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1、血战钢锯岭完整中英文对照剧本血 战 钢 锯 岭根据真实故事改编出自圣经以赛亚书你不曾听见吗Have you not heard?永在的神耶♥和♥华♥The Lord is the everlasting God,创造地极的主the Creator of the ends of the Earth.他不疲乏 也不困倦He will not grow tired or weary,他的智慧无法测度and His understanding no one can fathom.疲乏的 他赐能量He gives strength to the weary软弱的

2、 他予气力and increases the power of the weak.便是少年人也会疲乏困倦Even youths grow tired and weary,强壮之人也必全然跌倒and young men stumble and fall.但那些等候耶♥和♥华♥之人 必重新得力But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.他们必如雄鹰展翅上腾They will soar on wings like eagles.他们奔跑却不困倦They will run and not g

3、row weary.行走却不疲乏They will walk and not be faint.戴斯蒙德 坚持住Desmond, hang on!撑住 戴斯蒙德Hang on, Desmond!我们会带你离开这儿Were going to get you out of here!戴斯蒙德 戴斯蒙德Desmond. Desmond!蓝岭山脉 弗吉尼亚州十六年前干什么What?-等等我 -走快点- Wait up. - Catch up.等一下 告诉你一件事Wait up, Ive got something to tell you.什么 哈尔What, Hal?比比谁先到山顶Race you t

4、o the top.你作弊Hey! Cheater!-山顶见 老头子 -喂- See you later, slowpoke. - Hey!-要拉你一把吗 -我能行- Want a hand? - I got it.-坐下吧 -你个笨蛋- Sit down! - Ah, you dope!-别闹了 -你别闹- Quit it. - You quit it.老天爷For Petes sake.离山崖远一点儿 你们俩熊孩子Hey! Get away from that ledge, you damn fool kids!小心摔断脖子Youre going to break your necks!是

5、多斯家的孩子 跟他们老子一样疯Its them Doss kids. Crazy as their old man.他们挖通了杰克逊大道和主街.They dug up the corner of Jackson and Main.铺了一条人行道.Putting in a sidewalk.变化大到你们认不出来You boys wouldnt recognize it now.还有你 估计他们也记不得你了Mind you, I doubt theyd recognize you.连我都快被忘干净了They hardly know me when I walk by em.像跟你们一起阵亡了似的I

6、ts like I died with you.就好像咱们这帮人从没存在过Its like we boys never existed.今天就这么多了Well, thats all I got for you today.用右手挡住他 戴斯蒙德Block him with your right, Desmond.住手 听到没Stop it! Do you hear me?-他们为什么打架 -他俩打架有过理由吗- What are they fighting about? - Whend they ever need a reason?汤姆Tom! Ugh!拦着他们干什么 还省得我两个都得抽一顿

7、Why stop em? Saves me whipping them both.这样我只需要揍打赢的那个就行了This way, I just whip the one that wins.汤姆Tom!不No!天哪Oh, God.汤姆 醒醒 能听见我说话吗Tom! Wake up, can you hear me?你♥他♥妈♥干了什么What the hell have you done?他失去意识了He cant hear me.我去拿冰块Ill get some ice.-把篮子拿开 -好的- You shift that basket. - I

8、 got it.他还有气吗Is he breathing?哈尔 哈尔 能听见吗Hal? Hal, can you hear me?哈尔 能听见我说话吗Hal, can you hear me?哈尔.醒醒Hal. Come on.他的瞳孔在放大Hes dilated.主祷文我们在天上的父愿人都尊你的名为圣愿你的国降临愿你的旨意行在地上如同行在天上我们日用的饮食今日赐给我们免我们的债如同我们免了人的债不叫我们遇见试探救我们脱离凶恶因为国度 权♥柄♥ 荣耀 全是你的直到永远阿门第六诫不可杀人哈尔Hal.你以为你在干什么What do you think youre doi

9、n?这下我得揍你了 你知道规矩的Im gonna have to beat you now, you know the rules.听到没 戴斯蒙德You hear me, Desmond?-戴斯蒙德 -汤姆 住手- Desmond! - Tom, stop.现在打孩子有意义吗Whats that gonna teach the boy?他已经够暴♥力♥了Hes violent enough already.好吧 给他一个充满母爱的吻吧Okay, fine, you go smother him in kisses.告诉他这是个温柔祥和的世界You tell him

10、 the worlds a soft and gentle place.哈尔会没事的Hals gonna be okay.-我差点杀了他 -是的- I could have killed him. - Yes, you could have.杀人是最大的罪过Murder, its the worst sin of all.取他人性命And to take another mans life,在主眼中是最深重的罪孽that is the most egregious sin in the Lords sight.没有比这更伤他心的事了Nothing hurts his heart so much

11、.听不懂人话是吗Dont you understand English?还要我再说一遍吗Do I have to tell you again?滚开 臭婆娘 不然打死你You move, woman, or I will wallop you good and hard!你们在吵什么 你还好吗 贝莎What the hells going on? You okay, Bertha?管好你自己的事You mind your own damned business!睡一觉就好了 汤姆Go sleep it off, Tom.我恨他I hate him.妈妈Momma?他为什么这么恨我们Why do

12、es he hate us so much?他不是恨我们Oh, he dont hate us.有时他只是恨自己He hates himself sometimes.这不是你♥爸♥爸的本性Your daddy tonight, that aint the real him.真希望你们像我一样知道他战前的样子I wish you knew him like I did, before the war.十五年后赞美主Praise the Lord赞美主Praise the Lord万民快乐欢欣Let the people rejoice请来Oh, come藉圣子耶稣来到

13、父前To the Father Through Jesus the Son荣耀归主 他已成就大事功And give him the glory great things He has done我们唱得怎么样 戴斯蒙德Howd we sound, Desmond?像一群天使 妈Like a heavenly host of angels, Mom.你知道说谎是犯诫的 尤其在这里Now, you know its a sin to tell a lie, especially in this place.我可没说是擅长唱歌♥的天使Well, I aint never said the

14、y were singing angels.外面怎么了 戴斯蒙德Whats going on out there? Desmond!抬起来 快抬起来Get it up, get it up!拽垫子把他拉出来Drag him out. Just the tarp.我叫辆救护车Ill phone an ambulance.不 来不及了 开约书亚的皮卡去No, no time. Joshuas pickup.-快去 -好的- Quick! - Okay.你会没事的 会没事的Youre going to be fine now. Youre going to be fine.林奇堡医院医生会治好你Yo

15、ure in good hands.病人怎么了What have we got here?动脉破裂 拿针线来Its a severed artery. Get some sutures.好的医生Yes, doctor.压住伤口 是你绑的止血带吗Put some pressure on it. Did you apply this tourniquet?-是的 先生 -干得不错- Yes, sir. - Nice work.你可能救了这小伙子的命You might have saved this boys life.能听见吗 你会没事的You staying with us? Youre goi

16、ng to be okay.你叫什么 孩子Whats your name, son?吉尔伯特Gilbert.-送手术室 -是的 准备手术- Surgery? - Yeah, surgery.振作点 你会没事的Stay with us, youre gonna be okay.疼吗You feel pain?振作点 好吗Stay with us, okay?参军体♥检♥在那边 这是献血室Army physicals that way. This is for giving blood.你没事吧Are you all right?不 这不是我的血 我没事Oh, no,

17、thats not mine. Im fine.谢谢关心 女士Thank you for asking though, maam.有什么需要吗What do you need?我的皮带My belt.我用来给受伤那个小伙子止血了I lent it to the boy who had the accident.没有它裤子可系不牢My pants dont hold up so good without it.它也不在我手里Well, uh, I dont have your belt.我知道 女士 在那边呢No, I know that, maam. Its out there.还绑在那小伙子

18、腿上呢Its right out there with the boy still.好吧 我只负责采血Okay. Im just here to take blood.那我献血Ill give mine.好吧 去那屋等着Okay, go to that room over there and wait with the others.到时候会叫你的Ill call you.那个屋That room.之前献过血吗 这位.You ever given blood before, Mr.我姓多斯Doss.但朋友们都叫我戴斯蒙德But my friends call me Desmond.没献过 女士

19、 这是第一次No, maam, this is my first time.我做梦都想当个医生I always dreamed about being a doctor.不过 我没念过多少书But, uh, I didnt get much school.多萝西舒特北美稀有鸟类献完血可能会有些头晕You may be a little dizzy when were done.有人来接你吗Is somebody picking you up?不 女士 我自己走回去No, maam. Walking back.你住哪儿Where do you live?希尔堡 女士Fort Hill, maam

20、.那可不近Thats a ways.就五六英里吧 但我准备从树林穿过去No. Just five or six miles, but I cut through the woods.那样要走七英里Its seven that way!那你肯定很喜欢大自然You must really like the woods.是的 女士 非常喜欢Yes, maam. I sure do.好了 压住这里Okay, put some pressure here.-你还好吗 -嗯- You okay? - Yeah.再见Bye.你打扮这么精神干什么Where you going looking all spru

21、ced and nice?昨天在医院认识了一个护士Met someone yesterday. A nurse over at the hospital.她叫多萝西舒特 我要娶她Her names Dorothy Schutte. Im gonna marry her.天哪 她知道这件事吗Goodness. Does she know that?还没 不过快了Well, not yet. Shes about to.除了家里人 你还跟别的女人说过话吗You ever even spoken to a woman? I mean, one thats not family.跟她说过Spoke t

22、o her.这样的话 来抱抱你哥Well, in that case, come give your brother a big hug.-哈哈 -过来- Hal! - Come here.把你的油爪子拿开Keep your greasy paws off of me.祝我好运吧 老妈Wish me luck, Momma.祝你好运Good luck.下一个Next.请坐 以前献过血吗Grab a seat. You ever given blood before?献过 女士Yes, maam. I have.你是那个皮带小子Youre the belt man.是戴斯蒙德 女士Desmond

23、, yes, maam.好吧 戴斯蒙德 两天内不能连续献血Well, Desmond, we cant take your blood two days in a row.那挺好 我来把血要回来Well, thats good. I came to get mine back.-什么 -我的血 我想要回来- You what? - My blood. I need it back.这可不行 我们没法就这么还给你Well, it dont work like that, we cant just give it back to you.不行也得行Well, you got to.自从你把针插&h

24、earts;进♥我的血管Ever since you stuck me with that needle,我的心就跳个不停my hearts been beating real fast.每次我一想到你 心就跳得更快Every time I think about you, it beats faster still.这种话我还真没听过 够肉麻的I never heard that one before. Its pretty corny.是吗It is?丢死人了 我还练习了一整夜Thats a shame, I done practiced that all night.很差劲

25、吗No good?我可没那么说I didnt say that.动脉和静脉有什么区别Whats the difference between an artery and a vein?-什么意思 -那个小伙子受的伤- What are you talking about? - The boys accident.动脉会喷血Arteries spurt blood.静脉呢And veins?流血Bleed.我觉得你出来前I think you need to practice该先在家练习一下约会聊天的话题your boy/girl dating talk at home before you c

26、ome out.是得练练Yeah, I probably do.要是你真感兴趣我可以给你本书看Ill give you a book if youre that interested.关于约会的吗On dating?关于血管On blood.美♥利♥坚♥政♥府♥大战的序幕还有什么医学问题吗Another medical question perhaps?没 只觉得你是我生命中最美好的事物No. I just think youre the prettiest thing I ever seen.那是因为太暗了看不清Thats

27、 because Im sitting in the dark.不 你真的很美No, youre just beautiful.让开道Out of the way!走路要看路You need to watch where youre going.抱歉 我以为你不介意Im sorry. I didnt think youd mind.你问都没问You didnt ask.我以为你会喜欢的I thought you might have liked it.可能会 但你也得先问啊Well, I might have if youd asked.你不来吗You coming?走路看着点儿Watch w

28、here youre walking!为什么不和我们商量一下Why didnt you say nothing to us?你们肯定会千方百计阻止我Cause you would have tried and talked me out of it,而我知道这才是正确的选择and I know what Im doing is right.摩西十诫怎么办And what about His Commandment?这场战争于我并不是杀戮 而是保护Its not killing in a war. Its protecting.咱们教堂里不少青年都报了名Loads of boys from ou

29、r church are going.-是啊 -这场战争需要男人去打- Yeah. - There is a war and they need men.在造纸厂工作没法拯救国家And working in a paper mill aint going to save this country.咱儿子看上去就像电影明星Looks like a movie star, our boy.漂亮的军装 精致的帽子Nice uniform, good hat.让我想起阿蒂吉登斯Reminds me of how Artie Giddens我们在法国那会儿他也这身打扮looked in his uniform when we went to France.-还记得他吗 贝莎 -别说了 汤姆- Remember him, Bertha? - Dont, Tom.怎么了What?我只是说阿蒂穿军装很精神Im just saying how snappy Artie looked in his uniform.你们姑娘们显然也这么觉得All you girls certainly seemed to think so.像苍蝇一样围着他 那时他多有面儿啊

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