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1、翻译词汇2翻译词汇,日积月累计划单列市 city specifically designated in the state plan农机具补贴 subsidy for agricultural machinery and tools附加税 VAT(value-added tax)/extra duties/surtax/super tax/tax surcharge三资企业three kinds of foreign-invested enterprise or ventures中外合资企业Sino-foreign joint ventures外商独资企业 exclusively foreig

2、n-owned company in china中外合作企业 cooperative business经济萧条 economic slump/economic recession/economic depression business depression发展才是硬道理development as a task of overriding importance driven by consumption, investment ,import and export统筹城乡发展 coordinate development in rural and urban regions拓宽农村增收渠道

3、seek new ways to increase farmers incomes区域协调互动发展机制 a mechanism for promoting balance and interactive development among regions粗放型增长方式 the extensive/inefficient mode /model of growth密集的增长模式the intensive mode of growth 国民经济性支柱产业 pillar industry of national economy英汉词汇homecoming 同学会agent 代理crowdsourci

4、ng 众包lions share 大部分ecological civilization 生态文明surrealism 超现实主义Central Ballet Troupe 中央芭蕾舞歌舞团myth of Chinas peaceful rise 中国的和平崛起的神话currency manipulator 货币操纵国sample survey 抽样检查core competiveness 核心竞争力 intellectual property infringement 知识产权侵权multi-polar world 多极世界 unabridged dictionary 足本词典Chic lit

5、(文学) 年轻女性小说 缩略语交货前付款CBD(Cash Before Delivery)泛太平洋伙伴关系TPP(trans-pacific partnership)万国邮政联盟UPU(Universal Postal Union)订金CBD(Cash Before Delivery)有线电视CATV(Cable Television)汉英词汇转变经济增长方式 the transformation of the economic growth mode弥补外需缺口 compensate for weak external demand重点产业调整振兴规划 the plan for restru

6、cturing and reinvigorating key industries 县级基本财力保障机制 a mechanism for ensuring basic funding for county-level governments对外工程承包和劳务合同营业额 the total turnover of contracted overseas construction and labor contracts激发经济内在活力 stimulate the internal vitality of the economy消除经济不利影响 overcome the adverse effect

7、s of imported and structural inflation进出口许可证管理 the import and export licensing administration货物实际进出境口岸 the port of the actual entry and exit of the goods进口环节增值税和消费税 import value added tax and consumption tax劳动报酬在初次分配中的比重 the ratio of workers incomes in the primary distribution of national income区域发展

8、总体战略 the master strategy of regional development 登月舱 lunar module 服务舱service module 指令舱 command module英汉词汇reentry module 返回舱 propelling module 推进舱 orbital module 轨道舱 geosynchronous satellite 同步轨道卫星 satellite in sun geosynchronous 太阳同步卫星weather satellite 气象卫星recoverable satellite 返回卫星communication sa

9、tellite 通讯卫星remote sensing satellite 遥感卫星The long march rocket launcher 长征2号运载火箭low earth orbit 近地轨道orbit the earth 绕地球飞行fine-tune orbit 调整轨道personnel type 人才类型talent competitiveness 人才竞争力缩略语特别行政区SAR(Special Administrative Region)联合国旅游组织WTO(World Tourism Organization)军事委员会CMA(Committee of Military A

10、ffairs)仅供参考FRI(for your information)仅供参考FYR(for your reference)汉英词汇人才流失 brain drain海外人才 overseas talents人才库 talent pool人才管理 talent management人才政策 personnel policy人才发展 talent development尊重人才 value talent/ talented people党管人才 human resources under the Party leadership党政人才 Party and government official

11、s青年英才 young talents 高素质教育人才 high-quality educators海外高层人才 high-quality overseas professionals全民健康卫生人才 national health professionals高技能人才 the highly skilled/highly skilled workers企业经营管理人才 enterprise management talents英汉词汇 military talents 高素质军事人才professional medical personnel 专业医药人才innovative skilled

12、sci-tech workers 创新性科技人才急需紧缺专门人才professionals in short supplybuilding of talent team 人才队伍建设talent management 人才工作管理体制major projects for talent development 重大人才工程HR= human resources 人力资源overseas Chinese students home 全球留学人才之家cramming method of teaching 填鸭式教学be released from regular work for study 脱产学

13、习locally-granted student loan 生源地助学贷款pseudo-science 伪科学academic credit system 学分制talent pool 人才贮备汉英词汇保障性住房 indemnificatory housing包工头 labor contractor首期按揭 down payment筒子楼 tube-shaped apartment危房 dilapidated building违章建筑 unapproved construction project样板房 model unit活动板房 movable plank house/ movable h

14、ouse违章借贷 abusive lending包装风险房贷 packaging of risky mortgages住房公积金贷款 housing accumulation fund/ housing provident fund保障性住房 low-income housing/government subsidized housing小产权房 house/apartment with limited/incomplete property rights棚改房 housing run-down areas that will undergo renovation一定让人民安居乐业 we mu

15、st ensure peace and security for the people出让、划拨和转让 grant, allocation and transfer of right to use land英汉词汇relief fund 救济金 under-the-counter deals 开后门pet phrase 口头禅flash mob 快闪族Malthusian Theory of Population 马尔萨斯人口论 the Matthew Effect 马太效应rule of thumb 拇指规则door-to-door service 上门服务probationary period 试用期human trafficking 人口贩卖sugar-coated bullet 糖衣炮弹 job-hopping 跳槽 ostrich policy/ostrichism 鸵鸟政策die-hard fans 铁杆粉丝 sister cities 友好城市缩略语首次公开募股IPOs(initial public offerings)中国民航CAAC(Civil Aviation Authorit

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