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06轧钢VI53 Fixed.docx

1、06轧钢VI53 FixedA阿赛尔轧管机 Assel mill安全齿轮safety gear安全挡板 safety guard安全挡块safety dog安全离合器 safety clutch, overload clutches安全联锁装置safety interlock安全联轴器 safety coupling安全螺栓 breaker bolt安全帽 helmet, protective cap安全切断阀 safety shut-off valve安全生产safety in production安全释放机构 safety trip安全梯 ladder escape安全载荷safe loa

2、d, charge of safety安全装置safety device, safety mechanism安装机座 installation base安装图 installation (erection) diagram安装误差 installation error鞍式(带斗的)运输机 saddle type conveyer鞍形卷座 coil storage saddle, coil saddle鞍形量规 saddle gage (gauge)鞍座式V- V-head type按比例扩大 scale up按比例缩小 scale down暗管closed conduit 凹度(身表面的) c

3、oncave camber, concavity, belly凹痕 dimples, dent凹口 dap, notch, gap 凹线辊型 concave camber凹陷 shallow surface defect凹形辊身 concave barrel奥氏体 austenite奥氏体不锈钢austenitic stainless steel奥氏体等温淬火 austemper奥氏体等温时效 austenageing奥氏体化austenite conditioning奥氏体化炉austenitizing furnace奥氏体区域austenite region, austenitic reg

4、ion奥氏体时效钢ausagaining steel奥氏体稳定剂austenite stabilizer奥氏体显微组织austenite microstructure奥氏体形变淬火 ausform hardening奥氏体形变退火ausform-annealing B八垛式炉台eight stack base八辊轧机MKW mill八角棒材 octagon bar八角钢octagon steel八角型钢octagon bar core of the slab拔管机 ejecting device, push-off拔管模welding bell拔火孔 stirring hole拔进(输入辊道)

5、drag on, kick in 拔卷机 coil ejector, coil kick off拔料机 ejecting device, push-off拔料托运小车 draw-on carriage摆动齿条式冷床 rocker-type cooling bed摆动缸 swing cylinder摆动辊道 rocking roller table摆动溜槽 swinging spout摆动式砂轮 pendulum grinding machine摆动式给料装置pendulum feeder摆动轴承pendulum feeder摆式轧机pendulum mill摆锯pendulum saw摆动台

6、tilting table摆剪机 pendulum shear摆式剪 pendulum (rocking) shear摆式热锯rocking type hot saw搬运箱 tote box板材 flat product板凳(换轧辊用) mock-up板堆高度piling height板管比 plate, strip and pipe proportion板卷 coiled sheet板卷折印(板卷表面缺陷)coil wrench mark板坯(初)轧机 slabbing mill,blooming-slabbing mill板坯 slab板坯剥皮机床 slab-milling machine

7、板坯出料机 slab extractor板坯处置 slab disposal板坯存放区 slab storage area板坯垛挡板 slab pile damper板坯返回辊道 slab reject table板坯-方坯初轧机 Slabbing and Blooming mill板坯分垛机 slab depiler板坯厚度 slab thickness板坯加热炉工slab handler板坯里外温差 temperature variation from surface to 板坯连续加热炉 continuous slab reheating furnace 板坯清理设备 slab cond

8、itioning device板坯受料装置 slab receiving device板坯弯曲 slab buckling板坯铣床slab-milling machine板坯修整机 slab-conditioning machine板坯运送车 slab buggy板坯轧机 slab mill, slab squeezer 板坯转运车 slab transfer car板坯装料台slab depiler板坯自动出料 automatic slab discharging板式(链板)运输机 apron (pallet) conveyer板式滤网 plate-screen板式运输机 slat conv

9、eyor 板直机 coil opener半封闭炉 semi-closed furnace, covered furnace半钢工作辊 adamite work roll半连续热带轧机semi-continuous hot-strip mill半连续式轧机 combination finishing mill半联轴节 coupling half半门吊车 semi-gantry crane半门形吊车 semi-gantry crane半圆集料架(冷床的)cowhorn bins邦迪管 Bundy tube棒材 steel bar, round, round bar棒材矫直机 bar straigh

10、tener 棒材拉拔机 bar bench棒线材轧机 bar and rod mill包覆 cladding包铜钢丝copper clad steel wire包扎机strapper包装 packing包装和捆扎线 packing and binding lines包装机bale press包装跨 packing bay保护环protector ring保护气氛 protective atmosphere保护气体 atmospheric gas保护气体设备 protective gas plant保温温度 holding temperature报废带卷 reject coil抱辊 hold d

11、own roll, snubber roll爆皮(表面或皮下缺陷)blistering, scab杯锥状断裂cup and cone fracture贝壳状断口 conchoidal fracture贝氏体 bainite贝茵体 bainite备件 spare part备品库 spare stock house备用件和磨损件 spare and wear parts背 back背景亮度background brightness背景强度background intensity背面照明光源装置 Backlighting light source system 背压backing pressure背

12、压抽汽式汽轮机extraction back pressure turbine背压阀foot valve背压式汽轮机backpressure turbine倍尺 multiple of the final length倍尺薄板坯sheet bar multiple比热 heat specific闭环控制 close loop control闭口(开口)腿 closed (live, open) flange闭口架 closed head闭口孔型 tongue-and-groove pass闭口孔型轧制 tongue-and-groove rolling闭口孔直轧法 tongue-and-gro

13、ove method 闭口式孔型轧制法tongue-and-groove method 闭口轧槽 closed (deal)groove闭路系统 closed loop system壁厚公差 wall thickness tolerance篦条 grate, grid避雷针 arrester边部裂纹(带材的) checks边部指示控制 side register control边脚料管(剪切机旁) tote box边切剪 end trimming shear边缘减薄控制系统 edge drop control system边缘控制装置(防跑偏装置) EPC (edge position con

14、trolling unit) 边缘位置的扫描控制 scanning edge positioncontrol边折(带钢缺陷)edge break扁材 flat product扁材热轧机 Hot rolling mills for plate products扁钢 flat bar, flat steel, strip bar扁钢轧材 flat products扁坯 flat blank扁平度flatness扁平度测试仪flat view meter扁平钢柱 straight web piling bar扁型磨轮修整装置 flat type grinding wheel truing devic

15、e 扁圆坯(轮箍坯) cheese便携式线盘 wire carrier变(直)径管reducer, stepped taper 变截面板簧轧机 multiple-section flat spring rolling mill 变形特性 deformation characteristics标记打印机 marker, tag printer标距 gage length标签框题字 inscription in tag frame标准负荷 normal-duty标准机械液压油 normal mechanical hydraulic oil表层 top layer, upper layer表面处理

16、surface-conditioning表面处理技术 surface treatment techniques表面粗糙度 surface roughness表面光洁度 surface finish,surface roughness表面起网状裂纹 surface checking表面清理 surface conditioning表面缺陷 surface defect表面温度计 ardometer表面修整 surface conditioning表面压光机 skin pass mill表面硬化 case hardening表面粘结条痕(带钢处理缺陷)striker break表面状态(况)sur

17、face appearance表压 gauge pressure丙烯醛(钢丝上肥皂润滑剂燃烧的)生成acrolein拨卷机 coil ejector, coil kick-off拨料机kickout, kickoff, pick-up arms, ejecting device, kick-out device, diverter拨料器kickout, kickoff, pick-up arms, ejecting device, kick-out device, diverter拨料爪 drag-on dogs拨爪 pusher dogs波纹(薄钢板边缘的) cockles波纹管 corru

18、gated pipe波纹膨胀箱 expansion bellow剥皮 scalp剥皮(修整)机床 scalping machine剥皮车床 peeling lathe薄(厚)壁钢质导管 Light (heavy)-wall steel conduit薄板 sheet, light gauge sheet薄板测厚仪 sheet thickness calibrator, sheet thickness gauge薄板打捆装置 sheet packing device薄板打印sheet wrench mark薄板打印机sheet printer薄板镀锌作业线sheet galvanizing li

19、ne薄板辊式冷矫直机 cold mangle薄板加热炉sheet furnace薄板剪切机sheet shear薄板矫平机sheet leveler 薄板矫直辊sheet metal smoothing roll薄板精整跨sheet finishing bay薄板冷轧机 cold-sheet mill薄板坯 thin slab, sheet bar, sheet billet ,sheet barrel stack薄板坯连铸连轧机 thin slab continuous casting and rolling (conroll) machine ISP (inline strip produ

20、ction process) CSP (compact strip production plant)薄板平整机sheet-temper mill薄板升降台sheet lifter薄板酸洗设备sheet nicking薄板轧机sheet mill, sheet rolling mill薄板轧机机组sheet mill train薄壁管 thin wall tube薄壁喷灌管 Thin wall sprinkling irrigation tube薄钢板退火(固定式)炉台(炉底)sheet annealing base薄涂层产品 light-coated products补风设备 make-up

21、 air equipment不等边角钢unequal angle, L-bar 不定尺 random length不过端规 no-go gage不合标准的废钢铁 off-grade scrap不合格板 off-gauge sheet不合格产品sub-quality product reject, reject material, reject product 不合格带卷 reject coil不合格料 off-size material不合格率 occurrence of off-gauge不合格品 off-gauge product不加厚 non-upset不均厚度 uneven gauge

22、不可逆式轧机 unidirectional mill不平度(钢板) flatness不同镀层产品 differential coated product不完全燃烧 imperfect combustion不完全退火 slack annealing不完全硬化 slack hardening不锈钢板坯 stainless steel slab不锈钢带材 stainless steel strip不锈钢管 stainless steel tube不锈钢卷 stainless steel coils不再加热的方坯 unreheated bloom布氏硬度 Brinell hardness步进底式加热炉

23、walking hearth type reheating furnace 步进梁 walking beam步进梁式炉 walking beam furnace步进式炉 walking-beam type furnace C擦伤 abrading ,scratch擦拭辊 wiper rolls擦拭装置 wiping arrangement材料跟踪 material tracking材料流程 material flow彩电用荫罩钢板 steel sheet for shadow-mask of color TV set彩色镀塑金属构件 colored plastic coated metal s

24、tructure members彩色有机涂层钢板 color organic coated steel sheet参观走道 visitors observation walkway仓库 storage操纵装置manipulator操作机 manipulator操作平台 operating platform操作室 Control house操作者 manipulator槽, gutter, welding gutter槽杆式油压操作 lever type oil hydraulic operation 槽钢 channel, channel bar, U-bar, channel steel槽式

25、运输机 trough conveyor侧传送辊道 side shift table侧导板 side guide侧导板推床 side guard manipulator侧立卷筒 gravity inverted block侧喷水器 side spray侧卫板 guide侧卸式送锭车 side tilt car侧压力 lateral pressure侧压下(轧制时的) indirect rolling action侧移小车 side shift car“r”测厚仪 r-ray thickness gauge测长仪 length measuring machine测长装置 length measur

26、ing device测厚仪 gauge meter, thickness meter, gagemeter测力计 load cell, measuring cell, pressure cell测量头 measuring head测压计 pressure gauge 测压仪 load cell, measuring cell, pressure cell层流带钢冷却系统Laminar flow strip cooling system叉形杆 yoke lever插值器 digital difference detector差动齿轮 differential gear差压开关 Different

27、ial pressure switches拆炉机 demolishing machine缠辊 cobbling缠乱 snarl缠绕试验 coiling test产出率 yield factor产量 production, throughput, output rate产品大纲 product mix产品方案 product mix产品更新换代 product replacement and update产品和规格方案 product and size mix产品开发 product development铲 chip铲凿清理台(锭,坯缺陷)chipping bed长度 length长耳子(板、

28、带材的端部缺陷)long ears, long lug长型换辊套筒 poster bar, porter bar长焰及可调火焰烧long flame and adjustable flame burners 长轴驱动辊道 lineshaft driven roller table常化 normalizing常化炉 normalizing furnace常化酸洗机组 CP line(continuous pickling line),Annealing-pickling line常温常压 normal temperature and pressure ( NTP.)常温压制 cold-compa

29、cting敞开(黑)退火 open annealing超弹性变形 hyperelastic deformation超导材料 superconducting material超定向电工钢 super oriented electrical steel 超精密扁丝压延机 ultra-precision flat wire mangler超平整产品 extra-smoothed product超深冲性能的冷轧薄板 cold rolled sheets of extra deep drawing quality超声波焊接 ultrasonic soldering超声波检测 ultrasonic tes

30、t超声检查 ultrasonic inspection超硬材料 extra-hard material超运转离合器 over-running clutch超重负荷 轧制UHD (Ultra-Heavy-Duty) rolling车底式加热炉 reheating furnace with movable hearth车底式炉 car hearth furnace车底式热处理炉 car-bottom batch-type furnace车轮轮幅压弯机 dishing press车轮轮箍 railway wheel tyre, rail tyre车轮轮箍轧机 railway wheel and tyre mill车轮模锻压力机 wheel forging press车轮坯 wheel blank, wheel block车轮轧机 railway-wheel mill, disk mill车螺纹threading车式冷却(热轧带卷的)运输机car-type cooling conveyer车丝机(接插) threading machine, tapping machine车载批量 carload lots车装重量公差 carload tolerance沉淀槽 settling bath, sedimentatio

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