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1、教师业务考试英语试题2008年教师业务考试初中英语试题第一部分:英语教育的基本理论与实践一、填空题:(每空一分,共14分)1、教育评价包含_与_两部分.2、在基础教育阶段,英语教学中的文化教学至少应该包括两方面的内容,一是_,二是_.3、英语语言的三个特性:_,_,_.4、英语教学要以_为基础,提高学生_能力.5、初中为英语学习的基础和发展阶段,除基础性课程外,还应有_性和_性的学习内容.6、影响人发展的因素主要有:_、环境、教育. 广义的教育包括家庭教育、_、_.二、简答:(本题共22分)1、简要叙述英语课程标准的基本理念? (本题6分)2、英语教学必须体现哪些原则? (本题5分)3、简要说

2、明如何在英语教学中培养和发展学生积极的情感态度? (本题4分)4、简要说明新的英语课程标准有哪些变化? (本题4分)5、我国中小学德育教育应遵循的三个原则是什么? (本题3分)二、英语教育的基础知识与技能一. 单项填空(每小题0.5分,满分10分)( )1. What time did you finish your homework yesterday? _ seven oclock _ the afternoon. A. On ; in B. At ; on C. At ; in D. On ; at( )2. Japan lies _ the east of Asia. A. in B.

3、 on C. at D. to( )3. It was in 1949 _ the Peoples Republic of China was founded. A. when B. that C. in which D. which( )4. I dont feel like _ such a long trip. Id like _ with my mother at home. A. making ; staying B. to make ; to stay C. making ; to stay D. to make ; staying( )5. Christmas is just _

4、 the comer. A. near B. at C. around D. round( )6. All that I can do is to come _ terms with my fate. A. out B. in C. to D. with( )7. The police _ looking for the missing child. A. is B. are C. have D. has( )8. Shes upstairs _ letters. A. write B. is writing C. write D. writing( )9. _ a reply, he dec

5、ided to write again. A. Not receiving B. Receiving not C. Not having received D. Having not received( )10. Lily as well as her classmates _ basketball at this moment. A. is playing B. have played C. are playing D. has played( )11. _ is good for both young and old people. A. The walk B. Walking C. To

6、 walk D. Walk( )12. Not only China but also other countries _ trying to develop their own economy. A. is B. are C. has D. be( )13. How about the two of us _ a walk down the garden? A. to take B. taking C. take D. to be taking( )14. Seeing is _. A. believe B. to believe C. believing D. believed( )15.

7、 _ seemed that he _ read the book before. A. He ; has B. It ; had C. Things ; has D. That ; had( )16.-DoyouknowwhodesignedtheCD-ROMAroundtheWorldin EnightHours? -Yes,It_ byNancyJackson. A. hasdesigned B. designed C. wasdesigned D. designs ( )17.-Wouldyouliketogoswimmingwithmethisafternoon? -_,butIha

8、vealotofhomeworktodo. A.Idloveto B. Yes,letsgo C. No,Iwont D. Itdoesntmatter ( )18.Welltryourbesttodotheworkwith_moneyand_people. A. few;little B. afew;alittle C. less;fewer D. fewer ;less ( )19.I_myhomeworkwhilemyparents_TVlastnight. A. did;havewatched B. wasdoing;werewatching C. haddone;werewatchi

9、ng D. woulddo;werewatching ( )20. Therewasarainstormyesterday.Theflood _ theoldbridgeoverthesmallriver. A. washedaway B. wentaway C. keptaway D. putaway二、完形填空(共15分,每小题1分) 阅读下面两篇短文,根据短文内容,从第3650小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳答案。 (A) Dearpenpal, ImhavingagreattimeinHongKong.Itsagreat_21_tovisitandImluckytobehe

10、reformysix-monthEnglishcourse.SomeotherstudentsarelearningJapanese,Whatlanguageswouldyouliketo_22_? Theresjustsomuchtoseeanddohere.LastnightIwenttoaChinesemusicalconcert.Mostofmyfriendslikeloudmusicthattheycandance_23_.Ipreferquiet,traditionalmusic,sotheconcertsuited_24_justfine.Whatkindofmusicdoyou

11、like? BeforetheconcertwewentforItalian_25_.Doyoulikeit?Therearelotsofdifferentkindsoffoodhere.Idontknowwhattotrynext.Whatkind of fooddoyou_26_? MyhostfamilyistakingmetoanIndianfilmfestivalnextweekend.ImnotsurewhattoexpectbecauseIveneverseenanIndianfilm.Haveyou?Somepeoplesaytheyreboringbutotherssayth

12、eyare_27_.Whatkindoffilmdoyouprefer? Yourpenpal, Lingling () ()22.A.readB.learnC.listenD.write () ()24.A.himB.herC.meD.them () () ()27.A.badB.sadC.oldD.great (B)IrememberthatwhenIwasinmyt

13、eens,Iusedtorefusetofollowmany“dos”and“donts”ofmyparents,Forexample,whenIplannedtosleepwithmypetdog,theyimmediatelysaid,“_28_,”becausetheythoughtitwasdangerous.ThiswasjustanexampleofthethingsIthoughtmyparentswere_29_about. Today,however,Iamafatherofaboyaged15,andIfindthatItoo,ampressuringmysonwithal

14、otof_30_hardforhim. Theotherday,Inoticedthatmysonwaswearinggiantpantsthatcould_31_threeteenagers.Noonewouldwearthem.Icommandedhimtotakethemoffatonce.Usually,hewill_32_,butthistimeheputhisfootdown.“Whatswrongwithgiantpants?Allmyclassmateswearthem.AndIdontthinkyouhavetherighttoaskmetoremovethem,_33_yo

15、uaremyfather!”saidhe.I_34_realizedthatwearenowlivinginasocietywithmorefreedom,andthatmysonsstrongwillonwearinggiantpantswasjusta/an_35_ofthegenerationgapbetweenus.Therefore,Igaveinandnowhestillwearsgiantpants. ()28.A.StayupB.ComealongC.NowayD.Noproblem ()29.A.unreasonableB.unforgettableC.unbelievabl

16、eD.uncomfortable ()30.A.jobsB.rulesC.notesD.habits ()31.A.putB.wearC.stayD.hold ()32.A.allowB.annoyC.argueD.agree ()33.A.afterallB.onlyifC.eventhoughD.asfor ()34.A.possiblyB.suddenlyC.especiallyD.extremely ()35.A.instanceB.challengeC.resolutionD.assessment三、阅读理解:(每小题2分,共40分)AMobile homes pulled by s

17、pecially designed trucks have been increasing in numbers all over the United States . Often , driving along , you can see some mobile homes high on a hill . Some stand under trees along a river or a lake . Theyre wonderfully built homes . Sometimes theyre as much as 40 feet long , with two to five r

18、ooms , and you can find many things you need in them . When you park your mobile home , water , electricity power and telephones are connected , and you can enjoy yourself there .The fact that these homes can be moved doesnt mean that they do move all the time . Sometimes their owners stay for years

19、 in one place , plat gardens , build walls and so on . These homes are often quite expensive . Some even cost $20,000 .Why does a family choose to live in such a home ? Well , its comfortable , easy to keep clean , easy to keep warm , no need to paint . Whats more , the fast increase of mobile homes

20、 in numbers has something to do with the job uncertainty(不稳定性). Nobody knows what will happen tomorrow . If a factory closes down , you may be trapped with the house you cant sell . However , if you have a mobile home , you can move on easily .The greatest selling attraction of these mobile homes is

21、 that they can be improved every year . If youre doing well , you may change a new model just as you do with a car . There is a ready market for used ones , so the price of the mobile homes is higher than that of automobiles(汽车).36. From the passage , we know that mobile homes _ .A. can be built bet

22、ter than our homesB. need to move all the timeC. can provide something people needD. must stand only high on a hill37. _ is one of the reasons for people to choose mobile homes . A. The job uncertainty B. The strange design C. The low price D. The high speed38. Which of the following may NOT attract

23、(吸引)people to buy mobile homes ?A. The new model appears every year .B. Walls can be easily built around them .C. They dont need to be painted .D. They can be moved here and there .39. We can infer(推断)that the increase of the mobile homes shows _ .A. great changes in peoples living styleB. people ar

24、e no longer interested in traditional homesC. mobile homes are less popular than beforeD. peoples hope for new jobs40. Which of the following is the best title for the passage ?A. How to Choose a Mobile HomeB. The History of Mobile HomesC. The Greatest Selling Attraction of the Mobile HomesD. Mobile

25、 Homes Are Popular in the USBMaybe you know floods , droughts , earthquakes , sandstorms and so on . But have ever heard of typhoons(台风)?Typhoons are some of the worst storms , usually around the Pacific Ocean and the South China Sea . Most happen in July , August and September .How does a typhoon h

26、appen ? When lots of seawater gets hot in the summer sun , it evaporates(蒸发)into the air . This makes the air hotter . When the air gets warm enough , it starts to move higher up into the sky . Then , cooler air around it rushes in . It fills the space that is left . After the air gets warmer , it s

27、tarts to move quickly , making wind . The wind goes in circles , and it keeps moving higher in the sky . The warmer the air gets , the quicker the wind moves . And when the wind moves faster than 30 meters a second , a typhoon begins .A typhoon has two parts : One is called the “ eye ” . In the eye , the wind does not move so fast . The other part is wall of clouds around the eye . This is where the strongest wind and hardest rains are .Typhoons are very d

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