King Henry VIII

4、. It included both Roman Catholic and Protestant ideas.8. John Winthrop (1588-1649), his beliefs9. Separatists, non-separatists10. CalvinismProtestant sect founded by John Calvin. Emphasized a strong moral code and believed in predestination (the idea that God decided whether or not a person would b

5、e saved as soon as they were born). Calvinists supported constitutional representative government and the separation of church and state.11. Congregational Church, Cambridge PlatformThe Congregational Church was founded by separatists who felt that the Church of England retained too many Roman Catho

6、lic beliefs and practices. The Pilgrims were members of the Congregational Church. The Cambridge Platform stressed morality over church dogma.12. Contrast Puritan colonies with others13. Anne Hutchinson, Antinomianism14. Roger Williams, Rhode Island15. Covenant theology16. Voting granted to church m

7、embers - 16311631 - The Massachusetts general court passed an act to limit voting rights to church members.17. Half-way CovenantThe Half-way Covenant applied to those members of the Puritan colonies who were the children of church members, but who hadnt achieved grace themselves. The covenant allowe

8、d them to participate in some church affairs.18. Brattle Street Church1698 - Founded by Thomas Brattle. His church differed from the Puritans in that it did not require people to prove that they had achieved grace in order to become full church members.19. Thomas HookerClergyman, one of the founders

9、 of Hartford. Called the father of American democracy because he said that people have a right to choose their magistrates.20. Fundamental Orders of ConnecticutSet up a unified government for the towns of the Connecticut area (Windsor, Hartford, and Wethersfield). First constitution written in Ameri

10、ca.21. Saybrook PlatformIt organized town churches into county associations which sent delegates to the annual assembly which governed the colony of Connecticut.22. Massachusetts School LawFirst public education legislation in America. It declared that towns with 50 or more families had to hire a sc

11、hoolmaster and that towns with over 100 families had to found a grammar school.23. Harvard founded1636 - Founded by a grant from the Massachusetts general court. Followed Puritan beliefs.24. New England Confederation1643 - Formed to provide for the defense of the four New England colonies, and also

12、acted as a court in disputes between colonies.25. King Philips War26. Dominion of New England27. Sir Edmond Andros28. Joint stock company29. Virginia: purpose, problems, failures, successes30. Headright system31. John Smith32. John Rolfe, tobacco33. Slavery begins34. House of Burgesses35. CavaliersI

13、n the English Civil War (1642-1647), these were the troops loyal to Charles II. Their opponents were the Roundheads, loyal to Parliament and Oliver Cromwell.36. Bacons Rebellion37. Culperers RebellionLed by Culperer, the Alpemark colony rebelled against its English governor, Thomas Miller. The rebel

14、lion was crushed, but Culperer was acquitted.38. Georgia: reasons, successes39. James Oglethorpe40. Carolinas41. John Locke, Fundamental ConstitutionLocke was a British political theorist who wrote the Fundamental Constitution for the Carolinas colony, but it was never put into effect. The constitut

15、ion would have set up a feudalistic government headed by an aristocracy which owned most of the land.42. Charleston1690 - The first permanent settlement in the Carolinas, named in honor of King Charles II. Much of the population was Huguenot (French Protestant) refugees.43. Staple crops in the South

16、44. Pennsylvania, William Penn45. Liberal land laws in PennsylvaniaWilliam Penn allowed anyone to emigrate to Pennsylvania, in order to provide a haven for persecuted religions.46. Holy experiment *Pennsylvania47. Frame of government1701 - The Charter of Liberties set up the government for the Penns

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