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五年级下册英语教案Unit 2 Lesson 3They are in the zoo 鲁科版五四制.docx

1、五年级下册英语教案Unit 2 Lesson 3They are in the zoo 鲁科版五四制Unit 2 Lesson 3 They are in the zoo.教学n加油设计这个工作可让学生分组负责收集整理,登在小黑板上,每n加油周一换。要求学生抽空抄录并且阅读成诵。其目的在于扩大学生的知识面,n加油引导学生关注社会,热爱生活,所以内容要尽量广泛一些,可以分为人生n加油、价值、理想、学习、成长、责任、友谊、爱心、探索、环保等多方面n加油。如此下去,除假期外,一年便可以积累40多则材料。如果学生的脑海里有了众n加油多的鲜活生动的材料,写起文章来还用乱翻参考书吗? 一、教学目标:一般说

2、来n加油,“教师”概念之形成经历了十分漫长的历史。杨士勋(n加油唐初学者,四门博士)春秋谷梁传疏曰:“师者n加油教人以不及,故谓师为师资也”。这儿的“师资”,其实就n加油是先秦而后历代对教师的别称之一。韩非子也有云:“今有不才之子师长教n加油之弗为变”其“师长”当然也指教师。这儿的n加油“师资”和“师长”可称为“教师”概念的雏形,但仍说不上是名副其实n加油的“教师”,因为“教师”必须要有明确的传授知识的对象n加油和本身明确的职责。 知识目标:课本、报刊杂志中的成语、名言n加油警句等俯首皆是,但学生写作文运用到文章中的甚少,即使运用也很难n加油做到恰如其分。为什么?还是没有彻底“记死”的缘故。要

3、解决这个问题n加油,方法很简单,每天花3-5分钟左右的时间记一条成语、一则n加油名言警句即可。可以写在后黑板的“积累专栏”上每n加油日一换,可以在每天课前的3分钟让学生轮流讲解,也可让学生个人搜集,每天往笔记本n加油上抄写,教师定期检查等等。这样,一年就可记300多条成语n加油、300多则名言警句,日积月累,终究会成为一笔不小的财富。这些成n加油语典故“贮藏”在学生脑中,自然会出口成章,写n加油作时便会随心所欲地“提取”出来,使文章增色添辉n加油。 1、能听懂、会说、认读、规范书写单词:n加油walk, grass, give, son加油me, dear, all, 并能结合句型灵活运用。n

4、加油2、能听懂、会说、认读单词和短语:feed, deer,n加油 too much, laugh, 并能结合句型灵活运用n加油。3、初步了解多音节词的重音。4、能听懂、会说、认读句型:n加油Lets take a picture with them. Dont wn加油alk on the grass. Dont n加油feed it, please. Dont feed them n加油too much. 技能目标:能听懂会说本n加油课句型并能运用所学语言谈论在动物园的行为举止。情感目标:1、培养学生遵n加油守公共秩序的良好习惯和品德。2、帮助学生n加油了解在动物园文明的行为举止。二、教学

5、重点及难点分析:教学重点:能听懂会说并n加油认读句子:Lets take a picture with n加油them. Dont walk on tn加油he grass. Dont feed it, please. Don加油nt feed them too much.能使用祈使句的肯n加油定形式和否定形式描述公共场所的行为举止。n加油 教学难点:能使用祈使句的肯定形式和否定形n加油式描述在动物园的行为举止。三、课前准备:1、单词卡及相关图n加油片2、头饰3、教学课件及点读笔 教学n加油过程: Step1 Warm up ann加油d preview T: Good morning, bn

6、加油oys and girls. Im your newn加油 English teacher, You can call n加油me Ms Huang. Ss: T: Gon加油od morning, boys and girlsn加油.Ss: Good morning Ms Zhang.n加油T: Nice to meet you.Sn加油s: Nice to meet you, too.(n加油因为不是自己的学生,老师介绍自己,与学生问候,缓解彼此之间的陌生感,为本节课的开n加油展做好铺垫。)1、T: First, lets guess a n加油riddle. Look at the

7、scrn加油een. Its a place. There are mann加油y animals. Where is it?S: Its then加油 zoo.【设计意图】因为本节课They are in n加油the zoo.与动物园有关,所以让学生猜谜语,自然引出话题zoo。2、n加油T: Lets sing a song an加油bout the zoo. Lets sin加油ng together “Lets all go n加油to the zoo.”【设计意图】这首与动物园有关的歌曲是三年级学生学n加油过的,师生拍手齐唱,其乐融融,并能进一步引入话题zoo。Step2. Pres

8、n加油entation and practice1、T:You n加油can sing very well. Lets go to tn加油he zoo. Do you know the rulesn加油 in the zoo? Please look at n加油the screen and say the rules n加油in the zoo.PPT shows some pictures an加油bout the rules.S: Wait inn加油 line, please. /Dont shoutn加油./ Dont push. Dont clin加油mb.T: Look at

9、the picture. Don t fen加油ed the animals. Teaching the new word n加油“feed”. 【设计意图】通过让学生用原n加油先所学祈使句说出动物园里的规则,复习旧知同时引出新知识,教授新n加油词“feed”,文本学习之前,帮助学生扫清阅读障碍。2、Loon加油k and answer.T: We known加油 the rules in the zoo. What about our fn加油riends. Look at the pictures n加油and answer. Question 1: Who are thn加油ey? Qu

10、estion 2 : Where are they?Pn加油PT shows two pictures.n加油S: They are Danny, Li Ming, Li Mei ann加油d Li Meis aunt. They are in n加油the zoo.【设计意图】阅读文本之前让学生通过n加油读图了解人物和地点。3、Watch and number.T: Then加油y are in the zoo. Lets n加油have a look. Please watch the viden加油o and number the picn加油tures. (播放无声的视频) PPT s

11、hows four picn加油tures.【设计意图】让学生观看无声n加油的视频,并给图片排序,初步感知文本,整体获取信息。4、Watch an加油nd choose.T:You can number the picn加油tures. What happened to them? Plean加油se watch the video again and findn加油 the answers. What animals can they sn加油ee?A. Tigers B. Pann加油das C. Deer D. B and CTeachinn加油g the new word “deer”

12、.(强调单n加油复数同形)。【设计意图】充分调动学生的视觉优势,让学生带着问题n加油观看视频,整体感知文本。同时培养学生快速阅读的能n加油力。指导学生略读,引导学生理解课文的重要内容,获取主要n加油信息,对课文产生整体印象。5、Read the first pan加油ragraph and answer the questions.T: n加油They go to the zoo. Thn加油ey can see the deer and pandn加油as. Please read the firsn加油t paragraph and answer.Question 1: Whn加油o wa

13、nts to take a pictn加油ure? Question 2: What does Li Ming n加油say?S: Li Mei wants to takn加油e a picture.S: Li Min加油ng says, “Dont walk on then加油 grass.”Teaching the important sen加油ntence “Dont walk on加油n the grass.” (板书:黑板上提前贴好草地图片,将句子“Dn加油ont walk on the grass.”n加油做成一警示牌的样子贴在黑板上,板书营造了自然真实的情景,n加油便于学生理解和

14、记忆。)class - grasn加油s talk -walk (用旧单词引出新单词,教给n加油学生单词迁移的方法,注意学习策略的渗透。)6、Readn加油 the second paragraph and fin加油nd the answers.T: You did a good jobn加油. Look, a panda comes to tn加油hem. What does Li Mei want n加油to do? Can you guess? Please the sen加油cond paragraph and cn加油hoose. Li Mei wants to _.An加油. t

15、ouch the panda B. give the pn加油anda an appleS: Li Mei wants to give n加油the panda an apple.Teacn加油hing the new sentence “Li Mei wan加油nts to give it an apple.”T: Li Mein加油 wants to give it an apple.n加油 Does Danny want give itn加油 an apple?S: No, he doesnn加油t.T: Why not? Which sentencen加油s tell you?S: D

16、ont feed itn加油, please.Teaching the importantn加油 sentence“Dont feed itn加油, please.” (板书句子)7. Read the thirn加油d and the fourth paragraph, thn加油en find the answers.T: Li Men加油i cant feed the pann加油das. What about the n加油deer. Lets go to see the deer. Pn加油lease read the third and the fourth parn加油agrap

17、h, then answer the answers. You can加油n discuss in pairs.Question 1:Wn加油hat does Li Meis aunt say?n加油 S: Dont feed them too much, my dear.n加油Present “Dont feed them too n加油much, my dear.”. (板书:Dont feed then加油m too much.)Teaching thn加油e new word “dear”.Questin加油on 2: Why do they all laugn加油h? S: Im y

18、our dear, but Im not a deen加油r.T: Dear and deer, the n加油same pronunciation, different meaning.n加油Boys and girls, follow me. Dear, dn加油ear, Im your dear. Deer, deer, Im n加油not a deer.(师生做动作一起来说,学生兴趣浓厚。)【n加油设计意图】指导学生分段读课文,通过让学生细致阅读文本,n加油引导学生精读课文,关注课文的细节,深入理解n加油课文。注重培养学生的阅读策略。 8、Listen to the n加油tape a

19、nd imitate.T: Yn加油ou can say well. Ok, lets read n加油and imitate. Pay attention to your pn加油ronunciation, intonation and feelingsn加油.【设计意图】让学生模仿录音读,注意培养学生n加油正确的语言、语调。根据学生的跟读情况,进行朗读指导。9. Readn加油 the text by yourself.T: Don加油 you have any other questions?Sn加油: No.【设计意图】让学生自由朗读,看看有没有不明白的问题,让学生将所学进行n加油消化

20、和吸收,同时培养学生质疑善思的学习习惯。10、Ln加油ets read in roles. Read the ten加油xt in groups.Step 3 Con加油nsolidation and extension1、 Acn加油t out the text.T: You can read the n加油text well. Now lets actn加油 it out Lets act. Li Mei:n加油 Lets take a picture with them.Li Mn加油ing: OK! But dont wan加油lk on the grass.Li Mei:n加油 I

21、want to give it an apple.Dannn加油y: Dont feed it, please.Li Men加油i:I want to give the deer son加油me grass.Li Meis aunt: n加油Dont feed them too mucn加油h, my dear.Li Mei: Ha-n加油ha, Im your dear, but Imn加油 not a deer. (They all n加油laugh.)2、 Fill in the blanks.T: Youn加油 can act well. Lets write.3、 Tell n加油t

22、he little reporters the rules on tn加油he bus or in the zoo. Leave the messan加油ge to the little repon加油rters on QQ.T: Boys an加油nd girls, we know how to behave well in n加油the zoo. Look at the photo, theyn加油 are my students, they are the little rn加油eporters of Middle Shandong journn加油al. They will to th

23、e Zoo bn加油y bus next week. Tell them the rules on加油n the bus or in the zoo. You n加油can leave your message on QQ.n加油 For example, Hello ,myn加油 dear friends.Letsn加油 get on the bus.On the bus.Dont push.n加油 Dont Lets go to the zoo.In the n加油zoo.Wait in line, please.Dont n加油feed the animalsDiscussn加油 in

24、groups and report.Shown加油 time.T: After class, you cn加油an write down the rules and send them n加油to the little reporters by QQn加油.【设计意图】设计活动:我的学生鲁中晨刊小记者们n加油下周要去动物园采风,让学生运用所学语言提醒小记者们在公共汽车上及动物园如何规n加油范自己的行为,要文明出游。小组讨论之后,可以在QQ上留言。这是一个真实的任务,n加油让学生充分运用所学的祈使句进行讨论并在QQ上语音留言n加油。此活动贴近学生生活,学生很有兴趣,讨论热烈,争相语音留言。n加油

25、同时给学生布置作业,课下将语言直接发送到小记者的QQ上,锻炼了学生书写n加油的能力。充分体现了学英语用英语的理念。Step 4: Summan加油ryEncourage Ss to telln加油 us what they have learnedn加油.T: Good behaviour is very imporn加油tant in our life. Good ben加油haviour, happy life, nice future. 【设n加油计意图】告诉学生良好的行为的重要性,渗透情感教育。Bb designingn加油:Step5 Homework1. .Listen加油n and repeat the text, try to imitaten加油 and retell the text.2. Wn加油rite down the rules on the busn加油 or in the zoo and send them to n加油the little reporters.QQ:2277104953

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