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1、届高考英语一轮复习全程跟踪训练17语言知识运用四语言知识运用(四)完形填空Speaking Up(2017天津高三模拟)I never looked up when my friends were talking and joking about the retarded (智障的) boy a few tables away. It didnt even cross my mind that he might feel _1_ when people whispered about him. So I just let them talk.Then came the day when I l

2、earned my little brother Martins testing for autism (自闭症) came out positive (阳性). I had never thought about him like that. I broke _2_, crying.Everything had just changed. He was no longer a(n) _3_ little boy.Over time, I was able to accept his _4_ a little more. We had to _5_ because Martin needed

3、treatment. So Martin and I both started at a new school. One day, I was standing in the bus line waiting when a “ short” bus (for the retarded) came and _6_ up some kids. The children in the other line started making _7_ about the “ retarded” on that bus and I felt a _8_ feeling in my heart. I said

4、quietly that those comments werent very nice, _9_ no one listened.My family moved again. In the new school I got a _10_ to speak up pretty soon. That day, in a band class, my teacher _11_ our playing to make some comments, “. Guys, were playing like the kids on the short bus! Come on! ”The entire ro

5、om was laughing loudly. I felt very _12_. Then, I raised my hand. I wasnt sure what I was going to say but I wanted to be heard.The whole class _13_ down. My mouth opened and this came out: “ I dont think we should make fun of the short bus, because there are people on that bus who have a lot in com

6、mon with us and have the same feelings as we do.” I could feel my _14_ getting louder. “ So I would _15_ it if you didnt make fun of them.”The room was very quiet and everyone stared at me. My teacher _16_ for his words and then started the song again. At the end of the class, everyone was giving me

7、 strange looks. But I didnt _17_, because I knew three things: I had spoken the _18_, I had taught everyone something, and while everyone in the classroom was being a follower, I had _19_ to take a different path since I wanted to become a _20_ and a role model.1. A. amazed B. hurtC. uncertain D. co

8、ld2. A. off B. inC. down D. away3. A. normal B. noisyC. outstanding D. impressive4. A. pain B. interestC. opinion D. illness5. A. change B. moveC. quit D. study6. A. set B. tookC. brought D. picked7. A. jokes B. complaintsC. choices D. discoveries8. A. violent B. strangeC. confusing D. clear9. A. be

9、cause B. ifC. but D. so10. A. chance B. positionC. topic D. point11. A. encouraged B. botheredC. enjoyed D. stopped12. A. bad B. embarrassedC. tense D. guilty13. A. sat B. slowedC. quieted D. looked14. A. pace B. voiceC. pulse D. breath15. A. excuse B. appreciateC. stand D. permit16. A. apologized B

10、. foughtC. allowed D. argued17. A. understand B. noticeC. return D. care18. A. wisdom B. importanceC. matter D. truth19. A. helped B. decidedC. agreed D. hoped20. A. reporter B. thinkerC. leader D. trainer答案与解析【文章大意】当“我”弟弟被诊断出自闭症后,“我”才意识到不应该取笑那些有智障的人,并身体力行的在课堂上纠正老师的问题,从而更加坚信自己。1. 答案B解析句意:当人们耳语时“我”并没

11、有注意到他可能会受到伤害。feel hurt“受伤”。根据人们耳语一个智障的孩子,故选B项。2. 答案C解析“我”从来没有想到这样,我崩溃了,大哭。break down“崩溃”。3. 答案A解析根据“Then came the day when I learned my little brother Martins testing for autism (自闭症) came out positive (阳性)”可知他不再是个正常的孩子。normal“正常的”;noisy“吵闹的”;outstanding“杰出的”;impressive“印象深刻的”。4. 答案D解析句意:过了好久,“我”能接受

12、他的疾病了。根据语境可知选D项。5. 答案B解析根据语境可知因为Martin需要治疗我们不得不搬家。6. 答案D解析句意:一天,“我”在车站排队等待,这时专车来了,接一些智障孩子。pick up“开车接人”。7. 答案A解析句意:另一队的孩子开始嘲笑这些智障的孩子。make jokes“开玩笑”,故选A项。8. 答案B解析根据语境可知因为有了自闭症的弟弟,所以这些话让作者有了奇怪的感觉,故选B项。9. 答案C解析根据语境可知,“我”平静地说,评论他人是不好的,但没有人听。10. 答案A解析在新学校,“我”有机会能阐明自己的观点。get a chance to do“有机会做某事”,故选A项。1

13、1. 答案D解析句意:一天,在一节音乐课上,“我”的老师让“我们”停下来发表评论。stop sb. doing“阻止某人做某事”,故选D项。12. 答案A解析根据“Guys, were playing like the kids on the short bus! Come on!”可知“我”感觉很不舒服。13. 答案C解析根据上下文可知,整个班安静下来。quiet down“安静下来”,故选C项。14. 答案B解析句意:“我”能感受到“我”的嗓门在不断地提高。故选B项。15. 答案B解析句意:因此如果你们不嘲笑他们我会不胜感激。16. 答案A解析根据句意:“我”的老师因为他说的话向“我”道歉

14、。apologize for sth. “就道歉”。17. 答案D解析根据语境,但是“我”并不在乎,因为“我”知道三件事。18. 答案D解析句意:“我”说出了真相。故选D项。19. 答案B解析根据语境可知,虽然大家成为了“我”的追随者,但是“我”想成为一个领导,所以“我”决定走一条不同的路。decide to do“决定做某事”。20. 答案C解析根据“a role model”可知选C项,leader“领导”。完形填空(2018海口调研)My fianc(未婚夫)and I decided today was the day to treat ourselves to a nice dinn

15、er.It _1_ as“our day”,but little did we know that it would turn into much _2_.I didnt want the whole day to be about wanting to _3_ the office for the upcoming(即将到来的)_4_ and I didnt want it to be just another romantic night for two,_5_ I decided to do something to make ourselves and others happy.I b

16、egan in small ways.I _6_ a few more coins into the food vending machines(自动售货机)at work for the staff,so that there would be something for the next _7_ worker.I posted smile signs in the hall which gave _8_ instructions on how to smile as _9_ entered the office,either before their morning cup of coff

17、ee or right before a meeting with their boss.I drafted some powerful words of inspiration on colorful strips of paper and decorated my _10_ ,so that any colleague who came by might just_11_ for a moment,read,and _12_ change their feeling.When it came time for our lovely dinner to _13_ that night,I l

18、eft the server a big _14_ and a wellwishing note for her to have a _15_ day.As my fiance and I were just about to leave our table,the waitress _16_ tears beside us.We asked her to _17_ with us and we just listened.As an emotional mothertobe,I _18_ along with her,too.Our table for two was now for _19

19、_.It was a day that was not _20_ ours,but it was the waitressday,my coworkers day,and now its your day too!1A.startedBadaptedCdisappeared Dfinished2A.later BworseCmore Dearlier3A.apply BleaveCfind BpicnicCbanquet Ddinner5A.if BthoughCso Dbecause6A.turned BputCmade Dhid7A.full BsleepyCa

20、ngry Dhungry8A.few BcleanCclear Dpuzzling9A.employees BmanagersCfriends Dbosses10A.home BofficeCrestaurant Dbedroom11A.stop BrunCeat Dbuy12A.never BhardlyCfrequently Dperhaps13A.change BbeginCarise Dend14A.bill BtipCorder Dmenu15A.wonderful BcarefulCbusy Danxious16A.looked into Bcame intoCmade into

21、Dburst into17A.stand up Bsit downCgo away Dstay up18A.smiled BshoutedCcried Dcheered19A.three BfourCfive Dsix20A.ever BusualCjust Deven【解题导语】本文是一篇记叙文。作者和她的未婚夫决定一起共进晚餐。在这本该属于他们自己的特殊一天里,作者却选择把关爱和欢乐一同送给同事、餐厅服务员、甚至是未曾谋面的陌生人,让爱和温暖滋润他人。1A考查动词辨析。根据下文的“but little did we know that it would turn into much _”及

22、下文内容可知,这顿晚餐一开始只属于我们。start意为“开始”,符合语境。故选A。2C考查形容词辨析。根据最后一段中的“but it was the waitress day,my coworkers day, and now its your day too”可知,“我们”的这一天最后却变得更有意义,是更多人的一天。more 意为“更多”,符合语境。故选C。3B考查动词辨析。根据语境可知,此处指吃晚饭前先离开办公室。leave意为“离开”,符合语境。故选B。4D考查名词辨析。根据第一段第一句中的“a nice dinner”可知,此处指即将到来的晚餐。故选D。5C考查连词辨析。根据语境可知,

23、此处指作者不想这一天只属于她和未婚夫,她也想给他人带来快乐。本句与上句构成因果关系。故选C。6B考查动词辨析。根据语境及常识可知,硬币应该是放入自动售货机。B项意为“放,安置”,符合语境。故选B。7D考查形容词辨析。根据上文中的“food vending machines(自动售货机)”可知,此处指在自动售货机里放入多一些的硬币,是为了让下一个肚子饿了来买食物的同事有东西吃。hungry意为“饥饿的”,符合语境。故选D。8C考查形容词辨析。根据空格后的“instructions”及上文中的“I posted smile signs in the hall”可知,此处指作者在大厅里贴出清晰易懂的

24、笑脸示范。clear意为“清晰易懂的,明白清楚的”,符合语境。故选C。9A考查名词辨析。根据下文中的“right before a meeting with their boss”可知,此处应指雇员。故选A。10B考查名词辨析。根据空格后的“any colleague who came by”可知,作者装饰的是办公室。故选B。11A考查动词辨析。根据空格后的“for a moment,read”可知,路过的同事们看到激励的话会停下来读一读。故选A。12D考查副词辨析。根据语境可知,作者觉得这些激励的话可能会改变同事们的心情。此处表推测。故选D。13D考查动词辨析。根据下文中的“I left t

25、he server.”可推知,此处应表示在晚餐结束要离开的时候。end意为“结束,终止”,符合语境。故选D。14B考查名词辨析。根据语境及常识可知,在离开之前作者给服务员留下了很丰厚的小费。B项意为“小费”,符合语境。故选B。15A考查形容词辨析。根据上文及“a wellwishing note”可知,作者的便条是祝愿服务员有美好的一天。wonderful意为“精彩的,绝妙的”,符合语境。故选A。16D考查动词短语辨析。根据上下文语境可知,服务员看到作者的便条感动得哭了。burst into tears意为“突然哭了”,符合语境。故选D。17B考查动词短语辨析。根据空格后的“with us”可

26、知,作者邀请服务员坐下来,听她倾诉。B项意为“坐下”,符合语境。故选B。18C考查动词辨析。根据上文中的“As an emotional mothertobe”及语境可知,服务员突然哭起来,而作者作为一名感性的孕妇也陪她哭了起来。故选C。19A考查数词辨析。根据上文可知,作者夫妇和服务员一起坐着,因此一共是三个人。故选A。20C考查副词辨析。句意为:这一天已经不仅仅是属于我们的,也是属于服务员的、我的同事的而且现在也是你们的。just意为“仅仅”,符合语境。故选C。语法填空(2017甘肃)Mandarin Chinese is the most useful nonEuropean langu

27、age for children to learn, as UK parents believe. Arabic and Japanese, _1_ were both picked by 14% of parents, were the other key nonEuropean languages.The figures were gained after 1,138 UK adults with children aged under 18 questioned in a survey conducted by the Mandarin Excellence Program (MEP)F

28、rench, Spanish and German were the top _2_(choose) overall for young people in the UK to learn after _3_(pick) by 57%,54% and 40% of parents respectively.Mark Herbert, president of the British Council, said, “With the global economy _4_(become) more interconnected, language skills are _5_(increase)

29、vital for work and life.”Mandarin Chinese is _6_ of the languages that matter most to the UKs future prosperity.“If the UK is to remain _7_(compete) on the world stage, we need far more of our young people leaving school with _8_ good grasp of Mandarin in order to successfully work abroad or for bus

30、inesses here in the UK.”“Learning Mandarin is also a fascinating process that _9_(bring) a valuable understanding of Chinese culture.”The MEP aims to help _10_ least 5,000 young people in England to speak fluent Mandarin Chinese by 2020.答案与解析1. 答案which解析考查定语从句。which指代Arabic and Japanese, 在从句中作主语。2. 答案choices解析考查名词。句意是“法语、西班牙语和德语是英国年轻家长们的首选,分别占57%、54%和40%。”3. 答案being picked解析考查动名词的被动语态。after是介词,后跟动名词,由句意知用被动语态。4. 答案becoming解析考查with复合结构。become与逻辑主语the global economy之间是主动关系,所以用现在分词。5. 答案increasingly解析考查副词。句意是“随着全球经济的连接日益紧密,语言技能对于工作和生活来说都正变得越来越重要。”increasingly修饰形容词vital。

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