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Unit 3Whats Your Favourite Food教案及反思.docx

1、Unit 3 Whats Your Favourite Food教案及反思吴兴 龙溪 学校(幼儿园)单元(章节)备课表学科与册别英语第五册备课时间201010单元序列与主题Unit 3 Whats Your Favourite Food?备课形式个人备课(姓名)吴伟琴单元目标与课标依据1能力目标(1)能够提问并回答三餐所吃的食物,如:What do you have for lunch today/on Monday? We have tomatoes, tofu and fish.(2)能够简单描述一些食物的味道,如:The apples are sweet.(3)能够提问并回答最喜欢吃的食

2、物是什么,并说出原因,如:Whats your favourite food? I like apples. They are sweet.(4)能够听懂、会唱歌曲 “What Do You Have for Lunch?” 和本单元的歌谣。2知识目标(1)认读部分A、B中Lets learn, Lets talk的单词和句子,并掌握四会单词。(2)掌握Read and write中的四会句子,读懂对话内容,完成句子填空。(3)了解Lets start、 Group/Pairwork、Task time等部分的内容。(4)了解Pronunciation中字母组合ow, oa, fr, fl的发

3、音规则,认读相关的单词。(5)了解Story time, Good to know等部分的内容。3情感、策略、文化等有关目标(1)培养学生的合作精神和创新意识,引导学生通过以旧带新的方式自主学习,同时也要注重合作学习。(2)了解中国表示美好愿望的方式单元教学内容分析本单元重点学习围绕食物展开的单词及句子。课文中部分四会单词和句子在前四册学生用书中有所呈现,在教授时可以以旧带新的方式引导学生学习。本单元A部分的语言点可通过复习四年级上册第五单元导入。Lets try部分的内容安排在Lets talk之前,为Lets talk的教学做铺垫,同时也让学生先从听觉上熟悉Read and write中的

4、四会句子。单元教学重点本单元A、B部分Lets learn, Read and write中四会单词和句子的发音与书写,以及语音部分中字母组合ow, oa, fr, fl的发音规律,教师要为学生做出正确的示范和指导。单元教学难点对于句型部分的教学,教师应引导学生举一反三,灵活替换,不应只要求学生背出该对话,关键是要学会运用。学困生教学重难点突破措施 1. 用字母卡片,小黑板,帮助指导学生正确学习新知,拼读练习。 2. 维持学生良好的课堂秩序,利用Lets play激发学生兴趣。 3.多利用电教设备,更有些的组织教学。单元或章节课时划分第一课时:Lets start Main scene Let

5、s chant A Lets learn Group work第二课时:: A Lets try Lets talk Talk and match C Good to know第三课时e: A Read and write Group work C Lets sing第四课时B Lets learn Lets chant C Story time第五课时: B Lets try Lets talk Pair work C Task time第六课时: B Read and write Group work C Pronunciation Lets check提供老师: 吴伟琴日 期:20101

6、0第 1教时课 题: Unit3 What your favorite food?教学内容:Lets start Main scene Lets chant A. Lets learn Group work教学目标:1. Be able to listen, say, read and write four-skills words: tomato, tofu, green beans fish, potato, eggplant.2. Can recognize the words: cabbage, mutton, pork.3. Grasp the drill: What would y

7、ou like for lunch?Can listen and chant.重点难点:Four-skills words and sentences.教具准备:Recorder, tape, picture, cards, color pens, white papers.。理论依据教学过程 Step I warm up1. Sing a song2. Review the words3. Review the structures: What would you like four lunch/? Id likeStep Preview1. Listen and chant (Book4

8、unit6 B. Lets chant)2. Lets startT shows the picture then says: Im yummy to eat. Im yellow and long. I grow on the tree. My name begins with the letter as “bee”. What am I?(Let Ss guess: Whats this?)Step Presentation1. Lets learn(1) a. Guess: Im yummy to eat. Im red and round. I grow on the ground.

9、My name begins with the letter as “tea”. What am I? tomatob. T shows the word card, reads the word“tomato”, Ss read and spell it: t-o-m-a-t-o, tomato.c. Teach the other words. (2) Play game: T: eggplant. Ss: purpleT: red. Ss: tomato(3) Listen to the tape and read the words: cabbage, tomato, tofu, eg

10、gplant, mutton, fish, potato, green beans.(4) Have a race: Spell the four-skills words quickly.2. Lets chantLearn to chant: What would you like for lunch?3. Group workStep IV Consolidation and extension1. Action 1: 编谜语2. Action 2: 做调查( What would you like for breakfast/lunch/supperId like)3. Do exer

11、cises4. Listen and repeat1.Create a relaxed and active classroom atmosphere. Let the students learn to communicate freely.2.Guide the new knowledge naturally from teacher and students communicating.3.Let Ss understand and get to know the knowledge continuously,and learn the knowledge in the communic

12、ative activities.教学反思 英语课程标准指出:激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生树立自信心,养成良好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习策略,发展学生自主学习的能力和合作精神是小学英语教学的基本任务。本着这一目标,在备课的过程中,我反复钻研教材,经过一遍又一遍深加工,根据学生的实际生活,延深、扩展了教材的内容。除了教授课文中的重点单词以外,还扩充了一些相关的单词,同时让学生自主创设情境,操练所学过的单词。一、发挥学生的表演才能,在真实的情景中灵活的运用英语,达到自主学习的目的。 英语作为一门语言,应体现它的交际功能,我一贯认为学生会运用英语是关键。给学生自由发挥的空间,通过小组合作,让

13、他们充分的发挥想象,运用所学的内容自编自演谈话场景。这样学生可以活学活用英语,同时也培养了学生的表演才能。有的学生极有想象力和创造力,能够有一些新点子自创情境,而且往往不局限于本节的内容。学生的表演的成功与否是我教学的成功与否的一大衡量标准。二、单词呈现单调、课堂设计不够丰富。从整节课来看,有三个地方没掌握好,第一,教学时间安排的不够合理,课堂所学内容学生没有得到充分练习,第二,没有能够很好的利用充分的想象力创设情境,使学生不能大量的运用英语。第三,没有兼顾到不同层次的学生,如果能够给学生更多参与的机会,让学生有更多的时间操练,课堂效果会好一些。 本课时lets learn部分主要是通过情景对

14、话让学生学习单词:tomato,tofu,green beans,fish,potato,eggplant,cabbage,mutton,pork。对话中的语句What would you like for lunch?Id like是学生在四年级上册Unit 5 操练过的内容,教师可以充分利用这组问答引出新单词。然后利用一些视听资料、图片、儿歌来巩固所学单词。最后通过Group work的活动让学生能在情景中运用所学内容进行交际。另外,我觉得在评价激励学生方面还做的不够,这是我今后努力的方向。 提供老师: 吴伟琴日 期:201010第2教时课 题: Unit3 Whats your favo

15、urite food?教学内容: A .Lets try Lets talk Talk and match C. Lets sing教学目标:1. Understand and be able to use: What do you have for lunch today? I have eggplant2. Understand the command and do.3. 能够了解中国一些传统食物所蕴含的文化。重点难点:Important point: What do you have for lunch today?Difficult point: the difference betw

16、een “What would you like for lunch?” with “What do you have for lunch today?”教具准备:Recorder, tape, picture, word cards.理论依据教学过程 Step I warm up1. Sing a song: “What Do You Have for Lunch?”2. Dialogue practice (S1-S2):S1: What would you like for lunch/?S2: Id likeStep Preview1. 检查调查情况“What do you have

17、for lunch/breakfast/dinner?”2. Lets tryListen and tick or cross: Amy: Im hungry.Chen Jie: What do you have for lunch today?Amy: I have green beans and tofu. Zhang Peng: Hi, John. What do you have for lunch today? John: I have cabbage and beef.Step Presentation1. Lets talk(1) T: What would you like f

18、or lunch? Ss:T: What do you have for lunch today? T: I haveT-S practise (2 )S-S practise.(3)Listen and read after the tape.2. Talk and match3. Good to knowStep IV Consolidation and extension1. 找朋友: communicate each other with :“I have fish for lunch today. Do you have fish/pork? What do you have for

19、 lunch today?”2. 学生收集外国具有代表性的节日食物的信息。3. Do exercise(Activity-book5)4、Listen to the tape and repeat. 1.Create a relaxed and active classroom atmosphere. Let the students learn to communicate freely.2.Guide the new knowledge naturally from teacher and students communicating.3.Let Ss understand and get

20、 to know the knowledge continuously,and learn the knowledge in the communicative activities.教学反思 句型较容易,学生容易掌握,但在区分Id like 和 I like时要多加练习。本课时Lets talk部分主要是通过情景会话,谈论今天午餐所吃的是食物,从而让学生学习What do you have for lunch today?I have的问答。教师在设计教案时应先通过儿歌或对话的形式复习所学食物单词,使学生在学习和使用新的功能结构时不再有单词障碍。接着教师可以通过课件和对话的形式让学生对比Wh

21、at would you like for lunch?和What do you have for lunch today?的问答,理解What do you have for lunch today?的功能,再引导学生对What do you have for lunch today?I have的结构进行操练。然后教师可以利用一些练习或活动来巩固知识。提供老师: 吴伟琴日 期:201010第3教时课 题: Unit3 Whats your favourite food ?教学内容: A. Read and write Group work C. Lets sing教学目标:1. Grasp

22、 the four-skills sentences: What do you have for lunch on Mondays? We have tomatoes, tofu and fish.2. Understand the dialogues of “Read and write”.3. understand and sing the song “What Do You Have for Lunch?”重点难点:Four-skills sentences: What do you have for lunch on Mondays? We have教具准备:Recorder, tap

23、e, picture, School Menu.理论依据教学过程 Step I warm up1. Sing a song2. Daily dialogue:A: What day is it today?B: Its Monday.A: What do you have for lunch?B: I haveWhat about you?B: I haveStep Preview Listen and chant(Book4 Recycle1)Step Presentation1. Read and write(1) T asks: What day is it today? What do

24、 we have on Monday? What do you have on Mondays?Ss:(2) T shows a School Menu: Lets see together.(3) Ss communicate in groups, then make a School Menu.(T praises the best: That sounds good.)(4) Listen and read after the tape, finish the sentences.(5) Practise the new structures: What do you have for

25、lunch on Mondays? We have2. Group workStep IV Consolidation and extension1.Action:幸运“52”2. Make a dialogue and play.一、 Do exercise.Practise the sentences.” What do you have for lunch on Mondays?I have” And” What would you like I would like”二、 Listen to the tape and repeat.1.Create a relaxed and acti

26、ve classroom atmosphere. Let the students learn to communicate freely.2、Guide the new knowledge naturally from teacher and students communicating.3.Let Ss understand and get to know the knowledge continuously,and learn the knowledge in the communicative activities.教学反思 本课要注意在实际情境中的实际运用,通过练习帮助学生掌握四会句

27、子。提供老师: 吴伟琴日 期:201010第 4 教时课 题: Unit3 Whats your favorite food?教学内容:B. Lets learn Lets chant C. Story time教学目标:1. Be able to listen, say, read and write four-skills words: tasty, salty, sweet, sour, fresh.2. Be able to recognize “healthy”.3. Understand and can listen and chant.4. Good to know the st

28、ory.重点难点:Important point: four-skills words.Difficult point: the pronunciation of“healthy”.教具准备:Recorder, tape, picture, word cards.理论依据教学过程 Step I warm up1. Sing a song2. Daily dialogue: What do you have for lunch on Mondays? I/We haveStep Preview Sing and do“An Apple a Day”.Step Presentation1. Let

29、s learn (1)T shows some fruits, let Ss say out. T: Yes, they are very fresh. Read the word“fresh”. (2)Sing a song“An apple a day keeps doctors away”. T: Yes, we must eat some fresh fruits to keep healthy. Ss read the word: healthy. (3)T shows some salty, sweet, sour, let Ss taste, then read the word

30、s. (4)T tastes the sweet and says:“ Mm, its tasty. Its my favorite.” Then let Ss taste and say“Its tasty. Its my favorite. ” (5)用不同的水果来操练句型“Its tasty.Its my favourite.” (6)教师出示三杯溶液,让一学生尝并做出面部表情,然后让其他学生猜单词。 (7)Listen to the tape and read the words. (8)T shows the word card quickly, Ss spell the words quickly.2. Lets chant Step IV Consolidation and extension1. Action1:猜味道.2. Story time3. Do exercise.1、 Listen to the tape

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