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1、人教版九年级Unit8SectionB2aSelfCheck名师教案Unit8 SectionB(2a-Self Check)名师教案 【教材版本与册数】新目标人教版九年级上册 【单元名称】Unit 8 It must belong to Carla.【课时】Section B 2a-Self Check(第5课时)【课型】Reading and Writing(读写课)教材分析【本单元话题】本单元以“物品归属”为话题,以“谈论推断”为交际功能,重点让学生在这些语境中学习和运用情态动词进行推断。【本单元重点掌握目标】1.掌握情态动词must, might, could, cant表示推测的用法


3、题并进行讨论。3a-3b是本单元的写作板块。在前面听、说、读的基础上,让学生尝试写作。本单元的写作是续写故事结尾,需要学生在已有故事的基础上,运用本单元所学的目标语言并发挥想象,完成写作任务。活动3a要求学生就Section A 3a文中所提到的奇怪声音发挥想象进行推测,列举自己的观点和推测依据,为后面环节的写作打开思路,积累语言素材。活动3b要求学生根据报纸标题和所给的写作提示结合3a所列内容为报纸写一篇新闻报道。【通过本单元的学习学生需掌握哪些综合技能】 通过本单元的学习使学生学会谈论物品的归属及神秘事件,掌握教材所呈现的与本话题相关的单词和情态动词进行推断的用法,培养运用目标语言进行听、

4、说、读、写等技能。教学目标语言知识目标:1. 学习掌握下列词汇:express, not only.but also., circle, Britain, receive, leader, midsummer, medical, prevent, energy, position, burial, honor, ancestor, victory, enemy, period 2.能掌握以下重难句子:For many years, historians believed Stonehenge was a temple where ancient leaders tried to communi

5、cate with the gods.The large stones were put together in a certain way.As you walk there, you can feel the energy from your feet move up your body. 3.读短文,能按要求找到相应的信息。4.能够运用情态动词及连接词进行书面表达的能力。情感态度价值观目标: 通过学习英国巨石阵, 培养对事物的探索精神。让学生根据已有事实推测可能性;面对暂时不可解释的事情,不信谣不传谣。要崇商科学。教学重难点教学重点:1.掌握本课时出现的生词及用法。2.阅读短文,获得相关

6、信息,训练学生的综合阅读能力。3.掌握本单元所学情态动词表推测的用法,并能正确运用此句型来进行表达。4.能综合运用本单元所学习的语言知识来写作,推测事件发展可能性。教学难点:1.阅读2b部分的短文并完成相关要求。2.理解说明文中相关信息。3.理解短文知识点。4.连接词在语言输出活动中的恰当使用。5.有条理地写出事件发生过程和事件发展可能性。建议教法以任务型教学作为课堂教学理念、利用引导法和三步阅读教学法完成相应阅读任务,学生通过自主探究和同伴互助相结合方式学习。讲授法,口头作文法。教学流程(详见相应教学设计) 教学评价1.本课预习环节加入游戏,通过游戏“挑战你的眼力”预习重点单词,调动学生的积

7、极性。并为学生能灵活运用语言作好准备。2.导入环节,通过播放学生好奇的“巨石阵”节目,炒热课堂气氛的同时,又让自然过渡到新课的学习。3.小组活动既锻炼优生的口头表达能力,同时也给那些程度弱的学生一个表现的机会。【本课时教学设计】步骤过程措施(教师活动与学生活动)目的持续性评价DELC41预备与激活先期知识Step 1Revision and Leading in ( 5mins )1.Free talk. T: Its eight oclock . Guess what your family might be doing? S1:My mother might be cleaning the

8、 room. S2:My sister must be having a class. S3:2.Let students translate the words and expressions and ask students to recite the words that will be used in this lesson.3.Challenge your eyes.Show some important words and phrases one by one on the screen quickly. Then ask students say it out as quickl

9、y as possible.4.Watch a short video about Stonehenge in Britain.T: We know something unusual often happens around us. Would you like to learn one of the greatest mysteries in the world?1.通过free talk 的形式复习情态动词与现在进行时连用,推测现在正在进行的动作。2. 让学生记忆并背诵本节课所用单词,为学习课文做铺垫。3. 通过游戏让学生熟悉并掌握本节课的重点词组。4. 通过播放“巨石阵”视频激发学生对

10、本话题的兴趣,进而导入本文。1.学生是否能够对正在进行的动词进行推测。2.多数学生对以游戏的形式学习单词感兴趣。 DELC52获取新知识Step2Pre-reading(读前) (5 mins)1. Look at the title and the picture. Then answer the questions below.(1) What it is in the picture? (2) What may the passage talk about?2.Work on 2a.Let students read the linking words and phrases and m

11、atch each linking word or phrase with its purpose. Then check the answers.3. Read the article and underline the linking words and phrases. Check the answers with the Ss. Para1: not only.but also, as Para2: however, because Para3: while, as, but Para4: because, and, but 1.通过对本文的标题和所给图片的了解,让学生有针对性的去猜测

12、本文所讲内容,用这种方式更能帮助学生更好的理解文本。1.学生能够比较容易地掌握此阅读策略。Step 3While-reading(读中) (5 mins)1.Read the article fast and find out the main ideas of each paragraphs.Para1: Stonehenge is not only a famous place, but also a great mystery. Para2: Historians have different ideas about what Stonehenge was built for.Para3

13、:Different ideas about the purpose of Stonehenge.Para4:Who built Stonehenge, when it was built and how it was built are still mysteries.2. Read the article again and complete the chart in 2c. T:Work in groups of four , complete the chart and report the answers to the class. 1. 学生通过速读,迅速获取文章大意或中心思想。2

14、.以小组合作讨论的形式完成2c表格,降低了题目难度。1.多数学生能够掌握阅读的速读技巧。2.学生是否能够理解文章细节。Step 4Post-Reading(读后) (10mins)1. Listen to 2b, and then repeat.2.T:Now close your book and fill in the blanks by using the correct form without looking at the text.3. Work on 2d complete the sentences using the words from the chart in 2a on

15、 page 62.4. Work on 2e.T: Can you think of any other mysteries, either in China or another part of the world, that are similar to Stonehenge? What do you know about these mysteries? What is mysteries about them? Discuss them with your group.1. 听录音,模仿。学生获得最佳语音、语调。2. 通过原文填空的方式,促使学生掌握文中重点语法点,让学生进一步加深对文

16、本的记忆。3. 学生四人一组进行讨论,让学生尽可能多进行语言输出训练。1.学生是否已经理解文本内容。2.学生是否能基于已学知识进行适当拓展。DELC63深度加工知识Step 6Writing(写)(10mins)1. Tell students to read through the article in 3a on page 59 again. And answer the following questions. What do you think the noise could be?Why do you think that?2. Then talk with a partner ab

17、out your inferences and reasons. 3. Let students tell out their answers. 4.Work on 3b.T:Look at this newspaper headline and finish the article about the strange happenings.Writing tips:First part: background information about the mysterySecond part: how the mystery was solvedThird part: how the peop

18、le in the neighborhood now feel.5.T: We dont have too much time. So we just finish the composition by speaking. And you must finish writing after class.6. Ask several students to give examples to write the composition.1. 通过Section A3a文中所提到的奇怪声音发挥想象进行推测,列举自己的观点和推测依据,为后面环节的写作打开思路,积累语言素材。2.通过多提供范例,让学生体

19、会、模仿。1.学生是否能够在已有故事的基础上,运用本单元所学的目标语言并发挥想象,完成写作任务。DELC74评价学生学习Step7Self Check(自我检测)(5mins)Work on Self Check 1 1. Let students read the sentences in Self check 1. Then students try to fill in the blanks with the correct words in the box. Fill in the blanks with must, might, or cant.2. Let some student

20、s read their answers. Check the answers with the students. Work on Self check 2 1. Tell students to write sentences for the things below. They should write sentences by using the chart.2. Understand the example. Students try to complete the sentences by themselves. 1) DVD It cant be Mikes. He doesnt

21、 like to watch movies.2) bowl of ice-cream_3) camera_4) cookbook_5) tennis ball_6) running shoes_3. Let some Ss read their sentences to the class. 4. Correct the mistakes they have.5.Give some possible sentences. 6.Retell the passage in 2a according to the mind map below:Homework:1.Retell the articl

22、e in 2b according to the mind map below.2.Finish writing the composition in 3b. 当堂检测:一、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1.The young is full of_. They are_(energy).2.They are our _(enemy).3.The man jumped into pool_ (direct).4._(history) believed the great wall is one of its greatest mysteries.5.The trees prevent the wi

23、nd from _ (move) to the east.二、根据汉语意思完成句子。1.鲍勃肯定是一直在打篮球。 Bob _ _ _ _ basketball. 2. 同义句转换: He received a letter from his son yesterday. _. 3. The boy was prevented from _(swim)in the river just now. 参考答案:2a so: expressing a resultas, because, since: giving reasonsbut, however, though: expressing a d

24、ifferencenot only but also:adding informationor:giving a choicewhen, while:expressing two things happening at the same time2cMysteries about Stonehenge:What was it used for?Why was it built? How was it built? What Stonehenge might have been used a temple where ancient leaders tried to communi

25、cate with the gods a kind of calendarhave a medical purposemight be a burial place or a place to honor ancestorcelebrate a victory over an enemy2dand, as, not only, but also, and, howeverSelf Check 11.cant2.might3.must4. might5. cantSelf Check 21. It cant be Mikes. He doesnt like to watch movies.2.

26、It cant be Todds. He doesnt like to eat sweet food.3. It must be Jessicas. She likes taking photos.4. It cant be Annies. She doesnt like to cook.5. It must be Mikes. He likes to play tennis.6. It cant be Jessicas. She doesnt like to run.当堂检测:一、 energetic 2. enemies 3.directly 4.Historians 5.moving二、1. must have been playing 2. He heard from his son yesterday 3.swimming 1.检测学生对情态动词表推测的掌握情况。2.检测学生运用情态动词表达推测的能力。3. 让学生借助思维导图来复述课文。学生是否已经掌握情态动词表推测的用法。

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