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八年级英语上册 Unit 32 What sweet music P4教案 新版仁爱版.docx

1、八年级英语上册 Unit 32 What sweet music P4教案 新版仁爱版 教育资源共享 步入知识海洋 Unit 3 Our HobbiesTopic 2 What sweet music!教学内容分析及课时分配建议:本话题围绕音乐而展开。主要内容包括:由Jack和 Sally谈论周末去听席琳迪翁的音乐会引出话题美妙的音乐 ,同时引出语法:感叹句。谈论音乐自然要涉及到各种常见中外乐器、音乐的分类、各类音乐的特点、阅读和设计音乐会海报、音乐家的轶闻趣事及交流音乐爱好等等内容。另外,通过谈论音乐,继续学习喜欢和不喜欢的功能句。通过学习本话题,学生可以对音乐有一个比较全面的认识,培养学生

2、的音乐素养,陶冶学生的情操。本话题建议用5个课时来完成:第一课时:Section A1a,1b,1c,3第二课时:Section A2,Section B-1a,1b,1c第三课时:Section B2,3a,3b,Section D-2第四课时:Section C1a,1b,1c,2a,2b第五课时:Section D-Grammar and Functions,1a,1b,Project 第四课时(Section C1a,1b,1c,2a,2b)教学设计思路:本课主要是学习神童少年莫扎特的逸闻趣事。因为回顾性的文章一般都是以过去式进行的。所以首先安排了一个复习过去式的游戏,把1a中涉及到的

3、过去式基本都包括了进去。然后让学生观看斯洛伐克神童音乐天才的短片来导入到1a 并解决了部分词汇。因为他们都被誉为“神童”,具有相似性。接着让学生利用关键词迅速定位信息,完成1b ,大致了解了短文的主题。随后让学生运用扫读法,完成1c 。然后让学生讨论,合作学习并在教师的帮助下处理难点,完成1a 。紧接着让学生把思维转到课外的内容,交流偶像的信息完成2a。然后把2a的内容进行整理,由口头输出变成书面输出,完成2b 。最后师生一起回顾莫扎特的童年完成本课时。. Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims:(1)学习并掌握新词汇 age, wonder, note, smile,

4、composer, press, amazing(2)理解短文中的新语法。2. Skill aims: (1)学会运用关键词定位信息。 (2)学会扫读找到所需的信息。(3)学生运用中心句来写短文。3. Emotional aims:4. Culture awareness: 通过对莫扎特的了解,知道一些关于西方古典音乐的文化知识。. The key points and difficult points1. Key points: (1) 了解莫扎特的童年音乐之路。 (2) 复习动词的过去式。 (3)学习介绍人物的写作方法。2. Difficult points: (1) 理解短文中的过去进行

5、时态。 (2) 理解短文中的各种状语从句。. Learning strategies1. 运用关键词定位并快速寻找信息。2. 运用扫读,快速找到问题的答案。3. 在写作中,运用中心句统筹全文。. Teaching aids多媒体课件/视频资料/录音机/小黑板V. Teaching proceduresStage 1(5mins):RevisionStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1 (Class activity)Greet the Ss and revise the simple past tense .T: Good

6、morning , boys and girls !T: Do you like playing games ?T: This game is called “Testing your Memory”. I will show you groups of words . There are ten words in simple past tense in each group . You have to tell us the infinitive of the words after seeing them only once . Are you clear ?T: Great Lets

7、try the first group . Begin !T: How many have you seen ? Hands up ,please !T: Very good . More words are coming ! T: .Revise the simple past tense .Ss: Good morning , Mr.Ss: Yes.Ss: Yes .S1: say-said, have-had, go-went,.S2: leave-left,is/am-was .S3: .S4: .S5: .复习过去时,让学生熟悉1a中相关动词的过去式。Remark:教师可以设计一个“

8、最强大脑”PPT游戏,让动词的过去式一个一个飘过去,每十个为一组,然后让学生回忆,它们分别是有哪些动词的过去式。这些过去式最好要包含1a中绝大部分动词,而且教师最好同时板书,游戏完成后再齐读。Stage 2(5mins):Pre-readingStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1( Class activity)Let the Ss watch a video and lead to 1a.T:Good memory! Now, lets enjoy a piece of video. (Plays the video )

9、T: What do you think of the boy ?T: Do you believe if I tell you he is blind?T: In fact , he was born blind .His name is Branko Dvorecky. He is from Slovakia .At the age of two, he could play the piano music after watching cartoon programs only once .The wonder boy is called “ Little Mozart” . What

10、an amazing boy ! Do you think so ?T: Today , we will learn about another born musician and composer. Its Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart . Now ,lets read the facts in 1a together. Watch a video and lead to 1a. S1: Very clever.Ss: Impossible!Ss: Yes .Ss: Mozart was .通过观看视频,导入到1a,解决部分新词汇。Remark:教师也可以播放一段莫扎特传的

11、宣传片,导入到新课。教师可以把1a中的Pre-reading信息展示出来,让学生从整体上感知莫扎特的音乐天赋。Stage 3(5mins):While-reading StepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose (Individual work)Let the Ss read 1a and finish 1b.T: He was really a born musician , wasnt he ?T: Now ,read 1a quickly and you will get more information about Moz

12、arts childhood. While reading, you should fill in the blanks in 1b. T: Can we check now ?T:Xxx, please.Read 1a and finish 1b.Ss: Yes . Ss: Yes.S1: music , littleS2: well, beautifulS3:.S4:.训练学生任务型阅读的能力。培养学生运用关键词去寻找、定位信息的能力。完成1b 。Remark:教师可以让学生先阅读1b的表格,再读1a。1b的任务比较简单,可以培养学生运用关键词定位的能力。Stage 4(10mins):P

13、ost-reading StepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1 (Individual work )Let the Ss read 1a again and answer the questions in 1c.T: Well done . Do you know why Mozart was a wonderful boy and a born musician ?T: Next, please read the passage again and find the answers to the questions in

14、1c . T: Finished reading ?T: Then lets check the answers. Xxx,will you please answer Question 1 ?T: Do you think so ?T: Question Two , who can try ?T: .Read 1a again and answer the questions in 1c.Ss: Yes .Ss:Yes.S1: He was a great composer.Ss: Yes.S2: She was Mozarts sister .S3: .训练学生扫读的阅读策略。完成1c。2

15、(Group work)Deal with the language points.T : Nice job . After reading the passage twice, you know much about Mozarts childhood. Look at the Bb, I have listed some difficult points .Next , work in groups and discuss them . T: First , lets start with Point One . What does “note” mean?T: .Work in grou

16、ps and discuss the difficult points .Group One : .Group Three : .Group Two: .训练学生的合作学习能力,思考能力。完成1a。Remark: 本课有比较多的难点,教师可以直接把这些难点展示出来,注明要求,让学生讨论解决。比如:猜测新词汇的意思(不准学生看词汇表)、翻译含有从句的句子。对于学生不能解决的问题,教师给予帮助。本课中的出现过去进行时态和状语从句,不要求深入讲解,只要知道句子意思即可。Stage 5(5mins):Finishing 2aStepTeacher activityStudent activityDes

17、igning purpose1(Pair work)Let the Ss work in pairs and interview their partners about their favorite musicians story .T: Besides these difficult points, do you have more questions ? If you have , please speak out right now .T: Good question. No, you cant . Because .T: Any more ?T : Yesterday, I aske

18、d you to collect some information about your favorite singer . Have you done it yet ?T: Great. Then lets make an interview . Work in pairs and interview your partner about his or her favorite musicians life story .You can use the questions in 2a . Start your interview now .Work in pairs and intervie

19、w their partners about their favorite musicians story.S1: Can I use “so” instead of “such” in “.could write such beautiful music.”Ss: No.Ss: Yes.训练学生的交际能力和作记录的习惯。完成2 a。Remark: 教师要给学生讲清楚采访后还要写短文,要求他们在采访的过程中一定要作记录。教师也可以设计一个表格,让学生在采访的过程中填写表格。Stage 6(10mins):Finishing 2bStepTeacher activityStudent activ

20、ityDesigning purpose(Individual work)Guide the Ss to use the information in 2a to write a passage.T: Hi, boys and girls ! Stop interviewing. You should start writing your passage now .Remember to use the tips under the golden key . Look , I have prepared a passage for you . The sentence“He is very f

21、amous now , but his way to success is not easy ” is my general opinion. And the following paragraphs are used to support this opinion. Do you know how to write your passage now ?T: Get started writing now .T: Have you finished writing ?T: Now , exchange your writing with your partner. Use the inform

22、ation in 2a to write a passage.Ss: Yes .Ss: Yes.训练学生的写作能力。完成2b 。Remark: 教师要让学生在写作时运用金钥匙里的写作方法。要运用合理的连接词来组段成篇。教师最好先展示一篇范文。短文完成后,教师鼓励学生相互阅读各自的短文。Stage 7(5mins): Summarizing and assigning HMKStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Class activity )Let the Ss summarize what they have learn

23、ed today.T: Hey ,class ! Stop reading . We should summarize what we learned today . I think you know Mozarts childhood very well , dont you ?T: Fine . Now, look at the Bb, lets finish the table together.You can use the information in the Pre-reading.T: Mozart was born in .in 1756. At the age of thre

24、e, he .his sisters music lesson. .Summarize what they have learned today.Ss: Yes.Ss: Austria .Ss: watched and listened to Ss: .回顾本课所学的内容,加深印象。2 (Class activity)Assigning the HMK.T: For todays HMK, I d like you to copy your writing on your excise book and finish the Grammar and Functions in Section D

25、 .Finish the HMK after class.让学生把课堂上的写作任务,抄写到作业本上,以便教师掌握学生的真实情况。提前完成Section D-Grammar & Functions 可以直接进入下一次的复习环节。Remark:回顾课文时,教师可以设计一个莫扎特的生平时间表,师生一起复述。为了扩展学生的视野,教师还可以鼓励学生课后观看莫扎特传电影。VI. Blackboard design 第四课时(Section C1a.1b,1c,2a,2b) Words and expressions : Mozarts Childhood born at the age of 3: watched and listened to wonder-wonderful then :played the piano without any helpcomposer next:had music lessonamazing soon:played very wellnote at the age of five :started to write musicpress at the age of seven: played music for peoplesmile.

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