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1、外国文学作品儿子与情人论文定稿学位论文 毕 业 设 计 论文 题目: An Analysis of Pauls Oedipus Complex In Sons And Lovers from the Perspective of Freuds Personality Structure Theory 学 院: 专业名称: 学 号: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 2016 年 03 月 21 日AcknowledgmentsThere are a few people I wish to thank for the help and support they gave me while working

2、 on this study. Firstly, I would like to thank Prof. Cao Dongxia, my supervisor, for her precious help and for her encouragement throughout the period I was writing this paper.My next thanks go to all of the tutors of the course who offered me their help whenever I need it.Special thanks go to Mrs.

3、Zou Qiong, whose words of encouragement motivated me to completion of my goal. My friend, Hu Ling also gave verbal support to completion of this project. Last but not least, a great “thank you” to my parents for their love and financial and emotional support without which I would not be able to comp

4、lete my studies and write this paper.摘 要D.H.劳伦斯是二十世纪最独特和最受争议的小说家之一。他思想细腻,大胆且深邃,往往触及到人的的内心深处。他在他的代表作儿子与情人中生动细致的描绘的自己从儿童到青年的成长经历。这部小说发表至今,一些学者已经从不同的角度对其进行研究:小说中人物的悲剧成因;小说中的女性主义和生态主义等,并且取得了不错的成就。从古至今,俄狄浦斯情结在世界范围内都是一个引人热议的话题。一些学者认为有着良好的家庭、社会环境里健康成长的孩子是不大可能出现错综复杂的畸形感情的,即俄狄浦斯情结。也有一些专家认为恋母情结是一种普遍存在的现象。总之,对


6、米莉安和克拉克两段畸爱间的挣扎;成年后的保罗在母亲病逝之后寻求精神的独立。第五章是用弗洛伊德的人格结构理论的本我、自我和超我三部分来分析保罗恋母情结的形成与体现:本我与超我之间的斗争 - 莫瑞尔夫妇之间的冲突对少儿时保罗的影响;自我的调节功能的失衡 - 保罗与米莉安和克拉克之间的畸恋;对超我的追寻 - 成年的保罗在莫瑞尔太太病逝后寻找精神上的释放。最后,第六章是对论文的总结,警惕我们良好的家庭环境和正确的家庭教育对健全人格形成的重要性。 关 键 词:人格结构理论; 恋母情结; 本我; 自我; 超我 ABSTRACTD.H. Lawrence is one of the most unique

7、and controversial novelists in 20th century. His thoughts are exquisite, bold and deep, and he often reached deep into peoples inner hearts. He vividly described his own growing experience from childhood to youth life in his masterpiece Sons and Lovers. From the publishing of the novel, it has been

8、studied fromdifferentanglesbysomescholars, such as the causes of the tragic characters, the feminism in the novel and the ecologism, and have achieved good results. Historically, Oedipus complex is a heat topic concerned by all over the world. Some scholars believe that children educated in good and

9、 healthy family and social environment are impossible to have distorted feelings, namely Oedipus complex. There are also some experts think Oedipus complex isacommonphenomenon. In a word, the discussion of Oedipus complex hasnt draw an exact conclusion. Therefore, based on the points of scholars, th

10、is thesis will discuss Oedipus complex of Pauls from the perspective of Freds Personality Structure Theory which is very necessary and is of great significance to our modern family education. The thesis is composed of six chapters. Chapter One is the introduction, briefly introducing D.H. Lawrence,

11、his work Sons and Lovers and the purpose. Chapter Two is the theory part, introducing Freuds Personality Structure Theory and Oedipus complex; Chapter Three is literature review of Lawrence and his works both at home and abroad. Chapter Four and Chapter Five are the main body of the thesis. Chapter

12、Four introduces the embodiment and development of Pauls Oedipus complex through his three stages of growth:when Paul was a child, Morels confliction has great influence on him; when Paul was a young man, he was struggling in abnormal love between Miriam and Clara; when Paul was an adult, he began to

13、 seek the spirit in dependence after his mother died. The Chapter Five uses Freuds personality structure theory - id, ego and superego to analyze Pauls Oedipus complex: the conflict between id and superego -the effect on Morels confliction when Paul was a child; unbalance function of ego, Paul was c

14、aught in abnormal love between Miriam and Clara when he was young; the pursuit of the superego: Paul sought spiritual release after Mrs. Morel died when he was an adult . Finally, Chapter Sixth is a conclusion, emphasizes the importance of good family environment and correct family education for the

15、 formation of a sound personality.Key words: PersonalityStructureTheory,Oedipuscomplex, id, ego, superegoContentsAcknowledgments.iAbstract in Chinese .iiAbstract in English .iii1. Introduction.12.Theoretical Basis.2 2.1 A Brief Introduction of Freuds Personality Structure Theory.2 2.2 A Brief Introd

16、uction of Oedipus Complex.33. Literature Review of Sons and Lovers.4 3.1 Domestic review.4 3.2 Foreign review.54. The Progress of Pauls Oedipus Complex in Sons and Lovers.6 4.1 Morels influence on little Paul .6 4.2 Young Pauls struggling love affairs with Miriam and Clara.7 4.3 Grown-up Pauls pursu

17、its of spiritual independence after Mrs. Morels death5. Analysis of Pauls Oedipus Complex in Sons and Lovers.9 5.1The battle between id and superego-Pauls childhood influence by unambitious Mr. Morel and possessive Mrs. Morel.9 5.2 The imbalance of ego-the abnormal love between Miriam and Clara.11 5

18、.3 The pursue for superego- the release in spiritual after the death of Mrs. Morel.126. Conclusion.14Bibliography.15 1. IntroductionD. H. Lawrence was born in a miners family .His father was a miner and had little education, while his mother was born in a upper class family and had a good cultural c

19、ultivation. Based on these differences, his parents often quarreled. However, these differences made Lawrence have rich social experience from His father and get excessive care from his mother . Maybe, it is his mother fondness that made Lawrence have serious Oedipus complex. Therefore , Sons and Lo

20、vers is a semi-autobiographical novel of Lawrence.In his letter to his friend, he said: we love each other, almost like the love between husband and wife, but also the mother and son. We are a whole, so sensitive to each other, and we do not need language. This is terrible, I am abnormal in some asp

21、ects.In the novel, Pauls parents , Mrs Morel and Mr Morel, met at a dance, they loved each other at first sight, and had a sweet, happy day at the early stage of marriage . His father, Mr Morel, is a muddle of coal mine workers, booze, vulgar, often has no regard of home and children .His mother, Mr

22、s Morel, was born in a middle-class, well-educated, and brooded on marrying an ordinary miner. Therefore the couple due to the different background, personality clashes, different spirit of the pursuit, started to have endless wrangling after a short passion. There are only the combination of physic

23、ality between the couple in the novel, but not the spirit of communication, the soul of the resonance. The failure of the marriage and the despair of her husband, Mrs. Morel gradually put her time, energy and all hope on her son, Paul. As times passed, her words and deeds deeply affected the growth

24、of children. At last, a struggling of soul and flesh between mother and son produced, namely Oedipus complex. It was Oedipus complex that made Paul lost the harmony of sense and sensibility, and lost the balance between id and superego. So Pauls feelings couldnt develop and his personality is not pe

25、rfect and mature, which leads to the tragedy of his all life.This thesis will from the three aspects of Freuds personality structure theory, id, ego and superego to analyze the embodiment and development of Pauls Oedipus complex from his growth of kindergarten to youth to adult. by discussing the re

26、lationship among Paul, his mother and his two lovers.2. Theoretical Basis2.1 A Brief introduction of Freuds Personality Structure Theory, id, ego and superegoIn Freuds theory, personality is regarded as a psychological mechanism from internal control behavior, which determines the behavior of a pers

27、on in any given situation. Freud believes that the complete personality structure consists of three parts, namely, id, ego and superego. All three components need to be well-balanced in order to have good amount of psychological energy available and to have reasonable mental health.The id follows th

28、e pleasure principle . It is the primitive and instinctive component of personality. It consists of all the inherited (i.e. biological) components of personality, including the sex (life) instinct Eros(which contains the libido), and the aggressive (death) instinct -Thanatos. The id is the impulsive (andunconscious) part of our psyche which responds directly and immediately to the instincts. The personality of the newborn child is all id a

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