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1、初中英语短文填空培优辅导英语中考专题练习-首字母填空Passage 1Talking about literature (文学), Chinese writer Mo Yan has already won Chinas (1) f_ Nobel Prize (奖) in Literature. The 57-year-old Chinese writer, Mo Yan, has been a (2) p_ writer in Chinas literary scene since the mid-1980s. Most of Mo Yans works are set (设置背景) in

2、his own (3) h_, Gaomi County (县), in East Chinas Shandong Province.Mo Yan was born in 1955, the fourth (4) c_ in his family. In his early years, he experienced poverty, hunger and his father was very strict (严格) with him. Mo Yan liked (5) r_ very much. He read every book he could get, even the (6) d

3、_. When Mo Yan was 12 years old, he had to (7) l_ school and graze cattle (放牛). Before the age of 20, he never left his own county. When he was 20, he (8) j_ the army and got to see the world beyond (在远处) his home village.Six years later in 1981, he started his writing career (生涯). In 1987, The Red

4、Sorgum made him (9) f_.Mo Yans other major(主要的) (10) w_ include (包括) The Republic of Wine, Life and Death Are Wearing Me Out, Sandalwood Death, Big Breasts and Wide Hips and more. Mo has won several top Chinese and international prizes including the Mao Dun Prize 2011 for Frog.26. first 27. popular

5、28. hometown 29. child 30. reading 31. dictionary 32. leave 33. joined 34. famous 35. worksPassage 2Friends are very important for us in the life, but it is not an (1) e_ thing to make friends. We meet many people but we cant make friends with everybody. (2) H_ do we make friend with others? Here (3

6、) a_ some tips to help us to make friends with others.Firstly, we should love people, if we love them and (4) f_ to them and share their happy things and bad things, we can make friends with them. Secondly, we can make friends if we are ready with our sympathy(同情) for others in their times of (5) t_

7、. Adversity(逆境) is the touchstone(试金石) of friendship. Friends made at (6) s_ are life-long friends. They (7) b_ to us memories(记忆) of those early days when life was (8) y_ and free. So we should treasure(珍惜) the friendship of school better.Thirdly, we can make friends if we like (9) t_ others our ow

8、n sadness and trouble, they can help us.Fourthly, we shouldnt (10) l_at people when they need help, inseatd, we should do our best to help them.26. easy 27. How 28. are 29. friendly 30. trouble 31. school 32. bring 33. young 34. telling 35. laughPassage 3Have you ever tried the “Magic Cube”(魔方) ? Pi

9、ck up one of these cubes and you probably wont be able to p_ (1) it down. How hard can it be to rearrange the nine little s_(2) on each side of the cube? In fact, there are millions of possibilities! It has been over 30 years since the cube first h_(3) the market. However, not many people know that

10、it was used just as a simple classroom m_(4) at the beginning.In 1974, Mr. Erno Rubik i_(5) the “Magic Cube” as he called it. He did this to help his students u_(6) difficult 3D concepts(概念). This classroom example was quickly t_(7) into a popular toy. In 1979, Ideal Toys started to sell it as “Rubi

11、ks Cube”. The invention quickly became a 1980s c_(8) icon.As time went by, the cube once l_(9) its attractive qualities. However, it made a comeback with the internet. Now anyone can go online and find many videos that show ways to s_(10) the cube. Erik Akkersdijk of the Netherlands holds the world

12、record now. He finished in just 7.08 seconds!1. put 2. squares 3. hit 4. model 5. invented6. understand 7. turned 8. cultural 9. lost 10 .solvePassage 4Nogoba was a cavegirl. She lived in a cave with about 40 other people. Cavepeople lived in big groups to help each other. Their l 1 were very danger

13、ous. There were many w 2 animals near the caves lions, tigers, bears and elephants.The cavemen hunted. They k 3 the animals for food. The childrens jobs were dangerous, too. Nogoba and her friends went to the river every day to get w 4 . Sometimes, the river was very deep. S 5 , there were animals n

14、ear the river.For many months of the y 6 , Nogoba was cold. There was ice and snow everywhere. It was difficult to be w 7 . The children sometimes went to sleep by the fire. Sometimes they were too n 8 the fire.Sometimes Nogoba and her friends went to f 9 fruit and nuts to eat. Sometimes the fruit a

15、nd nuts were poisonous and everyone became i 10 . There werent any cave doctors or cave hospitals!71. lives72. wild73. killed74. water75. Sometimes76. year77. warm78. near79. find80. ill Passage 5Many people who live in cities say that they d 1 city life. They say the city that they live in is noisy

16、, dirty and c 2 . They are tired of the traffic., the p 3 in the air and the rubbish in the streets.But not many people living in cities are h 4 when they have to stay in the country for two or three weeks. They e 5 the quiet, the clean air and the beautiful healthy surroundings(周围的事物), but they m 6

17、 the stores and restaurants, the theaters, the crowds, and the excitements of the city.People who live in the country, on the other hand, like v 7 the city for a day or an evening, to do some s 8 or go to the theater or a concert. But they often find the city a r 9 frightening place and are usually

18、happy to get back to their quiet, unexciting 1 10 in the country.1.dislike 2. crowded 3. pollution 4. happy 5. enjoy 6. miss 7. visiting 8. shopping 9. rather 10. life/livesPassage 6Roy Trenton drove a taxi before. A short while ago, however, he b 1 a bus-driver and he feels no sorry about it. He wa

19、s finding his new work far more i 2 When he was driving along Catford Street recently, he saw two thieves r 3 out of a shop and run towards a waiting car. One of them was carrying a bag f 4 of money. Roy acted quickly and drove the bus straight to the thieves. The one w 5 the money got so afraid tha

20、t he dropped the bag. As the thieves were trying to get a 6 in their car, Roy drove his bus into the b 7 of it. While the car was moving away, Roy stopped his bus and t 8 the police. The thieves car was badly damaged(损坏)and e 9 to recognize(辨认). Shortly afterwards, the police stopped the car and bot

21、h men were c 10 1. became 2. interesting 3. run 4. full 5. with 6. away 7. back 8. telephoned 9. easy 10. caught Passage 7Traveling to all countries of the world gets easier and easier, but how well do we know and u 1 each other? Here is a simple test. Imagine(设想) you will hold a m 2 at four oclock,

22、 what time should you e 3 your foreign business friends to come? If they are German, they will a 4 on time. If they are American, theyll probably be fifteen minutes early. If they are British, theyll be fifteen minutes late.The British seemed to think since the English l 5 was widely used in the wor

23、ld, what they did was certain to be widely understood. Very soon they f 6 they were completely wrong. For e 7 , the British are happy to have a business lunch and discuss business matters with a drink during the meal; the Japanese p 8 not to work while eating. Lunch is a time for them to relax and g

24、et to know e 9 other, and they dont drink at lunch. The Germans like to talk about business b 10 dinner; the French like to eat first and talk afterwards. They have to be well fed and watered before they discuss anything.1. understand 2. meeting 3. expect 4. arrive 5. language 6. found 7. example 8.

25、 prefer 9. each 10. before Passage 8It was getting dark. Some children and two Canadian women were still s 1 on the ice near a big hotel. They were having a good time.Suddenly the ice b 2 . One of the boys fell into the water. The children shouted, “Help! Help!” They didnt know w 3 to do. The two Ca

26、nadian friends heard t 4 and skated over to get the boy out of the water.The ice was t 5 . The two Canadians fell into the water, too. But they tried their best to r 6 the little boy. They knew they must be q 7 . If they didnt push him up onto the ice, he would soon die.Many people ran over to h 8 .

27、 Some of them had ropes and poles(绳和竹竿). A young man jumped into the water to wave to the o 9 people.The boy and the two Canadian women were out of water at last. One of the women didnt feel well. She was sent to the h 10 at once. But she felt very happy because the boy was safe.1. skating 2. broke

28、3. what 4. that 5. thin 6. reach 7. quick 8. help 9. other 10. hospital Passage 9In most countries of the world, there is one medicine called aspirin. N 1 everyone takes it. people take it when they have an ache or a pain, and s 2 when they have a fever. Doctors b 3 it can also help people who have

29、heart disease and some other disease , too. Some people, however, cant take aspirin. it must never be given to c 4 under 12 years old.Before aspirin was i 5 , some people made a drink with the bark of the white willow. this drink made their pains and fever go away. but no one knew w 6 it helped then

30、, in the 1830s scientists in England s 7 all the things that were in the bark of the while willow. They found out what things in the plant s 8 pain. Soon people were making medicine with this pain-stopping thing and selling it. Later scientists found out how to make aspirin w 9 using any plant at al

31、l. Aspirin was first s 10 in 1899 by the Bayer Company Ger many. 1. not 2. sometimes 3. believe 4. children 5. invented 6. why 7. studied 8. stopped 9. without 10. sold Passage 10Can animals be made to work for people? Some scientists think that one day animals may be trained(训练)to do a number of simple jobs i 1 of people. They say that at a circus(杂技场),for example, we may see elephants, monkeys, dogs and other animals doing q 2 skillful(熟练的)things. Perhaps you have seen them on the television or in a film. If you watch closely, you may fin

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