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1、第13课市场分析外刊经贸知识选读每课重要知识点串讲第13课市场分析Hong Kong is Tops at Cracking U.S.Shell Eggs香港是美国蛋类的大市场By Michael L.Humphrey While most people think of Hong Kong as a small market, it is, in fact, the largest export market for eggs.In 1985, the United States exported over 7 million dozen shell eggs value

2、d as $ 4 million for food use in Hong Kong.That market alone accounted for half of the volume and 40 per cent of the value of total U.S.exports of shell eggs for food use.大多数人认为香港是一个小市场,可它实际上是美国蛋类的最大的出口市场。1985年,美国向香港出口了7百多万打食用蛋类,价值4百万美元。仅此市场就占据了美国食用蛋类出口量的一半,总价值的40%。Hong Kong consumers enjoy a variet

3、y of shell eggs, including fresh hen and duck eggs, dyed eggs for special occasions, eggs cooked in salt or tea leaves, pigeon eggs and preserved duck eggs.Fresh hen eggs, however, are the most popular item.香港的消费者喜欢各种蛋类,包括鲜鸡蛋,鲜鸭蛋,特殊场合下使用的彩蛋,咸鸡蛋和茶叶蛋,鸽子蛋和腌鸭蛋。可是,它们当中,还是鲜鸡蛋最受欢迎。Each consumer in Hong Kon

4、g eats an average of 215 fresh eggs and 20 preserved or dyed eggs each year.According to Hong Kong import statistics, the territory annually imports more than 1.2 billion fresh shell eggs valued at $ 52 million.In addition, Hong Kong produces 4.5 million dozen hen, duck and goose eggs and 12 million

5、 dozen quail eggs annually.香港的每个消费者每年平均吃掉215个鲜鸡蛋,20个腌鸡蛋或彩蛋。根据香港进口统计数字,该地区每年要进口12亿多个鲜蛋,价值5200万美元。此外,香港每年还自己生产450万打鸡蛋、鸭蛋、鹅蛋以及1200万打鹌鹑蛋。Chinese eggs dominate the fresh egg market with more than an 80-per cent share.Thailand became the second largest supplier in 1984, following a nearly eightfold increa

6、se over 1983 shipments.The United States is currently the third largest supplier with a 7.5-per cent market share in 1985up from 6.8 per cent in 1984.Egg imports from the Netherlands also showed a dramatic increase in 1985.中国鸡蛋以80%以上的市场份额统治香港的鲜蛋市场。1984年,泰国成为香港的第二大供应商,供货量比1983年增长了近8倍。目前,美国是香港的第三大供应商,

7、从1984年6.8%的市场占有率增长到现在的7.5%。1985年,从荷兰进口的蛋类也有了显著的增长。Chinese Prefer Brown Eggs 中国人偏爱棕色蛋The Chinese, who constitute 95 per cent of Hong Kongs population, prefer brown eggs over white.In fact, 90 per cent more of the fresh eggs consumed are brown.The major outlets for white eggs are hotels, western-style

8、 restaurants and fast food shops. 和白色蛋相比,占香港总人口95%的中国人则更喜欢棕色蛋。实际上,他们消费的90%或以上的鸡蛋都是棕色的。而白色蛋的主要销路是旅馆、西式饭店和快餐店。Chinese consumers prefer the deeper color of brown egg yolksoften consideredessential to the color of many Chinese dishes.Chinese-style restaurants also find that brown eggs are more popular w

9、ith customers.中国消费者更喜欢棕色蛋的蛋黄,因为它颜色较深,因而被认为是许多中国菜不可缺少的颜色。中国餐馆还发现棕色蛋更受顾客欢迎。Chinese eggs have a unique odor that can be advantage or a disadvantage, depending on the consumer.中国蛋有一种独特的气味,既可以被当成优势也可以被当成劣势,完全取决于消费者。To the Chinese consumer, the odor is indicative of a “good egg” and is an important reason

10、, in addition to a price advantage, for the popularity of Chinese eggs.The odor, however, is a major reason why Chinese eggs are not accepted by hotels, western-style restaurants and fast food outlets.对中国消费者来说,这种气味是好鸡蛋的指标,是除价格优势之外,中国鸡蛋受欢迎的又一重要原因。然而,这种气味也是中国鸡蛋被旅馆、西式饭店和快餐店拒绝的一个主要原因。U.S.Brown Eggs Fail

11、 To Compete 美国棕色蛋在竞争中失败Virtually all eggs imported from the United States are white.This is due in part to the fact that the availability of European brown eggs at lower prices has made U.S.brown eggs uncompetitive.但是,对等贸易并不是债务国所独有的。约非说:“即使像澳大利亚、加拿大和印度尼西亚这样外汇地位强健的国家也坚持在某些领域从事对等贸易。把进口和出口联系起来是一种对跨国公司施

12、加权力的途径。缺乏国际营销专业知识的国家试图用对等贸易作为杠杆来推动跨国公司的内部市场网络。”实际上从美国进口的所有鸡蛋都是白色的。部分原因是在市场上以更低的价格就可以买到欧洲的棕色蛋,这使美国棕色蛋失去了竞争力。Packing and grading of U.S.brown eggs is also difficult because unlike U.S.white eggs, U.S.brown eggs vary markedly in size.Eggs from medium to extra large are packed in the same carton, result

13、ing in frequent breakage of larger eggs.而且,美国棕色蛋的包装和分级也很困难。因为不同于美国白色蛋,美国棕色蛋的大小差别显著。中等大小的鸡蛋和超大号的鸡蛋被装在同一个纸板箱中,常常造成较大鸡蛋的破裂。Wholesalers or retailers in Hong Kong also must sort the eggs by sizes, which creates extra work.香港的批发商和零售商还必须按蛋的大小分类,这样就增添了许多额外的工作。Importers point out that with alternative suppli

14、ers now available, U.S.brown eggs cannot compete without improvement in the method of packing.进口商指出,因为现在有可供选择的供应商,美国棕色蛋如果不改进包装方式,是无法参与竞争的。In the white egg market, however, U.S.eggs have enjoyed a distinct advantage.Hotels, restaurants and institutions recognize the consistent high quality of U.S.egg

15、s.然而,在白色蛋市场上,美国却一直享有明显的优势。宾馆、饭店和社会公共机构公认,美国蛋的质量一贯很高。Another advantage is that U.S.eggs can be kept for a comparatively long time.The shipping time of 14 to 16 days from the U.S.West coast, compared to 30 days fromEurope, also has given U.S.white eggs a competitive edge.美国蛋的另一个优势是保存时间相对较长。此外,从美国西海岸出发

16、,运输时间为14到16天,与从欧洲出发,30天运到相比,美国白色蛋更具有竞争优势。However, U.S.white eggs now face growing competition from European eggs.The share of the hotel and restaurant market dropped from 92 per cent in 1981 to 58 per cent in 1985, while the EC market share increased from zero to 28 per cent in the same p

17、eriod.Because of this loss of market share due to subsidized competition.USDA recently announced an Export Enhancement Program to facilitate the sale of 44 million eggs to Hong Kong.然而,现在美国白色蛋正面临着欧洲蛋不断增长的竞争。美国对宾馆饭店的市场占有率从1981年的92%跌至1985年的58%。而同期欧共体的市场份额却从零增至28%。由于补贴性竞争导致了市场份额的损失,美国农业部最近宣布了一项出口加强计划以促

18、进对香港的4千4百万个鸡蛋的销售。Structure of Trade 贸易结构Hong Kong has about 15 egg importers.The largest is the Hong Kong eggs and Products Company, which monopolizes the import of Chinese eggs, both fresh and preserved.Others import from different sources.香港大约有15个蛋类进口商。最大的是香港蛋类产品公司,它垄断着中国鲜蛋和腌蛋的进口。其他公司从不同渠道进口。There

19、 are 42 wholesalers under the Hong Kong Eggs and Products Company.Wholesalers are located in three small areas in Hong Kong: Egg Street and Saiyingpun on Hong Kong Island and Kam Lam Street in Kowloon.香港蛋类产品公司之下有42个批发商,他们分别位于香港的三个狭小地区:香港岛上的埃格街和赛英以及九龙的橄榄界。Retailers, hotels restaurants all buy from th

20、ese wholesalers although some hotels and supermarkets buy directly from importers.尽管一些宾馆、超市直接从进口商处进货,零售商、宾馆和饭店都从这些批发商处购买。At the retail level, eggs are sold through the wet markets, hawkers, grocery stores and supermarkets.About 70 per cent of eggs are consumed in the home and the remaining 30 per ce

21、nt goes to hotels, restaurants, fast food outlets and bakeries.在零售方面,鸡蛋通过生肉鱼禽蛋市场、小贩、杂货店和超市售出。大约70%的蛋类用于家庭消费,.而剩余的30%则销往宾馆、饭店、快餐店和面包房。Most eggs on the retail market are not refrigerated and customers are allowed to choose each individual egg and examine the product under light.Some of the U.S.large w

22、hite eggs, however, are offered in one-dozen packs in air-conditioned supermarkets.尽管一些宾馆、超市直接从进口商处进货,零售商、宾馆和饭店都从这些批发商处购买。然而,美国的一些大个白色蛋被包装成一打一打的,在有空调的超市里出售。Major Suppliers CompeteMajor suppliers to the Hong Kong egg market are making greater efforts to increase the competitiveness of their products

23、in order to maintain or expand market shares.香港蛋类市场的主要供应商们正更加努力地增强自己产品的竞争力,以维持或扩展现有的市场份额。To promote sales of Chinese eggs, the Chinese Eggs and Products Company recently held a “luck draw”a popular promotional activity in Hong Kongwith prizes in solid gold for winning retailers.Attractive posters ar

24、e designed to promote both fresh eggs and Preserved Chinese eggs.为了促销中国蛋类,香港蛋类产品公司最近举行了一次“幸运抽奖”一种在香港很受欢迎的促销活动。中奖的零售商的奖品是纯金。人们还设计了吸引人的海报,以促销鲜蛋和中国腌蛋。The European countries apparently are trying to increase sales by maintaining low prices.欧洲国家显然想通过保持低价来增加销售。Although brown eggs continue to dominate the

25、market, the rapid expansion of fast food outlets in the territory could help boost the demand for white eggs, making the prospects for shell egg imports brighter.虽然棕色蛋继续统治市场,香港地区快餐店的迅速扩展很可能会促进对白色蛋的需求,使蛋类进口的前景更为光明。The author is the U.S.agricultural officer in Hong Kong.作者系驻香港的美国农业官员-From Foreign Agri

26、culture.October 1986 tops a.(俚最能干的account (for v.(在数量、比例方面占item n.(商品的品种quail n.鹌鹑shipment n.交运的货物量the Netherlands 尼德兰(即荷兰Hollandconstitute v.构成outle n.(商品的销售网络;市场yolk n.蛋黄essential a.必不可少的;非常重要的unique a.独特的;仅有的odor n.气味indicative a.标示的virtually n.获得的可能性packing n.包装grading v.按级分类carton n.纸(板盒wholesa

27、ler n.批发商sort v.把.分类alternative a.供选择的;供代替的distinct a.明显的institutions n.社会公共机构shipping n.运输subsidize v.给.津贴;资助enhancement n.增加facilitate v.使便利monopolize v.垄断supermaket n.超级市场hawker n.沿街叫卖的小贩grocery n.食品杂货refrigerate v.冷藏pack n.包装(容器competitiveness n.竞争力promote sales 推销商品promotional a.促销的poster n.招贴

28、1.accounted for: amounted to2.eightfold: eight times3.outlets: markets4.edge: advantage shave: 市场份额2.wholesaler: 批发商3.retailer: 零售商4.promote sales: 促销商品5.USDA: 美国农业部6.luck draw: 幸运抽奖1.超级市场:supermarket2.增加出口计划:Export Enhancement Program3.快餐店:fast food shops4.贸易结构:structure of trade5.咸鸭蛋:pres

29、erved duck eggs6.茶鸡蛋:eggs cooked in salt and tea leaves 1.the largest export market for eggs.2.The most popular item.3.A nearly eightfold increase4.The United states is currently the third largest supplier with a 7.5 per cent market share in 1985-up from 6.8 per cent in 1984,5.The major ou

30、tlets for white eggs6.Packing and grading of U.S.brown eggs7.Wholesalers or retailers8. U.S.eggs have enjoyed a distinct advantage.9.growing competition 10.The remaining 30 per cent 11.The competitiveness of their products 六、课文重点难点段落翻译 1.Chinese eggs have a unique odor that can be an advantage or a

31、disadvantage, depending on the consumer. 中国蛋有一种独特的气味,这种气味可以是优点,也可以是缺点,这要依消费者 而定。 2.Wholesalers or retailers in Hong Kong also must sort the eggs by size, which creates extra work. 香港的批发商和零售商还必须按大小再分类,这又增加了额外的工作量。 3.However, U.S.white eggs now face growing competition from European eggs.The U.S.marke

32、t share of the hotel and restarant market dropped from 92 percent in 1981 to 58 percent in 1985, while the EC market shave increased from zero to 28 percent in the same period. 然而,美国的白皮蛋现在面临着欧洲蛋越来越强烈的竞争。美国蛋在旅馆、饭店 市场的份额从 1981 年的 92%下降到 1985 年的 58%,而欧盟的市场份额在同一 时期却从零增长到 28%。 4.Major suppliers to the Hong Kong egg market are making greater efforts to increase the competitiveness of their products in order to maintain orexpand mar

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