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Unit 1 Cultural relics.docx

1、Unit 1 Cultural relicsUnit 1 Cultural relicsReading In Search of the Amber RoomDesigner: Wang Limin cheeker:Wang Yue qingLearning aims:Master the main idea of the passage.Analyze the sentence structuresLearn some key Language pointsPart: Read the passage carefully then answer the following questions

2、.1. The passage mainly tells us D . A. how to search for the Amber Room B. how to protect the Amber Room C. the design and the shape of the Amber room D. the legend of the Amber Room2. Why was the gift given the name the Amber Room? A A. Because many tons of amber were used to make it B. Because it

3、was made of honey C. Because the color of the room is like Amber D. Because the King of Prussia named it3. In 1941, the city of Konigsberg belonged to A . A. Germany B. Russia C. Sweden D. France4. What did the Czar give the King of Prussia in return? D A. Some money and jewels B. Some horses of gre

4、at worth C. A winter palace D. A troop of his best soldiers5. What can we infer from the passage? C A. Just some small art objects were saved from the Amber Room. B. Catherine didnt like the Amber Room when she first saw it.C . The Amber Room disappeared during the Second World War.D. The Amber Room

5、 was missing Catherine had it movedPart . Key sentences1. Frederick William I, the King of Prussia, could never have imagined that his greatest gift to the Russian people would have such an amazing history.普鲁士国王腓特烈威廉一世绝不可能想到他送给俄罗斯人的厚礼竟会有这样一段令人惊讶的历史。(1)句中的could never have imagined 意为“绝不可能想到”,表示对过去发生的

6、事情的推测。这是一个could have done结构,该结构可表示两种意义:对过去发生的事情的推测,一般用在否定句和疑问句中,表示不相信或怀疑。eg: Can/could he have passed the exam? 他可能通过考试了吗? 他不可能出国,我刚才正看见他了。 He couldnt /cant have gone abroad. I saw him just now. 表示“过去本来能够做某事,而实际上并没有做”,有种责备或惋惜的味道。如:He could have passed the exam, but he was too careless. 他过去本该能够通过考试,但

7、是他太粗心了。 联想发散may/might have done过去可能/大概已做了某事neednt have done本来不必做某事而实际上做了cant/couldn t have done不可能已做了某事(表示对过去发生的事情的否定推测)shouldnt /ougtnt to have done过去本不应该做某事而实际上做了shouldn /ought to have done 过去本应该做某事而实际上未做(含有责备或遗憾的语气)Weve turned our dreams into realities at last Thank you. We know we B it without y

8、our help .A. louldnt do B. couldnt have done C. shouldnt have done D. hadnt done(2)imagine v 想像,料想, 认为 . n. doing sth sb./sbs doing sth that /what/how 宾语+宾补(n./doing/toke)1 Try to imagine being on the moon. 试着想象是在月球上。 2 Imagine yourself to be in his place. 想象你自己处于他的境地。 3 Look! Hes running so fast!Ha

9、rd to B his legs were once broken.A. know B. imagine C. realize D. find2 Later, Catherine had the Amber Room moved to the palace outside St. Petersburg where she spent her summers. 后来,叶卡捷琳娜二世派把琥珀屋搬到圣彼得堡效外她避暑的宫殿中。have sth. done的用法have sth. done让(别)人做;使遭受;使被做,可换为get sth. done.1 我明天让人把自行车修一下。 Ill have

10、my bike repaired tomorrow. 2 她的胳膊在工作中受伤了。 She had her arm broken at work. 3 Jenny hopes that Mr. Snith will suggest a good way to have her written English A in a short period.A. improved B. improving C. to improve D. improve拓展延伸(1)havedoing让某人做某事,doing通常是延续性动问,表示动作在持续进行。 Dont worry about your leg. W

11、ell soon have you walking. 别为你的腿担扰,我们将很快让你能走。 (2)havedo使某人做某事,do表示一个完整的动作,即把整个事情做完。我们将让他把他的作文重抄一遍。 Well have him copy his composition. (3)have sth to do有某事要做 I have something to say. 我有些话要说。 今天我有一篇作文要写。 Today I have a composition to write. 3 In 1770 the room was completed the way she wanted. 1770年,这

12、间琥珀屋按照她的要求完成了。句中的the way she wanted 是方式状语从句,由the way 引导,意为“以方式”。这种现象也可视为:the way 前面省略了介词in, she wanted前面省略了引导词in which 或that.He learns to walk the way Chaplin did. 他学卓别林走路的方式。 玛丽笑起来的样子和她妈妈在她这个年龄时一样。 Mary smiled the way (in which / that) her mother did at her age. 即学即练(1)I dont like A you speak to he

13、r. A. the way B. the way in that C. the way which D. the way of which(2)The way he thinks of B the problem is effective. A. working out B. to work out C. works out D. worked out4. Nor do I think they should give it to any government 我也不认为他们就该将琥珀屋交给哪个政府。本句中由于否定句nor放在了句首,所以使用了部分倒装语序,即“nor+系动词be(情态动词或助

14、动词)+主语”,其表示前句中的否定情况也适用于另一人或物,意为“也不” ,可用neither替换nor.(08年辽宁)Bill wasnt happy about the delay of the report by Jason, and B .A. I was neither B. neither was I C. I was either D. either was I 英语中,当否定副词以及含有否定词的介词短语放于句首时,句子须用部分倒装。这样的副词及短语有:never, seldom, neither, nor, little, not, hardly, scarcely, rarel

15、y, at no time, by no means, in no way 等等。eg: Not a word did he say at the meeting. 他在会上一句话也没说。 我决不向困难低头。 At no time shall I give in to difficulties. Module Unit 1 Cultural relicsDesigner: Wang Limin Checker: Wang Yueqing教师寄语:If winter comes, can spring be far behind?Teaching aims: Master the usage o

16、f key words and phrases Grasp the language points and sentence patterns. Improve the students abilities of reading and writing.:the keysA) 根据英文解释写出部分重点单词1 valuable worth a lot of money.2 rare very unusual or uncommon.3 survive To continue to live of exist after a difficult or dangerous situation.4 b

17、elong to be owned by someone.5 In return in exchange.6 doubt a feeling of uncertainty of belief or opinion.B) 词汇拓展1 select vt挑选,选择 selection n. 选择2 design n.设计,图案,vt.设计,计划,构想designer n.设计者3 mystery n.神秘,神秘的事物 mysterious adj 神秘的4 prove vt.证明,证完 proof n.证明,证据5 consider vt考虑,认为 consideration n.考虑,体贴con

18、siderate adj考虑同列的,体贴的。6 entrance n.入口 enter vt.进入7 explode vi.爆炸 explosion n.爆炸C)重点短语1in search of 寻找搜寻 2. at war 处于交战状态3 Less than 少于 4. serve as 充当5. (at)the entrance to 的入口 6. rather than 而不是7 take apart 拆开,拆卸 8. think highly of 看重,器重:Explanation1) Key words:1.belong vi 属于 ; 为的一员 belong to 属于某人 这

19、块表是谁的? Who does this watch belong to? 是(俱乐部、组织等)的成员他是高尔夫俱乐部的会员。 He belongs to the golf club. 是(某族类或纲目)的一部分Lions and tigers belong to cat family. 狮子和老虎属于猫科。 注意:belong to 不用于进行时,也不用于被动语态。2doubt (1)n. 怀疑,疑问 have no doubt that have no about sth我们都不怀疑我们会回到中国的。 We all have no doubt that well come book to

20、China. There is no doubt that 毫无疑问There is no doubt that we did the right thing 毫无疑问我们做对了。 (2)v 怀疑,不信 doubt sb./sth 怀疑某人/某事doubt if /whether(肯定句)dont doubt that(否定句或疑问句中)I never doubt that she would come. 我从未怀疑过她会来。 我不敢肯定这个新的是否会好一些。 I doubt whether /if the new one will be any better. 3.prove (1)vt 证

21、明,证实 prove +n/pron你能证明你的诚实吗? Can you prove your honesty? prove+n/pron+(to be)n/adjHe has proved himself (to be)capable /(to be)a capable man. 他已经证明了自己是一个有能力的人。 prove +that 从句时间会证明他们错了。 Time will prove that they are wrong. (2)link-v原来(是),结果(是),(不能用于 被动 和 进行时态 )prove +(to be)+n/adjThe rumor proved (to

22、 be )false. 这个传闻原来是个假的。 他原来是个间谍。 He proved (to be ) a spy. 4 consider vt(1) 考虑 +n./(ones)doing sthconsider +疑问句+to do +宾语从句我正在考虑买辆新车。 Im considering buying a new car. She is considering how to deal with it. 她在考虑如何处理这件事。 (2) 认为,把看做 as (to be )adj./n.consider to have done 宾语从句We consider Tom (to be /a

23、s)our best friend. 我们把Tom 当成我们最好的朋友。 有人认为他打破了玻璃。 He is considered to have broken the glass. 我们认为她是我们最好的老师。 We consider that she is our best teacher. (3)considering prep 就而论,考虑到He is strong considering his age. 就他的年龄而论,他是强壮的。 conj 就而论,照来看(常用与that连用)Considering (that)he did not study, he did well on t

24、he test. 考虑到他没有用功,他考得还算不错。 (4)consideration: n . 考虑,研究 be under consideration. 正在考虑中 经过充分考虑后,他决定出国留学。 After much consideration , he decided to go abroad for study. takeinto consideration考虑We must take the weather into consideration first when climbing mountains. 当我们要爬山时,首先必须考虑的是天气。 5.worthn. 价值what

25、is the worth of this picture? 这幅画值多少钱? adj: 有价值,值be worth+钱数值钱be worth+名词 值得be (well) worth doing sth(非常)值得做某事 巧辩异同worth 和worthy 都表示“值得”,但所接动词形式不同。worth后接动名词,主动形式表示被动意义,worthy后接being done 或to be done.注意句型的差别(1)be worth +n=be worthy of +n此事值得考虑The matter is worth consideration. The matter is worthy o

26、f consideration. 注意句型的差别(1)be worth doing=be worthy of being done to be done这本书值得一读The book is worth reading The book is worthy of being read to be read 注意句型的差别(3)It is worthwhile doing sth to do sthsth is worthwhile doing worthy of being done to be done这本书值得一读。The book is worthwhile reading. It is

27、worthwhile reading the book. .2) Key search of 寻找他们正在找吃的东西。 They are in search of something to eat. 她进了厨房想到点喝的.She went into the kitchen in search of a drink.归纳拓展 search after /for 寻找;探求 search into 调查;研究search out 搜出,查到,找出search through 把仔细搜寻一遍巧辩异同 searchfor,search for(1) search for 表示

28、“寻找,搜寻”(=look for).(2) searchfor表示“搜查以找到”,search表示“搜查,检查”(=examine),search的宾语一般为人、物或场所,如search the bag for the pen“在包里找钢笔”警察正在寻找凶手。 The police are searching for the munderer. 2in return. 回报;作为报答 He wanted nothing in return. 他一点不要回报。 我计划为你做些事情来报答你。 I plan to do something for you in return. 近义辨析in tur

29、n 与in returnin turn有两种含义,一是“依次,轮流”;二是“反而”“转而”“反过来”。In return 的意思是“作为回报,作为报酬”,常用于in return for sb./sth.z结构中。(08高考)A clean environment can help the city bid for the Olympics, which C will promote its economic development. A. in nature B. in return C. in turn D. in war 处于战争状态,介词at表示状态或动作他们经常争吵

30、。 They are constantly at war with each other. 知识积累 be at school 上课、求学 be at dinner 在吃饭 be at work 在工作 be at peace 处于和平状态 be at table在进餐He seldom talks at table . He thinks it bad for health to talk while eating.Do exercises:1. Tom often surfs the Internet late into the night, playing computer games, no doubt he falls far behind the others in his class.2. All the villagers set out early in the morning in search of the lost boy.3. The old man gave away

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