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教学设计Module 3 Unit 6英语上教高一上册.docx

1、教学设计Module 3 Unit 6英语上教高一上册Module 3 Unit 6 Fun food教材分析This book includes three modules, The Human Body, Colorful Life and Food for Thought, designed to help students get better understanding of their own body and the healthy life style. This is the sixth unit of the third module of the textbook. In

2、 the passage, to help students get the knowledge of agriculture, especially white agriculture. Through the study of this module, students learn about the concept of food and the modern agriculture.Master the expression of related words and the use of attributive clauses.At last, write a recipe in En

3、glish.教学目标【语言目标】1. To learn and master the new words, phrases, sentence patterns in the text;2. To help students get the knowledge of agriculture, especially white agriculture.3. To develop students speaking ability.4. To learn grammarA: Relative clauses with relative pronouns as subjects. B: Relati

4、ve clauses with relative pronouns as objects.5. to enable students to roughly get an outline of the passage Balancing world diets.【能力目标】1. Improve the students reading comprehension, develop reading skills, and express their thoughts with the sentence patterns they have learned;2. The teaching of Sp

5、eaking should cultivate students oral communication ability;3. To help students develop good oral communication habits, and cultivate students habit of thinking in English;4. To learn to write a recipe in English.【情感目标】 Help students understand the differences between Chinese and western cultures, l

6、earn to respect others beliefs, and be good at listening to others ideas.教学重难点1. To use the words and expressions;2. To develop the students reading ability;3. To learn the use of attributive clauses;4.To write a recipe in English.课前准备Multimedia, Text book, whiteboard and PPT slides教学过程The first per

7、iod ReadingStep 1 Warming up T: Show the students some pictures of food and ask them where the food comes from. In this way, the students interest on food can be aroused. 【设计意图】向学生们展示一些食物的图片,引起学生对本课话题食物的兴趣。Step 2 ReadingPre-readingT: Ask the students to match the new words with their definition and

8、this step is also the preparation for the reading.Skimming 1. Read the title, the picture and the first line and the last line of each paragraph. Then think about1) What is white agriculture?2) What is Sunqiao ?3) What is this passage probably about? a. Interesting food in our life b. A new kind of

9、agriculture4) Why has Sunqiao become one of the fastest developing areas?5) How did some people view farming?2. Ask students to read the text quickly and find the main idea of each paragraph.Para 1 : Colourful agriculturePara 2 : Introduction of white agriculturePara 3 : Research and production in S

10、unqiaoPara 4 : Economic benefits of white culturePara 5 : Modern technology has made Sunqiao famousScanning1. Read paragraph 1 and the 1st sentence of the 2nd paragraph together and find out the meanings of the 3 items in the box:Traditional farming that grows plants in soilFarms fish or water plant

11、s in natural sources of water such as oceans or lakes Lets checkMatch the kind of agriculture by color to the sentences below1. Farms in natural sources of water 2. Grows plants in soil 3. Grows plants using water and fertilizer 4. Traditional farming 5. This kind is the most likely to make you dirt

12、y 2. Read paragraph 2 and then fill in the blanks. grow in water Features sand and stones : used to help hold up the plants Nourished : only by a mixture of water and fertilizer plants useful for : places with poor soil quality benefits make the best use of :both water and fertilizer3. Read paragrap

13、h3 and 4 to see whether it is true or false.(1) Sunqiao is both an experimental facility and a business company. T(2) The researches of Sunqiao only involve making white agriculture more profitable. F(3) Through blue agriculture, Sunqiao has become one of the fastest developing area in China. F(4) T

14、he lives of farming families changed forever because they have bigger and better harvests. T(5) Only seeds brought economic benefits to many farming families. F4. Read the last paragraph and fill in the blanks. People in the city considered farming as _. However, the introduction of _ has made Sunqi

15、ao famous. Every week people who visit there appear _ to see the vegetables growing without _. Farming is _ and _ now. Sunqiao is a place where _ and nature work well together.(modern technology; boring and backward; amazed; using soil; high-tech; technology)5. Read paragraphs and then complete a su

16、mmary about Sunqiao Modern Agriculture Development Zone.Located in : ShanghaiUsed as: Experimental research facility and a business enterpriseResearch on : White agricultureProved to be: One of the fastest developing areas in ChinaFamous for: The introduction of modern technology to agriculturePost-

17、readingRole-playS: Make up a dialogue using what they have learnt.1. A: Youve been to Sunqiao, so what left you the deepest impression at Sunqiao? B: A: Oh, really? How did they do this? B:2. A: Have you ever heard of different kinds of agricultures? B: Yes/No, I only know,can you tell me something

18、about it? A: B: 【设计意图】培养学生理解文章以及获取细节信息的能力,同时利用问题帮助学生梳理文章脉络。引导学生进行学习反思。 Step 3 Language Points1. agriculture-agriculturalindustry-industrialn. 农业, 农学, 农艺1) Agriculture in this country has developed greatly after war. 2) Modern agriculture is spoiling our beautiful countryside. 现代农业正在破坏我们美丽的农村。2. farm

19、-farming-farmerVt.耕作; 种植;养殖 vi. 佃出(土地)(+out) 种田,务农;经营农场;从事畜牧业1) He farms 500 acres.他耕种五百英亩地。 2) It is profitable to farm shellfish.养殖贝类有利可图。 3) My parents used to farm for a living.3. nature n. 自然;自然界U 性质,本质CU1) In nature, everything has its value.2) Children have the nature of purity.natural1)Coal

20、and oil are natural products.煤和石油是天然物产。 2)Its only natural that you should be nervous. 你感到紧张是很自然的。4. mix-mixture-mixed vt. (1) 使混和,搀和(+with)The workmen mixed sand, gravel, and cement to make concrete. Mix this oil with the egg and stir well. (2) 使结合;使结交(+with)We can sometimes mix business with pleas

21、ure.我们有时能把工作和娱乐结合起来。 vi. 相混合,相溶合(+with)Oil doesnt mix with water.油和水不能混合。 5. Hold up 支撑 The chair was too weak to hold me up.Hold up 阻碍,延误 Hold up traffic延误交通6. nourish养育;滋养 We need good food to nourish the starving infants.nourishment 食物,营养品 Plants get nourishment from the soil. 7. mix-mixture-mixe

22、d vt. 使混和,搀和(+with)The workmen mixed sand, gravel, and cement to make concrete. Mix this oil with the egg and stir well. 使结合;使结交(+with)We can sometimes mix business with pleasure.我们有时能把工作和娱乐结合起来。 vi. 相混合,相溶合(+with)Oil doesnt mix with water.油和水不能混合。 8. n. 混合,混和US1The talk was conducted in a mixture o

23、f English, Russian and French. 谈话是以一种英、俄、法混杂的语言进行的。 (感情的)混杂S(+of)His first reaction was a strange mixture of joy and anger. 他第一个反应是喜怒交集的奇异心情。 混合物;混合料CAir is a mixture of gases. 空气是各种气体的混合物。 【药】合剂Ua bottle of cough mixture 一瓶止咳合剂9. fertilize-fertilizer-fertilizationFarmers use fertilizer to fertilize

24、 the soil.10. With带有,具有1)A girl with red hair 2)A man with a wooden leg3)He looked at her with a hurt expression . 11. make the best use of Make the best use of time science and technologymake full/good use of好好利用,充分利用 take advantage of 趁机利用12. experimentSome people learn by experiment and others le

25、arn by experience. Do/perform/carry out/conduct an experiment on 在/对做实验 They are doing biological experiments on rabbits. 13. Experimental adj. an experimental field At the experimental stage 14. facility设备,设施;工具(pl) (+for)She had no cooking facilities in the room. Our classroom is equipped with mul

26、ti-media facilities.15. Involve-involving-involved-involvementvt. 1. 使卷入,连累;牵涉(+in/with)involve sb in sth=sb. be involved in sth. Im not involved in your quarrel. Dont involve me in your quarrel! 不要把我牵扯进你们的争吵中! involvement n. 连累16. Be involved in (doing ) sth.使专注,使忙于(+in)How should we involve oursel

27、ves in school life? 我们应该怎样投入学校生活?He was involved in writing his doctoral dissertation. 他在聚精会神地写他的博士论文。 17.需要,包含,意味着(+in)+v-ingHis work involves occasional journeys.他的工作偶尔需要出差旅行。Giving advice at the right time has to involve a great deal of intelligence. 在适当的时间提建议需要人的睿智。Painting the room involved mov

28、ing out the piano.18. Profitable-profit n. 利润,盈利;收益,红利CUHe made a profit of fifty thousand US dollars on his house.他卖掉房子获利五万美元。 利益,益处;得益UWe gained a lot of profit from your advice. 我们从你的建议中获益匪浅。vt. 有益于Telling lies wont profit you. It will profit you nothing to tell 有益,有利, 得益,获益(+by/from)He

29、learned to profit by his mistakes. We profit from lots of reading.profitableThe farm is a highly profitable business. Exercise is profitable in all ages. 运动对于各年龄段都很有利。read something profitable 19. prove-proof vt. 证明,证实(that) Ill prove to the world that I was right. The lawyer proved the innocence of

30、 his client. 律师证实了他的当事人的清白。 prove sth. 表现,显示She has proved herself honest.20. amazed-amazing-amaze-amazement vt. 使大为惊奇,使惊愕I was amazed at/by his conduct. (be amazed at sth.)我对他的行为感到惊讶。 I was amazed to find her there. (be amazed to do sth.)We were amazed that he was still alive.【设计意图】 讲解重点词汇和短语,把握词根进

31、行适当的拓展。在语境中学习词语,并通过练习巩固学过的词汇。Step 3 Homework 1. Read the passage 3 times.2. Recite the new words in the text.3. Finish the exercise D1 D2 E1 E2.【设计意图】 复习词汇和课文,并在语境中学习词语,并通过练习巩固学过的词汇。The Second Period Grammar The Relative clausesStep 1 Warming up.1. Declan is a famous singer.He sings the song tell me why. Declan is a famous singer who sings The songtell me why.2. He is a little boy. He is eating.He is a littl

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