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1、彝语和英语的语音对比doc彝语和英语的语音对比the phonetic comparison between the yi language and englishabstract: people in liangshan yi minority autonomous prefecture speak the yi language, which is a completely different language from english. the writer of this paper carried out a research to make a comparison and a c

2、ontrast of the two languages in phonetics, for the purpose that the result of the research could not only help yi students to understand the phonetic characteristics of the two languages and clear the obstacles in learning english, but also help english teachers in liangshan design some scientific t

3、eaching methods and improve the foreign language teaching conditions there. the writer has been to middle schools in puge county, liangshan prefect. to do some investigation with questionnaires and mini-type meetings, where she discussed the differences of the phonetics in the two languages and the

4、difficulties yi students face, from which she has got precious first-hand materials. the writer found that, apart from the different phonetic symbols in the two languages, some more differences exist in their intonation, tune and phoneme. as the writer focuses on the difference of phonetic symbols,

5、she will discuss in this paper the following points: 1. some phonetics symbols in the yi language and english are the same both in form and pronunciation; 2. some phonetics symbols in the yi language and english are the same in form but different in pronunciation; 3. some phonetics symbols in the yi

6、 language and english are different in form but the same in pronunciation; 4. apart from vowels and consonants, the yi language has some initial consonants and vowels;5. english has some diphthongs,but the yi language hasnt. finally, the writer proposes a few constructive suggestions to the english

7、teaching in liangshan autonomous prefecture.key words: english; the yi language; phonetics; comparison; constructive suggestions for teaching摘要: 凉山彝族自治州的多数居民说的彝语是和英语完全不同的一门语言。为了提高彝族学生的英语水平,提高彝族地区的英语教学质量,本文作者对彝语和英语的语音进行了对比,目的是找出两种语言在语音方面的异同,帮助彝族学生认识两种语言,扫清英语学习障碍;同时帮助彝族地区的英语教师制定出科学的教学方法,改进凉山州目前的英语教学落后

8、状况。本文作者到彝族地区普格县对中学生做了问卷调查,并开了小型座谈会与彝族学生面对面交流,获取了第一手资料。作者发现,英语和彝语的语音除了可以在音标上比较异同,还可从语调、声调、音素组成入手进行阐述。音标上存在以下差异:1彝语和英语音标写法与发音均相同;2彝语和英语音标写法相同而发音不同;3彝语和英语音标写法不同而发音相同;4彝语语音除元音和辅音外,还存在声母和韵母;5英语语音中存在双元音,而彝语中没有。最后,作者对彝族地区的英语教学提出了一些建设性的建议。关键字: 英语; 彝语; 语音; 对比; 教学. introductionyi language belongs to the yi la

9、nguage branch of sino-tibetan language system, and is quite different from english either in origin or in phoneme. for many reasons, the english teaching in yi area is backward compared to the interior area for a long time, which becomes one of the biggest obstacles in the process of yi students stu

10、dy. many talented and diligent yi students are refused by many top universities in china just because of their poor english. in addition to the reasons of study environment, study condition and teaching method, the differences of speech organs and speech habits between english and yi language are al

11、so the obstacles of english-learning of yi students. and all of these obstacles result in inevitable influence in english learning in yi order to offer useful information to the english teachers and yi students in yi area, the research team first made an thorough research of the english and

12、yi language phonetics and then penetrate the middle schools of yi area ( puge county of liangshan yi people autonomous prefecture) and communicate with the yi students face to face to obtain the first-hand materials.through means of investigate-questionnaire and the mini-symposium, we communicated w

13、ith the local yi students, acquired the first-hand materials, and finally find out the similarities and differences between english and yi language in phonetics and the common problems that the yi students face in english-learning. and i hope the research would have some help in improving the englis

14、h teaching in yi area and in improving the yi students english ability. phonetic symbols of the two languagesenglish contains 26 phonetic symbols, of all these phonetic symbols, there are 5 vowels and 21 consonants. every phonetic symbol has one or more than one sound. thus, english totally has 44 p

15、honemes, if take ts,dz,tr,dr into consideration, then there are 48 phonemes in english. the written form of phoneme is phonemic alphabet, that is phonemic symbol. one phonemic alphabet stands for one phoneme. english totally contains 12 monophthongs, 8 diphthongs, and 24 consonants.on the contrary,

16、yi language is a syllable character language, that is to say, one character stands for one syllable in yi language. yi language totally has 10 vowels and 43 consonants. the comparison between the two languages is as following. vowel consonant english monophthong diphthong stopsptkbdg fricativesfsh v

17、z affricates liquidslr nasalsmn glideswj front vowels i:ie central vowels back vowels eiaiau yi language ie i a uo o e u ur y yr bilabial b bb nb p hm m labio-dental f v glottal hx front apical sound z c zz nz s ss central apical sound d t dd nd hn n hl l back apical sound zh ch rr nr sh r velar g k

18、 gg mg ng h w palatal j q jj nj ny x yaccording to the analysis of the materials that we collected, we can know that there are many phonetic similarities and differences between english and yi language, mainly prominent as following:. the phonetic symbols that have similar written form and pronuncia

19、tion in the two languages phonetic symbols yi language english i iqi(head) idix(clothes) sit miss p pbbo(flag) polix(barn) port pay n nekop(mile) neddu(cushion) not nice f taxkefo(altar) futma (six) fine fail v vosy(snow) voco(human) save vote t tekop(time) tebbo(pineapple) toe top l lezhyp(rope) le

20、ho(corral) life long k keddiho(northwest) kebbo(ratify) key kill h hevat(pot) hexjjy(fine) hat have s syke(cucumber) saxle(cotton) sip seal r ryyi(hut) roxjy(economize) red raw . the phonetic symbols that have same written form but different pronunciation in the two languages phonetic symbols yi lan

21、guage english e sheddu(iorn) ne(you) bed dead b bosimv(protection) bowzhyw(strong) back bad d bvdex(praise) depshe(welcome) dad dark g geapmop(great) getlv(technology) game great w wega(effort) wejjip(victory) what why z zyly(bell) zytmop (hoe) zip zone j jibbv(aside) jipxi(relatives) yet yellow. th

22、e phonetic symbols that have the same pronunciation but different written form in the two languages yi language phonetic symbols examples english phonetic symbols examples y jjossy(forever) i: eat ie ieqip(duck egg) e dead o obbu(smart) sort uo uoma(head) fox u wu(intestines) u book e ssheddu(iron)

23、about bb bborrox(delegate) b back gg ggeddu(information) g game x tatxi(should) mission. the other differences between the two languagesyi language and english belong to totally different language systems, yi language belongs to sino-tibetan language system, while english belongs to indo-european la

24、nguage system. so, we can compare the phonetic differences not only in phonetic symbols, but also in tone, intonation, formation of pronunciation, diphthong, consonant and vowels. the tone of yi languagetones are pitch variations, which are caused by the differing rates of vibration of the vocal cor

25、ds. pitch variation can distinguish meaning just like phonemes; therefore, the tone is a suprasegmental feature. the meaning-distinctive function of the tone is especially important in what we call tone languages. english is not a tone language. yi language, however, is a typical tone language. it h

26、as four tones. and the role of the tone can be well illustrated by pronouncing the same sound combination such asoin the four different tones.ot(under) ox(have done) o(kidney) op(goose)in yi language, a syllable can be pronounced in different ways, thus result in different meanings. this is the defi

27、nition of tone in yi language which can distinguish different meanings through different pronunciation.the yi language in liangshan , a syllable stands for a character, and a character consists of consonant, vowel, and addition to distinguish the meaning of word, the tone also has grammatica

28、l function. for example:xit(bite) nga shep(i look for) nga mo ox(i have seen)xix(what) nga shex(look for me) nagx mo ox(have seen me)liangshan yi language has four tones, that is . the intonation of englishwhen pitch, stress sound length are tied to the sentence rather than the word in isolation, th

29、ey are collectively known as intonation. intonation plays an important role in the conveyance of meaning in almost every language, especially in a language like english. english has four basic types of intonation, known as the four tones: the falling tone, the rising tone, the fall-rise tone, and th

30、e rise-fall tone. the most frequently used are the first three. when spoken in different tones, the same sequence of words may have different meanings. generally speaking, the falling tone indicates that what is said is a straight-forward, matter-of-fact statement, the rising tone often makes a ques

31、tion of what is said, and the fall-rise tone often indicates that there is an implied message in what is said. compare the following three different ways of saying the same sentence:1. thats not the book he wants.2. thats not the book he, wants.3. thats, not the book he, wants.spoken in the falling-tone, version1 simply states a fact, i.e., the book in question is not the one he wants. v

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