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七年级英语上册 第一单元教学反思 人教新目标版.docx

1、七年级英语上册 第一单元教学反思 人教新目标版2019-2020年七年级英语上册 第一单元教学反思 人教新目标版摘要:教学反思是教师在教学过程中的一种对教育教学得失的思考研究的过程。本文通过对七年级一堂英语课的教学实践的思考,分析教学中的得失,阐述了在教学实践中如何进行教学反思,探索提高课堂效率的途径,促进教师的专业成长。 关键词:英语 教学 实践 反思 效率 xx年九月二十七号我上了一节教学录像课,内容是新目标英语七年级上册第一单元第四课时数字教学新授课。通过教学,引导学生学会从对话中获取对方的电话号码等基本信息以及建立小组电话号码簿。教学步骤共有八个环节: Step One Revisio

2、n 本环节由学生们来完成,具体操作如下:由轮到的值日小组做值日生报告,内容以呈现上节课的知识点为主。做完后,教师提问其他同学,检测听的效果。然后由其他同学给他们评分(2-5)。由值日小组代替教师的角色,以提问的方式来检测同学们对上节课内容的掌握情况。提问对象抽签决定,所问学生回答完毕后,由提问人根据回答评分(1-3)。小结:此环节的设计充分体现了学生之间的互动,同时将讲台变为学生的展台。学生的互评更激发了学生学习的主动性和主人翁的态度。Step Two Warming upEnjoy the song “Ten Little Indian Boys”通过欣赏歌曲,可以有效地调节课堂气氛,同时自

3、然地引出本课时的教学目标1.学习0-9这十个数字。接着通过谈论数字在生活中的运用引出教学目标;2.询问和给出电话号码。Step Three Numbers1. Listen and repeat the numbers.2. Use the number cards . Point to the numbers one at a time and ask the students to repeat.3.Play a number-train action game .4. Practice some numbers in groups, then ask nine teams to read

4、 them out one by one.5. Ask the students how to ask the telephone number, then ask them to ask me “Whats your phone number?”I will answer and show my number, and tell the students how to write a telephone number.6. Give more uses of numbers: room number; car number; QQ number; ID card number; 7. Lea

5、rn some important telephone numbers in our life. Look at some signs and ask the students to speak out the numbers “ 114,119 120, 110, 122, 12345, 121”小结:本环节主要呈现教学内容,很多学生能按顺序背诵从1-10的数字,但是不按顺序的朗读还是很困难,所以通过各种各样的游戏,让学生在玩中学,学中玩,从而使学生更有效的掌握数字。从生活实际中常用的电话号码入手,一方面简单易学,另一方面与学生的实际生活紧密相连,学生有认同感,有话可说。同时自然地导入了本课

6、的目标语。此环节的设计充分让师生、生生互动,同时将讲台变为学生的练台。Step Four Listening1.Before listening,ask the students to work in pairs , one say the numbers in random order, the other writes them down.2.Play the tape for the first time. Students only listen.3.Ask the students to write the numbers in the blank as the teacher pl

7、ays the tape the second time.4.Check the answers.Step Five Listening1.Play the recording for the first time. Students only listen.2.Listen to the recording again, students write the letter of each telephone number in the blank after the persons name.3.Check the answers in pairs by asking and answeri

8、ng in pairs.4.Listen to the recording a third time, check the answers.小结:此环节主要是听力训练。听力过程中让学生通过两人小组活动校对答案,可以使学生产生互动的学习效果。如答案不一致,学生在听下一遍的时候能更加集中注意力,这比教师直接报答案的效果来得更好。 Step Six Survey1. In about five minutes, let the students ask their teammates about their telephone numbers and write them down . They m

9、ust use the target language “ Whats your phone number? Its ”NamePhone Numbers 2. Ask some students to make a report like: Lisas phone number is Jims phone number is3. Answer the teachers questions: “Whats Lisas/Jims phone number?” “Her/ His phone number is”Step Six TaskAsk students to write their ph

10、one numbers on a piece of paper and put it in a box .Then take out a piece of paper and find the owner. Last , make a telephone number address book.小结:此环节主要是通过学生间的互找互问巩固本课时的学习内容。布置任务主要是培养学生的动手能力,展示学生的个性。所以课后对各小组的作品进行展览、评比,最后放进学生的档案袋。Step Conclusion小结本节课的主要内容,进行自我检测。 Step Eight HomeworkRead and recit

11、e the ten numbers.Preview the next part. 我在这节课中充分的利用丰富的英语教学资源教学,如:利用多媒体和数字卡片把枯燥的数字教活了,为英语课堂带来了生机和活力。同时,问题导学贯穿整堂课,问,随时随地。让课堂真正地以问号开始,以问号结束。让学生一直处于一种思维状态。整堂课教学步骤清晰,思路顺畅,目标明确。充分体现了学生的主导地位,同时渗透了情感教育,如:生活中的重要电话号码,可以帮助学生提高自我保护意识,增强社会责任感。但教学过程中,后面时间有点紧,所以最后的任务是布置学生课后完成。造成时间紧张的原因有三点,一是学生提问复习时有点拖拉;二是在进行数字链游戏

12、时学生没做过,有点迟缓;三是数字教学用的时间超时了。所以,以后在时间观念上还要加强。总之,学生的学习效果总的来说令人满意。也从此让我懂得英语教师也应该用一种新的眼光来看待英语教学。这种新的眼光可以使我们每一位教师更富有创造性,更紧跟时代,更令人满意。所以教育理念的更新也势在必行。2019-2020年七年级英语上册 第三单元教案 冀教版内容简介:冀教版英语七年级上册第三单元教案 更新时间:xx-10-15 19:59:38文章来源:网友上传所属教材:冀教系列所属年级:七年级学期或模块:上册所属单元:不限 点击数: 1852Unit 3 Body and FeelingsI. Teaching o

13、bjectives 单元教学目标 Skill Focus听Listen to people talking about their feelings and appearance.说 Talk about the body parts and the feelings.读写Write short passages about peoples appearance.Language Focus功能句式1. How do you feel? I feel / I am _.2. What color is your hair / are your eyes?3. How tall is _ / H

14、ow tall are you?He is / She is / I am _ meter(s) tall.4. Whats the matter?5. I cut my _. My _ hurts. I have a -ache.词汇1 掌握词汇arm, ear, eye, foot (feet), hair, hand, head, leg, mouth, nose, happy, sad, cold, cool, hot, warm, little, long, short, tall, left, right, feel, have, has, hurt, in, out, with,

15、 nose2 认知词汇 body, elbow, finger, knee, shoulder, stomach, toe, nurse, doctor, matter, meter, headache, stomachache, blond, different, tired, sick, cut, stand, on, very, today, ouch, OK3 重点词汇arm, ear, eye, foot (feet), hair, hand, head, leg, mouth, nose, happy, sad, cold, cool, hot, warm语法动词have, has

16、的运用。重点句子1. How do you feel? I feel happy. 2. How tall are you? I am 1.6 meters tall. 3. Whats the matter? I cut my finger. It hurts. 4. I have headache. II. Teaching materials analyzing 教材分析 1. 教材分析 通过本单元学习,帮助学生掌握表达身体部位的名称及五官的名称,描述人的外貌特征并用简单的英语表达自己的情感和身体某部位的不舒服。1.1 Lesson 17 Happy, Sad学习身体部位的有关单词并互相

17、询问对方高兴还是难过的感受。学习一首英文歌曲以提高学生对英语的兴趣。1.2 Lesson 18 Hot, Cold学习五官单词并描述自己的感受。1.3 Lesson 20 Body继续学习有关身体部位的名称并用long, short, big, little简单对比外表特征, 用一首歌曲复习身体部位和五官的单词。1.4 Lesson 19 In, Out主要学习有关方位的四个单词:left, right, in and out. 并用歌曲进行巩固练习。我的手指头上的那个肉签1.5 Lesson 21 We Look different 通过对比头发长短颜色和眼睛颜色的描述来表达人的外表的不同。

18、1.6 Lesson 22 How Tall Are You? 通过对话对比人的高矮及询问回答彼此的身高。1.7 Lesson 23 It Hurts! 通过医生与病人和朋友之间的对话来学习表达身体某部位不舒服的日常用。1.8 Lesson 24 Unit Review 通过练习及对话来复习整个单元的主要单词和表达法。2. 课型设计与课时分配 Period 1 Lesson 17 Listening, speaking and singing Period 2 Lesson 18 Listening, speaking Period 3 Lesson 20 Speaking and singi

19、ngPeriod 4 Lesson 19 Speaking and singing Period 5 Lesson 21 Listening, speaking and writing Period 6 Lesson 22 Listening, speaking and reading Period 7 Lesson 23 Listening and speaking Period 8 Lesson 24 Practicing III. Teaching plans for each period 分课时教案Period 1 Listening, speaking and singingTar

20、get language 目标语言 1. Words and phrases 生词和短语 happy, sad, head, arm, leg, foot, hand, feel, body2. Key sentences 重点句子How do you feel? I feel _. Do you feel_?Ability goals 能力目标Enable students to say the parts of the body: head, arm, leg, foot, hand.Enable students to talk about their feelings: happy o

21、r sad.Learning ability goals 学能目标Help students grasp the several words about body parts and express their feelings. Teaching important and difficult points 教学重难点The words about the body parts and the sentence pattern: How you feel? I feel _?Teaching methods 教学方法Listening, speaking and singing.Teachi

22、ng aids 教具准备Audiotape and pictures.Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式Step I Revisiona. GreetingT: Hello, boys and girls! How are you?Ss: I am fine. How are you?T: Im fine, too. Thanks.b. Ask and answer Show the pictures of clothes and ask and answer about them.T: Whats it?Ss: Its a shirt.T: What col

23、or is it?Ss: Its red.T: Do you like it?Ss: Yes, I do. / No, I dont.Ask and answer with several students to make sure they can speak well.Step II Presentation (I)Touch different parts of the body and learn the words.T: Today lets get to know our body. (Touch the head) Whats this? Head.Ss: Head.T: (To

24、uch a boy students head) Whats it?Ss: Head.T: Yes. This is his head. Ss: This is his head.T: (Touch a girl students head) Whats this?Ss: Head. T: Good. This is her head.Ss: This is her head.In the same way present neck, arm, hand, leg and foot.Step III Practicea. Listen and touchThe teacher says the

25、 words of different parts of the body and let the students touch the right parts one by one.T: Lets play a game: touch your body. If I say touch your neck, you touch your neck. Lets see who the best is. OK?Ss: OK.T: Touch your arm / head / leg.The students touch their arms / heads / legs. b. Listen

26、to the tape and repeat.c. Look and say.The teacher touches different parts of the body and let the students say the word. Correct their wrong pronunciation.Step IV Presentation (II)Draw a smiling face and a sad a face. And then write the words happy and sad beside them. T: Happy. (Point to the smili

27、ng face.)Ss: Happy.Repeat several times. In the same way, present sad. Use facial expressions and talk about the feeling.T: (Smile to the students.) You are very good. I feel happy. How do you feel? Do you feel happy?Ss: (Help the students to say.) Yes. I feel happy. T: (Show a sad face.) I feel sad

28、. How do you feel? Do you feel sad?Ss: I feel sad too. Step V Practicea. Listen and answerListen to the tape and answer the following questions:1. Is Jenny happy? (Yes. Shes happy.)2. Is Li Ming happy too? (Yes. He is happy, too.)3. Is Danny happy too? (No. He is sad.)4. Is Li Ming sad? (Yes. He is

29、sad.)b. Listen to the tape and repeat.c. Role-play the dialogue.Step IV PresentationDo the actions and learn the expressions in the song.T: (Point to the students who just role played the dialogue and say.) They are very good. Clap your hands for them. (Do the action.) Clap your hands.Ss: (Do the ac

30、tion.) In the same way learn stamp your foot, wave your arm, and shake your leg.Step VII Practicea. Read.Lead the students to read the expressions learned in Step VI one by one.b. Listen and do.The teacher says the actions and let the students do.c. Say and act.Let several students e to the front of

31、 the classroom and do the actions as other students tell them.d. Listen and sing.Read the lyrics and explain it in Chinese if necessary and then sing along. Do the actions at the same time.Step VIII Learn a poemRead a poem and explain it in Chinese to teach them a good way to study and be happy.Here is the poem:A Good WayWork while you work 学习时学习Play whil

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