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英语口语 常用语 成语 对话翻译.docx

1、英语口语 常用语 成语 对话翻译1. No cuts! (别插队!) Back of the line.2. 别企图逃避纳税的义务。Dont try to duck out your duty of paying out:巧妙地避开。He tried to duck out of doing the chores. 他试图逃避做那些杂活。He cant duck out now. 他现在逃不掉了。3.我们不要太铺张吧。Lets not go overboard on expenses.go overboard:做事情过火。Lets not go overboard/ ov

2、erdo it. 别做得太过火了.4. 你应该对有困难的人伸出援助之手。You should always give a leg up to people who are in trouble.leg up:帮助,名词。I am sure that he will give us a leg up. 我相信他会助我们一臂之力的。She is now devoting all her energies to giving him a leg up.她正在尽一切努力来帮助他。5. 市中心可真该装修一下了。The town centre certainly needs a face-lift.fac

3、e-lift:面部拉皮整容手术。也有翻新门面的意思money invested in the citys face-lift 投入市容改造6. 这部电影真差劲儿。The movie was lousy.A lazy youth, a lousy age. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。7. If you dont want to eat out, I could order in. 如果你不想出去,我可以叫外卖。order in:叫外卖。8.我忘不了你。I cannot get over you.get over:自中恢复过来。I dont think anybody really gets ove

4、r his first love. 我想没有人能真正对初恋释怀。9.Cards on the table:摊牌。I wish you would put your cards on the table. 我希望你干脆把话挑明。You should be frank with us and put your cards on the table. 你应该对我们以诚相待,把你的意图公开出来。10. out of ones hands: 不取决于某人。Im afraid the matter is out of my hands. 此事已非我力所能及。 我是传奇1. Robert Neville:

5、Im not gonna let this happen. Light up the darkness. 罗伯特奈维尔:我不会让这种事发生。照亮黑暗吧。2. Los Angeles could be a dark horse.黑马。3. Hold him to it at the end of the season. 记住他说的话,不准的话怪他。4. So, Dr. Krippin, give it to me in a nutshell(简单地,简约地). 克里本医师,请简单地跟我们说明一下。5. I wont take my eyes off them, colonel. You got

6、my word on it.我会时刻看护好他们,上校,我向你保证。6. -你给我回来,我还没说完呢。Come back, Im not through with you.- Well, Im through with you. 我说完了。7. 你就喜欢成天对我指手画脚的。You are always pushing me around or pushing me away.9. 暗中伤人。Stab me in the back!10. Youre so wrapped up in layers, youre afraid of your own feelings.你太装腔作势了,言不由衷!11

7、. Wait a minute. Ill stick with you! 等一下,我跟你一起走。1.sham m:虚伪的事,假的东西, 赝品。他的愤怒只是假装的。His anger was a mere sham. 他说的都是假的. What he says is all sham. 2.blow up:这里的意思指毁掉。He blew up his career himself. 他亲手毁掉了自己的事业。Susan:Cant I at least tell the girls?Jackson: No way. I mean, they dont call her Gabby for noth

8、ing.3.gabby: “他们叫她Gabby(饶舌妇)也不是没道理的/没原因的。”Susan: Truth is. I miss you, and the house has been kind of lonely since you left.Jackson: Well, I hear you loud and clear.4.loud and clear:响亮而明了。 “我听懂了。”The pilots voice came in loud and clear. 飞行员回应的声音大而清晰。She cried loud and clear. 她号啕大哭。Exercise: translat

9、e the following sentences from Chinese to English.1.他的爱情是虚假的。2.饶舌的邻居妨碍她做家务。3.好了,别唠叨了,我很清楚你的意思了!Gabrielle: My daughters gotten so snooty. I am forcing her to spend time with the great unwashed. You wanna ditch this place for a cappuccino kputi:nu?Fran:Um, actually, Im here to eat.1.Snooty snu:ti: 目中无

10、人的, 势利的。影片中Gabrielle对家道中落的Fran说:“我女儿太傲慢自满了,我正逼她接触接触贫困人们呢。”A snooty letter 一封措辞傲慢的信A snooty store 一家势利眼的店铺2.the great unwashed:Unwashed的本意是,未洗的,未被冲刷的:a stack of dishes 一堆未洗的盘碟。这里的意思是,无知的人,下层民众(含贬义)。例如:Popular support lay in the unwashed social classes.(社会阶层).民众的支持存在于社会底层。3.ditch: (沟,渠)抛弃,丢弃,这里是指想离开某地

11、。影片中对Fran处境毫不知情的Gabrielle建议到:“你想出去喝杯卡布奇诺吗?”例如:To ditch ones girlfriend 甩掉女友To ditch an old car 丢弃旧车请将下列句子翻译成英文。1.她是个非常高傲自大的人。2.在18世纪和19世纪早期,美国是穷人的世界。3.他答应驾车把我们送到伦敦,但在离城50英里的地方就把我们扔下不管了。Bree: what were you thinking?Karl: First, tell me if it worked, then Ill tell you what I was thinking.Bree: Dont be

12、 glib. Did you hire someone to attack Orson?Karl: Yes.Bree: Are you insane? Your thug tried to strangle him. strl vt.扼死; 使窒息Karl: If he had tried to strangle him, hed be dead. Look, Orson had the upper hand in this divorce. We needed to regain it.1.glib: 流利圆滑的, 善辩的,油腔滑调的。影片中Karl雇人暴打了Orson一顿,Bree前来兴师

13、问罪,她说:“别跟我油腔滑调。”a glib tongue三寸不烂之舌You are certainly blessed with a glib tongue. 你倒真会说话!2.thug:恶棍, 刺客, 凶手, 暴徒。Bree质问道:“你疯了吗? 那个恶棍要掐死他。”The thug grappled him around the neck. 那个歹徒抓住了他的脖子。3.upper hand:优势,有利地位。影片中Karl为自己的行为辩解道:“现在Orson占上风 我们要夺回主动权。”Which side gained the upper hand? 哪一方占上风?A wise genera

14、l can gain the upper hand in any battle. 一位有智慧的将军在任何战争中都能占上风。Karl: W-whats your beef here, bree?Bree: My beef is that from the minute I walked into this office, you have pulled me deeper and deeper into your moral cesspool. That is not why I hired you.beef:这里可不是指牛肉,而是抱怨,牢骚。Karl说:“你有什么不满啊?”He will li

15、sten to anybodys beef against the President. 任何人对总统发表不满意见,他都愿意倾听。6.cesspool:污水坑, 化粪池。Karl: Please. That is exactly why you hired me. Face it. You were tired of being a good girl. You knew it was time to play dirty.Bree: I wanted to protect what was mine. You have turned into someone I dont recognize

16、.play dirty:耍鬼把戏。影片中Karl说:“你做够了淑女,是时候玩阴的了。”He really plays dirty. 他手法卑鄙。请将下列句子翻译成英文。1.发言人的回答太圆滑了。2.他雇用一个打手去恐吓对手。3.我想冷静、有理智,但是有时候我爱感情用事。4. 如果那人发牢骚,我就要弄明白他的抱怨是不是有道理。5.你耍坏把戏时,真让我讨厌。1.His love was a mere sham.2.The gabby neighbors kept her from housework.3.All right, stop nagging. Ive got your message l

17、oud and clear.1.Shes a very snooty sort of person.2.During the 18th and early 19th centuries many Americans were known as the great unwashed.3.He promised to drive us to London but he ditched us 50 miles away.1.The spokesmans answer was just too glib.2.He hired a thug to intimidate his opponent.3.I

18、try to be cool and sensible, but sometimes my feelings get the upper hand of me.4. If the guy complains, Ill find out whether he has a reasonable beef.6.You piss me off when you play dirty tricks.“He flatters me. Thats why I help him with Latin.” 他奉承我,因此我才教他拉丁文。“Mr. Anderson, you have some big shoes

19、 to fill (责任重大), young man. Your brother was one of our finest.”- Nolan“I heard you got the new kid. Looks like a stiff.”- Cameron (卡麦隆)“Listen, dont mind Cameron. Hes born with his foot in his mouth (天生拙于言辞).”- NeilHe has been teaching at the highly regarded (备受赞誉的) Chester School in London.Because

20、 we are food for worms (死), lads(年轻人). Because, believe it or not, each and every one of us in this room is one day going to stop breathing, turn cold, and die. The world is their oyster(牡蛎)(他们处在人生最得意的时候。/世界都在他们的掌控之中。). They believe theyre destined for great things, just like many of you. Their eyes

21、 are full of hope, just like you.If you noticed, everyone started off with their own stride, their own pace. 每个人都是以自己的阔步开始步伐,“No,you being expelled from school is not daring to me. It is stupid. Because youll miss some golden opportunities. the opportunity to attend my classes.”你被校方开除,对我而言不叫大胆,是愚蠢。因

22、为你会失去一些可贵的机会,比如上我课的机会。The October Revolution ushered in a new era in the history of mankind.十月革命开创了人类历史的新纪元。Roy Lee: Theyre also the only ones who get the girls. This burns my ass. 连女孩子也只喜欢他们。真气人!ODell: Gods honest truth, Homer. What are the chances. a bunch of kids from Coalwood. actually winning t

23、he national science fair? 欧德尔:霍默,你诚实地告诉我们,我们这样一群从煤林出来的孩子,参加科学展的机率到底有多 大? Homer: A million to one, ODell. ODell: That good? Well, why didnt you say so? 霍默:百万分之一吧。 欧德尔:有这么大?你早说嘛! Quentin: What do you want to know about rockets? Homer: Everything. buck up (口)使精神振作起来;(用于祈使句)快点 The good news bucked us al

24、l up.这个好消息使我们大家欢欣鼓舞。 Cat got your tongue?怎么吞吞吐吐的? We were talkin about bein in orbit. hundreds of miles away from the Earth. You know anything about that? - No, maam. - I got my eye on you, boy. 上课专心点。America is a “can do” country: nothing is too big, too complicated to solve. Nobody ever got into t

25、rouble by keeping his mouth shut. 不说话是永远不会招麻烦的。 It is one thing to talk bullshit; it is another to believe it. 胡说八道是一件事,相信胡说八道是另外一件事。 Most people dont look dumb till they start talking. 大部分人看上去都不傻,直到他们开始张嘴说话。 1 Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what youre gonna get. (生命就像一盒巧克力,结果往往出人

26、意料)2 Stupid is as stupid does. (蠢人做蠢事,也可理解为傻人有傻福)3 Miracles happen every day. (奇迹每天都在发生)4 Jenny and I was like peas and carrots.(我和珍妮形影不离) 8 It made me look like a duck in water. (它让我如鱼得水)9 Death is just a part of life,something were all destined to do. (死亡是生命的一部分,是我们注定要做的一件事)I was messed up for a long time. (这些年我一塌糊涂)11 I dont know if we each have a destiny, or if were all just floating around accidentallike on a breeze. (我不懂我们是否有着各自的命运,还是只是到处随风飘荡)

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