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1、四级真题议论文作文范文和点评2008年6月份四级作文真题Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write A Letter of Apology according to the outline given below. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese.1.娱乐活动多种多样2.娱乐活动可能使人们受益,也可能有危害性3.作为大学生,我的看法。范文一:恩波版Recreational activi

2、ties and study do not contradict each other, in fact, they complement each onter. As the saying goes, All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. A life burdened with study and work leads you nowhere, for you would get tired and bored with your daily routine work. On the other hand, proper recreatio

3、n will relieve the tension and discomfort of our monotonous life because it offers you various ways to let out your pent-up emotion.What I usually do to relax after school is jogging and seeing movies. Uaually I dont spare time for exercise ,but I value the physical education class at school. Joggin

4、g several rounds in field certainly relieves the days pressure. On weekends,. Ill catch the morning movie for my visual enjoyment. I feel a vived and energetic for another weeks work-load.To sum up, I strongly voice all the evidence justifies an unshakable view that our trans-century college student

5、s should choose recreational activities appropriately. Therefore, in a sense , only when we pay close attention to it can we see a meaningful extraordinary and harmonious future sooner or later.范文二:昂立版Recreational activityIn peoples daily life, there are various recreational activities apart from st

6、udying or working ranging from Karaoke or dancing to computer games or sports games.Such activities are beneficial as well as harmful to us if undertaken inappropriately. On one hand, recreational activities can help us to not only build our body and mind but also improve our communication and under

7、standing with friends because most of these activities are done with others. On the other hand, if we spend too much time on singing, dancing or other games, we might fail to concentrate on our duties such as studying our working, which in turn may lead to further consequences.As far as Im concerned

8、, recreational activities should be done within a certain limit so that we can keep a proper balance between recreation and studying or working life. 范文三:江涛版Recreational ActivitiesIn the era of information and technology, there are all kinds of recreational activities. Some people think those recrea

9、tional activities are great and necessary, because they can help people relax from the hard work and study. Some of the activities, such as hiking, jogging, can help people relax physically; while some of them, such as surfing the Internet, can help people relax mentally.However, some people think t

10、hat so many kinds of recreational activities may have a bad effect on our lives. Some people may not resist some temptations from those activities, and indulge themselves in those activities. At last they are lured away from their study or their work.In my opinion, we should pay more attention to th

11、e advantages of various recreational activities and make the most of them. Meanwhile, we should learn how to use those activities positively, and make them a helpful tool for our development.范文四:交大外院版Recreational Activities21st century has brought with it an unprecedented variety of recreational act

12、ivities ranging from traditional outdoor activities such as playing ball games to all kinds of online ones, the latter of which is a great appeal to the young generation. So Id like to narrow my topic down to online recreational activities. It goes without saying that various activities brought by m

13、odern technology have greatly broadened our horizon and brought much excitement to us. With access to the Internet, you can get to know people from any country in the world and you can talk with them, play games with them - a temptation very hard to resist, and even see them via web cam. The disadva

14、ntage, however, is that anyone who lacks self-control would very easily get lost and become addicted to the online world, which in turn might seriously affect their life, work and interpersonal relationships. As a college student, I think what really matters is to make better choice and exert more d

15、iscipline. Wed better take advantage of good online recreational activities to enrich our lives and broaden the scope of knowledge. When it comes to those addictive, time-consuming and less meaningful activities, I think to stay away from them is a wise decision. Recreational ActivitiesWith the deve

16、lopment of living standard, people spend more time on various forms of recreational activities. People can do sports, singing karaoke, go dancing, go to the movies, play video games or online games, or surf the Internet. Recreational activities are good to peoples health, both physically and mentall

17、y. Sports and dancing can keep people fit. Singing karaoke, playing video games or online games can satisfy peoples imagination. Surfing the Internet can bring people a lot of information and knowledge. However, recreational activities might be harmful if people are addicted. Spending too much time

18、on recreational activities will seriously influence peoples normal lives, especially work and study. Therefore, people will benefit from recreational activities only if they take part in them properly. 范文五: 新东方版Among various recipes one enjoys in his or her college life, recreational activities can

19、by no means be ignored. It is numerous activities, such as spoken English competitions, sports events, and clubs and societies of different interests, that help to make campus life colorful and diversified. Facing so many interesting extracurricular activities, we college students have trouble to ch

20、oose the proper ones. As freshmen, we are confused by all kinds of posters for students clubs to recruit new members. There are two opposite views about recreational activities. One says they exert positive influence on a students physical and mental development, for they can explore a students tale

21、nt, develop a students ability in communication, and teach them to be more independent. While, opposite voices can also be heard by asserting that recreational activities waste too much time, and therefore may hinder student from focusing on his or her study. As for me, I hold a belief that recreati

22、onal activities do more good than harm, because I have always been of the impression that as a college student, he or she, besides the academic information, should pick up more practical skills to be better prepared for the career development. Recreational activities do give us a good chance. And, s

23、o long as one can arrange the time by reason, activities besides study will definitely provide more benefit for us. 作文考试类型 在具体分析此次四级作文题目之前,笔者先对历年四级作文考题的类型做个共性的研究。从类型上讲,历年考题大致可以分成四大类:1正反对比论证2现象原因,问题解决3图表4应用文(书信、演讲、海报等) 在上述四类题型中,最后一类是最近几年才出现在四、六级考试中的文体,主要考查考生的英语表达基本功和写作实力,很难有固定模式可言。但是另外三类是四级考试的传统题型,出现

24、频率非常高,可以把握的规律性很强。 这次四级作文题目明显属于第一类,是历次作文中比较简单的一次,即针对某种社会问题,提出两种对立观点,最后要求作者阐述自己的观点。这类题型最早是从美国的托福作文题型借鉴而来,后来被四、六级考试广泛借鉴。但是自2005年6月份之后,由于其自身的古老性和模板化,该题型曾一度让位于其他题型,而今它再次活跃于四级作文考试的舞台。真题评析2008年6月份四级作文的标题和提纲如下:Recreational Activities1娱乐活动多种多样2娱乐活动可能使人们受益,也可能有危害性3作为大学生我的看法 从结构上看,此次四级考试作文提纲还是那种既经典又保守的“三段式”:第一

25、段是一个非常典型的现象引入段,阐述背景,交代需要分析的一种现象;第二段列举两种对立观点,进行正反对比论证;第三段是传统的“我的看法”段,即表明作者自己的观点和态度。 就此次作文题目而言,我们可以在第一段中大致地介绍一下如今的信息社会。第一句可以用一个标准的现象引入句,第二句开始说明如今娱乐活动的多种多样。 在文章第二段,先阐释正面的观点,列举娱乐活动带来的好处。这其中考生们要注意自己的立场,同时要注意各个理由之间的逻辑关系,适当地运用表示层次关系的词语。正面观点阐述完毕后,对娱乐活动可能带来的危害性,可以用一两句话略写,同时附以一两条理由作为理论支持。 最后,在结尾段中,用简单明了的语言表明作

26、者的态度即可。 对于正反对比论证结构的作文,笔者建议写的时候把握好以下三个要点 (以本次四级考试作文题目为例): 第一,在作为引言的第一段中,我们一般要通过各种方法为第二段的主体讨论作铺垫。这些方法主要包括:背景介绍法、大意总结法、引用名言法、场景描写法、设问法等。其中最通用也最好用的方法就是背景介绍法。切忌在文章一开始就进行深入分析,要先简单地引入介绍,然后循序渐进地转入分析。简言之,首句引出话题,如:娱乐活动在社会上引起了热烈讨论(The issue of recreational activities has triggered a heated discussion in the so

27、ciety);第二句具体说明现状,如:越来越多的人热衷于参加娱乐活动(Increasing numbers of people are fond of taking part in various recreational activities)。 常见问题:用词匮乏。如:more and more, join等。 基本对策:改词换词。如:an increasing number of, take part in等。 第二,在第二段进行正反两方面论述的时候,考生要注意保持客观的态度,把两方面的观点表达清楚。论述的侧重点可以落在多数群体的观点上。在展开论证的时候,提倡具体形象地论证说明,反对笼统

28、抽象地论述观点,所以可以通过说原因或举例子的方式使文章显得生动。 常见问题:结构不清,缺乏层次感。 基本对策:利用“总分”结构,分如下三个层次进行论证。 层次1:将中文提纲句“娱乐活动可能使人们受益,也可能有危害性”翻译成英文放在第二段段首作为总起句,做到开门见山:No one could fail to notice both the favorable and unfavorable influence that recreational activities bring to people. 层次2:接下来说明“娱乐活动的益处”,然后用一到两条理由去支持该观点:Recreational

29、activities are good to peoples health, both physically and mentally.这其中考生要注意自己所站的立场,以及各理由之间的逻辑关系,在必要的地方添加表示层次关系的连接词。 层次3:接着考生要大胆地推翻前面所述的一些人的观点,用转折性的词语引出另一些人的观点,即“娱乐活动的危害性”。在这个层次中我们同样遵循前文的标准,给出一到两条理由作为理论支持,如:Spending too much time on recreational activities will seriously affect peoples normal lives,

30、 especially work and study. 第三,第三段要求考生表明个人看法,这里考生可以围绕“取其精华,去其糟粕”的论点,表明针对多样的娱乐活动,可以利用其好处,对不好的地方避而远之:We might as well learn how to avoid some negative effects of recreational activities, when making the most of them. 常见问题:用语过于直白或极端。如:We must. 基本对策:要站在中庸的立场上,客观地评价。如:From my perspective, we should pay m

31、ore attention to the advantages of various recreational activities. “Rome was not built in a day.”要写出好的英语作文不是一朝一夕能够做到的,需要循序渐进和长期的训练。相信只要各位考生扎实训练基本功,必能在四级写作考试中取得好成绩。最后,附上四级写作范文一篇,供大家参考。范文Recreational Activities It is a striking fact that the issue of recreational activities has triggered a heated dis

32、cussion. In the era of information and technology, increasing numbers of people are fond of taking part in various recreational activities (ranging from watching TV, playing cards to surfing the Internet and so on). Yet, no one could fail to notice both the favorable and unfavorable influence that recreational activities bring to people, because even Achilles has his weakness. On the one hand, recreational activities are good to peoples h

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