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1、仁爱版英语九年级上册全册教案仁爱版英语九年级上册全册教案Charity edition book of all the days of the nine grade English lesson planUnit 1 The Developing WorldTopic 1 Our country has developed rapidly.Section AThe main activities are 1a and 2. 本课重点活动是1a和2。. Teaching aims and demands教学目标1. Learn some new words and useful expressi

2、ons:cruel, proper, by the way, bell, chairwoman, yet, grandson2. Learn the present perfect tense:You have just come back from your hometown.Where have you been, Jane? I have been to Mount Huang with my parents.By the way, wheres Maria? She has gone to Cuba to be a volunteer3. Learn some functional s

3、entences:I felt sorry for them.There goes the bell. Teaching aids 教具录音机/童工图片/小黑板/多媒体图片或幻灯片等. Teaching Plan 教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(通过教师询问暑期活动,导入话题,呈现现在完成时和部分生词。)T: Listen! The bell is ringing. Lets begin our class! (老师解释The bell is ringing等于There goes the bell,板书bell,要求学生掌握)bellNice to see you agai

4、n. Did you enjoy your summer holidays?Ss:Yes.T:(问其中一学生)Hi, Li Xueqing, where did you go during your summer holiday?S1:I went to my grandparents home.T:What did you do there?S1:I went fishing, swimming and so on.T:Wang Xue, where did you go?S2:I went to West Lake with my father.T:Wow! West Lake is a

5、beautiful place. What did you do there?S2:I enjoyed the beautiful scenery, took photos and bought many beautiful cards.T:Li Yang, what about you?S3:I had to stay at home to help my mother with the housework.T:Oh. I feel glad for what you did, and I think youre a good girl. Youre helpful. S4, did you

6、 go to summer classes?S4:Yes. I did. I went to an English training school to improve my English. I think the English training school is a nice place for me to improve my English.T:The English training school is a proper place to improve your English.(板书生词,请学生猜汉语意思并领读,要求掌握。)properStep 2 Presentation

7、第二步 呈现1. (创设对话情境。Mr. Smith组织Class3去野营。在校门口集合时发现Tom没来。对话呈现have/has gone to,完成2。)Smith: Hello! Everyone. Are we all here?Ss: No, Tom isnt here.Smith: Do you know where he is?(教师帮助学生用has gone to和volunteer回答。)Ss: Yes. He has gone to Beijing to be a volunteer for the Olympics.(板书volunteer,让学生猜出意思。然后板书hav

8、e/has gone to,解释并稍加操练。)volunteerhave/has gone to (星期一Tom返回学校,Mr. Smith和Tom展开对话,呈现have/has been to )Tom: Good morning, Mr. Smith.Smith: Good morning, Tom. You have just come back from Beijing. How was your trip?Tom: Cool! And I have been to many places of interest.(教师可用简笔画呈现have/has been to和have/has

9、gone to,并讲解它们的区别。)He has been to school.He has gone to school.2. T: Mr. Smith and his class had a good time. By the way, do you know what Rita, Jane and Kangkang did during the holiday?(板书by the way,要求学生掌握)by the wayT: Now, listen to 1a. Kangkang and his friends are talking about their different exp

10、eriencesduring their holidays. Pay attention to what they have done.(播放1a录音,注意文中主人公在暑假中的活动。)T:From 1a, we know someone has just come back from India. Who is she, Sally or Rita?(教师加重语气读has just come back。)S1:Rita.(学生若有疑问或答错,可再播放一遍录音。)T:Yes. You have the right answer. Rita has been to her hometown in

11、India in her summer holiday. But now she is in China. We can say she has been to India. Where has Jane been?S2:Mount Huang.(教师引导学生用现在完成时表达。)T:Yes. She has been to Mount Huang. Where has Kangkang been?S3:He has been to an English training school.3. (重放课文1a录音,核对答案,板书并领读生词cruel,要求学生掌握。)T:Listen to the

12、tape again. And then talk about what they have done.(多媒体展示康康、简、丽塔和玛丽亚的图像和has been to。让学生再听一遍对话,教师引导学生用现在完成时说出四人分别在暑假中的活动。)S4: Kangkang has been toRita has been toJane has been to(教师展示印度童工图画。)T:They are as old as you. What were they doing?S4: They were working. They looked so tired and thin.T:Rita sa

13、w them working for a cruel boss in her hometown in India. They couldnt go to school. They lived a poor life. I felt sorry for them.(板书cruel,要求学生掌握)cruelStep 3 Consolidation 第三步1. T: Now, open your books. Please read 1a. And then fill in the chart in 1b, according to 1a.(学生读对话,也可以三人小组分角色读对话,教师巡视纠正学生发

14、音。)(学生独立完成1b的表格。教师检查学生所填内容,然后学生口头汇报,巩固现在完成时have / has been to 这一基本句型。)2. T: Kangkang has been to an English training school to improve his English. Rita has been to India. What about you? Where have you been?And what did you do?Please work in groups to talk about your summer holidays.(学生三人一组进行问答。) T

15、:Who will try to act it out in front of class? (挑几组学生进行表演,并对学生进行适时指导和鼓励。)For example:S1:I have been to West Lake.S2:(指S1问S3) Where has he/she been?S3:He/She has been to West Lake.S2:(问S1) What did you do there?S1:I went boating on the lake.S2:(指S1问S3) What did he/she do there?S3:He/She went boating there.(教师引导学生区别一般过去时与现在完成时。)Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习1. (教师让学生两人一组,每人拿出提前准备好的照片或图片,操练现在完成时,并注意区别一般过去时和现在完成时,完成1c。)A: Hi, B. Where have you been?B: I have been to Shanghai.A: When did you go there?

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