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1、英文航海日志记载英文航海日志记载进港实例0430 Notified E.R. to change oil. 通知机舱换油 .Tested steering gear ,telegraph&whistle,checked gyro compass&ships clock. all in good condition 试验舵机 .车钟及汽笛核对电罗经和船钟 , 一 切良好 .0500 S/B eng, Half ahead.备车 ,前进二 .0530 Stared an chor got ready,stop eng右锚备妥,停车0536 Arrived at Quarantine anchor

2、and dropped starboard anchor,turned on anchor light .AP:A.L.H. on 078 (T) ,3 .2 off depth 13.5m,Heading 325 (T).到达检疫锚地, 抛下右锚,开启锚灯。锚位: A灯塔方位078( T),距离3. 2,水深13.5m,船首 向 325( T)。0542 Brought up,6 shackles in water,turned off navigation lights and turned on Deck lights,F/W eng,Waiting for port entry for

3、malities 锚抓牢, 6 节入水, 关闭航行灯, 开启甲板照明灯。 完车, 等候办理进港手续。0600 Quarantine officers boarded for Q tine work. 检疫人员登轮进行检疫。0612Granted pratique, Q tine officers left ship. Notified E.R to prepare eng, switched off deck lights and anchor lights, hoisted anchor ball. 通过检疫,检疫人员离船。通知机舱备车,关闭甲 板照明灯和锚灯,升锚球。0618 Custom

4、s &Immigration officers boarded 海关和移民局人员上船。0630 Passed port entry formalities. Customs&Immigratiom officers left. 通过进港手续。 海关和移 民局人员离船0635 Pilot Mr.K. Nelson boarded 引航员 K.Nelson 先生登船。0638 started to heave anchor 开始绞锚。 From into columns. Organize into teams. 编队0640 eng.get ready主机备妥 Serial Number 编定的

5、号数0645 Anchor aweigh,lowered anchor ball and proceeded toward berth under pilot s orders.C/O&carpenter on head for lookout 锚离底,降下锚球,在引航员的指挥下驶往泊位。大副和木匠 在船首嘹头0655 Passed No.1 light buoy on port side 左舷通过一号灯浮。 Captain command 船长指挥。0702 P assed No.2 light buoy.通过二号灯浮。 Course and sp eed were var航向航速不定071

6、2 Pass B.W.E (B.W.E.=break water entrance )通过防波堤口0715 Fore & aft stations are manned and ready. 前后人员就位,准备就绪。0725 Took tug A on starboard bow& B on st d quarter拖轮 A 靠右船首,拖轮 B 靠右船艉0736 Sent out forward spring. 送出首倒缆。0748 Vessel in pon e.船位正好0755 Made her fast port side to No.3 pier.Fore& aft each 4 ha

7、wsers ,1 breast & 1 spring .F/W eng. 左舷靠妥三号码头,前后各 4 根打缆, 1 根横缆和 1 根倒缆。完车。0800 Pilot left ship & tugs dismissed. 引航员离船,拖轮离去。 Pilot left ship and put downH ” flag.引航员离船,降下“ H ”旗0810 Lowered port gangway into place and fastened safety net. 放妥左舷梯,系牢安全网。二 装卸作业实例0700 Adjusted cargo booms &opened Nos.3,4,5

8、,&6 hatches. 调整吊杆,打开三,四,五,六舱。 0800 4 gangs boarded &commenced loading at No3,4,5&6 hatches. 四个工班,三,四,五,六舱开始装货,的货0935 One case of cargo marked “TMN ”slipped off the sling platform the fault of stevedores and fell to the bottom of No.3 hold and was badly broken. 由于工人的过失,一箱标明“ TMN ” 物从吊盘上滑下来掉至三仓底,严重损坏1

9、230 Resumed loading at No.3,4,5&6 hatches. 三,四,五,六舱继续装货因五1420 Gang idle at No.5 hatch due to winch breakdown,informed rushrepair the winch 舱起货机发生故障,工人停止作业。通知机舱抢修。625t1600装货625t。阴天,和No.5 hatch winch reconditioned,resumed loading. 五舱起货机修复,工人继续装货 1600 Change of gangs, day gangs left & evening ga

10、ngs boarded. loaded cargo of up1600,0vercast,moderate breeze 换班,白班离船,晚班上船。至 U 风。 Resumed loading at Nos.3,4,5&6hatch 三,四,五,六舱继续装货。1745 It gets dark, switched on deck lights and placed cargo lights. Lowered anchor ball and turned on anchor light.天黑,开启甲板照明灯,安装舱灯,降锚球,开锚灯 Ceased loading for supper 停装吃晚饭

11、Resumed loadi ng, gangs at No.4 hatch covers.继续装货,四舱工班移到二舱。 Ceased loading due to rain, closed all hatch covers. 因雨停装,关闭全部舱盖 Worker left ship, no night. 工人离船,无夜班。Patrolled from stem to stern, all was well. Rain continued, moderate breeze. 巡查全船一切正常。 继续下雨,和风 三.离泊出港实例12,350.t, 25,651 pcs. Of general ca

12、rgo ,A:27 00本港装货完毕。共装杂货 12, 26 09 后 27 000000 Switched on gyro-compass. 启动陀螺罗经。 0400 Completed loading at this port. Loaded altogether.Departure draft: F:26 06 ,M: 26 09 350。0t, 25, 651件。开航吃水:前 26 06,中 0420 Agent came on board with cargo papers. Informed E.R. to make eng. Ready, crew engaged in prep

13、aring ship for sea. 代理携带货物文件来船,通知机舱备车,船员整理船舶准备出航。0430 Customs, Immigration &Q tine officers embarked for clearanee formalities. 海关,移民局 和检疫人登轮办理出口手续。Formalities cleared, boarding officers disembarked, Pilot Mr.Jones boarded. 手续办妥,登轮人员 离船。引航员Jones先生上船。0510 Bridge controls & steering gear tested, 0.K 实

14、验驾驶台控制系统和舵机,正常 .0520 Eng. Was ready. Tug A alongside port of No.2 hatch and tug B alongside port of No.6 hatch. 主机备妥。拖轮 A 靠二舱左舱,拖轮 B 靠六舱左舷。0530 Started to unties mooring ropes. 开始解揽。0540 Singled up F. & A. 前后单帮。0550 Cast off all lines, two tugs assisted F.&A. for leaving berth. Started to heave port

15、 anchor 掉全部缆绳,两条拖轮在前后协作助离泊。开始绞左锚。0608 Port anchor was aweigh, lowered anchor ball. 左锚离底,降下锚球。 0610 let go F.& A. tug. 解掉前后拖轮。0613 Slow ah d, proceeded outward under pilot instructions. Course and speeds were var.慢速 前进,在引航员指挥下出港。航向航速不定。0640 p d, entrance buoy. Obs d transit bearing 323 (G) .found G -

16、0. 2.过进口浮,测叠标方位323( G),得陀螺差-0. 2.0730 A cape ab m ,212 (T),5 off, s/c on 145 .2(T),145 .2(G),138 -0 .2,set log,L1281 .6厶 +1%, R/O eng.A海角正横,方位212 (T),距离5 ,定向145 .2(T),138 (M),罗经差+7 放计程仪 ,计程仪读数 1291 .6,计程仪改正率 +1%,定速.(M) +7 .0,.0,陀螺差 -0 .2,读数0 .0计程仪改正率+1%.12 .6,计程仪读数18 .2.0400 Loran fix: Lat. 38 21 .2

17、N, Long. 122 05 .7E,L33 .5. Fing, moderat breeze, slightsea,(signed by 2/0)罗兰船位:北纬 38 21 .2,东经122 05 .7,计程仪读数 33 .5晴天,和风,四海上航行实例-0 .2,swithch off navigation lights.日出,测得日出方位 088 (G),查表得 087(T),陀螺差-0 .2,0640 A vessel crossed ah d of me, abt 6 .0 off. 一船距约6n mile横穿我船头。关闭航行灯。0800 Loran fix:Lat.37 45 .8

18、N,Long.122sea. (signed by C/O) 罗兰船位:北纬 3730 .5E,L74 .0. Clear, moderate, breeze, slight 45 .8,东经122 30 .5,计程仪读数74 .0.晴天,和风 ,轻浪 .0850 Obs d Z Mt: on 185 (G),Jid. On211 (G),M Mt.On 257 (G), -2 .2,L81 .8.测得Z山头185 (G),J岛211 (G),陀螺差-2 .2,计程仪读数81 .8 0900 Ventilators trimmed on &leeward back. Hands engaged

19、 in putting store room in order. 货舱 通风筒上风的调向风,下风的调背风,水手们整理物料间1038 TF: ZMt. On 275 (G),. H id .On 303 (G),M Mt. on 252 (G), -0 .2,a/c to 182 (G), c-0 .2, a/c to 182 (T),182 .2(G),187 .3(M), -5 .3,L100 1.陆测船位:Z 山头 275 (G),H 岛 303 (G),M 山头 252 (G),陀螺差-0 .2,改驶 182 (T),182 .2(G),187 .3(M),罗经差-5 .3,计程仪读数

20、100 .1.速。撤消了头,关闭雷达和甚高频电话,罗兰船位,北纬35 34 .8,东经 12241 .1 ,3/o)雷达船位:Z角距离13 .8,M岛距离12 .8,计程仪读数114 .0.晴天,微风,轻浪.1300 Overtook M.V. xx” on my port side ab t 3 .追越在我船左舷约 3n mile 的xx轮.1400 TF:M L.H. on 276 (G),Z id. on 319 (G), G -0 .2,L133 .2 陆测船位:M 灯塔 276(G),Z岛319 (G),陀螺差-0 .2,计程仪读数133 .2.1600 Loran fix:Lat:

21、36 31 .0N Long.122 44 .0E,L154 .0.Fair,gentle,breeze,sea smooth.罗兰船位:北纬 36 .31 .0,东经 122 44 .0,L154 .0.1750 Su nset, obs d sun set azimuth 281 (M),fo und 275 .6(T), -5 /.Switched onnavigation lights 日落,测得日没方位 281 (M), 得 275 .6(T), 罗经差 -5 .4.开启航行灯 .1930 At Lat.35 55 ,5N,Long.122 43 .0E,fog set in, in

22、formed E.R. to make eng. ready. 再北纬35 55 .5,东经122 43 .0处,雾来袭,通知机舱备车.1932 Reduced speed to slow ah d, sounded as per regulations, switch on radar and VHF, callmaster and assigned lookout1935 Captain came on bridge, sailor xx assigned on head for lookout.船长上驾驶台,水手xx被派到船头了望 .2000 Loran fix:lat:35 52 .2

23、N,Long.122 42 .4E,L193 .3. Continuously adopted measure tonavigate in fog. foggy, gentle breeze, smooth sea. (signed by C/O) 罗兰船位:北纬 35 52 .2,东经122 42 .4,计程仪读数1193 .3.继续采取雾航措施。多雾,微风,小浪。2030 Change of lookout, sailor xx carried on. 调换了头,水手xx接班。计程仪读数 211 .0。breeze,微风,2400 Loran fix:Lat.35 19 .8N.Long.

24、122 40 .5E,L226 .3 Cloudy,gentle smooth sea.罗兰船位:北纬 35 19 .8,东经 122 40 .5E , L226 .3 。多云,小浪。第二节 参考用语锚泊用语。1.Let go port anchor with 6shackles in water at pilot anchor.在引航锚地抛下左2.锚,出链 6 节入水。Dropped st d anchor with 7shackles on deck at Q右锚,出链 7 节在甲板。Cast st d

25、 anchor with 6shackles on deck in 10m of water.锚, 6节在甲板。Moored with 5shackles of port cable&7 shackles of st5 节,右链 7 节。Moored 5shackles of each cable in 15 of water at roadstead.泊在港外锚地15m水深处。AP:lat.29 20 .2N,long.94 42 .3W.锚位:北纬 29Anchor posn: A L.H. on 213 (T),2 .5 off, Hdg.325(T),距离 2 .5,船首向 325(

26、T)tine anchor 在检疫锚地抛下在 10m 水深处抛下左d cable. 双锚停泊,左链左右锚链各 5 节锚20 .2,西经 94 42 .3。(T).锚位:A灯塔方位213AP: Apeak on 105 (M),B.L.H. on 025 (M),Cape on 217塔 025( M,C角 217( M),罗经差。Anchor watch maintained. Obtained the compass errow4磁罗经,得磁罗经差 -4Anchor posn. Verified frequently.经常核对锚位。(M), +4.5.A 山峰, B 灯w.保持值锚更。比对电

27、Found anchor dragging. immediately let go port anchor with 3shackles in water.发现走锚立即抛下左锚, 3 节入水。Vis. Deteriorated. made sound signal as per regulatios.能见度变坏,按章施放雾号Vessel swung round with the tide. D.R.=Dead reckoning船随潮汐旋转,测算推测航法。Com ced swinging to ebb, stern to port.开始转向落潮,船位向左甩。密度浓度。Completed swi

28、nging, heading approx.065Stand by port (starboard)anchor!Get the port (starboard) anchor ready!T)stand by away anchor !( Heave up anchor(T). 掉头完毕,船首相约 065准备左(右)锚!准备左(右)锚!) (Weigh anchor!) 起锚!Stand by away anchor!(Heave up anchor!)(weigh anchor!)准备绞锚20. Hold on! Pirate Attacks.刹住!海盗攻击21. Up and down!

29、 Preventive.锚链垂直! 防止阻止22.Take in the slack on the chain!把锚链收紧! Hang on 挂,悬。23.How is the chain leading?锚链方向如何? Shut down. Put down.关闭。24.Leading forward! 锚链向前!25.Leading aft! (Leading astern)锚链向后!26.Anchor is aweigh! 锚已离底!27.Anchor is up! 锚已出水!进出港用语1Pilot Mr. XX boarded. (embarked, came on board.)引航

30、员XX先生上船。2Received(took)pilot. 接引航员。3Pilot unboarded(left disembarked,away).引航员离船4D.O.P(D.O.P.=dropped outward pilot)下引航员。 Set course & speed 定向定速。5Bridge controls & steering gear tested, O.K.实验驾驶台控制系统和操舵设备,情6789况正常。S/B eng. & started to weigh anchor备车开始绞锚。Have up anchor & proceeded to the harbour .Pilot took his charge.港。引航员开始引航。Picked up anchor & proceeded toward the berth under pilot员指挥下起锚驶往指定泊位。Left shanghai port under pilot10. Left port & a/c var向不定。锚绞起,进s direction 再引航 s orders.在引航员指挥下驶离上海港 ly under pilots instruction. 根据引航员的指令离港,航1

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