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高考book II单词解释.docx

1、高考book II单词解释Book 21survive survive the storm/ the accident/the war/frostsShe survived her husband by five years.Few survived after the flood.Survive on /live onMake a living /earn a living/make a lifeLead/have/live a lifeLive on/ feed on2 remainremain a farmer/ at home/in doubt/a mystery/ modest /u

2、nchanged/ unclear/in/to be seen /It remains to be seen whether There remained a few jobs still to be finished.How many months will you stay / remain here?the remains of the picnic/ mealsth .remain in ones mind/sb .keep , bear sth in ones mindRemain/stayThe weather _ cold these days.There is still on

3、e leaf _on the branch. remaining How long will you _in Beijing?I am a teacher now, but he _a farmer.There is nothing remaining / There is nothing left in the room3belong to_where_ do these things belong ? 这些东西该搁在哪里?That chair belongs in the other room那把椅子应放在另一个房间。Poetry belongs with music. 诗歌与音乐相近。I

4、 dont think I belong here.=The environment here doesnt agree with me.Something belong to sb/sb own, possess, occupy ,have My brother designs to be an engineer.His parents designed him for the army, but he preferred the navy. 他父母打算要他当陆军,但是他却喜欢当海军。This room was originally designed to be/fo

5、r my study. 这间屋子原预定做我的书房。Be designed for/be intended for/ be calculated forPlan/design/project都含有计划的意思。plan 系常用词, 指为做某事, 事先作出的安排或方案, 如:I have a plan for overcoming the difficulty.我有个克服那困难的计划。design 指为实现意图或达到目的而作出的精心安排, 如:They have a design for a rich, full life.他们计划过富有意义的生活。project 指为试验或实验而提出的一项计划或方

6、案, 该计划或方案常是大规模的, 如:a project to build a new dam修建新水坝的计划。5. fancyFancy/imagine having a fool like that for a husband! 试想找了这么一个傻瓜做丈夫!I dont fancy fish today. 今天我不想吃鱼。have a fancy for/have a passion for热衷于catch ones fancy/attract sbfancy /suppose/think/believe that +认为fancy/ would like/ want/ wish for/

7、 sth想要。fancy/fantastic/fascinate/fantasy fantastic/fabulous/marvelous/ magnificent/splendid /terrific/wonderful/excellent6.light lighted lighted / lit lit light the fire/ the candle/a cigar A smile lit her face up. 微笑使她的脸变得容光焕发come to light为人所知的情况a lighted candle/a learned person / a burnt chairin/b

8、y the lightlight a fire/seton fire turn ,switch on the lightturn ,switch/ off, out the light7 remove to remove your hatremove the cloth from the tableremove a man from office免除一人的职务remove/move from the city to the countryside从城市搬到农村remove/take offremove/ get rid of/eliminate/ dispose ofremove/move8.

9、doubtThere is no doubt that+I doubt whether /if he is at home. I doubt that he will come. 我看他不见得会来。I dont doubt that he can recite it. 我相信他能把它背下来。I do not doubt of your success. 我不怀疑你会成功。beyond doubt毫无疑问It is beyond doubt, out of question that+doubt/ suspectsuspect sb of sth/ doing suspect

10、nsiderconsider doing sth 考虑consider that+认为consider sb. To be, as+ n/adj.considering that/takinginto consideration, account 10.prove prove ones honestyprove that+sb. /sth prove (to be)It proves of little help to us.Prove to be/turn out to beHe proves to be a thief.11.pretendpretend to be/ to be doin

11、g/ to have done/that+pretend/disguisedisguise oneself/ sth asin disguiseunder the disguise ofprevent/ protect/pretendpete vicompete in a race参加赛跑compete with /against sb. for sth. 与某人竞争而获得某物13 hostThe conference was hosted by that committee. 该委员会充当这个会议的东道主。Host/hold/ have14 interviewinterview with a

12、 publishing company. 与一出版公司面谈go for an interview进行面试give an interview to sb. 接见某人have an interview with sb. 会见某人do a newspaper/telephone/radio /face to- face interview interview sb for 为。而对。进行面视interview sb about sth 就。而采访某人15 admit1)admit sb. into the university2)The auditorium admits /holds/contai

13、ns/seats 5,000 persons.3)I admit my mistakes.4)I admit that I was wrong.5)His illness admits of/allows of/permits of no delay.6)John has admitted /acknowledged /confessed breaking the window.16 relateI related /told/ gave an account, description of /my adventure to my family.讲述,陈述I cant relate /conn

14、ect/ associate what he does to /with/with what he says.They are related/relevant/associated /connected/linked to/with each other.17 sail vi sail for/ sail away visail (across)the Pacific航渡太平洋sail a race进行帆船比赛leave for /head for /depart for / make for leavefor depart fromfor18 advertiseWe should adve

15、rtise for someone to look after our children.We advertised our goods through the press. I advertised /advised/ informed him of my plans. 我把我的计划通知了他。19 promise1)promise sth/ to do sth/ sb to do sth/ (sb. )that/ sth to sb2)make a promise that+3)keep/break ones promise/ word 4)This year promises to be

16、another good one for harvests.a promising girl 20 disagree 1)disagree with sb on / over/ about/ as to how to get there2)Hot weather disagrees with me.3)He disagrees with you, doesnt he? agree with/ to/onagree to /on plan, project, arrangement , programme agree with idea, view, opinion/ what/ sb.agre

17、e /suggest/accompany/hope/demand sb. To do sth X21 arise arose arisen vi1)A new difficulty has arisen/come up/appeared.2)I arose/got up /rose early in the morning.3)How did this quarrel arise/break out?4)Accidents arise from/result from/lie in carelessness.result in/ lead to/contribute to/cause aris

18、e/arousearouse suspicion引起猜疑arouse ones enthusiasm激起arouse a heated discussion 22 wander wander through the forestHis mind is wandering.wander the forests and fields. 漫步穿过森林与田野He wandered away from the road.23 endanger vt.The polluted air in the city is badly endangering/doing harm to/is harmful to

19、/ the health of the residents.enlarge, encourage , enrich , enable, enclose, encounter, ensureendanger/danger/ dangerousdangerous/in dangerThe tiger is a dangerous animal, but now it is in the danger of extinction.24 hunt1)hunt for/look for/ search for/ be after a lost book2)Wolves hunt in packs. go

20、 hunting seek sought sought 25 applybe applied to/apply to适用于, 应用于, apply (to sb. ) for申请; 请求, 接洽apply oneself to致力于, 集中精力做某事apply sth. to把.施于.; 把.运用于.;把。涂抹到。apply to关系到, 牵涉到,咨询1)Do you think this rule _ our matter? 2)When_a job, you should provide your resume.3)He _ himself _ teaching all his life.

21、4)_what you learned in class_ your present work is a good and quick way to make you adapt to this society. 5)For particulars_ the office. 详情请问办事处。6)Students should_ themselves _their study. 7)_the glue _ both surfaces please.26 suggest suggest doing suggest to sb that+ sb (should) do suggest that+陈述

22、语气explain , introduce , announce , report , suggest to sb sth27 contain/include At the sight of this cruelty, he could hardly contain/control/ hold back his anger.12 contains 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 12.Water contains oxygen and hydrogen.28 affect vt. Smoking affects health. deeply affected/moved by the n

23、ewshave an effect /impact on ,uponhave a big/major/positive /profound/significant/ effect onhave a bad/harmful/negative/damaging/effect onaffect/ effect/effort29 rollroll in / roll overRolling stone gathers no moss.enroll / roll 30 clapclap ones hands/ applause clap/ pat sb. on the back31 formform /

24、make a sentence form a habit/get into/fall into a habit form /set up/ establish a club32 earn1)earn/make money2)earn ones living /make a living / make a life by doing sth2)The young player earned/won/gained his place in the team by /through training hard.3)His honesty earned/won/gained the admiratio

25、n/respect/ love of his friends.33 hit 1)He hit me with his hand./hit me on the head 2)The falling tree hit a car.3)We were all hit by the depression.4)Robert has hit upon/come up with /thought up an idea that will get us out of our difficulty=an idea occurred to sb.hit/ strike/beat /defeat34 perform

26、 1)perform /fulfill ones duties2)perform /put on a play3)The doctor performed/did the operation on sb. 4)You should always perform /carry out what you promise.performance / appearance act / perform35 stick stuck stuck / sticken 1)stick a fork into a potato2)stick a stamp on a letter3)The bus was stu

27、ck in the mud.4)I cant stick/stand/bear /tolerate/ endure it any longer.5)Have you sticken your peas yet?6) stick to ones post die on ones postbe trapped by/ be caught in/ be stuck in 36 compose 1)compose a poem /a speech2)Water is composed of hydrogen and oxygen.consists of/ is made up of/ contains

28、This is a group containing / consisting of / made up of /composed of 30 boys.37 Heat heat the soupThe house is heated by the fire.a heated discussion 38 replace 1)When you have finished using the axe, please replace it/put in back /put it where it belongs.2)George replaced/took the place of / Edward

29、/took Edwards place as captain.3) replace coal by /with gas= substitute gas for coal用煤气代替煤39 calculate 1)calculate /work out/ figure out /estimate the cost of a journey计算旅行费用2)calculate the consequence of推测.的结果3)This advertisement is calculated/designed/meant /intended/supposed to attract the attent

30、ion of housewives. 为而设计I am supposed to be here at 2:00.I was supposed to be here at2:00.I should have been here 4)I calculate/suppose/think /consider/ fancy/ believe well be in time. 认为40 type/kind/sorta type of / type a lettertype into the computer41 spoilThe rain has spoilt / ruined my painting. 毁了The never-ending quarrel among the visitors certainly spoiled their appetite for the banquet.破坏了宴会的胃口Mankind is warned to stop spoiling the environment. a spoiled boy42. bite bit bittenMy monkey doesnt bite. 咬人Barking dogs never bite.The boy bit into the ap

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