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4、。最著名的包括:清华大学的BBS(),它提供了一个广泛的科学与工程领域的学术信息包括土木工程,天文学,化学,数学,力学,医学,生命科学,管理科学等。它的学术程序包括超过六十个区域,每年发布和传输成千上百的信息资源。最受欢迎的资源包括伟大的科学发现,高质量的论文,要求论文(CFP)的学术会议和期刊和专家评审。北京大学的BBS (),它提供了学术信息包括政治,哲学,心里学,经济等。南京大学LILY BBS(),它提供的学术信息包括大气科学,计算流体,化学,电子等。北京师范大学BNULIFE BBS(),其学术项目主要涵盖自然科学和社会科学。另一方面,特殊院校的BBS提供的学术信息通常集中在一个或几

5、个特殊领域,如:中国农业大学WUSETU BBS(),它提供的学术信息在农业及相关领域包括医药学,生态学,流行病学等。北京邮电大学(),它提供的学术信息在通信和计算机科学的许多领域。论坛的主要访客主要是他们大学和学院的读者,因为有相当数量的教师和学生经常在BBS上进行访问和讨论,一些老师和学生甚至把BBS作为他们工作和研究不可或缺的一部分4。然而,大多数学术信息资源没有很好的组织,总是从各种类型的信息资源找到感兴趣的信息资源。此外,一些论坛也需要访客注册访问他们的内容。B.社会技术论坛近年来,许多由社会技术组成的学术论坛在中国特别流行,并成为利益集团,通常专注于一个或多个特定的域。一下介绍了一

6、些重要的和最受欢迎的学术论坛:BIOON(),它提供了在生物学方面几乎所有的学术信息,包括微生物学,分子生物学,蛋白质组学,生态学,免疫学,病理学,古生物学等。许多著名的教授,医生,博士和硕士的学生现在使用BIOON作为一种重要的工具以便于他们的研究所需BBIOO (),是另一个受欢迎的关于生物学学术信息交流的论坛。它提供了具体的主题,例如,实验技术,前沿和热点问题,学术会议和研讨会和跨学科生物学科学。化学和化学工程论坛(),它提供的学术信息主要是化学科学与工程。Cenet (),它提供了学术信息主要是在商业,经济,金融和其他相关领域。MSE论坛(),它提供的学术信息主要是材料科学的相关领域。

7、除此之外,还有一些论坛关注特定方面的学术信息交流。例如,BBS YX ()提供大量关于CFP的信息,说明论文的写作,提交和发布。( ZW BBS)提供了一个免费的文档资源共享的平台。BBS的优势主要是他们可以在一个特定的域很容易的找到他们感兴趣的信息或获得问题的解决方法。一些有国际背景的论坛,他们的论坛可以提供国内外的学术信息。然而,一些论坛没有稳定的财政支持,因此可能无法不断的提供高质量的论坛服务。此外,一些非政府组织的论坛也可能遇到法律的问题,如版权保护盒学术道德。3.通过个人网站的学术信息交流世界上有许多著名的科学家都有自己的个人网站,吸引大量相关领域的




11、点和缺点,并用一个案例研究来说明他们的作用。我们将继续关注在中国的学术信息交流及发展变化,并定期统计报告和研究,呈现出他们的影响,当前的状态和未来的发展趋势。引用1 学术交流在中国的发展和发展趋势, 卷. 33, 页. 195-219, 2006.2 h . Bidgoli(主编)。网络百科全书,约翰威利父子公司出版,纽约,2003年。3j . c和cr麦克卢尔Bertot”评估美国政府公告板:问题、政策问题和建议,“互联网研究:电子网络应用程序和政策.卷4、pp,45 - 63。4丹丽和王荣韩,“信息通过学术论坛:一个内容分析,“中国图书馆事业:国际电子期刊,第18卷,2004。5“学术交流

12、研究实践-研究计算机科学教师,“国际图书馆审查,56期,页239 - 251。6r史蒂文斯,cp贝克,Goble,”一个在生物信息学分类的任务、“生物信息学,第17卷,pp.180 - 188。原文一:Roles and Effects of BBS and Personal Websites in Academic InformationAbstractWith the advent of the computer networks, Internet becomes the most important information communication media, and electr

13、onic bulletin board systems (BBS) and personal websites play more and more important roles in academic information exchanges. The paper discusses the current state of academic BBS and personal websites in China, analyses their advantages and disadvantages in academic information sharing and spreadin

14、g, and concludes that BBS and personal websites are increasing popular in academic information exchanges in the country.KeywordsAcademic information exchange, BBS, personal websites, information sharing.1.INTRODUCTIONWith the rapid development of science and technology, the academic exchange informa

15、tion has increased in exponential way and needs to be utilized in various subject fields via various channels 1. To select appropriate and accurate information from a variety of resources has become an important task for researchers. Every year there are millions of academic exchange information res

16、ources springing up on the internet, among which a great amount has been spread through bulletin board systems (BBS) and personal websites. In particular, BBS of worlds famous universities and colleges and personal websites of reputable scientists and scholars have attracted a great number of visito

17、rs and hence have played important roles in academic information exchanges.Over the last decades China has become one of the key players in global academic information exchanges, and more and more world-leading academic conferences, symposiums and other events have occurred and will continue to occu

18、r in China. However, most officially published information has been spread through limited means such as newsletters, broadcast emails, and personal communications, and thus the scope and effect of information sharing are not satisfactory. In recent years, BBS and personal websites have been playing

19、 more and more important roles in information exchanges and resulted in a change of entire scholarly communication environment in China .In this paper we discuss the current state of academic BBS and personal websites in China, analyze their advantages and disadvantages in academic information shari

20、ng and spreading, and provide a focused view of the collective use of two means. We also present a case study of information resources of bioinformatics conferences to illustrate the roles and effects of BBS and personal websites in academic information spreading.2.ACADEMIC INFORMATION EXCHANGE THRO

21、UGH OF BBSBBS is a computer system used as information centers 2. It was an information sharing tool widely used in America during the last twenty years of the last century 3. Web-based BBS was first introduced to China in 1995, and has become more and more popular along with the rapid development o

22、f communication networks. In general, most of the academic BBS in China are sponsored by universities and colleges and other technical societies.A.BBS sponsored by universities and collegesBBS visited most frequently by Chinese researchers and scholars are sponsored by key universities and colleges

23、of China, and in most conditions, maintained by teacher and student volunteers. In comprehensive universities, BBS often provide academic information covering a number of domains. The most well-known BBS include: BBS SMTH of TSinghua University (), which provides academic information from a wide ran

24、ge of science &engineering domains including civil engineering, astronomy, chemistry, mathematics, mechanics, medicine, life science, management science, etc. Its academic program contains more than sixty broads, and publishes and transfers hundreds of thousands of information resources every year.

25、The most popular resources include great scientific discoveries, high-quality papers, call-for-papers (CFP) of academic conferences and journals, and experts reviews. BBS of Beijing University (), which provides academic information in the domains of politics, philosophy, psychology, economy, etc. B

26、BS LILY of Nanjing University (), which provides academic information in the domains of atmospheric sciences, computational fluid, chemistry, electronics, etc. BBS BNULIFE of Beijing Normal University (), whose academic program covers topics of natural sciences and social sciences.On the other hand,

27、 BBS of special universities and colleges usually provide academic information focusing on one or several special domains, such as: BBS WUSETU of China Agriculture University (), which provides academic information in agriculture and relevant domains including medicine science, ecology, epidemiology

28、, etc. wForum of Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (), which provides academic information in a number of domains of communication and computer sciences.The main advantage of BBS sponsored by universities and colleges is their wide readership, because a considerable number of teache

29、rs and students regularly visit and discuss on the BBS, and some teachers and students even take BBS as an indispensable part of their work and study 4. Nevertheless, in most BBS academic information resources are not well organized, and it is always difficult for a visitor to find information of in

30、terest from a variety of kinds of information resources. Moreover, some BBS also require visitors to register to access their content, which causes inconvenience for visitors outside the universities and colleges.B.BBS sponsored by technical societiesIn recent years, many academic BBS are sponsored

31、by technical societies in China and become particularly popular to interest groups, which typically focus on one or more specific domains. The following presents several important and most popular academic BBS: BIOON (), which provides academic information in nearly all aspects of biology sciences, including microbiology, molecular biology, proteomics, ecology, immunology, pathology, palaeontology, etc. Many famous professors, doctors, PhD and masters students now use BIOON as an important tool for their research. BBIOO (bbs.

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