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本文(英文经销协议模板Distribution Agreement V20.docx)为本站会员(b****0)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

英文经销协议模板Distribution Agreement V20.docx

1、英文经销协议模板Distribution Agreement V20DISTRIBUTOR AGREEMENTThis Distributor Agreement (“Agreement”) is made and entered into on the date of (“Effective Date”) between: , a company incorporated under the laws of , with address at (Hereafter referred as “Distributor” or “Purchaser”).XXX Development Limite

2、d, a company incorporated under the laws of Hong Kong, with address at (Hereafter referred as “XXX” or “Seller” or “Supplier”).WHEREAS A. Distributor is an experienced and highly reputable company, is engaged in a providing, distributing open source hard products, electronic devices, computers, tele

3、communication products;B. XXX is a leading supplier of open source hardware products, spare parts, accessories and rendering after-sale services, training services;C. Distributor is interested to promote and be a non-exclusive distributor of certain XXX products offered and as well as explore additi

4、onal and future opportunities with XXX related to the Market. Distributor presents and warrants to XXX that it has full experience, expertise, skill and capacity in this industry so as to determine its own business market planning. This shall mean Distributor does not rely on XXXs experience, skill

5、and judgment as to determine its own business market planning XXX fully relies on the relevant presents and warrants made by Distributor;D. This Agreement shall be considered as to establish a framework and general terms and conditions under which the relevant transactions in POs shall be issued and

6、 accepted. This Agreement shall be performed through POs placed and accepted under it. The general terms and conditions set out in this Agreement shall govern the interpretation of relevant POs. Upon receipt of each written PO under this Agreement from the Purchaser, the Seller shall confirm its acc

7、eptance or rejection expressly in writing. After acceptance of any PO, both Parties shall perform such relevant POs in accordance with the terms of such PO and the terms and conditions of this Agreement.E. This entire Agreement and its Annexures, and any relevant POs, and any supplements and amendme

8、nts, alterations, modifications as agreed by the Parties in writing, shall not be interpreted in accordance with Contra Proferentem Rule.The above preambles shall be considered to be the integral part of this Agreement. NOWTHEREFORE, in consideration of their mutual consents, convents, consideration

9、s, the parties agree as follows:1. DEFINITIONS1.1 “Open Source Hardware Products” means electronic or computer hardware built from design information that could be copyrighted or licensed but has instead been made available for public use at no charge. Such information can include documentation, sch

10、ematic diagrams, construction details, parts lists and logic designs.1.2 “Confidential Information” means non-public information that a party designates as being proprietary or confidential or which by its nature or the circumstances reasonably ought to be treated as confidential. Confidential Infor

11、mation includes the partys software and prototypes and information relating to the partys business affairs, including business methods, marketing strategies, pricing, competitor information, product development strategies, and financial results.” Confidential Information does not include information

12、 which (a) is known by the receiving party or its affiliates (as defined below), free of any obligation to keep it confidential; (b) is at the time of disclosure, or thereafter becomes, publicly available through no wrongful act of the receiving party or its affiliates; (c) is independently develope

13、d by the receiving party or its affiliates, without relying on or referring to the Confidential Information of disclosing party; or (d) is approved for release by prior written authorization of the disclosing party. For purposes of this Section 1.2, “affiliates” means any corporation or other busine

14、ss entity in which, but only for so long as, either Party owns or controls directly or indirectly more than 50% of the outstanding stock or other voting rights entitled to elect directors.1.3 “End User(s)” means an individual that acquires the Products, 1.4 “Effective Date” means the date on which t

15、his Agreement is executed by authorized officers of both parties. If the Agreement is signed on two different dates, the Effective Date shall be the latter date.1.5 “Intellectual Property Rights” means any copyrights, trademarks, service marks, trade secrets, patents, patent applications, moral righ

16、ts, contractual rights of non-disclosure or any other intellectual property or proprietary rights, however arising, throughout the world.1.6 “PO” means purchase order which is firm and irrevocable proposal under this agreement and as may be issued from the distributor to seller.1.7 “Territory” shall mean .1.8 “Affiliate” means, in respect of a Party, any person or entity which directly or indirectly Controls, is Controlled by or i

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