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1、黄河下游交互式三维视景系统开发应用研究黄河下游交互式三维视景系统开发应用研究王军良 程 冀 王 彤 谈 皓 何刘鹏 张继勇 陈新燕 马迎平黄河勘测规划设计有限公司,河南郑州,450003一、研究背景为了实现新时期的治黄目标,全面贯彻落实水利部新时期的治水思路,黄委提出建设“数字黄河”工程。“数字黄河”就是把黄河装进计算机,在计算机中建立原型黄河的虚拟对照体,从而可方便地模拟、分析、研究黄河的自然现象,探索其内在规律,为黄河治理、开发和管理的各种方案决策提供技术支持。“黄河下游交互式三维视景系统”是“数字黄河”工程建设的一个基础设施,系统研究如何把黄河下游直观、形象、系统地装进计算机,在计算机中

2、建立现实黄河下游的虚拟对照体,为黄河下游治理、开发、研究提供一个三维可视化决策分析平台。 二、研究目标通过GIS、RS、三维建模、虚拟现实等先进的计算机技术,把黄河下游直观、形象、系统地装进计算机,在计算机中建立现实黄河下游的虚拟对照体“黄河下游交互式三维视景平台”,在这个平台上可以开发和挂接防洪、水调、工程建设与管理等多种应用系统,使之成为既能直观系统地反映黄河下游防洪工程基本情况,又能为防洪工程规划、建设管理、下游防汛、水量调度提供应用的一个综合性的可视化服务平台。从而为黄河下游的治理开发提供强大的三维可视化决策支持环境。三、研究内容及成果“黄河下游交互式三维视景系统”表现范围为黄河小浪底

3、,到黄河入海口900多公里的河道,系统对黄河下游河道、小浪底水利枢纽、黄河下游临黄大堤、险工、控导、防护坝、放淤固堤工程、各类涵闸,桥梁、河务局、防汛仓库、村庄等数以万计的工程地物及树木、标注等数十万计的非工程地物采用三维技术能进行逼真表现。在系统提供的三维虚拟环境下,既可以从宏观角度全方位研究考察整个黄河下游工程的整体布局,直观了解每处工程的作用及各个工程之间上下游左右岸之间的相互关系;也可以近距离对某处工程进行多角度、交互式地控制浏览察看,并能够方便快捷地查询工程的特征属性信息,系统了解工程的建设运行情况。黄河下游交互式三维视景系统用户界面如图1所示。图1 黄河下游交互式三维视景系统用户界



6、互式三维视景系统是一个具有海量数据信息、基于地理坐标控制、表现直观、操作灵活方便、具有强大三维查询分析功能、可进行二次开发的虚拟三维数字平台系统。可为从以下几个方面为黄河下游治理开发提供支持:(1) 系统提供了一个认识黄河、了解黄河、研究黄河的平台系统提供了与现实黄河下游相对应的三维景观,工程地物与现实黄河下游一一对应,同时与工程属性信息建立联系,点击可查询工程地物详细的属性信息。灵活方便的交互控制浏览方式,突破现场查勘视觉限制的场景表现方式,可以从宏观到微观全面系统考察研究整个黄河下游,可提供比二维系统更为强大的信息支持。同时系统提供的河道断面分析功能、基于三维场景的地形断面绘制功能、面积量

7、算功能、距离测量功能为认识研究黄河下游提供了必要的技术手段。通过该平台可以快速认识、了解、研究整个黄河下游,为黄河下游的治理开发提供一个全面、系统、可视化的研究分析平台。(2) 为黄河下游防汛提供一个可视化的决策支持平台在系统平台上可以开发挂接工情险情会商系统,建立三维可视化工情险情会商系统。在系统建立的“数字虚拟”平台上开发挂接基于GIS的二维洪水演进模型,可以为黄河下游防汛提供可视化的决策支持。每年汛前利用先进的测量技术,对黄河下游河道进行测量,根据测量结果修正“数字虚拟”平台的数字高程模型,然后在该虚拟平台上进行洪水调度预案的生成与模拟。我们可以把不同级别、不同成因、不同工程条件下的洪水

8、过程在该平台上进行模拟演进,在数字虚拟平台上直观的看到不同级别洪水在河道的演进过程。根据洪水演进结果,可以制订不同级别洪水条件下下游滩区人员撤退方案或其它有效的避险措施;对可能出现险情的工程,确定需要在多长时间内做好料物、人员、机械设备等抢险准备工作。当某一级别洪水发生时,就启动某个洪水调度预案,在虚拟平台上进行实时洪水演进,直观显示洪水演进过程,通过虚拟平台进行可视化的抢险调度指挥,当某处工程出现险情时,可以在三维平台上点击该处工程,调出该处工程的抢险预案,进行可视化的抢险调度指挥,做到有的放矢,变被动防洪为主动防洪,最大限度降低黄河下游洪水灾害损失。(3) 为水量调度管理提供一个可视化应用

9、服务平台在系统提供的三维虚拟平台上可以直观查看每个引黄涵闸的详细属性信息,了解每处工程的运行情况。与涵闸远程监控系统挂接,在虚拟三维环境下可视化控制不同闸门引水过程,提高水量调度管理水平。(4) 为黄河下游防洪工程规划、建设、管理提供了一个工作平台在系统提供的三维虚拟平台上可以直观系统地察看黄河下游工程的总体布局,可以看到哪些河段工程布点不足,或是已建工程不够完善。通过卫星影像的动态更新可以掌握河势的演变规律,发现河势频繁上提下挫不能得到很好控制时,通过本系统可直接对工程的节点布置、工程上延下续进行规划。为黄河下游防洪工程建设提供决策支持。(5) 和数学模型结合,可以成为模拟研究黄河下游河道规


11、维可视化的决策支持。Development and Application Research of the Interactive ThreeDimensional (3D) Visual System of the Lower Yellow RiverWang JunLiang, Cheng Ji, Wang Tong, Tan Hao, He LiuPeng, Zhang JiYong, Chen XinYan, Ma YingPing Research BackgroundIn order to realize tasks of the Yellow River control in t

12、he new period and overall carry out the thought for water control of the Ministry of Water Resources in the new period, the Yellow River Conservancy Commission proposes to establish the “Digital Yellow River” project which makes all the data relevant to the lower reach of Yellow River input into the

13、 computer and establish the virtual comparison body of the prototype Yellow River so as to conveniently simulate, analyze and research the natural phenomenon of the Yellow River, and probe its internal laws to provide technical support for the various projects and policies of control, development an

14、d management of the Yellow River. The “Interactive ThreeDimensional Visual System of the Lower Yellow River” is one basic facility for building the “Digital Yellow River” project, and systematically study how to make all the data relevant to the lower reach of Yellow River input into computer in a v

15、isual and systematical way and establish the virtual comparison body of actual lower Yellow River in the computer so as to provide a 3D visual decision-making analysis platform for control, development and study of the Lower Yellow River. Research ObjectThe research object is to make all the data re

16、levant to the lower reach of Yellow River input into the computer in a visual and systematical way by advanced computer technologies, such as GIS, RS, 3D model building, virtual reality and etc., and establish the virtual comparison body of actual lower Yellow River in the computer- “Interactive 3D

17、Visual Platform of the Lower Yellow River”, on which many application systems, such as flood control, water operation, construction and management of projects and so on, can be developed and applied, which will not only make the platform visually and systematically reflect the basic situation of the

18、 flood control project and also provide planning and construction management of the flood control project, flood control and water dispatch in the lower reach with an all-round visual service platform for application so as to offer a mighty 3D visual decision support environment for the control and

19、development of the Lower Yellow River. Contents and Results of Research The scope of the “Interactive ThreeDimensional Visual System of the Lower Yellow River” covers Xiaolangdi on Yellow River, riverway of over 900 kilometers to Yellow Rivers entrance to the sea. The system adopts 3D technologies t

20、o realistically represent tens of thousands of projects and features, such as the lower reaches of the Yellow River, Xiaolangdi Hydro project, the levee near Lower Yellow River, vulnerable spots, control and training project, guard dam, dyke strengthening by warping project, various culvert gates, b

21、ridges, Yellow River bureaus, flood prevention storehouse, villages and so on, and tens of thousands of non-projects and surface features, such as trees, marks and etc. In the 3D virtual environment provided by the system, we not only can comprehensively research and view the integral layout of the

22、whole Lower Yellow River project from a macro perspective, visually know the function of each project and the interrelationships between projects, between the upper and lower reaches, the left and right banks; but also can interactively control, browse and view a certain project from different persp

23、ectives at a close distance, easily and quickly inquire the attributes information of projects and systematically know the operating conditions of projects construction. The user interface of the “Interactive ThreeDimensional Visual System of the Lower Yellow River” refers to Chart 1 as follows: Cha

24、rt 1: The user interface of the “Interactive ThreeDimensional Visual System of the Lower Yellow River”The whole system is mainly composed of interactive 3D visual Platform, virtual 3D scene and system database with the functions and characteristics of effectiveness of mass 3D data management, the ad

25、aptability of the data updating, the quickness of interactive control, browse and query of the mass 3D scene, the diversity of attribute data representation, the combination of 3D scene GIS analysis with other application systems of “Digital Yellow River”, etc. For the first time, the system realize

26、d the application of large scale, highly precise 3D virtual technologies in the field of water conservancy. There is some innovation mainly in the following aspects: () For the first time, the system employed the technologies of geographic information system (GIS), virtual reality, 3D model building

27、 and database management to make all the data relevant to the lower reach of Yellow River input into the computer and establish the virtual comparison body of the whole Lower Yellow River- 3D digital platform of the Lower Yellow River. () The system, for the first time, realized the effective manage

28、ment of the mass data. The “Interactive ThreeDimensional Visual System of the Lower Yellow River” manages and represents the riverway scene of over 900 kilometers below Xiaolangdi in the Lower Yellow River to the Yellow Rivers entrance to the sea, and visually represents the flood control projects,

29、such as control and training projects, vulnerable spots, guard dam, culvert gates, embankment as well as features, such as flood control and drought relief institution, bridges. The 3D visual system of the Lower Yellow River with such large scale, high precision and overall functions is the preceden

30、t in the field of water conservancy over the country even in the world. () Under mass 3D environment, the system, for the first time, realized the multi-resolution and high precision satellite image as well as nested function of the terrain-data. () The system, for the first time, developed various

31、combination browse and inquiry modes under 3D environment, such as interaction control, flying along the line, project positioning, flying positioning and etc. and can quickly and interactively control and browse, inquire and position the mass scene, which makes the scene instantly and exactly posit

32、ion any projects or features, to easily and quickly inquire attributes information of projects and features. () The system, for the first time, developed the analysis function of dynamic souring and silting of the riverway section by which the system can dynamically render of riverway section over years and represent the process of the souring and silting variation in the riverway section to analyze and study the laws of the souring and silting variation in the riverway. Research on system applicationThe completed

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